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Love on the Ice: 7 (Werewolf Sentinels)

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by Chenery, Marisa

  Love on the Ice

  Marisa Chenery

  Book seven in the Werewolf Sentinels series.

  Carson lost the love of his life four years ago. As a mortal, he’d given Laci his heart. But then he went and screwed it all up. Now she’s back in Juneau—and he’s a werewolf sentinel. The moment he sees Laci again, his mating urge takes hold and he knows he must have her. In every way possible. To win her back, Carson must prove he’s worth more than a thrilling ride in bed. He’s worth forever.

  Laci decided her ex wasn’t going to keep her from the city where she’d been born and raised. She’s over him, after all. At least she thought so, until he touched her. She doesn’t want to risk her heart, but can’t resist her sexy ex.

  As Carson and Laci grow closer, the shifter side of Carson’s life is revealed before Laci is ready. And he has to hope their newfound relationship will be enough to help her accept the man he’s become.

  A Romantica® paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

  Love on the Ice

  Marisa Chenery

  Chapter One

  Carson walked into the Northern Lights Pub in Juneau, Alaska, and headed for an empty stool at the very end of the bar. He ordered a beer once the bartender came over.

  Sipping on the cold one, Carson turned on his seat and scanned the large, open room, looking to see if he knew anyone there. The pub was his regular watering hole, and before being turned into an immortal werewolf he’d gotten drunk there more than a few times. Now a sentinel, it would take a shit ton of alcohol for him to get in that condition, which just seemed like too much work these days.

  Not seeing anyone he was friends with, Carson figured staying at the bar was all right. He’d have a couple more beers then call it a night, even though one of the pretty women in the room was giving him a look that said she wouldn’t mind if he joined her and her friend at their table. He quickly shifted his gaze away before she took his staring for encouragement.

  Carson sighed to himself. In his old life, he would have gone over to talk to the woman and try to pick her up for the night. That was a thing of the past. Even though he liked to talk as if he were a ladies’ man with his wolf brothers, he was far from it. A few years back, he had been, but becoming a werewolf had changed that. It was too hard for him to hide what he was while he slept with a woman. He hadn’t become celibate. He only took a bed partner when he could no longer ignore his body’s needs, which luckily didn’t happen all that often.

  Plus, lately he found himself thinking of the one who’d gotten away more than he should. Four years ago, he’d thought he’d had a woman he wanted to spend his life with. That was before she up and left him without his getting the chance to pop the question. He drained the rest of his beer and turned toward the bar, signaling to the bartender that he wanted another.

  With a new cold one in hand, Carson shifted to look around the room once more. As he did so, the pub’s entrance door opened and a group of four women walked through. As if his musings had made her appear, the one he’d lost was among them. He sat up straighter, his grip tightening on the bottle he held. When had she returned to Juneau? She’d moved away a week after she’d broken up with him and he hadn’t seen her since.

  Carson couldn’t tear his gaze off Laci. She was still as gorgeous as ever with her long blonde hair that tumbled over her shoulders and her flashing brown eyes. Her body was just as slim and curvy as he remembered it. She really hadn’t changed a bit over the last four years. Seeing her stirred up all the old feelings he had for her, which proved to him he really hadn’t gotten over her.

  As the group walked farther into the pub, Carson watched Laci laugh at something one of her friends said. He used his keen werewolf sense of smell to filter her scent from the many, his wolf side needing to breathe it in.

  He took a lungful and had to reach back and grip the edge of the bar to keep from slipping off the stool as his mating urge came awake and slammed through him. Carson clenched his teeth to keep back the growl of need that rose inside him, threatening to break free. As he fought to act as if nothing had happened, he saw when Laci noticed him for the first time. All the animation left her face and her steps slowed. She didn’t look at all pleased to see him.

  Laci swore under her breath. Her first night back in Juneau, and as luck would have it, she had to run into him. She’d known it would happen eventually now that she’d moved back to the city she had at one time called home, but she’d hoped to avoid it as long as she could.

  “What’s the matter, Laci?” her friend Misty asked.

  “Look over at the bar, near the end.”

  Misty did as Laci said, then shook her head. “Oh, the dreaded encounter with the ex.”

  “Maybe we should go somewhere else.”

  Misty took hold of her arm and pulled her along after their two other friends Wendy and Angie. “No, we’re staying right here. If you leave, you’re telling Carson you haven’t gotten over him, that he still affects you.”

  Laci didn’t want him to think that. It had taken way too long for her to get over their breakup and move on with her life. She in no way wanted to encourage Carson. Their relationship was over, end of story.

  “What are you two going on about?” Angie asked.

  “I’m talking Laci into not leaving,” Misty replied.

  “We just got here. Why would she want to do that?”

  “What has her about ready to run is sitting over at the bar.”

  Both Angie and Wendy turned to look in that direction as they took a seat at the table they’d chosen. Laci made a point of sitting where her back would face Carson. She wasn’t going to take the chance of making eye contact with him.

  Wendy reached across the table and gave Laci’s hand a squeeze. “Don’t worry. We’re here for you. If he tries to come over, we’ll send him on his way again.”

  Laci smiled as the other two women nodded in agreement. She’d missed not being able to hang out with her three best friends. Afraid of running into Carson, she’d not come back to Juneau for a visit during her four years away. Misty, Angie and Wendy had visited her in Anchorage, but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t as if they could have gotten together every weekend.

  “Thanks,” Laci said, giving each woman a smile. “That means a lot. I guess I’ll stay.”

  “Good,” Misty said. “Now let’s order some drinks and fatty snack food.”

  Their waitress came over a few seconds later and they ordered drinks all around, along with some nachos and chicken wings. Laci knew Carson watched her. She felt his gaze on her back. During their year-and-a-half relationship, she’d always been able to sense when he was in the same room, even in crowded places. It seemed as if she still could. She didn’t know how she felt about that.

  They had their drinks and were digging into the food when Wendy sat up a little straighter in her chair. She looked at a spot over Laci’s shoulder. “He’s on his way over here,” Wendy said.

  Laci knew who “he” was. Carson. Her sense of awareness of him had increased, which meant he was getting closer. Determined to act as if it were no big deal, she remained where she was and didn’t turn in her seat to look at him. She kept her gaze focused on the glass of wine on the table in front of her that she had her hands wrapped around. Out of the corner of her left eye, Laci saw a pair of blue jeans come into view. Her grip tightened on her glass.

  “Hello, ladies,” Carson said in his deep voice.

  Angie, Wendy and Misty said hi back, but in a tone of voice that said they weren’t too pleased to see Carson. Laci didn’t say a thing.

  “No hello from you, Laci?” Carson asked. “It’s not as if we�
��re strangers or anything.”

  She couldn’t stop herself from turning her head in his direction, then looking up at him where he stood next to her chair. Carson really didn’t look any different from the last time she’d seen him. His dark-brown hair was just a little bit longer, but everything else about him was the same. Now aged thirty-two, he really didn’t look it. And he still took her breath away.

  “Hi, Carson,” Laci said slowly.

  “Can I join you?” Without waiting for a reply, Carson grabbed a chair from an empty table next to theirs and pushed it between Laci’s and Misty’s before he took a seat.

  “We didn’t invite you to sit down,” Angie said.

  Carson ignored her friend and focused his gaze on Laci. “It’s been a long time.”

  Laci looked into his hazel eyes and saw a mixture of hurt and longing. She swallowed, determined not to let it get to her. “Yeah, it has been.”

  “Carson, you need to leave,” Misty said. “We’re trying to have a girls’ night out.”

  “Why don’t you let Laci decide if she wants me to go?” Carson’s gaze didn’t waver from Laci.

  Seeing him again brought up all the memories of the good times they’d had together. And how much in love she’d been with him as well. Laci forcibly pushed those thoughts away. They would only lead her into trouble.

  “I don’t think this is such a good idea,” she finally said.

  “Well, I do. When did you come back to Juneau?”

  “This afternoon.”

  “For a visit?”

  Laci took a deep breath. She might as well tell Carson the truth since she doubted this would be the only time she saw him around the city. “No. I’m back to stay, not that it’s any of your business.”

  “Good. I need to talk to you.” Carson gave a meaningful glance toward her friends. “Alone.”

  “Not going to happen,” Wendy said. Angie and Misty nodded in agreement.

  Laci smiled. “It looks as if you’re outvoted.”

  “Too bad. We’re going to talk.”

  Carson took hold of Laci by her upper arm and tugged her to her feet. Her friends protested as he led her away from the table. She shook her head at them. There was no point in making a big scene, especially inside the pub. She’d let her ex have his say, then send him on his way.

  She kept quiet until they were outside and walking down the sidewalk. “I think this is far enough, Carson.”

  Carson stopped once they stood just inside the opening of the alley between the pub and the building next to it. “Now it is.”

  Laci pulled out of his grip and crossed her arms over her chest. “What the hell is all this about?”

  He stood in front of her and ran his gaze from the top of her head to the tip of her toes and back up again. It then locked on hers. The longing was back in his eyes, this time more intense. Despite the years that had passed since she’d broken up with him, and no matter how strongly she told herself she was over him, her body reacted. Her pussy clenched and an ache throbbed deep inside it. Laci was thankful she had her arms crossed over her breasts so Carson wouldn’t see how taut her nipples had become.

  Carson took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring the tiniest bit. He groaned. The sound was mixed with an almost animalistic growl. “Fuck it,” he said in a tight voice.

  He cupped her face in his large hands and brought his mouth down to hers. His lips moved hungrily over hers. Laci’s eyes fluttered shut as a wave of desire washed over her. She had to give it to Carson. He knew how to kiss a woman until her knees became weak. And the sex had been so good…

  Laci pulled her wits about her as Carson edged closer and pressed the length of his erection along her stomach. She wrenched her mouth away from his and yanked out of his hold. She put enough space between them so they no longer touched. The desire that had started to build inside her was swept away to be replaced with anger.

  She wiped her lips with the back of her hand as she glared at Carson. “Don’t do that again.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “Sorry. It’s just… Shit, why does this have to be so complicated?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s easy. Just keep your distance and everything will be fine.”

  Carson dropped his hand at his side and stared at her. “That’s the complicated part. I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t? I haven’t seen you in four years. I broke up with you, remember? There’s no way you can think a kiss will change that fact.”

  “Then what will?”

  “You can’t be serious. There is nothing you can do to make that happen.”

  Carson closed the distance between them again and sealed his lips over hers. More than annoyed, Laci put her hands on his chest and shoved him away with all her might.

  “Same old Carson,” she said with anger lacing her words. “You think sex will fix anything, make all our arguments go away. Not this time. And before you can ask, I didn’t move back to Juneau for you. It did it so I’d be close to my family again. I was done having to feel as if I could no longer live in the same city as you. I won’t let you get to me like that anymore.”

  “I’m not the same. Believe me, I’m nowhere near what I used to be like when we were together. I’ve changed in ways you can’t even guess.” Carson paused and met her gaze. “I want us to start over again. I want another chance.”

  Laci laughed with no real humor. “No. Once was enough.” She backed toward the sidewalk. “Let it go, Carson. For both our sakes.”

  She turned on her heel and walked away. She didn’t look back. Even though she knew her turning Carson down was for the best, it didn’t stop her from feeling the hollow space inside her heart where he’d once been.

  Carson watched Laci go. He was so fucked it wasn’t even funny. It just figured she would be the only woman in the entire world to set off his mating urge. He’d known they were good together when he’d been mortal, but now there was no denying the fact she was meant to be his.

  He sighed, then headed out of the alley. Once he hit the sidewalk he looked for Laci, but she was nowhere in sight. She’d more than likely returned to the pub and her friends. Carson didn’t think it would be a good idea if he went inside again. He wanted to desperately, though. The two short kisses he’d stolen from Laci brought the remembered taste of her to the forefront of his mind. He remembered how it had felt to have her in his arms, making love to her, sinking his dick into her wet, welcoming body over and over. Said appendage, which was already hard, and had been since his mating urge had come to life, jerked inside his jeans.

  He had no idea how to make things better between him and his mate. Their past relationship had ended badly. Carson knew part of the problem had been him. Laci was right, he had thought sex would fix just about anything. And that being the case, he’d stopped listening to her when she was upset about something. Today he was able to see how immature he’d been back then.

  Before being turned by his sister’s mate Wachei, Carson wouldn’t have given a second thought to getting Laci back. Now as a werewolf, a sentinel, it added a new spin on things. Unlike his wolf brothers, he didn’t have to let his mate get to know him before taking steps to claim her. Hell, Laci knew him all too well. It was the new part of him he was afraid she’d have a hard time with.

  He walked past the pub and continued on to where he’d parked his SUV. He shouldn’t worry about that right now. He first had the bigger problem of getting Laci over what had happened four years ago. The only promising thing was he still turned her on. He’d smelled the scent of her arousal when he’d kissed her.

  Carson got into his vehicle and drove away. He’d have to work on a game plan when it came to Laci. First and foremost he had to find out where she was living and maybe a phone number where he could contact her. He already knew who he was going to enlist to help him—his sister Eryn. She and Laci had become pretty close before the breakup, and Eryn had even become friends with some of Laci�
��s girlfriends. Not the three in the pub, but some other women Laci had known. Maybe his little sister would have more luck than he would.

  Chapter Two

  The following morning Carson was at the home of his pack. He didn’t bother knocking and walked inside. After being turned, he’d chosen not to live with his wolf brothers. He was too used to staying on his own. The place was already crowded enough without him living there. And now that Cassidy and Edensaw, his alpha and his mate, were to have a baby very soon, it was best Carson kept his own apartment.

  “Hello?” he called as he closed the front door behind him. A quick sniff told him all the residents of the house were home.

  “We’re in the kitchen,” his sister called back.

  Carson walked to that room and saw Wachei, Eryn, Edensaw and Cassidy sitting at the table. Wren, the newest member of their pack, was with them as well. She’d been born a werewolf, but had allowed Capac to bite her in his dire wolf form, thus making her the first mixed of their kind. All the male members of his pack could turn mortals and werewolves in that way, Carson included.

  “Hey, brother mine,” Eryn said. “There’s a fresh pot of coffee if you want some.”

  He nodded, got himself a clean mug and poured some into it. Once he fixed it the way he liked he joined the others at the table, taking the empty chair next to Eryn.

  Carson looked over at Cassidy. “How goes the baby-making business today?”

  His alpha’s mate smiled. “Good. I had a few bouts of false labor last night. The midwife thinks I’ll go any time now.”

  He set his gaze on Wren. “Are you still sleeping on the couch?”

  Wren had set her sights on Ryder, their shaman. So far Ryder hadn’t been going along with it. But that didn’t put her off any. She’d staked her claim and that was that as far as she was concerned.

  “Yes,” Wren said with a shake of her head. “Ryder continues to be stubborn and won’t let me sleep in his room with him. I know he’s under a lot of stress right now, so I’m not going to push too hard.”


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