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The Wand-Maker's Debate: Osric's Wand: Book One

Page 9

by Jack D. Albrecht Jr.

  After a short time had passed, they were flying again, their spirits high. Each time they stopped, they took turns keeping an eye on Pebble to insure he didn't go with Kenneth anytime he left the camp. The only way they knew to avoid the horrific carnage of the vision was to prevent the events leading up to it from occurring.

  The next four days passed uneventfully, and they occupied their time combing through everything Gus knew on the subject of wand-making. Osric entertained them with stories of the eagle filled dreams he was having. Pebble kept them all guessing at his game, and Osric and Kenneth practiced their sword play and marksmanship in the evenings. They would run through their drills meticulously, then swap weapons to maintain proficiency with both Osric's short sword and the heavier long sword Kenneth carried. They were both surprised at how quickly Osric was improving with his bow. Truthfully, he had never been bad at it, but Kenneth was having to utilize his Hunter gift just to out shoot him.

  As they traveled further east, the scenery passing beneath them changed progressively. The dense trees thinned as they approached the Diutinus River and left them crossing the immense stretch of plains on the far side of its eastern bank. After two days of the monotonous grasslands, they came within sight of snowcapped mountain peaks, and the terrain became more rocky and the vegetation more varied. They veered south, skirting the edge of the mountain range and avoiding the mountain troll tribes known to reside there, preying on careless travelers and poorly defended trade caravans. Each night, Greyback would locate a suitable campsite, and they would make their descent back to solid ground. They had covered a great distance, making good time, and Osric expected that they would have enough supplies to reach Barlington. He and Kenneth hunted regularly in the evenings to supplement their foodstuffs, and from Osric's calculations they would reach the coastal city to resupply within the week.

  Their long days in the air were filled mostly by Gus telling stories of his travels over the years. They were still hoping he would think of something from his experiences that would bring light to the mysteries of the prophecy. Every now and then, he would get sidetracked on some explanation of how he had gained certain knowledge and techniques of wand-making, such as where to put the point of constriction, or how thick to make the magical shaft.

  On a particularly off topic day, he had said something that made Osric curious as to why he had such a bad relationship with Eni. Gus was sitting at the base of Greyback's neck, straddling the area between the spikes where Osric and Kenneth secured their swords. He used the position often during conversations. It provided him with just enough height to be seen and heard, and Gus loved to be the center of attention.

  “So, what caused you two to have such hatred toward each other?” Osric's curiosity got the better of him.

  Gus' answer was full of anger and bitterness as he growled, “Eni is an old dimwit. He is a couple years older than I, and thinks that makes him wiser.” Gus waggled his claw in the air, punctuating the absurdity of that assumption. “He fails to explore the craft of wand making, and insists that the theory he has been taught is the only way.” He shook his head to express distaste for such a narrow minded way of thinking.

  “So there are different theories to wand making?” Bridgett inquired while Pebble snuggled in her arms, more interested in her attention than the conversation.

  “Oh yes, many different thoughts and theories on that particular subject,” Gus said, “and that is where our differences started.”

  “Your hatred is because of wand theory?” Osric probed.

  “Yes, and over a specific wand theory as well.” Gus stated with a serious expression. “The most highly debated Wand-Maker's theory, to be honest.”

  “I heard about that.” Kenneth jumped in excitedly. “That's where some Wand-Makers think you can make a wand do its own magic, right?”

  “Well, yes and no,” Gus said, “but that is the common belief. So I will have to forgive your doltishness for now.” He said in a jab, not just at Kenneth, but at all who spread that story. “It is, in fact, a belief among many of us Wand-Makers that you can,” He paused, searching for the right words, “bind different abilities to the magical structure of a wand, without the presence of a stone or amulet. This would then endow that ability to the carrier of the wand.”

  “That's it!” Osric shouted.

  “No, it is not.” Gus replied with such vehemence that it silenced Osric in mid-sentence. “Now, I am a believer in this line of thought, but as much as I want it to be true, there has not been a breakthrough in this area. If I had made such a wand, I would most definitely be able to see it in the wand's magical structure.” Gus motioned at the wand Osric held in his hand. “Believe me, I would love to see it.”

  The pleading tone of his voice made Osric furrow his brow with frustration. He looked to the faces of everyone on board for help, but each one seemed to be battling their own confusion. They each knew that there had to be a connection, even though he had not noticed anything except the power growth from Bridgett's amulet. Somehow, the controversial theory must explain the wand in the prophecy. Pebble was the only one who did not seem to be searching his memory for a way to tie it all together.

  “Is there any way that it could just be hidden from you?” Osric begged Gus to give him some kind of hope, an answer, anything to help resolve the mystery. Gus raised an eyebrow.

  “That is another yes, and no.” He said, holding up his finger to silence Osric's attempt to charge in again with more questions. “That is where the unicorns come into this conversation.” He said, nodding in Bridgett's direction.

  “What do the unicorns have to do with wand-making?” She asked, sitting up straighter in her seat.

  “That's the thing, I have no idea.” Gus stated, unapologetically. “I am convinced that they hold the key, and their involvement so far is what has me believing you are right, Osric.” Osric and Bridgett exchanged intrigued looks, wondering where Gus might take the conversation next. “I have told you that Wand-Makers can observe the magical strands within us all, right?” They nodded in response, not wanting to interrupt. “Well, with the unicorns, it's different.”

  “Different?” Kenneth asked, “How so?”

  “When I look within one of you, I can see your gift like an orb; much the same as I see within your amulet.” He motioned towards Bridgett. “When a Wand-Maker looks within a unicorn, the strands, the orbs, they're all cloudy.” Gus replied, with a pained look on his face. “And not like fog on water, it's like it was deliberately distorted.”

  “Are you suggesting that the unicorns purposely deceive us?” Bridgett's eyes narrowed at the offensive nature of Gus' comment, though she spoke softly as Pebble was fast asleep in her arms.

  “Not at all, my dear, concealing something is very different from deceiving.” Gus said with a shrug. “After all, they may be concealing things from us for good reason.”

  “So, what makes you think they conceal things?” Kenneth asked. “Isn't it possible that their magic is just beyond the abilities of Wand-Makers to view?”

  “This is the point where our story comes full circle. I traveled to the village of Er'amar when I was young and still learning my craft.” Gus smiled at Kenneth as he began. “That is where all who are serious in their pursuit of crafting wands go to study. I was gathering sticks in a small field,” he grew excited at the memory of his youth, and his paws waved about frantically as he spoke, “when I saw a small group of unicorns. I had heard stories from one of my instructors about the unicorns. Stories of secrets she thought they held within them, and I wanted to discover them all for myself. So, I activated my gift and slowly made my way toward them. From such a great distance, I could make out very little, but I could tell that there was something within them that I had never seen. I crept slowly and quietly; the closer I got, the better I could see. There were tremendous wonders inside of them, still just out of sight. They possessed magical abilities that I just had to catch a glimpse of. Then, when I was with
in a stride or two of being able to make everything out, they each clouded up, just like that!” He said, as he clapped his paws together, obviously frustrated. “Then they all turned, and looked directly at me, as if to ask if I enjoyed the show!”

  Osric's jaw hung slack as he wondered what the unicorns could be hiding from the other races. Bridgett held Pebble a little tighter, disturbed by what she had heard, but unable to deny that the unicorns were often secretive.

  Gus sighed, and continued with a somber tone, “I shared what I saw with my fellow Wand-Makers, and Eni was among them.” His pitch rose steadily as he related the encounter. “He called me crazy. Said that I made the whole thing up to make myself out to be better than the rest of them. Ever since then, he has done everything in his power to oppose me.” Gus clenched his paw into a fist and his face grew angry. “I think he hunted my wife just to deprive me of the old wench's company!”

  “Oh's neat! Look's at the birdies!” Pebble had roused from his nap, and he spoke with such innocent enthusiasm that it cut through the tension as he giggled. Everyone found themselves laughing with him until the levity fell from Osric's face. His pupils dilated, his muscles tensed, and he felt as though his skin boiled without heat.

  “Greyback! Dive!” Osric shouted, and reached toward his sword.

  Greyback looked up and spotted an eagle diving toward them. Bridgett grasped Pebble tightly, and Gus grabbed for the nearest spike to hold on to.

  As Greyback began to bank to the left and dive, Osric stretched as far as he could, but the straps holding him in his seat were too tight, and his fingers could only brush the hilt of his sword. Just then, a large, black eagle collided with Greyback's right wing as it swooped down toward them out of the clouds. It sent them spinning toward the ground. Greyback fought to regain control, but her wing had been badly injured by the collision.

  “No! You fool!” A voice shouted from high above them. Seconds stretched into an eternity in their uncontrollable fall.

  Suddenly, they were right side up again. Osric twisted in his seat to be sure everyone was accounted for. Pebble was giggling in Bridgett's arms, asking if they could do it again. He turned back and looked with fear at the spot where Gus had been standing; he was not there.

  “Don't you dare eat him!” Came the voice again, but closer and from their right side. “Bring him right back up here this instant! Don't you ever listen? We don't hunt walkers, and never hunt anyone on a dragon!” The voice came from a large eagle, roughly the same size as Greyback. He was gliding on huge black wings and white feathers crowned his head. He had stabilized their flight somehow, and supporting Greyback's right wing with his left one.

  “I hate to trouble you, feathered friend, but I must land. I am afraid my wing is broken.” Greyback said with surprising politeness. Short, pained gasps of air could be heard as she spoke to the eagle, “I would be grateful for any assistance, if my passengers would allow me to land?”

  “Of course you can land.” Bridgett spoke quickly. Osric was amazed that she would feel the need to ask.

  “Our aerie is just at the top of that mountain. Can you climb?” Asked the eagle, motioning to the east. A dark shadow covered them, slightly smaller than the body of the dragon, causing them all to duck in fear of another attack. Osric breathed a sigh of relief as Gus was dropped in his lap.

  “No, my injury is too great, I cannot climb. I am afraid I cannot stay in the air for long.” Gus struggled out of Osric's hands while yelling insults at the smaller eagle for not eating him. “I could make it to the clearing ahead, next to the tall oak and stream. I think that will be a large enough area to land in, don't you?” No one wanted to interrupt their conversation. Although she had just been injured by an eagle, she spoke to him with great respect, and he seemed to reciprocate the emotion. Though, whether or not that translated to her passengers, nobody wished to test while strapped into their seats.

  “But, we were supposed to be hunting!” Protested the younger eagle, whining in frustration.

  “Silence is your best option right now. We will talk later!” Shouted the bigger of the two birds. They began their short descent to the ground, landing awkwardly in a large field surrounded by oak trees.

  9 – The Caves of D'pareth

  The landing had caused Greyback even more pain. What at first had been a typical break became two protruding bones, yet very little blood. The larger of the two eagles began to examine Greyback's wounds. Osric and Kenneth gently removed the equipment from her back.

  “You need to go get help! Bring her transport and aid to carry her passengers!” Bellowed the large eagle to the smaller one. The younger eagle let out a frustrated squawk and flew northeast toward their home. “I am sorry, but I must insist. We have Healers experienced in these types of wounds.”

  “Oh? You try to hunt passengers often, do you?” Puffed Gus, glowering at the eagle. “Some kind of sport for you eagles, is it?”

  “What is your name, friend?” The eagle addressed Greyback, completely ignoring Gus.


  “I am known as Ero.” He replied with a bow. “I have help on the way. Do not worry; we will take care of your passengers.” Ero stated, looking at each of them with his large golden eyes, and motioning toward them with his head, to tell her that they would be alright. “We will have you all brought to our aerie. Our Healers can have you mended as soon as possible.”

  “So's we can see more birdies?” Pebble was bouncing with excitement.

  “Yes, we will see more birds.” Gus barked. “If you're lucky, they won't just eat you!”

  While they waited, Bridgett and Ero tended to the broken wing, while Gus soothed and distracted Greyback. Kenneth and Osric organized their gear to be transported by the eagles. Osric checked the crates and let out a slow whistle.

  “We have a problem.” Osric sat down on top of the box. “All of our supplies are gone.”

  “Yes, of course they are. We were upside down twice before I fell off of the dragon, you idiot!” Shouted Gus. “What did you expect?”

  “Osric, it's Toby, do you have a minute?”

  Osric was startled by the voice emanating from his wand. He took it out of its leather pouch and held it up in front of him, and could see his Profice's miniature figure standing in midair above it.

  “Toby, do you have any news?” Osric was eager to hear of more survivors, hoping that some of his superiors were among them. It would make him feel better to at least have one of them tell him he was doing what they would have asked.

  “We have uncovered another twelve survivors in the last week, but we still cannot get to the throne room. We are finding less and less whole walls as we uncover more, and we are having a hard time preventing cave-ins. It is making the whole rescue process slow and labor intensive. Our stabilizing spells can only do so much.” Toby said apologetically.

  They continued their conversation for a time, as Toby explained the issues they were encountering with the removal of the rubble from above the throne room. Soon, Osric could see eagles arriving to take them to their aerie, so Osric ended their conversation, but asked him to contact him again when they uncovered more. Kenneth and Bridgett assisted him as he loaded their gear on one eagle, then they all climbed aboard another, and watched as Greyback was ferried off by four more.

  They watched the large oak trees fade into the distance as they gained altitude. Soon they could see that they were approaching cliffs with several thousand large nests nestled in the crags of the rocky ledges. The nests were woven from branches and vines. Osric got the impression that a single gust of wind would topple them from their precarious perch on the rocks, but the varying signs of weathering and wear on the branches showed they had been in place for a very long time.

  The eagles landed on a wide ledge in the center of the nesting colony. The space had looked a lot smaller from the air; however, upon landing they were awestruck by its spacious width. The eagles unloaded the passengers and their gear and flew of
f in silence. They were only a few strides below the tree line and the temperature had decreased dramatically. Osric watched his breath float away in the bitterly cold air. One thing was certain; they could not sleep outside without cover. Osric could see the same thought in the eyes of his friends. Even Pebble and Gus, with their fur pelts, seemed to feel it as much as the rest. Osric decided he would have to do something about it since they had seemingly been abandoned by their escort.

  He informed the group of his intentions and set out to locate Ero, but it was no easy task. There were thousands of eagles about, and none looked happy to see a man walking among them. It was an odd thing for Osric to see. He had encountered many different species in Stanton, but the eagles were colder toward them than the mountain air. After all of the recent efforts to bring the world to the brink of unification, it was unnerving to experience their negativity at such a crucial point in history. He continued cautiously around several nests that would be large enough for Greyback to coil up in. He had to climb over sharp rocks to reach adjacent ledges, and was quickly feeling the effects of the thin air at such a high altitude.

  “Hold still, my cousin.” Osric could hear Ero's voice from somewhere nearby, and he heard Greyback moaning as well, but could see neither of them. “We need to set the bone or it will not heal properly.”

  Osric crossed to the next ledge and came up behind a large gathering of eagles. Their attention was focused on Ero and Greyback, and it did not take long to get around them. Osric arrived just in time to watch them set the bone, with the aid of some very thick, leather straps. He looked on in curiosity as Healers wrapped her wing in a fibrous material, and when they were done, Ero knelt down and touched the material and it instantly became like stone.


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