by Peter Byrne
meets Hugh, 49–52
pictures of, 42f, 51f, 219f, 273f, 345f, 350f, 354f
poor housekeeping of, 337–38
pregnancy of, 189
religion and, 350–52
reunites with Hugh, 272–73
schooling of, 43–44
works on husband’s legacy, 349–51
Everett, Sarah (Thrift), 15, 26, 27f, 28f, 34, 35f, 36f, 345f
Everett, Virginia (Haynes) “Ginny”, 11–12
Everett Algorithm, 76–77
Everett@Fifty conference, 382–84
Everett-Wheeler-Graham metatheorem, 308–9
FBI, 3–4
Federation of Atomic Scientists, 124
feedback loops, 37, 230–34, 393
Fermat, Pierre de, 58
Fermi, Enrico, 127
Feynman, Richard, 81, 127, 144, 326
Bohr and, 326
Chapel Hill conference and, 180–82
many worlds theory and, 178
“The Nature of Time” conference and, 266–67
probability waves and, 122
Schrödinger equation and, 181–82
sum over histories technique of, 122, 132, 181–82, 392
superposition principle and, 181–82
Trieste symposium and, 328
Wheeler and, 117, 122
Fifth Amendment, 124
first strike
CODE 50 and, 292–93
QUICK system and, 281–83
Report 50 and, 227–37
Single Integrated Operating Plan (SIOP) and, 238–46
Wargasm and, 195–97
Fisher, R.A., 39
fission yield, 203–4
Flanagan, Paul, 283–85
“Fluid Flow Through Randomly Packed Beds of Raschig Rings” (Everett, et al), 36
Fock, Vladimir A., 216–18
Ford, C.S., 41
Ford, Kenneth, 74, 119
Ford Foundation, 192–93
Ford Motor Company, 327
Fort Bliss, Texas, 188
FORTRAN, 212, 222, 293, 296
Foundations of Physics journal, 323, 366
Foundations of Statistics, The (Savage), 198
Fourier analysis, 81, 390
Frank, Philipp, 102, 107, 173–75
Frawley, Joanna, 285–86
Free Lance Writer’s Society of Washington D.C., 20
free will, 106–9
frequentists, 288
Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 302
Frisch, Otto, 121
Fromm, Erich, 17, 68, 117, 202, 268–69, 277, 287, 337, 349
Fryklund, Richard, 195, 227
Furry, Wendell H., 252, 255, 258–59
Gaither, H. Rowen, Jr., 193
Gaither Commission, 193–94
Galiano, Robert, 222, 277, 283, 296–97
Galileo, 385
“Game-Theoretical Approach to Organization Theory, The” (Helmer), 72
game theory, 3–4, 26, 38
carpet bombing and, 62
classical mechanics and, 58–60
closed system and, 200–1
CODE 50 and, 292–93
Cold War and, 65–71
decision theory, 77, 378–84, 390
defined, 391
degree of belief and, 59
early development of, 56–59
equilibrium and, 62–63
Everett and, 63–67, 73–77, 83
Everett@Fifty conference and, 383n46
feedback loops and, 63, 230–34
first strike and, 195–97
halting problem and, 200–1
hydrogen bomb and, 56–57, 62, 70–74
military games and, 64–65
mutually assured destruction (MAD) and, 68–71
Nash equilibrium and, 69
nuclear warfare and, 56–57, 62–74, 195–201
Pentagon and, 72, 74, 278, 284, 292–96
policy-making and, 62–65
possible world futures and, 198
Princeton and, 56–60
Prisoner’s Dilemma scenario and, 68–71, 75, 230–31
probability and, 58–60
psychological warfare and, 297–98
quantum physics and, 369
QUICK system and, 278, 281–83, 287–88, 292–93
rationality and, 61–62, 64, 69–71, 77
Single Integrated Operating Plan (SIOP) and, 238–46
“So Long, Suckers” and, 75–77
Third Conference on Games and, 72
uncertainty and, 59
von Neumann and, 56, 61–62, 64, 66, 72–75
zero-sum game and, 61–63
gamma rays, 203–4
Gamow, George, 350
Garden of Forking Paths, The (Borges), 319–20
Gell-Mann, Murray, 366, 371
“General and Logical Theory of Automata, The” (von Neumann), 149
General Atomics, 126
General Electric, 72, 126
“Generalized Lagrange Multiplier Method for Solving Problems of Optimum Allocations of Resources” (Everett), 76
General Research Corporation, 297–98
Geons, Black Holes & Quantum Foam (Wheeler and Ford), 119
George Washington University, 13, 20
German U-boats, 189–90
Geroch, Robert, 369
God, xii, 24, 44, 319
anthropic principle and, 350, 386
determinism and, 107–8, 112
existence of, 7, 32–34
free will and, 107
logic and, 26
ontology and, 23, 32, 91, 106, 131, 140, 145, 308, 310, 319, 368, 375, 392
string theory/cosomology Landscape and, 386–87
Gödel, Kurt, 32–33
“God’s Rays” (DeWitt), 303
Gold, T., 267
Goldberger, Marvin, 128–29
Goldwater, Barry, 270
Good, Irving, 301
Gore, Harold “Kid”, 43
Gore, Jane (Pollard), 43
Government Printing Office, 11
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), 37, 43–44
Graham, Neill, 137, 304–7, 310–13, 323
Gravitation (Wheeler, Misner, and Thorne), 328
gravity, 19
Chapel Hill conference and, 179–83
Feynman on, 181–82
as field, 180
general relativity and, 93
many worlds theory and, 386
quantum, 91, 93, 132, 140, 159–62, 178–83, 304–7, 321, 328, 369–70
relativity and, 58, 178–79, 348, 391
gravity bombs, 282
Great Britain, 229
Great Depression, 11, 344
Greaves, Hilary, 379–80
Groenewold, H.J., 171–72
Gromyko, Andrei, 293
Ground Observer Corps, 44, 190
Hall, Edward T., 20, 262
Halliwell, Jonathan J., 372
halting problem, 200–1
Harrison, David, 82f
Hartle, James, 366, 371
Harvard, 173, 266
Hawking, Stephen, 350, 366
“Heart’s Landscape, The” (Kennedy), 266
Heisenberg, Werner, 87
Trieste symposium and, 328
uncertainty principle of, 96–97, 391
Wheeler and, 121
heroin, 339
hidden variables interpretation
DeBroglie-Bohm model, 314–15, 389, 391
defined, 391
pilot waves and, 314–15
Hilbert space, 73, 150, 157n39, 172n13, 305n19, 322n4, 391–92, 394
Hiley, Basil, 375
Hiroshima, 10, 41, 57, 123, 191
His Dark Materials (Pullman), 361
Hitler, Adolf, 70n2, 122–23, 130
Hollins College, 43
Hollywood Reporter, 356
Horn, Herbert O., 262
Hotel D’Angleterre, 218
Hotel Østerport, 221–22
House Un-American A
ctivities Committee, 21, 124–25, 266
Hoyle, Fred, 266
Hubbard, L. Ron, 31
Hughes Aircraft, 72
hydrogen bomb, 8, 117
game theory and, 56–57, 62, 70–74
Ivy Mike and, 127–28
operations research and, 189, 199–200, 202, 282, 284
Oppenheimer’s opposition to, 47, 57, 127, 199
SIOP strategy and, 238, 244
Soviet Union and, 199
Teller and, 127
Wheeler and, 127–30
IBM 1604 computer, 293
idealism, 110, 113–14, 155, 332, 391
“Include the Observer in the Wave Function?” (Wheeler), 329–30
indeterminism, 8, 332, 379, 382, 389
existence of God and, 319
game theory and, 60
many worlds theory and, 141, 158, 164–67, 309, 322
quantum physics and, 96–97, 103, 107, 111–12
information theory, 41
attribute values and, 293–94, 296
decoherence theory and, 370–71
entropy and, 37, 39–40, 59, 103, 145n4, 149, 158, 173, 267, 319, 350, 359, 362, 370, 371n41, 390, 392
many worlds theory and, 149, 156, 158–59, 170, 173
radar detection and, 190
Santa Fe Institute conference and, 370–72
sociobiology and, 298
Institute for Advanced Study, 37, 47, 55–56, 83, 89, 304, 387
Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), 128, 191–92, 212, 214, 264, 268, 277, 296, 301n3
Institute for Theoretical Physics, 87, 216–18, 324
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 74, 193, 228–29
interference, 381, 391, 393
many worlds theory and, 138n8, 140n14, 148n10, 181, 324, 328, 363n15, 364–65, 377n17
quantum physics and, 92–93, 99
Internal Revenue Service, 297
International Business Machines (IBM), 74, 190, 277, 203, 296
irreversibility, 103, 253, 267
decoherence theory and, 390 (see also decoherence theory)
defined, 391
many worlds theory and, 140, 158, 164–65, 171, 317–18, 324, 362–63
Italy, 229
Ivy Mike, 127–28, 131
Jacobsen, Anja Skaar, 250
Jammer, Max, 105, 107–10, 114, 132, 260, 307, 326
Japan, 10
JASON, 128
Jaynes, E.T., 173
Jensen, J. Hans D., 366
Jews, 46–47, 303
Johns Hopkins University, 37, 39, 119
Johnson, Lyndon, 213, 270
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 193–94, 213–15, 228, 235
Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, 205
Joos, Erich, 366
J.P. Morgan & Co., 288
Kahn, Hermann, 64, 74, 196–98
Kantian philosophy, 106–7
Kennan, George F., 47–48, 194
Kennedy, John F., 193, 235–36, 246, 270
Kensington Gardens Sanitarium, 263
Key Travel, 340–41, 344, 345
Killian, James R., Jr., 192
Killilea, Neil, 284–85, 347
kill ratios, 192, 234, 295
aiming errors and, 283
depth charges and, 190
dud possibilities and, 283
fission yield and, 203–4
gamma ray dosage and, 203–4
ground burst choices and, 283
Lambda Corporation and, 281–84
missile defense and, 283–84
optimized weapon distribution and, 203
overkill and, 202–4
preferential defense and, 283–84
QUICK system and, 278, 281–83, 287–88
radioactive fallout and, 128, 189, 202–5, 239, 244
Single Integrated Operating Plan (SIOP) and, 241–42
Kinsey, Alfred, 41
Kissinger, Henry, 3, 129, 193, 229, 293
Kleban, Matthew, 387
Knoll, The (mansion), 344
Korean War, xiii, 38
Kriegsspiel (game), 284
Kubrick, Stanley, 196
Kuhn, Harold, 38
Cold War and, 75–76
defends Bohm, 124
Everett Algorithm and, 76–77
game theory and, 56, 65, 69, 75
operations research and, 75
Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 221
Lagrange Multiplier Method, 221–23, 234, 241–42, 281–83, 292, 391
Lamb, Willis, 127, 328
Lambda Corporation, 3, 212, 222, 268, 270, 326, 339
ABM modeling and, 283–84, 290
Bayesian Machine and, 287–91
Cassandra and, 289–90
CODE 50 and, 292–93
contracts of, 277–78
cryptography and, 278
decline of, 295–97
desegregation and, 295
E-filter and, 289–91
IBM 1604 computer of, 277
kill ratios and, 281–84
Kriegsspiel games and, 284
Lagrange Multiplier Method and, 281–83, 292
psychological warfare and, 298
QUICK system and, 278, 281–83, 287–88, 292–93
SIOP testing and, 268, 278, 283
staff credentials of, 277
start-up capital of, 277
Vietnam War and, 295
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 58, 326, 332
“Law Without Law” (Wheeler), 322, 332–33
League of Women Voters, 211
Lebesque measure, 150n18, 172n13, 260, 391
Lectures on the Theory of Games (Kuhn), 65
Leinster, Murray, 360
LeMay, Curtis, 74, 195
Leopold, Ellen, 263n4
Lévy-Leblond, Jean Marc, 329–31
LGP-30, 212–13
Li, Jet, 361
libertarianism, 280, 341–42
Librascope, 212–13
Life magazine, 73–74
photoelectric effect and, 94
relativity and, 93–100
superposition principle and, 92
two-slit experiment and, 92–93
Lincoln Labs, 190
linearity, 96n5, 368, 391
Livermore National Laboratory, 304
locality, 98, 252, 365, 373, 391
Lockheed Corporation, 126, 128
Lockwood, Michael, 377
Lodal, Jan M., 236n, 292–94, 297
Loewer, Barry, 374
logic, 26
Deutsch-Wallace theorem and, 378–79
entanglement and, 97–99
EPR paradox and, 98–99
existence of God and, 32–34
Heisenberg uncertainty principle and, 96–97
Lagrange Multiplier Method and, 221–23
Occam’s razor and, 259, 302, 307
ontology and, 23, 32, 91, 106, 131, 140, 145, 308, 310, 319, 368, 375, 392
rationality and, 4, 8, 10, 41, 61–64, 69, 77, 107, 327, 378–80, 392–93
Savage axioms and, 379–81
Vienna Circle and, 174
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 8, 56, 367
LSD, 286, 339
Lucas, Gary, 347
Kahn and, 196–97
operations research and, 222–23, 289–91, 298
Lynch, Keith, 342
Bohm firing and, 124
Cold War and, 45, 45–48, 56–57, 82, 111, 252n14
House Un-American Activities Committee and, 21, 124–25, 266
McCormack, James, 214
McNamara, Robert, 235–37, 245, 277, 281, 292
Mailer, Norman, 271
Maldacena, Juan, 387–88
Manhattan Project, 70n2, 127, 289
DeWitt and, 304
Fermi and, 199
operations research and, 190
Oppenheimer and, 57
Truman petition and, 123–24
von Neumann
and, 81
Wigner and, 81
Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, The (DeWitt and Graham), 137, 302, 312, 320
many worlds theory, 24, 31–34, 289–90, 298
abridged version of, 160, 169–70, 180
alternative interpretations and, 147–49
attribute values and, 294
Austin seminar and, 321–22
battles with Bohr and, 160–77 (see also Bohr, Niels)
Bayesian Machine and, 290–91
beginnings of, 132–35
Belinfante and, 316–19