The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III: Multiple Universes, Mutual Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a Nuclear Family
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Everett, H III. (1956C). “Objective and Subjective Probability,” basement.
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Bohr to Wheeler, 4/12/57, basement.
Boone to Taylor, 4/17/53, Mudd.
Everett, H Jr. to Thrift, 10/11/35, basement.
Everett, H Jr. to commanding officer, March–May, 1952, basement.
Everett, H III to Petersen, June 1956, basement.
Everett, H III to DeWitt, 5/31/57, basement.
Everett, H III to Frank, 5/31/57, basement.
Everett, H III to Petersen, 5/31/57, basement.
Everett, H III to American Institute of Physics, 6/1/57, basement.
Everett, H III to NSF, Fellowship Report for 1955–56, 6/24/57, basement.
Everett, H III to RMP, July 1957, basement.
Everett, H III to Podolsky, 3/12/59, basement.
Everett, H III to Jammer, 9/19/73, basement.
Everett, H III to Bill Harvey, 5/20/77, basement.
Everett, H III to Leblond, 11/15/77, basement
Everett, H III to Raub, 4/7/80, AIP, basement
Everett, H III to Wheeler, 3/21/79, AIP, basement.
Everett, H III to Wiener, 5/31/57, basement.
Everett, Liz to Mark Everett, 10/15/91, basement.
Everett, Katharine Kennedy to Hugh Everett III, 5/11/56, basement.
Everett, Katharine Kennedy to Nurse Gantley, 11/22/62, basement.
Everett, Nancy to Hugh Jr and Sara Everett, 9/23/59, basement.
Everett, Nancy to Mark Everett, 9/27/82, basement.
Everett, Nancy to Mark Everett, 4/26/96, basement.
Frank to Everett, H III, 8/3/57, basement.
Deutsch email to Shikhovtsev, 12/6/2000.
DeWitt to Wheeler, 5/7/57, basement.
DeWitt to Wheeler, 4/20/67, American Philosophical Society, Wheeler file.
DeWitt to Wheeler, 9/25/79, American Philosophical Society.
Groenwald to Everett H III, 4/11/57, basement.
Jammer to Everett H III, 8/28/73, basement.
Jaynes to Everett, H III, 6/17/57, basement.
Larregsoffore to Everett, H Jr., 2/14/48, basement.
Leblond to Everett H III, 9/17/78, basement.
Margenau to Everett H III, 4/8/57, basement.
Petersen to Wheeler, 5/26/56, basement.
Petersen to Everett H III, cable and letter, 5/28/56, basement.
Petersen to Everett H III, 4/24/57, basement.
Rockman to Everett H III, 3/2/57, basement.
Rosenfeld to Bergmann, 12/21/59, Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen.
Rosenfeld to Belinfante, 6/22/72, Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen.
Rosenfeld to Belinfante, 8/24/72, Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen.
Rosenfeld to Belinfante, 10/31/72, Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen.
Rosenfeld to Bell, 11/30/71, Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen.
Siegel to Everett, H III, 4/16/59, basement.
Stern to Wheeler, 5/20/56, basement.
Tsiang to Nancy Everett, 7/22/82, basement.
Wheeler to Everett, H III, 9/21/55, basement.
Wheeler to Dennison, 1/21/56, basement.
Wheeler to Bohr, 4/24/56, basement.
Wheeler to Bohr, 5/24/56, basement.
Wheeler to Dees, 5/24/56, American Philosophical Society.
Wheeler-1 to Everett, H III, 5/22/56, basement.
Wheeler-2 to Everett, H III, 5/22/56, basement.
Wheeler to Everett, H III, 5/25/56, basement.
Wheeler to Stern, 5/25/56, basement.
Wheeler to Shenstone, 5/28/56, basement.
Wheeler to Everett, H III, 9/17/56, basement.
Wheeler to Everett, H III, 7/23/57.
Wheeler to Everett, H III, 10/30/57, basement.
Wheeler to Everett, H III, undated, circa 1958, basement.
Wheeler to Everett, H III, with mimeographed enclosure, circa 1958, basement.
Wheeler to Benioff, 7/7/77, basement, AIP.
Wheeler to Benioff, 9/7/77, basement.
Wheeler to NSF, 1/13/55. American Philosophical Society.
Wheeler to Scalapino, 7/12/79, basement.
Wheeler to Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Everett, 7/12/79, basement.
Wheeler to Jammer, 3/19/92, American Philosophical Society.
Wiener to Wheeler and Everett, H III, 4/9/57, basement.
Zeh to Wheeler, 10/30/80, John Wheeler papers, series II, Box Wo-Ze, American Physical Society, quoted in Camilleri (2008).
Tape recorded interviews with author
Jeffrey A. Barrett, June 2008.
Matt Bellis, July 2008.
Paul Benioff, July 2005.
Joseph Clifford, July 2009.
Leon N Cooper, Feb. 2009.
Ann Dean, Feb. 2008.
Dr. Patrick Devlin, Apr. 2008.
Cecile DeWitt-Morette, Aug. 2006.
David Deutsch, Nov. 2004 and Mar. 2006.