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The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

Page 36

by Marissa Honeycutt

  When the doors opened, she got in, praying they wouldn’t hurt her. She pushed her floor button and moved into the corner, watching them warily.

  The guy with light brown hair went to reach for the buttons, but chuckled and turned around to smile at her. His gray eyes were kind, but it didn’t keep Anna’s fear at bay.

  “Seems we live on the same floor.”

  Anna’s eyes darted to the guy standing next to him. He had curly blond hair and blue eyes. He chuckled too. “Lived here long?” he asked, his eyes flirtatious.

  “No,” she whispered, clinging to the handrails. She was relieved that they stayed on the other side of the elevator.

  The brown-haired guy gave her a kind smile and studied her for a moment and then turned back to face the elevator doors. They weren’t going to hurt her?

  When the doors opened, they stepped aside, letting her out first. She gave them a timid smile and then hurried to her apartment. She glanced back and saw them go to the opposite end of the hallway. The brown-haired guy looked back and smiled before walking into his apartment.

  Anna unlocked her door with trembling hands and closed it quickly behind her, locking the door and trying to calm down.


  Alex called Anna on Saturday morning to see if she’d like to go to dinner with him Sunday night. He was leaving on Monday and wanted to see her before he left.

  She wasn’t enthusiastic about it, but she did say yes. Of course she would. She was obedient that way. It pained his heart, knowing how much he’d hurt her, and was hurting her by leaving, but he had no choice. Staying here would leave him vulnerable to hurt her again. He prayed that she would understand someday.


  Alex arrived at Anna’s apartment right on time, as usual. He gave her a bright smile when he saw her. “Hello, Schatzi,” he said, leaning down to kiss her.

  She kissed him back, though not as enthusiastically as he’d hoped. She was being an obedient slave, that was all. And it broke his heart.

  He took her to a restaurant near Fisherman’s Wharf and tried hard to make conversation with her, but she remained polite and distant.

  He couldn’t blame her. Not after what he’d done to her. He let himself show her how much he loved her and then told her he was moving away. It was no comfort that he’d only be gone a few months.

  Why couldn’t he do anything right with her? Maybe he shouldn’t have stayed that night. He should have maintained the distance. Then she wouldn’t have been hurting now.

  But he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it. Not one little bit. Somewhere, deep inside, she had to know that he loved her. He’d done everything except say the words. Words were cheap. Actions spoke louder and he knew he’d shown her.

  He looked across the table where she sat, quietly eating her chocolate mousse dessert. Her eyes remained downcast, back straight, small smiles when appropriate. All to keep her safe from his anger. But he had no anger towards her. Only towards himself.

  Even now, leaving tomorrow, he wanted to take her home and tell her he was staying. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t stay and learn to protect her at the same time. Vati always said that you sometimes had to hurt the ones you love in order to help them. He just didn’t mention how much it stung to do so.

  Alex didn’t want to leave like this. He couldn’t leave Anna like this. When he walked her to her apartment later that evening, he was determined to do whatever he could to break down her barriers.

  “Anna,” he said, closing the door behind him. “I’m leaving in the morning. I don’t want things to....” He sighed. “I don’t want to leave you like this.”

  “Then don’t leave,” she said, so softly he wasn’t sure he heard her correctly.

  He saw the tear slip down her cheek and his heart broke and felt relieved at the same time. She didn’t hate him. She was hurt. Incredibly hurt. She was protecting herself.

  He stroked her cheek, wiping away the tear. “Anna, if there was any way to not have to leave...I would do it in a heartbeat.”

  “You have to do what you have to do, Alex.”

  He saw her desperately trying to control her emotions and lifted her chin with his index finger, his own eyes burning with emotion. “I will miss you, Schatzi.” His voice broke.

  She blinked and tried to look away, but he cupped her chin and captured her lips with his. She didn’t resist him, instead she clung desperately to his arms. He picked her up and carried her to her bed.


  Anna went to class the next morning with a heavy heart. She had cried as Alex had kissed and hugged her goodbye that morning. He was really leaving. She would miss him terribly.

  “Hey, Anna,” Olivia said as she walked into the studio. “Did you see the casting list for the end of summer performances?”

  Anna shook her head. “No. I didn’t know that they were being posted.” She’d been too caught up in her misery to notice the crowd of people around the bulletin board.

  Olivia grinned and pulled her out into the hallway. They stopped in front of the bulletin board. Anna looked up.

  First act of Giselle:

  Giselle: Anna Perkins

  Duke Albrecht: Nate Devereaux

  Giselle? The notice lifted her spirits. That would certainly keep her distracted from Alex’s departure

  She smiled at her friend. “I can hardly believe it.”


  The next few days were a blur. Between regular classes and intense rehearsals, Anna went to bed exhausted every night.

  She started to have trouble sleeping, though.

  Thursday night came and she realized that she hadn’t had sex since Sunday; an eternity in her life. She tossed and turned Thursday night, trying to ignore her swollen clit.

  God, she needed someone to touch her. She wished she was allowed to touch herself, but she knew better. She would get into so much trouble if she did. Devin would know. He knew everything.

  When morning finally came, she had barely slept more than an hour or two. She had circles under her red eyes and could barely keep them open. After packing her bag for the night, she headed to the studio where Nate greeted her with much concern. They had become good friends from spending so much time together.

  “I didn’t sleep well,” she explained.

  “Did something happen?” He studied her face intently.

  She shook her head. “Just...stuff.”


  While Maggie and Sarah were preparing Anna for the Gathering that evening, Devin came in to see her. Maggie was brushing Anna’s hair and they were giggling about something when Devin walked into the bathroom.

  Maggie and Sarah dropped to their knees and Anna turned around nervously. He didn’t seem angry. He was dressed in his white tunic and pants.

  Anna was confused. Why was he here?

  “Girls, I need to speak to the Mistress alone.”

  “Yes, Master,” they murmured and hurried out of the room

  Devin smiled at Anna, who in return smiled nervously. He stepped closer and stroked her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into him.

  “You look tired, Baby. Are you dancing too much?”

  Anna blushed. “No, Devin. I couldn’t sleep last night.”

  “Why is that?” he asked softly, brushing his fingers across her collarbone, then down the opening of her robe.

  She shuddered and leaned into his hand. “I...I haven’t had sex since Sunday.” She sighed as he cupped her breast and squeezed gently.

  Devin chuckled. “No wonder you couldn’t sleep. I’m surprised you’re still sane.” He undid the tie of her robe and she moaned as he tugged on her nipple ring. He trailed his fingers down her belly, leaving hot trails across her skin.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply, pressing his hips against hers. She clung to his shoulders and moaned as his tongue invaded her mouth.

  “So eager,” he murmured against her lips. He pulled away from her a
minute later. She breathed heavily and looked at him wide-eyed. He stroked her cheek again. “I will see you downstairs,” he said softly. “You need to finish getting ready.”

  Tears of frustration filled her eyes, but she simply nodded. “Yes, Devin.”

  “Don’t fret, Baby. You’ll be riding my cock soon enough.” Her eyes brightened and he chuckled. “I like your enthusiasm.”

  He left and Maggie and Sarah returned and finished preparing her for the evening. By the time she arrived in the hall, she felt like her pussy was dripping with desire for Devin. She’d been unable to think of anything else since he’d left her.

  She bowed low before him and trembled as she waited for him to acknowledge her.

  “Come, Mistress,” he said, and she stood quickly to join him.

  He pulled her to straddle his lap and pulled the top of her dress down. Her nipples were engorged and ached terribly. His touch was almost painful, but she didn’t care. She moaned softly with every touch.

  “I’ve missed you, Baby,” he said, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. Anna’s head fell back and she whimpered as he sucked and kneaded and squeezed and pulled.

  When he trailed his hands down her belly and reached her pussy they both sighed. “Oh, Baby. You’re so wet and swollen.” He pushed a finger inside and she jumped and whimpered from the pain. “And tight.”

  His finger inside her felt like Alex’s cock. She hadn’t realized how tight she’d gotten. When he eased another finger inside, she cried out softly.

  “Give me your pain, Anna,” Devin reminded her, then pulled his fingers out and positioned her over his erect cock.

  She stared into his eyes as he pushed her down. Tears of pain spilled down her cheeks as he pressed himself into her tight channel. It hurt so bad, but at the same time his presence inside her felt so good.

  “Oh, Master,” she sighed.

  Every thrust was painful, but so good at the same time. He fucked her hard and she came several times at his command. Her screams echoed in the hall. When he finished with her, he had her service the other men sitting around him. She was eager to suck cocks and let them fuck her.

  By the end of the night, she was exhausted and sore. Devin took her back to his room and fucked her painfully and she bled. But it felt so good she didn’t care.

  When Anna woke up the next day, Devin wasn’t there. It was mid-afternoon, according to the clock next to the bed. She felt stiff and a little achy as she sat on the bed contemplating what she should do.

  The door opened a few minutes later and Devin entered. “You looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you,” he said, coming to sit next to her.

  “I’m sorry, Master,” she said softly.

  Devin kissed her. “It’s all right, Baby. I had some things to do around here before I left, so I let you sleep.”

  “Thank you, Master.” She gazed up at him and smiled.

  “You did very well last night, baby.” He cupped her breast and squeezed. “Your pussy felt incredible. Maybe I should forbid you from having sex during the week.”

  Anna looked at him alarmed. “Please don’t, Master,” she implored.

  Devin studied her. “Why shouldn’t I? Do you have someone to fuck?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then, unless I say otherwise, no fucking during the week. I like your pussy tight.”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered.

  “I need you Tuesday night for a dinner meeting. I will pick you up at six.”

  “I don’t finish classes until five.”

  Devin glared at her. “Then leave early,” he said between clenched teeth.

  Anna cowered. “Yes, Master.” She bit her bottom lip for fear of his anger.

  Devin relaxed and leaned forward to kiss her neck. “I want you one last time before you leave.” He stood and undressed, then joined Anna in bed.


  Alex stood in his bedroom in Frankfurt, looking around. He’d been back several times since moving to San Francisco, but only for short visits. A couple of weeks at the longest.

  He stared at the bed he’d slept in since he was a very young boy. The same bed that he’d shared with Mina. The same bed, Heidi, his daughter, had been conceived in. The same bed he was sleeping in when he got the news that they were gone.

  Tears filled his eyes, but it wasn’t as painful as usual. The pain of loss was a dull ache instead of a ragged, open wound in his heart. It was a relief, in some ways, to just feel the ache instead of the pain, but was he betraying Mina’s memory?

  No, he decided. It had been three years since she died. It was all right to move on. Falling in love with Anna certainly had helped dull the pain.

  Oh, sweet Anna. That was the hardest thing about being back here: being away from her. Her tears Monday morning had been torturous to his heart. But he’d left knowing she cared for him. He’d assured her he’d be back for the student performance at the end of the summer, and he would be. No matter what.

  “So, are you ready to begin?”

  Alex jumped at the voice and turned around, shaking his head. “I hate it when you sneak up on me like that.”

  Sebastian laughed. “I’m not sneaking. I’m appearing.”

  Alex rolled his eyes. “Same thing.” He sighed. “Yes, I’m ready. You will help me, right?”

  “I will guide you as I always do. If you’re on the right track, I will tell you. If you’re on the wrong track, I will...hint as such.”

  “You didn’t get into trouble for helping me save Anna, did you?”

  “Kaveh tried to confront me and I warned him that if he turned me in, he would be turning himself in. He hasn’t said anything.”

  “Why didn’t you turn him in?”

  The Immortal sighed and frowned. “Because this is a human matter. These are the choices that have been made. I don’t think it’s right for us to interfere, aside from giving you guidance about how to help.”

  “Do you know what Devin has planned?”

  “Some. Which is why I’m helping you. He must be stopped, Alex, and you are the man who will do it.”

  Alex laughed bitterly. “No pressure, huh?”

  “Fate lies down the path for those strong enough to walk it.”

  Alex shook his head. “So, where do we begin?”

  Sebastian raised his brow at him; Alex took that to mean it was his own decision to make.

  “I thought I should start with Vati’s Book. I need to learn the ancient language, don’t I?”

  Sebastian nodded. “A wise decision.”


  Time flew by, and before Anna knew it, it was time for dress rehearsals for the student performances.

  Nate had asked Anna out again and she said yes. He was very sweet and treated her nicely. But she was afraid to get close. They’d gone out several times with the other dancers over the last few weeks, and she was beginning to open up to him a little.

  Alex had called a few times, but with the time difference, it was difficult to have a normal conversation. He’d been gone six weeks now, but she hadn’t heard from him in the last two weeks. Anna wondered why, especially since she’d received a text from Kurt letting her know that they’d be arriving on Wednesday. Why hadn’t Alex told her? Why Kurt?

  During the dress rehearsal on Thursday afternoon at the theater, Nate was whispering in her ear about taking her out later, when movement in the aisle caught Anna’s attention. She looked and saw three figures walking down the center aisle. They were men. Tall men. She squinted and her heart dropped into her stomach.

  Alex, Kurt and Wilhelm.

  As they came closer to the stage, Anna reluctantly pulled away from Nate.

  Alex met Anna’s eyes. She saw him glance briefly behind her at Nate, then back at her with an inscrutable expression on his face. Her pulse increased as he stared at her. But he didn’t smile at her. Why?

  Isaak turned and greeted the three men. When Alex l
ooked away, she looked at the other men, who were greeting Isaak. Isaak motioned to some seats near the stage, and the three men sat down in them.

  Kurt looked at Anna and smiled broadly. She gave him a shy smile and stepped further away from Nate. She glanced at Wilhelm, who gave her an affectionate smile.

  After Isaak and Delia finished speaking, the dancers got ready for one last run through. Anna ran backstage, breathing heavily and heart pounding. Knowing the three Kunze men were out there watching made Anna’s nerves rise to almost unbearable levels as she waited for her own cue. She closed her eyes and tried to forget their presence. Especially Alex. She didn’t want to disappoint him. He was the reason she was here. She owed him the best she could do.

  When it was time, she stepped out on stage and became Giselle. Nothing mattered except the dance and Nate.

  When they were done, there was a quick break so that the older students could change. The second part of the performance consisted of showcases by the individual classes. Anna was glad she was not the primary focus of her class’s performance, though she and Nate were center front.

  After rehearsal ended, she went out to greet Wilhelm, Kurt and Alex.

  “Anna, Engel!” Kurt exclaimed, picking her up and spinning her around. “You look so pretty!” He kissed her then set her down.

  Wilhelm hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Hello, Liebling.” His deep accented voice comforted her to the depths of her heart.

  She turned, giving Alex a bright, albeit nervous smile. She reached for him, to hug him, but he didn’t hug her back.

  “Hello, Anna,” Alex said stiffly. He didn’t give any indication that he was happy to see her.

  A cold chill ran through her body and she backed away from him. She looked at the ground and clasped her hands together, blinking back tears at his rejection. Maybe he hadn’t left because he needed to, as he had told her. Maybe he really did just want to leave her and go back to Germany. He didn’t care for her as she thought he had.


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