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The Wand-Maker's Debate: Osric's Wand: Book One

Page 14

by Jack D. Albrecht Jr.

  “So, walk me through the spells you have been practicing here. How do you go about casting them?” Kenneth was certain that they could figure those out, at least. That would surely give some hope to their journey.

  “Well, I have no information to go off of, so I just, say it.” Osric shrugged his shoulders to emphasize how lost he really was on the subject.

  “That's it? You just speak it?”

  “Well, if I had any idea where to begin, I could try different approaches, but that is what Ero did, so that is where I started.” Osric shrugged again.

  “Alright, let me ask you this. In the outpost in Stanton, when you summoned your sword belt, how did you do that?” Kenneth thought he was on to something, but he wanted to test the theory.

  “I don't see what one has to do with the other. We are talking about spoken spells now, that is wand technique you are asking about.” Osric didn't know where he was going with his line of questioning, but he could see excitement in Kenneth's eyes.

  “Yes, but they are both magic!” Kenneth smiled broadly and could barely contain his enthusiasm. “How do you summon an item with your wand?”

  “I cast the spell by telling it where to go with my mind. How does that apply here? I'm not using a wand.” Osric suspected Kenneth had an idea, but he was not catching on.

  Kenneth arched an eyebrow. That was the answer he had been hoping for. That was the same process he used, and he imagined it was the same process for everyone. Is it possible that all magic is that closely related? Kenneth thought to himself. Only one way to find out! Kenneth looked down at a large rock that lay beside the pond, but he was sure it would work and the nearest gauper was a much more tempting target.

  “Extollo!” Kenneth spoke with authority.

  A gauper rose slowly out of the water until it could look Kenneth in the eye. Anticipation flushed Osric's face as he waited with hope. The gauper held its place and did not move but for the thrashing of the tail and fins, its gills seeking water to take a breath. Kenneth sat with a smile on his face and watched as it tried to swim in midair. Osric's excitement could hardly be contained, but he gave Kenneth a moment to enjoy his victory.

  “Demitto!” Kenneth spoke again, and the gauper dropped back into the water.

  “How did you do that?!” Osric shouted with joy at a grinning Kenneth as he slapped his hands hard on the open book in his lap.

  Only Kenneth's fear–filled expression indicated his mistake. A glint of reflected light hit his eyes and he realized what he had done. Time seemed to slow as Osric frantically reached up to grab the vial from the air, as it spun out and away from his body. Through his panic, he felt his gift activate, forcing a calming sensation through him that told him something good was about to happen. He tried to ignore it as he grasped for the vial that was falling rapidly toward the ground.

  It brushed his fingertips as it fell out of his reach. Out of desperation, Osric attempted to cushion the fall with his boot, and it arrived in time but much too quickly, sending the vial directly into a rock. The vial split in two and fell into the water a few strides away. Osric flung the book to the safe, dry ground to his right and ran into the water. I have got to save some of it! Osric thought, as he searched the bottom of the pond for signs of broken glass.

  Kenneth joined him and began to help in the search. Rocks and sand were the only things their fingers were finding. Though it was not yet night, very little light penetrated the cave they occupied. Light was exactly what they needed right then.

  “Ow!” Osric shouted, as he pulled a bloody hand out of the water, grasping a piece of broken glass. “I've got one. The other one is over here somewhere!” He indicated with his other hand the area where the second half had entered the water.

  The search continued, but Osric kept the injured hand holding half of the vial out of the water so he could check it later. His gift still forced a calm upon him, but he was sure that would not help him right then, and resisted. They searched on hands and knees for a few moments more, and it felt like an eternity.

  “Got it!” Kenneth shouted, as he pulled his hands out slowly so as not to disturb any contents that may have remained inside.

  They crawled out of the water carefully as they cradled the broken vial in their hands and tried to gently dry them on their wet clothing without emptying the contents. Osric's Portentist gift began to subside.

  “Grab the book, we need to get out into the light and hope we see the substance is still there!” Osric shouted, as he took the other half of the vial from Kenneth, who quickly grabbed the book.

  They ran as swiftly as they could without spilling the contents of the vial. Wet rocks where water dripped down, and the stalagmites and columns that rose up from the ground, made them cautious to watch their footing. By the time they reached the small opening that led to the cavern with the waterfalls, they were fighting to catch their breath. Osric was glad to see that the sun was still sending shafts of light through the holes in the ceiling, but they needed direct light and couldn't stop there. Kenneth led the way up the steps, and they bolted down the corridor, startling two eagles who were headed toward them. Sunlight broke through the dark as they entered the chamber outside their quarters and they slid to a stop on the ledge at the entrance to the caves.

  It was even colder than when they had arrived and winter had officially set in as snow covered the landscape below them. The snow reflected the bright light and they squinted as they examined the contents of the broken vial.

  “I think I see some! Right there!” Kenneth pointed to a small formation that clung to the inside of the bottom half of the vial. “Pour the water out slowly! Quick, so it doesn't dissolve!”

  “Alright, Archana help me now!” Osric tipped the vial carefully to allow the water to drain without losing the soggy substance. Once the water had flowed out through his fingers, he exhaled in relief. It was less than a quarter of its original mass, but it was there.

  “Oh, thank Archana!” Kenneth exclaimed.

  Kenneth and Osric exchanged nervous looks while they continued to examine the contents until they were satisfied that it was not just mud from the bottom of the pond. He shook the remnants from the side of the vial so that they settled back to the bottom of the glass.

  “We should probably get back inside, and dry this by the fire.” Kenneth eyed the storm clouds that were rolling toward them over the top of the mountain peaks.

  “Good idea. Come on, let's go.” Osric agreed, with one quick look at the sky. The last thing they needed was more moisture added to that vial.

  As they entered their sleeping chamber, it was clear that they had some explaining to do.

  “Archana burn me! What have you two got yourselves into today?” Gus shouted out with a grimace.

  “Are you two all right?” Bridgett looked with concern at their wet, muddy clothes and Osric's expression of anguish. “What happened to the pair of you?”

  Osric stared into her eyes, afraid to admit the mistake he had made. He stood silently trying to find a way to explain. Kenneth, however, did not hesitate to launch into the tale, but the story he told was one that Osric had not witnessed.

  “We figured out the spell.” Kenneth spoke in Gus' direction in an apologetic tone. “I gave it a try, and it worked, I lifted a huge boulder. Osric explained to me that he just had to hold a location in his head first, and the object wouldn't bounce off the ceiling.” He had a sorrowful look on his face as he continued. “But, I was so excited that I thought of Osric when I spoke the counter spell, and the boulder crashed into the rocks at his feet.” He glanced at Osric for reinforcement, but he had no idea where Kenneth was going with the story.” Osric was knocked into the water, and I jumped in to help him out. Only, I didn't realize he had dropped the vial when he fell, and I stepped on it.” Kenneth hung his head in an exemplary show of shame.

  All eyes in the chamber were locked on him. Even Pebble seemed shocked at the news and stopped playing with the eagle feathers he had c
ollected to listen. Gus was scowling like a hungry drogma watching its dinner swim away. Nobody had a chance to speak before Kenneth continued without pause.

  “Osric thought fast, and got me to help him find it, but it had split in half. Lucky for us, he managed to save some of the contents with his quick reaction.” Kenneth spoke rapidly, and then patted Osric on the shoulder.

  Osric was stunned. Kenneth had taken his place in the fire. The story was essentially the same, but Kenneth had completely switched roles with him in the telling. He sent a silent look of gratitude towards his best friend. He wasn't sure how, but he would make it up to Kenneth.

  “Oh, thank Archana you saved it!” Bridgett laid her hand on Osric's arm and gazed at the broken vial. She lifted it from his hand and looked within, amazement and concern in her eyes as she witnessed how much was left. “Let's hope it is enough.”

  “Fools do foolish things and you thank them for it? Would you like your unity ceremony now?” Gus shouted at the two of them. “Holding his hand like a little girl! They could have just ruined the chance of spoken spells being understood for the whole world and you get weak in the knees?”

  “Don't need's it no more.” Pebble giggled and began twirling the feathers in the air again. Nobody listened to the nonsense of his words; as they were too busy arguing amongst themselves.

  “You want to be hunted that badly? I can take care of that right now.” Kenneth shouted back at Gus.

  Osric was furious that Gus was still attacking him, in spite of the story Kenneth had told.

  “Why are you attacking me? Did you listen to what he said?” Osric demanded, stepping in between Gus and Kenneth.

  “Makes no difference who is at fault, the teacher or the student. Obviously your instructions were not good enough!” Gus' anger intensified and he had no reservations about showing it.

  “What is it that you have against me, old man?” Osric asked him, in as calm a voice as he could muster. He removed his sword belt and wand pouch. If this is what I must do to get some decent treatment out of him, then I will do it. “If you must examine me to be happy, then go ahead, you bitter fool. You would make better use of your time figuring out the wand and the prophecy.”

  Osric disrobed, evoking astonished gasps from Bridgett and Kenneth. He wanted no excuse for Gus to think he was hiding anything, so he piled his clothes and equipment in the corner. Then he stood in front of Gus, naked and without shame.

  “There are better ways to impress a lady.” Kenneth shot Bridgett an exaggerated smile.

  “Well?” Osric asked, as Kenneth scooped up Pebble and ushered Bridgett out of the chamber. “Are you just going to stare, or can we get this over with?”

  Gus stood in shock as he thought about all the times they had quarreled about the inevitable. Was the boy really giving up so easily? Gus had expected to feel triumphant when he was finally able to inspect Osric with his gift, but seeing Osric standing naked before him in anger and defiance, he felt hollow and a little guilty for his behavior.

  Gus activated his gift as he began to walk around Osric. From the side, he could see his Portentist gift at the back of his head just above his neck, the bright purple glow of that orb was one he had witnessed on many occasions. Just as he had expected, there were more gifts as well. What looked like the beginnings of the Empath gift hovered in yellow crescent shapes near his ears. That is Bridgett's gift! He thought to himself. Toward the back of his head was a red orb that he had only witnessed in the eagles. That must be the Chronicleer gift. One small blue sphere sat beside it and that one he recognized as the See–er gift. Two orange orbs in his shoulders linked with a third and forth in the back of his head, above and below the Portentist gift. They were joined by thin strands of magic fibers that wove their way through his body. The Hunter gift? Gus was shocked to see two green orbs in Osric's eyes that were fully developed. The boy has the Wand–Maker gift as well!

  As if things were not already as far from normal as he had ever seen; Gus stood gaping at Osric's forehead. Even through his gift he could see that Osric was beginning to shift uncomfortably at the length of the stare. I have never seen this gift! Gus looked at it with an intensity that he rarely used. A large silver sphere hovered behind his eyes. It was strange, but there had to be a way to reason it out.

  “Happy yet, or should I sleep naked for you as well?” Osric had had about as much of the cold air as he could handle and walked away. “Any more examining you want to do, you can do with my clothes on.”

  Osric pulled his clothes back on and called out to Kenneth and Bridgett that it was safe to enter. Kenneth peered around the corner tentatively, and then led Bridgett and Pebble back into the chamber. Gus stood in awe, and Osric regarded him with a cool stare. He hoped that Gus would stop attacking him, and start actually trying to help him.

  “Well?” Kenneth probed and Bridgett looked at Gus with anticipation.

  Gus stood still, watching Osric as he set to making a fire for the evening. Dinner would be brought to them soon, and he would prefer to be warm while he ate. Gus could not take his eyes off of him, and he was not sure how to tell them what he had found.

  “I am sure he saw what I told you. I have the Chronicleer gift, as well as my Portentist gift, but he doesn't know how and neither do I.” Osric was tired of Gus staring at him in silence and answered Kenneth himself.

  “So much more than just those two. He has every gift in this room.” Gus finally spoke with a grave look upon his face. “In fact, he has a gift I have never seen before.”

  Everyone's eyes settled on Osric as he dropped the log he was about to add to the fire and his head jerked up at Gus' last statement.

  “One you have never seen?” Bridgett inquired.

  “Yes.” Gus confirmed the question, the look of awe still on his face. “He really is the most powerful wizard to ever walk Archana.”

  Silence filled the room, and they each gazed around at the others, trying to make sense of what Gus had seen, or think of an explanation for the new gift.

  Kenneth suddenly shouted out, startling everyone, “The book!” He ran and grabbed the book from under Osric's sword and wand still lying on the ground. “Osric, open it!” He spoke excitedly as he handed the book to Osric.

  “The book is blank, Kenneth! You were looking at it with me by the pond.” Osric exclaimed.

  “Os, trust me. I think I know what the gift that Gus has never seen before must be, just open it.” He knew he was right, and he needed Osric to see it too.

  “Alright, but I'm telling you, it's still bla…” Osric's voice trailed off as he opened the book. Words were scrawled in careless handwriting across every page. The age and dust that had worn the cover and the edges of the pages did not touch the writing.

  13 – Rubble and Rumors

  Toby glanced up from the papers he was signing and noticed light behind the curtains of the one small window in the room. He couldn't believe it was morning; he had worked through the night and felt like he had accomplished nothing. Toby threw his quill down on the desk and ran his hands over his smooth head. Two weeks! He had been supervising the cleanup and rescue efforts on the palace for over two weeks! They had found a few more survivors, but no leads or evidence to support Osric in his case against the irua. He had suffered a pounding headache for days, and there didn't seem to be any relief in sight. The Wizardly Union had sent a few men to assist him in his efforts, what a farce! All they had done was heap piles of paper work on the Contege's desk that required his immediate attention, courteously remind him that there was nothing more he could do at the palace grounds, and suggest that perhaps he should get some rest. He had spent more time bottled up in the Contege's temporary office in the barracks over the past two weeks than he had spent at the palace itself. Toby wanted nothing more than to go home and spend time with his family. He hadn't tucked his son into bed in days, and he knew his wife was worried. That is exactly why he had never wanted the position, but with Osric off flying around on dra
gons, he was left to clean up the mess.

  He was sure if he had to sign another Requisition for Labor and Supplies Approval, or fill out one more Ledger of Use of Union Magical Abilities, he would tear out his mustache. Out of frustration, Toby stood up quickly, pushing away from the desk hard enough that his chair tumbled over into the bookshelf behind him. He bent down to retrieve the toppled books, anxious to get back to the palace as they must be getting close to uncovering the majority of the throne room, and the familiar handwriting scrawled across an open page caught his eye. He had worked closely with Thamas for seven years; he would recognize his writing anywhere, but he had never seen the man write in a journal. Toby picked up the tattered, leather bound book and sat heavily back in his chair. Why would Contege Thamas have a journal in the Records Room of the barracks?

  Toby thumbed through the book and realized that it was not exactly a personal journal. There were lists of various items and names, followed by a few sentences or paragraphs of Thamas' thoughts on the following pages. Some of the entries were merely a few weeks apart, and others had a span of two years between their neatly written dates at the top of each page. Toby flipped back to the first page in the journal;

  Seventeenth day ~ Third month ~ Twenty second year of Turgent Bartholo's Rule.

  I, Thamas, Contege of the Stanton Vigiles, have noticed an irregularity in the practices and procedures regarding new Vigile recruits. These irregularities have occurred over the past two years while I have occupied the position of Contege, and I can only assume, prior to my promotion. I feel it is necessary to document these discrepancies to assure my memory is complete and accurate in the event I am ever questioned about them. As I cannot recall in detail the dates and names of those involved leading up to today, I will record events as they occur in the future. Archana willing, this will be my last entry…


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