Back To Country (Country Love #4)

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Back To Country (Country Love #4) Page 5

by Vicki Green

  The long day and night finally catches up to me, my body slumps in the chair and my eyes grow heavy. Knowin’ Manuel is out of surgery, close to me in the bed, I allow my eyes to close. Maybe with a small recharge, I’ll be better to handle things when he gets moved to a regular room. Just a little nap will do me wonders.

  “Mr. Harris?”

  My eyes snap open, alarm and worry envelopin’ me instantly. The nurse I’d followed here is hoverin’ over me but with a smile on her face. “Sorry to disturb you but we’re gettin’ ready to take Mr. Gonzales up to his regular room. I thought you’d want to come with us.” I nod, sittin’ up and rubbin’ my sleep filled eyes as she walks over to his bed. I have no idea how long I’ve slept, but it doesn’t feel like it’s been nearly enough. Slowly, I stand and walk to the other side of the small room, givin’ them ample space to get him ready to move him.

  I watch as she unhooks all the wires from the monitors he’s attached to. Lookin’ at the doorway, I see two nurses walk inside the room, a woman and a male. “We’re just gonna take him up in this bed and then transfer him into the bed in his new room. You can follow us,” the nurse who originally brought me here tells me. I look at the name tag pinned to her shirt. Candace. She seems real nice. By the time they get him ready and move him out of the room, I’m fully awake and follow them. It’s a short ride in the elevator and a small walk to his new room.

  Once I’d arrived at the hospital, I had explained who I am to Manuel and that I’d be payin’ all his expenses and when the time came, he was to be placed in a private room. They didn’t disappoint. The room we walk into is rather large, two windows on one side, nice TV hangin’ from the wall across from the bed. There’s a sofa, a coffee table, and a round table with chairs around it on the other side. There’s even a recliner sittin’ off to the side of the bed and a nightstand. What I didn’t expect was to see two large bouquets of flowers already in the room. One sittin’ in the middle of the round table and one on top of the wide window ledge in the middle of the two windows. Who could have sent him flowers already not even knowin’ his room number? As the nurses move him into his new bed, I walk over to the flowers on the table and pick up the card attached to what looks like a long plastic pitch fork in the middle.

  Get well quick, Manuel!

  Your friends,

  Trevor and Prie MacKay

  Prie. Of course. I can’t help but smile, the first real one I’ve felt since Bart told me Manuel was hurt. But how did she know where to have them delivered? I turn to walk over to the windows to see who sent the other flowers when Candace stops me.

  “He’s all set up and still sleepin’. If he wakes up or seems to be in any kind of pain, please push the nurse’s button here.” She points to one of the buttons on the inside of the bed rail. “I’ll come quickly.” She smiles then starts to walk out of the room. She stops and turns to me. “Oh! Dr. Franklin will be in to see you shortly. He’s just startin’ to make his rounds now. He’ll be able to fill you in with everythin’ and answer any questions you may have.” She gives me a wink as she walks out of the door.

  Shakin’ my head filled with embarrassment, I walk around the bed and pick up the card from the other bouquet.

  We’re thinking of you, Manuel. Get well quick!

  Memphis and Sadie Johnson

  Colby and Shiloh Carter

  Good folks. “How?” I whisper. This is so strange bein’ that he just got here. I know Prie was here earlier but how could she have done this and spread the word so fast? So like Prie though. She’s the best. I look at the blind covered windows and see light tryin’ to seep in. Pushin’ two of my fingers through them, I spread them apart and see it’s early mornin’. I’ve no idea how long I’ve been here, especially after what I’d thought was a short nap. I turn and look at the clock on the wall. Seven fifteen. No wonder they could get an order called in and delivered already. A groan startles me, and I look over at Manuel. His eyes are rollin’ around under their lids, and I wonder if he’s in pain. Walkin’ to his side, I bend over and place my hand gently on his arm. “Manuel? Do you need somethin’ for pain?” His eyes roll a bit more then slowly open. I’m relieved when he smiles a little.

  “Nash. Mijo.” Son.

  I smile back so glad to hear his voice. “Do you need somethin’ for pain?” He nods, slightly. Leanin’ over him, I press the nurse’s button.

  “Yes, Mr. Gonzales?”

  “This is Nash Harris. Mr. Gonzales is awake and needs something for pain. Now.”

  “Someone will be in right away.”

  I look down at him and smile. “Gotta tell ya, you scared the shit outta me yesterday.” I stand up and run my fingers through my unruly hair. His face contorts into sadness, and I feel bad. “I was so worried ‘bout ya.” I give him a serious look. “Don’t ever do that again.” We look at each other and finally I smile. He relaxes then looks the other way. I turn my head just as a nurse and a doctor walk into the room.

  “Ah, good morning, Mr. Gonzales. Mr. Harris.” The doctor walks straight to the foot of the bed and picks up an electronic tablet as the nurse walks over and removes a needle from her front pocket and pushes it into Manuel’s IV. The doctor studies the tablet for a few minutes then looks at me then at Manuel. “I apologize for the delay in speaking with you. There were quite a few emergency surgeries last night. I’m Dr. Franklin.” He walks over to the other side of Manuel’s bed and reaches his hand across Manuel. I shake it and then watch as he pats Manuel gently on his shoulder. “You’re a very lucky man, Mr. Gonzales. It was a delicate surgery as the bone in your leg was severely damaged. By all good graces, it will heal and with some therapy you’ll be able to walk just fine. However, there is a chance you may have a slight limp.” He smiles at Manuel, and I let out a breath of relief. “You also had several bruises and cuts on your back, head, and hip from hitting the rocks so hard. A few cuts needed stitches and the bruising on your hip will keep you sore for quite a while.” I look down and see Manuel nod. “You have quite a bad concussion from hitting your head so roughly so the nurses will be waking you up quite frequently for the next twenty-four hours. If either of you have any questions, please feel free to ask myself or any of the nurses on duty.”

  I tilt my head as I look at him. “You don’t sound like you’re from here.”

  He smiles. “You’re correct. I moved here last year, wanting a change of scenery from where I grew up in Missouri. I love the mountains and the people here are so nice. It was the best decision I could have made.” I nod and feel grateful he decided to move here, helping to mend my friend. “Do I understand correctly you breed horses and sell them, Mr. Harris?”

  Crossin’ my arms, I smile proudly. “Yes, I do.” I look down at Manuel. “We do.”

  “I would love to speak to you at another time about purchasing one. Although I don’t really have anywhere to keep one. I live in a small house on the other side of town with only a small backyard.”

  Manuel looks at me and we both smile. Manuel gives me a wink and then looks up at the doctor. “Well, Dr. Franklin, just a small distance from Nash’s ranch is one of our friend’s place and he boards and trains horses. Sounds like you’d do right by leaving your horse in his capable hands.”

  Dr. Franklin rocks on his heels, smilin’ brightly. “Sounds perfect. Please, call me Larry.” We both nod at him, and I’m feelin’ a bit lighter. “Now, Mr. Harris, I need to....”

  “Nash, please,” I speak up quickly.

  “Nash. I need to examine Mr. Gonzales, and the nurse will follow up with a sponge bath.” Manuel snaps his eyes to me then looks over at the beautiful nurse who looks to be around his age. When he looks back at me, he raises his eyebrows high, a look of fear in his eyes. I have to stifle my laugh.

  “I think I’ll go down and get a much needed cup of coffee, give ya’ll some time alone.” I can’t
help the chuckle that escapes when Manuel gives me a dirty look. It feels so good he’s at least well enough that I can rile him up a bit. My neck has a crick in it from fallin’ asleep in the chair last night, my muscles sore from bein’ tensed up with worry for the last eighteen hours or so. I look over as the nurse stands beside his bed. She looks down at him and smiles.

  “Good morning, Mr. Gonzales. I’m Marge and I’ll be your nurse today.” She tucks in his blanket at his side and winks. “I promise I’ll be gentle.”

  His mouth opens, slightly, and the color washes from his face. His eyes snap my way, his bushy brows raise again. “Well, I’ll just leave you in her capable hands.” I shrug my shoulders. He looks as if he’s about to protest so I pat his shoulder and walk away quickly. I leave his room and walk down the hall, headin’ to the elevator. Just then, I feel exhausted, all the relief hittin’ me hard, needin’ coffee in the worst way. I probably also need a shower and some clean clothes. I know we have a long road still ahead of us but I’m grateful he’s goin’ to be okay.

  The ride in the elevator is short, the doors open pushin’ a small breeze into the small confinement. I step out into the brightness of the area I’d come into yesterday, the sun shinin’ in through all the large windows. It’s a new day and one I’ll be sayin’ some prayers of thanks that my friend is alive and can start healin’. I start walkin’, tryin’ to figure out where the cafeteria is located when I look over into the waitin’ room – the place I spent countless hours sittin’, frettin’, and waitin’ to hear about my friend. I stop short, my heart pickin’ up its pace when I see Tina curled up in a chair in the corner, sound asleep. Has she been here all night? I thought she left with Prie. I walk over and stand before her, lookin’ down at her long hair over her shoulder, coverin’ up a small part of her face. Her eyes are closed and still, her chest risin’ and fallin’, softly, with sleep filled shallow breaths. She’s a vision. Suddenly I’m uncomfortable, feelin’ like a stalker. Should I wake her? She looks uncomfortable in that position.

  Leanin’ down, I gently shake her shoulder. She mumbles somethin’ incoherently, then her eyes open slowly. I stare into them, the green turned into a blue-green with the blue blouse she’s wearin’. “Nash?” Her voice is lower, hoarse, and groggy. Adorable. “What are you doing here?” She doesn’t remember where she is. She begins to sit up, bunchin’ up her shoulders and wincin’. She must be sore from layin’ in that position for who knows how long. I extend my arm towards her, my hand in front of her.

  “Come with me to get coffee?”

  Her brows raise. “Here?” She looks around, still confused where she is. “Oh.” She breathes as she blinks, rapidly. Finally, it dawns on her. She looks back up at me and places her hand in mine, shyly. I help her up, keepin’ our hands together. My day is definitely lookin’ up.

  Chapter Four


  I was having the best dream. Nash and I were snuggled together on a bench, the warmth of his body heating mine deliciously. I’ve never felt so safe, so protected in his large, strong arms. Suddenly, I feel cold and lost. My eyes open to a whisper. What is Nash doing in my room? How did he get in here? I look around, blinking away my sleep, remembering where I am. When I look back at Nash, he’s holding his hand out to me, asking if I want coffee. In my groggy state, I take his hand. He helps me stand, the muscles flexing in his arm keeping me upright in my sleepy state. I walk with him quietly, down a hallway then another. It feels like a maze. I feel myself wake up a little more when we reach the end of another hall and a large room appears. The cafeteria. He leads me into the room and up to the front. Various breakfast items appear in front of me but what really grabs my attention is the smell of freshly made coffee.

  “I don’t even know how you take your coffee.”

  His deep voice causes me to look up and into his green eyes. I smile, feeling even more shy and awkward, not being fully awake yet. I show him by picking up a cup then filling it with coffee. Reaching in front of him, I pick up the pitcher of creamer, pouring in a generous amount then pick up a few packets of Splenda. When done, I look up at him and notice he’s staring at me. I try not to stare back but those green eyes are making it difficult for me to move. Finally, I force myself to tear my eyes away from his, setting mine down and picking up another cup, filling it with coffee. Turning, I hold it out to him, knowing exactly how he takes his. Black. He smiles, taking the offering from my hand then picks up my cup and walks toward the cashier. I follow him, watch him pay, then let him lead the way over to a small table for two by the front windows. I reach out for the back of a chair when, unexpectedly, he’s pulling it out for me, with our two cups in one hand. Such a gentleman.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as I sit.

  He sets my cup down in front of me, his on the other side of the table, then proceeds to help push in my chair. Could he be any sweeter? I’m dying right now, suddenly self-conscious. An overwhelming feeling envelopes me, the need to brush my teeth and untangle my hair. Looking down, I smooth out my wrinkled blouse, wishing I could take a shower and change my clothes. I hold back the urge from cupping my mouth to smell my breath.

  “You look beautiful.”

  My eyes snap up to meet his. The beat of my heart quickens with the look on his face. How does he look so breathtakingly gorgeous after the day and night he had? His hair is a little messy and there’s a faint darkness beneath his beautiful eyes, but damn if he doesn’t look gorgeous as hell. I look down, shyly, at his compliment. “I look a mess,” I whisper. I sense his touch before I feel the softness of his strong fingers under my chin. He lifts gently, my face rising until I’m staring into the depths of those green eyes, smiling at me brightly. God, he literally takes my breath away.

  “Did you stay in the waitin’ room all night?” I nod, loving the feel of his hand holding my chin. “Thank you, but – why?”

  Coolness touches me as he releases his grip. I pick up my cup, taking a sip, needing something to do with my hands. “Well – I....” What do I tell him? I felt bad leaving him alone to wait for word about his friend, knowing he had no one else here to get him through the night. Of course, he didn’t know I’d stayed, but it made me feel closer to him here. When Prie and I had seen him looking so worried and lost, I wanted to run over to him, throw my arms around his extremely large shoulders, and tell him everything would be okay. When Prie started to leave, I froze.

  “Tina? Aren’t you coming?”

  I stared at the elevators that took Nash to his friend. “I’m going to stay.” I feel her hand on my arm and pry my eyes away and to hers.

  “That’s so sweet, Tina.” She smiles.

  “No one going through something so horrible, worrying about their friend should be alone,” I whisper. Panic then hits me as I remember I need to prepare for the day and open the shop in a matter of hours. “Oh, no! The shop!”

  She gives me a wink. “Don’t worry about the shop. The new girl, Loren, is starting this morning with Sadie. I’ll go in early and start prepping everything and will let Sadie know.” I grab her arms and pull her into a hug. She squeezes me tightly then pulls back, a huge smile on her face. “I think it’s cute how you like Nash.” My eyes widen as my brows raise. She lets out a laugh. “I’m really happy for you both. I’ll do whatever you need me to.”

  “You’re the best, Prie. Thank you.”

  “What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t help make that possible knowing he’s here all alone and the woman who’s sweet on him is wanting to be here for him.” I play smack her arm but give her a warm smile.

  “I thought you could use a – friend to be here for you. I hope you don’t mind.” I sit up straighter, proud that I said that without stammering. Maybe there’s hope for me yet. His eyes light up, the green even brighter than normal, as a dimple appears on the right side of his luscious lips, almost hidden by that soft red
scruff. Crap! Can he be any more gorgeous?

  “A friend?” he whispers.

  I look down at my coffee cup, suddenly filled with shyness as the warmth of a blush moves across my cheeks. I watch as his hand covers mine, his warmth filling me with his caring nature, calming me instantly. I look up and smile as he continues to look at me. His thumb begins a caress over my hand. I shiver. “A friend,” I finally whisper. “For now.” His smile grows. I grow serious. “Your friend, the one that was brought in last night? Is he going to be okay?” All the worry about his friend, the anxiousness and concern he must have gone through. I don’t know that much about him, just the little that I’ve heard from Prie. It doesn’t sound like he has any family. Does he have any other friends besides the ones he’s made here? Anyone to support him when needed?


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