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Passion Play: Celestial Soul-Mates, Book 3

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by Opal Carew

  “You.” The uniformed woman pointed at Aria. “Come with me.”

  Crystal didn’t like the sound of that.

  “We stay together,” Eva insisted as she stood up and walked toward Aria protectively.

  “No, actually you don’t,” the woman responded.

  As the stranger grabbed Aria’s arm and dragged her to her feet, Crystal stepped forward too but stopped in her tracks when Terrien moved in front of Eva. He wasn’t menacing, but Eva seemed reluctant to push past him. Did he have the same effect on Eva as he did on her, or was it simply that he was tall, strong and masculine?

  Oh, God, intensely masculine. She could imagine his strong hand grasping her arm, the heat of his body close to hers as he restrained her. Then the feel of his lips against hers as he pushed her against the wall and…

  She sucked in a deep breath as she pulled herself back to the here and now. Something very strange was going on around them, and all she could think about was the hot hunk who seemed to have kidnapped them.

  She licked her lips as she watched the uniformed woman lead Aria to a door, which slid open as they approached. A couple more uniformed men appeared and herded Crystal and the others toward another door. They were jostled together as they were urged into a corridor, led past several doors, then around a corner to the right. A moment later, they found themselves in another room, this one smaller than the last, with a couple of easy chairs and a couch around a large, oval coffee table. Terrien didn’t follow them into the room, and Crystal felt an immediate sense of loss.

  Crystal and the others sat on the couch and huddled together. Crystal’s heart thundered in her chest. Something very strange was going on, but alien abduction?

  “Where’s Kate?” Jenna asked, her voice thin.

  Crystal’s body tensed as she glanced around and realized Kate was nowhere to be seen.

  Eva patted Jenna’s hand. “It’s okay. Everything will be all right.”

  Eva spoke in a calm tone, but Crystal could tell that was just a façade. She was certain Eva felt as freaked out as Crystal did right now.

  But Crystal refused to be a meek little lamb cowering in a corner. She glared at the two uniformed men standing between them and the door.

  “What is going on?” she demanded.

  As if on cue, the door slid open. Crystal turned to see another gorgeous hunk of man step into the room. His honey-blond hair fell in waves to his shoulders, and his uniform jacket, adorned with three small gold ovals on the stand-up collar, hugged his broad, muscled chest.

  The man’s deep turquoise eyes turned to Eva, and her breathing seemed to stop. He smiled, and her breath expelled. Crystal watched as Eva’s wide-eyed gaze remained locked on him as he moved to stand in front of them. This man seemed to be having the same effect on Eva as Terrien had on Crystal.

  “Good evening, ladies. I’d like to welcome you to our ship, the Patira Alana. I am Commander Larson Raa-ling, the first officer. I’m sure this has been quite a shock for you.”

  “Yeah, no kidding,” Crystal said.

  “I want to assure you, you will not be harmed,” he continued.

  “What do you want from us?” Jenna asked, her voice quavering.

  “Let me explain why we have brought you here.”

  He sat in the chair facing them and settled back into the cushioned upholstery. The tapered line of his uniform accentuated his broad shoulders and slim waist. From the fascinated expression on Eva’s face, she seemed to be mentally stripping away his uniform piece by piece.

  Crystal could imagine his dark green jacket slipping away, followed by the shirt beneath, to reveal muscular arms and tight, ridged stomach muscles. He was a fine specimen, and she would love to fuck him, but when she tried to imagine it, images of Terrien replaced him.

  “There is a power in the universe that takes a hand in our lives,” the commander said. “We call it nata’tai. It provides the means to keep us healthy, as individuals and as races.”

  “We don’t want a lesson in alien religion,” Crystal sniped.

  “To stay healthy,” he continued, “a race must grow. It must embrace other cultures. It must open its gene pool to other races, otherwise it will stagnate. Physically, emotionally and culturally.”

  “Oh, my God, they’ve brought us here as breeding stock.” Jenna’s face paled.

  Breeding stock? Crystal glanced at the other two women.

  Eva held Jenna’s hand, her lips a tight line. Crystal sensed she was nearing the end of her rope. Eva stared at Commander Raa-ling and shifted in her seat. Her face went pale, and she seemed absolutely terrified.

  “You have not been brought here to be sex slaves,” the commander reassured. “As a race matures, nata’tai gives its people the ability to sense their tanash’ae—what you would call their soul-mate—even over great distances. To ensure a mingling of races, nata’tai directs the spirits of tanash’aei—soul-mates—to be born in different races on different planets.”

  “Soul-mates?” Jenna repeated in a hushed tone.

  “That’s right. Each of you is the soul-mate of a member of this crew. That’s why you’ve been brought here. To meet your tanash’ae.”

  “So you intend to convince us we’re in love with some guy, then use us for breeding,” Crystal scoffed.

  “This has nothing to do with procreation. I’m talking about love.” He focused directly on Eva. “The love of two people destined to be together. Of people who make each other complete. Soul-mates. Tanish’aei.”

  Eva seemed mesmerized by his words.

  “Excuse me, Commander.” The woman who’d dragged Aria away stood in the doorway. The woman had two gold ovals on her collar, while the two men who stood by the door had none. Possibly they were a symbol of rank.

  “Captain wants to see senior staff.”

  “Thank you, Casey.” The commander rose. “Excuse me, ladies. You will remain here until someone is free to take you to your quarters. Make yourselves comfortable.”

  He followed Casey, the female officer, out of the room, followed by the other two men. The door slid closed behind them, leaving Crystal and her companions alone in the room.

  Crystal rose and approached the door, but it didn’t open. She flattened her hand on it, then dragged her fingers along the edge, searching for a way to trigger the mechanism.

  “Are you okay, Eva?” Jenna asked, sliding her arm around Eva’s shoulders.

  “Did you feel…funny…when that man came into the room?” Eva asked.

  “What do you mean?” Jenna asked.

  “She means were we hot for him.” Crystal turned to face them.

  Eva shot her a glance, and Crystal shrugged.

  “You were practically drooling over him, sweetie.” Crystal crossed the room and sat beside Eva. “He is definitely a hunk, but I find that other one—Terrien, I think they called him—much hotter. I really would love to jump his bones.”

  That was the understatement of the century.

  “Crystal, how can you think about that now?” Jenna asked. “We’ve been kidnapped by people from another planet.”

  “That’s the key. They are people. Just like us.”

  Eva shook her head. “How can you treat this so lightly?”

  “We’re here,” Crystal responded. “I figure I’ll make the best of it. At home, a lay is a lay, but here…” She shrugged. “Well, who knows what special talents these alien hunks have?”

  “They said they know who our soul-mates are.” Jenna stared into space.

  “That might be what they believe, but I don’t buy it.” Crystal didn’t believe in soul-mates.

  “Me neither,” Eva agreed.

  After about twenty minutes, the door slid open, and Commander Raa-ling entered, followed by Casey and Terrien. Crystal’s body tingled with awareness of Terrien’s masculine presence.

  “You’ll be taken to your quarters now,” Commander Raa-ling said to all of them. “If you have any more questions, pose them to your tan

  Casey approached Jenna, and Terrien stepped toward Crystal, who stood up from the easy chair. She realized she had missed Terrien’s nearness, at the same time as she felt almost panicky at the increasing strength of his effect on her as he moved closer. He gazed into her eyes, then smiled, and the breath locked in her lungs. Oh, God, she needed to have this man. She desperately needed him to satisfy the intense craving deep inside her. He turned, and she followed him toward the door.

  Eva leapt to her feet and stepped in front of them. “Don’t go with them. If we stay together, we have a better chance.”

  “A better chance to what, Eva?” Crystal asked. She leaned close to Eva’s ear and murmured, “Look, I don’t believe in soul-mates, but I’m damned curious about sex with an alien. Especially one that looks like this hunk.” She glanced toward Terrien, then back to Eva and winked, then followed him toward the door.

  Casey gestured to Jenna to follow her. Eva grasped Jenna’s sleeve.

  “Don’t go,” Eva implored.

  Eva’s gaze locked on Jenna’s.

  “I’m sorry, Eva.” Jenna’s large, blue eyes pleaded for understanding.

  Chapter Four

  Crystal felt a little guilty abandoning Eva, but she could not ignore the need driving her forward. Eva would be fine with the handsome Commander Raa-ling, Crystal was sure. Clearly, Eva felt an attraction to him similar to what Crystal felt with Terrien, but she was fighting it. If it was anywhere near as strong as what Crystal felt for Terrien, she’d get past her resistance soon enough.

  Jenna and her guard followed Crystal and Terrien out of the room, and the door slid closed behind them.

  Crystal followed Terrien down the corridor and around some turns, watching his fine, tight butt as he walked. Finally, he stopped in front of a door, and it slid open, then she followed him into what appeared to be a private quarters. The décor was simple but comfortable, with dark wood furniture, probably simulated but looking quite authentic, and upholstered chairs and couch with clean but inviting lines.

  “Mmm. Nice place.”

  “I’ll show you your room.”

  She followed him through another door into a room with a large bed, then to another door and yet another bedroom. It was roomy and looked very comfortable.

  “This is where I’ll be sleeping?” she asked.

  “That’s right.”

  She gazed at him, and his smoldering forest green eyes bored into her, ratcheting up the heat simmering through her body. God, she wanted this man in bed right now, but sleeping was not what she had in mind. She turned and, with a seductive sway to her hips, sauntered into the bigger bedroom. She stood beside the bed and stroked the velvety navy bedcovers.

  “I like it in here. Whose room is this?”


  Terrien wanted to grab her and drag her into his arms, to tear off her clothes and drive into her until they both screamed in ecstasy. She was so beautiful, and he’d been yearning for her for so long. His cock was in a constant state of readiness. It had been sheer torture meeting with the Earth women and bringing them aboard while trying to ignore his need to sweep Crystal into his arms and possess her.

  Now he stood alone in his bedroom with her. Private. Intimate. His hormones spiking through him. He could just reach for her and… He sucked in a breath, knowing he had to keep a careful check on his rising desire. He had to be sensitive to her needs. Wait until she was ready.

  She smiled seductively and strolled toward him. She ran her hands along his shoulders, and he gritted his teeth as her touch ramped up his need toward the breaking point.

  “Are you my match?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am your tanash’ae.” He tried to keep his voice even, but it came out a little hoarse.

  She stroked her hand down his chest, her lovely blue eyes glittering. He clamped his hand over hers, stilling it.

  “Ever since I first sensed your presence, I have hungered for you. As we got closer to your world, the hunger became a desperate craving. Do not toy with me, if you don’t intend to follow through. I may not be able to hold myself back.”

  “Honey, I don’t want you to hold back.”

  He stood frozen. Had he heard her correctly? Was it possible he didn’t understand the nuance of her language well enough, because surely she couldn’t be as willing as she seemed. He’d studied Earth and her culture, and he and his shipmates understood that it would take some time and patience before these women, with their different sexual mores, would be ready to consummate their soul-mate relationship.

  He tensed as she released his top button; then she leaned forward and her lips grazed the base of his neck. His head began to spin as her fingers stroked down his chest, then released the next button. A shudder of pure, unadulterated lust coursed through him.

  Gattra, he couldn’t handle much more of this.

  His hands closed around her shoulders, her soft skin tempting him beyond reason. She slid her hand down to his waist, then released the top button of his pants.

  His carefully maintained restraint abandoned him in a flash, and he grabbed the sides of her evening gown and tore it open. His gaze fell on her as she stood before him in a red lace bra that only covered the bottoms of her breasts, leaving her nipples totally exposed. Round, pebbled areolas with rigid nipples standing hard and ready.

  “Gattra,” he exclaimed.

  Now we’re getting somewhere. Crystal smiled, watching his green eyes turn a deep moss as his gaze swept over her.

  She grabbed his shirt and tore it open, then stared at his impressively broad chest. Her gaze wandered back to his face, with his full, sexy lips and glimmering dark green eyes. God, what a sexy man. Especially the way he gazed at her, as if she were the sexiest woman alive.

  Longing to feel his body against hers, she stepped forward and pressed herself to his chest, sighing at the delicious sensation of his hard muscled flesh against her pebbling nipples. She nibbled his collarbone. He cupped her breast, and his fingers found her rigid nipple. His scorching touch took her breath away. He cupped her cheek with his free hand and lifted her face; then his lips captured hers. His tongue plunged into her mouth, and she felt faint at the searing intensity. Her tongue tangled around his, and she sucked it, unable to get enough of him.

  Oh, God, she needed him. Her insides ached with desperate longing. He released her lips, and she glided down his chin, then nuzzled his neck. Her hands fumbled for his zipper, and then she dragged it down and unfastened the button.

  “Mmm. Baby,” she murmured in his ear. “Let me see what you’ve got for me.”

  She almost gasped as her fingers found the hard, hot flesh stretched over an impressively thick shaft. She drew it from the fabric and stared with wide eyes. God, it was impressive. It had to be ten inches long, and she could barely get her fingers around it.

  She licked her lips, then knelt in front of him.

  Terrien’s insides clenched as she lowered to her knees, the look of awe on her face inflating his male ego as much as his desire for her inflated his erection. When her lips touched his corona, he groaned. He had to stop himself from lunging forward to impale her mouth with his aching cock.

  The tip of her tongue lapped over him and nudged against the small opening, then she opened wide and his cockhead slid into her warm, moist mouth. He groaned at the exquisite sensation. She swirled her tongue over him, then sucked gently. Heat blasted through him. Her hands wrapped around him, and she stroked.

  Gattra, he couldn’t stand it. He grasped her shoulders and pulled her to her feet, then merged his lips with hers. His tongue drove into her like he wanted to do with his cock. Deep into her hot moistness. She sucked him like she had before, and his breath locked in his lungs. He cupped her soft, round breast, reveling in the feel of her silky skin, the hard nipple spearing into his palm. Her warm hand glided up and down his shaft, escalating his need.

  Dahran, he had to have her.

  But he didn’t want to rush her

  She drew back and smiled broadly, her blue eyes glittering with need. Seeing her body, practically naked in the tiny bra, skimpy panties and garter belt, made him swell more. Her hand tightened around his erection, and she pumped enthusiastically.

  “I want you inside me right now,” Crystal murmured.

  He groaned, barely able to hold back. Slowly and steadily, he backed her to the wall and kissed her again, swirling his tongue inside her mouth. She leaned back and opened her legs, then guided his cock along the smooth skin of her taut stomach and across the silk of her panties. Somehow the fabric of the crotch parted and…

  Gattra. He felt her wet opening against his aching cockhead, and he buried his face in her hair, groaning softly. Reeling in his intense desire to impale her with one deep thrust, he eased forward slowly, allowing his cockhead to push into her softness just a little. His head spun at the intensity of wild sensations bursting through him.

  “Oh, shove it in, baby,” she murmured against his ear. “I want to feel that beautiful hard cock of yours driving into me.”

  He almost lost it at her words, but somehow he clung to his resolve and eased forward only a little more into the heavenly warmth of her body.

  She wrapped her hands around his buttocks and tried to pull him into her, but with a strength of will he didn’t know he possessed, he continued easing into her slowly, filling her a little at a time, her moist flesh stretching around his hard, aching cock.

  She sucked in a breath as he filled her deeper and deeper. Her lips played along the side of his neck, and the soft sounds she murmured encouraged him.

  Chapter Five

  Crystal couldn’t believe how big and hard he was inside her, stretching her delightfully. He continued to fill her, on and on, until finally he was fully immersed. He leaned against her, crushing her to the wall.

  Feeling trapped by his strong, masculine body thrilled her. Every part of her pressed against him. Her breasts swelled with need. Her breathing, slow and heavy, barely sustained her.


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