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The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

Page 38

by Marissa Honeycutt

  The hope that had blossomed wilted at Alex’s words. She raised her hand and rubbed over her heart. “What? Why?” she whispered.

  “You heard me, Anna,” he said sternly.

  Anna’s eyes filled with tears as she stared into his eyes. The eyes that had looked at her so lovingly in the past now looked at her coldly.

  “Why?” she asked in a broken voice.

  “Because neither he nor I live in New York,” Alex answered simply.

  Anna shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t understand.” Her knees shook.

  “You cannot live apart from us, Anna. You have obligations to Devin, which cannot be performed when you are not with him. It would be unsafe for you to be there alone and...bad things could happen if you were away from us for any length of time.” Alex remained cold as he spoke. His eyes flickered briefly to look behind Anna.

  “Did Anna tell you her news?” Devin’s voice came from behind. He walked up and greeted Wilhelm and Alex with a handshake.

  “She just told us,” Alex said, eyes hard as he looked at Devin. “I was telling her that I agreed with your decision.”

  “You agree?” Devin looked surprised, then looked coldly at Anna. “You came to plead your case with Alex?”

  Anna shrank under his gaze. She saw Devin look at Nate, who had just walked up. Nate took her hand and Devin looked at her with a raised brow.

  Anna’s eyes widened. “I....” She swallowed nervously.

  Devin frowned and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I think we need to have a conversation at the Manor before we leave on Monday.”

  Anna bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  “End it with Nate. Now.” Devin straightened and gave her a look.

  She nodded timidly and looked at Nate. “Nate...c’mon.” She pulled at his hand and led him away from the other men.

  “Anna, I was thinking...we can leave, without telling anyone,” Nate said softly. “New York is a huge place. No one will find you there.”

  Anna shook her head sadly. She looked up intently into his beautiful brown eyes. The eyes she’d gotten used to gazing into. “Nate. You should go without me.”

  Nate pushed her hand gently away. “No, I’ll stay here with you. Maybe we can....”

  “No, Nate,” she said more firmly than she felt. But she couldn’t let him stay here and risk something happening to him. “I can’t.” She looked at him. “You have to go without me.”

  Nate began to protest, but Anna stopped him. “Please, Nate. You have to go without me.” She paused, wondering if she should tell him about Devin’s threat.

  He frowned at her. “I thought we had something special, Anna.”

  Anna blinked back tears. “I like you, Nate. I really do, but I can’t leave here. It’s...hard to explain.”

  Nate looked at her, bewildered. “So that’s it?”

  “I’m sorry, Nate.”

  He gave her a dirty look and then turned on his heel and stormed away.

  She stared hard out the window, trying to get control of her emotions. A few minutes later, she felt a warm body move in close behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Wilhelm standing there. He turned her around and hugged her to himself.

  “Liebling, it will all work out. I know it hurts now, but you’ll feel better soon.”

  “Why does Alex hate me?”

  He pulled her away and cupped her cheek. “He doesn’t hate you, Liebling. He’s trying to protect you.”

  Anna snorted.

  “Why would I lie to you?” Wilhelm gave her a stern, but gentle look.

  She knew Wilhelm wouldn’t lie, but she didn’t understand. Alex was so cold. Maybe Wilhelm just didn’t think that Alex hated her.

  Kurt walked up at that moment. “I heard what happened, Anna. Are you all right?”

  Wilhelm guided Anna into Kurt’s arms. Kurt held her and Anna leaned her head against his chest. Anna couldn’t speak over the lump in her throat.

  Kurt and Wilhelm talked quietly as Kurt stroked her hair and she calmed under his touch.

  Isaak came by a while later. “Anna, how are you doing?”

  She looked at him and gave him a sad smile.

  “I’m so sorry, Anna. I had hoped....” Isaak sighed. “I know you can’t go to New York, but would you be content dancing with my Company?”

  Anna straightened and her heart leapt. “You want me to dance with you?”

  Isaak laughed. “Of course, Anna. I’d much rather have you here than send you to New York, but I thought that if you had the opportunity to leave....” He stopped and shook his head. “I spoke to Alex and Devin already and they...agreed to allow you to join the Company, if you’d like to.”

  Anna smiled and nodded. “I’d like that very much, Isaak.”

  Isaak laughed. “Wonderful. I’m so glad. I am bringing you in as a soloist until the board members understand your value. Then I’ll be able to promote you to principal.”

  Anna stared at Isaak. She wasn’t going into the corps? “Thank you, Isaak. I’ll try not to let you down.”

  “I have no fear of that, Anna,” Isaak smiled warmly. “When you get back from your trip you can begin classes with the Company. You can spend September and October learning the repertoire and Nutcracker will be your first performance with us.”

  Anna couldn’t help but grin. “It was already my first performance with the Company.” She performed in the first act of Nutcracker the night her parents died.

  Isaak frowned in confusion, then laughed. “That’s true, Anna. But this time you won’t be in the first act.”

  It was Anna’s turn to be confused. “I won’t?” It was primarily principals in the second act.

  “Anna, just because I can’t give you the title of principal doesn’t mean I won’t use you as one. I was thinking Arabian, and Devin approved.”

  “Arabian? You’re going to have me partner?”

  Isaak nodded. “With Travis. You know him, correct?”

  “Yes. He’s a nice guy.”

  “Good. Don’t tell anyone yet. I haven’t posted the cast list.” Isaak winked and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Anna watched Isaak walk away, the sting of the previous hour dampened by Isaak’s words. At least she would be able to keep dancing.

  She smiled up at Kurt and Wilhelm. “Travis is the son of the LA Elder,” she told them.

  Wilhelm looked intrigued. “I had heard Brandon let some of his sons out and about. He’s a good man.”


  Wilhelm gazed down at Anna, who had been pacified with Isaak’s offer. Wilhelm had a suspicion that Isaak’s motivations were more than simply giving Anna an opportunity to dance with the premier dance company in the country. He saw the way Isaak looked at her; he cared deeply for Anna, but it was purely platonic. Was Isaak trying to get her away from Devin? If only that were possible.

  But Alex was right. She couldn’t leave Devin. She was bonded to him and this city. Only a stronger bond elsewhere would allow her to leave.

  Devin walked up a few minutes later to let Anna know he was leaving. She thanked him for letting her continue to dance.

  “Don’t make me regret the decision, Anna,” he said sternly.

  “I will do my best, Devin.”

  Devin looked at Wilhelm. “I have need of Anna Sunday afternoon. Would it be all right if she cut her weekend short with you?”

  Wilhelm saw Anna’s face pale at Devin’s words and studied Devin for a long moment. What was going on? “I suppose so,” he said slowly. “May she spend the night with us when you are done?”

  “I’m afraid not. We are leaving early the next morning for the airport and we won’t be done until late.”

  Wilhelm frowned, but nodded. He didn’t like this. But he didn’t have a reason to say no. His gut instincts weren’t enough to protest a Master taking his slave back.

  Devin turned to Anna. “I will have Ian pick you up at your apartment at four.”
r />   “Yes, Devin,” Anna responded nervously.

  The fear in her eyes made Wilhelm uncomfortable.

  “Good.” Devin shook hands with Wilhelm and Kurt, then turned and left.


  Anna waited nervously at her apartment for Ian to arrive. She had been looking forward to the trip to Washington DC. Devin knew that Anna had never traveled and wanted her to enjoy the trip. Now she wondered if he still felt that way. She knew he was angry at her and knew the reason she was going to the Manor this afternoon: punishment for disobedience on Friday.

  She trembled at the thought of Devin’s punishments. She would be lucky if she could walk tomorrow. How would she get on the plane if she couldn’t move?

  A knock at the door made her jump. She quickly answered it and Ian came in.

  “You ready?” he asked in his low voice.

  Anna nodded nervously. Something about Ian’s demeanor frightened her. They had started becoming friends in the last few weeks after she’d found out he was a really nice guy. He’d even come out and stayed the night with her several times. With Seth gone, she didn’t have anyone else to call when she got too antsy. Devin had lifted the restriction after a couple of weeks when she started having trouble functioning after a week of no nightly visitors. Her body was addicted to sex and she needed release, so Devin said that Ian could come over when she “needed” someone.

  She backed against the wall and stared at him. He looked at her with dark eyes.

  He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. “Anna...,” he began. “I...please know that what happens this afternoon....” He shook his head. “I wish I didn’t have to do it....”

  Tears came to Anna’s eyes. She was to be punished. He had just confirmed it.

  Ian crossed the room and hugged her. “I have to obey Devin. You know that, right?”

  Anna nodded. She knew and couldn’t blame him. She hugged him around his waist.

  After a moment, he released her. “C’mon. Let’s get your things so Devin doesn’t get any angrier.”

  The drive to the Manor was quiet. Anna’s fear built with every mile. Ian would pat her knee every once in a while, but his kindness only made what was coming more frightening.

  When they arrived, Ian took Anna inside. Devin approached as they entered the building. Anna quickly removed her shoes and bowed before him.

  “Come, Anna. There is a lot to do before I’m done with you.” Devin said, his cold voice echoing off the hard surfaces of the entryway.

  She stood with shaky legs and followed Devin with Ian right behind her.

  Devin led her down to the stone-walled dungeon. Whips, paddles, crops and other instruments lined the walls. There was also a comfortable looking chair in the far corner. She supposed he needed somewhere to sit and watch her punishment. It certainly wasn’t for her.

  “Remove your clothing.” Devin ordered in a low voice.

  She quickly obeyed, then stood quietly with her head bowed. Maybe if she were quick to obey now, some of his anger would lessen. Ian led her to the archway where he cuffed her, arms above her head and legs free, though her arms were so high she was on her tiptoes. Then Devin came over and reached behind her neck, removing her necklace.

  She gasped as Devin handed it to Ian, who put it in his pocket. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at Devin questioningly.

  “You don’t deserve to wear that necklace right now.”

  Anna hung limply. His removal of her protection, his affection for her, hurt her more than she would have expected.

  The room was cool and goose bumps sprang up all over her body. She watched as Devin selected a whip and positioned himself in front of her.

  “Do you know why we’re here, Anna?” Devin asked, giving the whip a few test cracks.

  She flinched at every crack. “I was disobedient,” she said softly.

  “I’m glad you know.” Crack! “I’m not sure if you living on your own is such a good idea. You’ve grown rather lazy in the last few months. All the years of training seem to have gone away. Turn around.”

  Anna quickly did as she was told. As soon as she faced the wall there was a crack and fire erupted across her back.

  She cried out. She hadn’t been whipped in several months and had somehow forgotten how much it stung.

  Crack! Crack! Crack! Each crack across her back blazed fire on her skin. It hurt like hell, but she wasn’t screaming. Yet.

  After several minutes, Devin told her to turn back around. He proceeded to do to her front what he’d done to her back; her front was more sensitive. Tears began streaming down her face as she bit her lip to keep from screaming. He landed a particularly accurate shot at her left nipple, which broke the screaming dam. She began twisting away from him to avoid the lashes. But he simply hit whatever side was facing him.

  She knew better than to beg him to stop. She screamed with each lash. Her entire body felt like it was on fire. There were few places that he didn’t hit. When she couldn’t scream any more, he stopped.

  She hung limply from her wrists, face wet with tears. Her head hung down and she saw angry red lines all over her body.

  “I’m sorry, Master,” she whispered.

  Devin didn’t answer, but walked over to her and examined her body, touching the sore areas and making her jump. She groaned in pain. Was he done?

  The door opened a few minutes later and two naked women entered. They looked vaguely familiar, but Anna’s brain felt like mush and she couldn’t recollect their names. They looked at her and giggled.

  “Look at the poor princess,” one of them mocked and both giggled.

  Anna squinted through her pain to look at them. It was Tabitha and Zoe. The girls that had lived with her and Jack! She had watched them get raped many times, and she had thought herself above them. She clearly wasn’t anymore, if she ever was.

  “Come, girls,” Devin said, walking over to the chair in the corner. They eagerly followed him and sat at his feet and began playing with his cock.

  Anna looked away, hurt. She didn’t want to see them touching her Master.

  At that point Ian walked over with several long strings. No, wires with clips on the end. She looked up into his face, frightened of the unknown. He didn’t look at her, but clenched his jaw as he attached the clips to her nipple and pussy rings. The wires ran to a black box sitting on the floor. Ian walked over to where Devin sat and handed him something. A moment later heated pain surged through her veins and she screamed. She tugged at her restraints, trying desperately to free herself, but Ian was excellent at restraints. This she knew from past experience.

  When the pain stopped, she panted, cheeks wet from her tears. She looked wearily over at Devin. Tabitha was between his feet sucking on his cock noisily and Zoe was lying on a table next to him with her legs spread as he licked her pussy. Her heart ached as she watched him lavish attention on the two women. Zoe looked at her and smirked, then closed her eyes and moaned.

  Unexpectedly, another surge of pain swept through her body. She twisted and turned, trying to escape the pain. But the wires were firmly attached and not going anywhere. She screamed and begged her Master to stop. He only laughed.

  The pain stopped for a moment, then began again. The pain stopped and started at irregular intervals. Sometimes lasting just a second, other times lasting for what seemed like forever. She screamed and screamed and cried and begged.

  Faintly, above her screams she heard Zoe cry out an orgasm and then saw her switch places with Tabitha. The pain continued and she heard Tabitha cry out and then heard Devin moan his orgasm as Zoe sucked him dry.

  The pain stopped for a longer time and Devin stood and zipped up his pants.

  “If you’ll excuse me, ladies. I have something I need to attend to.” He walked across the room where Ian opened the door for him. “You girls play nice,” Devin said, smiling at Tabitha and Zoe.

  Oh, God, he was going to leave her alone with them? Would they do anything to her?
She got her answer as soon as the men left the room.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Princess Anna,” Tabatha said nastily, then laughed. “Master left you all alone with us.”

  “Maybe we should get some revenge,” Zoe suggested. They both giggled and whispered in each other’s ear.

  “Master took it easy on you with the electricity,” Tabitha said. She removed the clips from Anna’s nipple rings. Anna sighed in relief and Zoe giggled.

  “Oh, no,” Zoe said. “We know a much more painful way to take it.”

  They moved the clips to her outer labia, then removed the other clips and put them on her inner labia and clit hood and then one directly on her clit. Anna whimpered at the pinching and dreaded the other pain. Zoe walked to the other side of the room and picked up a small black box and returned. “Shall we?” she asked Tabitha.

  “No, please,” Anna begged, tears flowing freely. They simply laughed and Zoe pushed a button on the remote.

  Anna screamed. The pain was unbearable. White-hot heat erupted onto her pussy. It felt like someone had thrown molten lava directly onto her most sensitive area.

  She convulsed and screamed at the pain. They didn’t turn it off. The pain just went on and on and on...until blackness overcame her and she felt nothing.


  Devin returned to the dungeon a while later. It was quiet, though he had heard the screaming earlier. Whatever they had done to Anna had elicited screams even he hadn’t heard from her before.

  When he opened the door, the girls were sitting in his chair talking and giggling. Anna had passed out in her restraints. For a moment, he thought they’d killed her, but he saw her chest moving slightly. He sighed in relief. He’d wanted to punish Anna, not kill her. She wouldn’t do him any good dead. At least not yet.

  Her body was striped with the marks from the whip and her pussy was bright red and had multiple wires attached. He walked over to see what the girls had done. Intriguing. Right on the skin. Ooh! And one on the clit. He imagined that would hurt a lot.

  “You girls may go,” he said.

  He hadn’t figured they would be so cruel, but then again, they were some of the meanest girls he had. They’d been known to bully some of the other girls. Most of the time it wasn’t a problem. And soon it wouldn’t be a problem at all. They were twenty-four and very near the end of their useful lives. Very near. Their attitudes would not make them useful for anything else. Some of his girls he kept around if they showed promise for other duties around the Manor. These two, while very, very good sex slaves, had little inclination for anything except having sex. A useful trait when they were young. But they were getting old. Men were losing interest. In fact….


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