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Back To Country (Country Love #4)

Page 8

by Vicki Green

  “Your life sounds anythin’ but borin’. My life? That’s probably as normal as you can get. I lost my ma at an early age and....”

  Her hand covers mine instantly. “I’m sorry, Nash.”

  I smile, not able to stop myself. She’s so carin’ and hell if I don’t love when she touches me, for any reason. “Thank you. I was pretty young so my memories are few but Pa really did his best to give me everythin’ I needed growin’ up. Then I lost him, and I felt like my world had fallen apart. Manuel stepped in, which was comfortin’ since he’d been around most of my life.” Reachin’ up, I rub the back of my neck, all the memories kinda bittersweet. “Not sure what I would have done without him.”

  “No wonder he’s so special to you,” she replies, sadness fillin’ her eyes.

  My smile grows. “Yes, as well as helpin’ me through those times, he’s become such a great friend.” I take a drink, ready to continue my story. “After that....”


  I close my mouth as I watch Tina’s eyes move slowly to the doorway. She looks back at me and smiles. “Um, sorry. I’ll be right back,” she says as she stands. I take another drink then finish the sandwich as I watch her walk over to the doorway. “Yes?” she whisper shouts.

  “Can I take a break?”

  I watch silently as she closes her eyes briefly and in just the little time I’ve known her, I can tell she’s tryin’ not to roll her eyes. She forces herself to put on a smile.

  “Since you’ve only been here an hour, how about we wait a little longer?”

  The new girl has only been here for that short of a time and already wants a break? Somethin’ tells me she won’t last here very long. As Tina walks back over, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I look down and take a look, seein’ that mysterious phone number again. Swipin’ ignore, I look up just as Tina sits down. “I’m so sorry. Now, where were we?”

  Can’t help but let out a chuckle. “It’s perfectly fine. I can’t imagine runnin’ such a place. I’m sure it keeps you very busy.” I finish off my cup and set it down.


  This time she can’t help but roll her eyes at the doorway then catchin’ herself, she smiles as she looks at me. “Would you like another cup?”

  “No, but thank ya. I think I’d better be goin’,” I say as I stand. She gets up and walks me to the doorway. Turnin’ abruptly, I grasp her arm, my free hand cuppin’ the side of her face as my fingers cover her soft hair. “See what you can work out ‘bout comin’ for supper one night.” We stare into each other’s eyes, and I watch her lips part. Damn, I want to kiss them so badly. Instead, the gentleman I am, I lean in and kiss her forehead. Her skin so soft and delicate. I lean back, her eyes closed and mouth still open slightly. “Goodbye. For now.” Her eyes open, her breathin’ comin’ out in small pants, tellin’ me that by just one kiss makes her want me. I did that. No one has ever looked at me the way she does. And fuck if I don’t want to kiss her again. On those pouty lips. Longer. Harder. Puttin’ on my hat, I raise my hand and tip it slightly, givin’ her a wink as I turn around and walk outta the room. That gal, Loren, has three customers. Not sure what all the hollerin’ was about.

  Walkin’ out the door, I stop at the grocery store and get a few of the things I know we’re out of, and then I get in my truck. I’m ‘bout to pull out when my phone dings, my heart racin’ that it could be her, wantin’ me to come back or tellin’ me when she can come over for supper. When I swipe the screen alive and go into my texts, it’s that same mystery number. Who in the hell are you? I feel a little weirded out, not normally answerin’ when I don’t know the number.

  Unknown: It’s me. Grant. Dammit! Answer your phone!

  I chuckle to myself, worried over nothin’. Startin’ up my truck, I pull out and begin the long journey home. I figure after supper I’ll go see Manuel for a bit. I feel like I’m runnin’ on fumes. Still smilin’, I hit call on my phone and listen to the ringin’ through my Bluetooth in my truck.

  “Nash. Why in the hell haven’t you been answering your phone?” He sounds exasperated.

  I concentrate on the road as I laugh. “Because I didn’t know it was you?” I hear him sigh, loudly.

  “Well, who in the hell did you think it was?” Huh. Good question. “Anyway,” he continues. “How’d you like some company in that big place of yours, in the near future?”

  I decide to play his game. “Oh? Who? You’re not tryin’ to fix me up again, are you?” I have to clamp my lips from laughin’.

  He laughs and I find I’m not able to contain my own. “Nah. Not this time. Although, there is this one woman over in Pilates that....” I cough. Really loud. “Just kidding ya. I just need to take some time off from work and thought what better place to go but where my friends are.” He really should just move here. “Of course I thought – I should just move there and be done with all this traveling back and forth.” Okay, that was weird. “I mean, every town needs more than one lawyer, right?” I nod as if he can see me. “So, I figured when I’m there, I’ll take a look around, see if there’s somewhere I can put my office and find a nice house. I believe that if something is meant to be, things will just open up. And if it’s not, then I’ll just come home, but not before I check in Pilates to see what they might have.”

  “That’s great, man. It would be good to have you close.”

  “That’s what I thought. So, mind if I come stay with you for a week or two?”

  I like Grant. He’s funny as hell and a good guy to boot. “Nah, I don’t mind. My house is your house for as long as you need.” It’s not like my house isn’t huge with only me in there anyway. It’ll be nice havin’ the company for a bit.

  “Perfect! I’ll let you know when as soon as I get everything figured out on this end. Thanks, man.”

  “Glad to have ya here. Will be great spendin’ some time with ya.”

  I’m almost home by the time we end our conversation. I feel pretty light-hearted as I pull into the garage and go inside. Still, the hugeness and emptiness of the house is dauntin’. Maybe I need to get a dog. After fixin’ dinner, the guys came up, and we had a good time talkin’ and laughin’. I opened that package that Bart had told me about, and let out a long sigh when I saw the framed picture of me and Blair. I remembered when this was taken, us standin’ in front of our apartment buildin’, gettin’ ready to go out with our arms around each other’s waists, smilin. Why in the hell did she send me this? I put it in a drawer in the foyer table and headed to the hospital to see Manuel for a little bit. ‘Course he told me I didn’t need to come but I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t imagine bein’ there alone, with no family to give support and offer company since I’m really the only family he has. Once again, I’m faced with the drive home and my phone rings again, givin’ me a feelin’ of déjà vu. Lookin’ at the number I scold myself for not puttin’ Grant’s number in my contacts so I’d know it was him.

  “Miss me so soon?” I laugh when I answer, expectin’ him to say somethin’ ‘bout me at least pickin’ up this time.

  “Hey, Nash.” The sound of the voice is definitely not Grant’s and I cringe when I recognize it. “How are ya, darlin’?” Blair. “It’s been too long, baby.”

  Anger rises inside me. My hands grip the steerin’ wheel with such force that my knuckles turn white. Why in the hell is she callin’ me after all this time? And why an unknown number when she’d been tryin’ to reach me with her old number for so long? She’s up to no good, I can feel it.

  “Blair,” I answer through gritted teeth.

  “Aw, sugar. You’re stressed. I can tell. I heard about Manuel.” Sam must have told Tricia, his friend back in Texas, who in turn told Blair. Great. “Baby.” I cringe at the name. “I told you I’d been wantin’ to come up and see you. I could help.” Pursin’ my lips, I stifle a laugh. Blair’s idea of h
elpin’ would be tellin’ everyone else what to do. “I could cook and clean for you and the boys.” It’s gettin’ harder to contain the laugh that’s bustin’ to come out. Her idea of cookin’ would be to order out and cleanin’? I’m not even sure she knows what that is. She might break a nail or somethin’. “You need a woman to come take care of you.” What the fuck?

  I just swallowed that laugh and anger comes back full force. “I got me a woman. I don’t need any help.” I growl. She thinks I’m stressed but I haven’t been, not like this, not since back in the days I was datin’ her.

  I hear the sound of her laughter. “Ain’t no woman can take care of you like I can.” Visions of her sittin’ on top of me, her long blonde hair ticklin’ my skin as she.... I shake my head, roughly. “I could take care of you – real – good.” I’ll admit, the sex was phenomenal. It’s all the bullshit I had to deal with that made it less than appealin’.

  “Blair. I’m fine. It’s over and I have someone. Don’t call me again.”

  I hang up, my body shakin’ with anger. Memories of our time together come floodin’ back, all the time we spent together. Then I grip the steerin’ wheel harder when I remember catchin’ her with Michael McFallon – in bed – in our apartment. Yeah, I admit. I was stupid to give her a key, allow her to live there, but hell, we’d been practically livin’ together for over two years anyway. I was plain crazy – crazy in lust. And totally blind. For the longest time, I thought she was the one. I’d even gotten to the point where I’d bought a ring, gave it to her for our engagement. I think back and shiver at the thought that if I hadn’t walked in on her, we would have gotten married and she’d have cheated on the side. Thing is, it’s not like she don’t come from money. Her pa is one of our biggest competitors but had become friends with mine. Don’t make sense why she’d want my money when she already had more than enough.

  Gettin’ home, I crawl into bed. Such a weird and emotional day. I’m beyond exhausted. Closin’ my eyes, visions of long brown hair, pouty lips, and Tina’s sweet face flood my mind.

  Chapter Six


  Loren worked one day and didn’t show up for work the next. I tried to call her but she didn’t answer. Five times. Guess she just didn’t like working here. It’s not that I don’t mind her not working here anymore. God knows I couldn’t take her whining, but now I have no chance to go out on a date with Nash. Again. Sigh. The universe is out to keep us apart. I swear! It’s another long day, working alone at the shop. I’m happy for Sadie and Shiloh for having their babies, and now Prie is pregnant too, although I don’t think she’s told Trevor yet. It’s like our little family is full of baby boomers! But sheesh! A little help would be great right now.

  By one o’clock, I’m freaking worn out from the lunch rush. If I could just sit down and take a small break. “May I help you?” and “Come again” seem to be my only vocabulary today. I take another order and start fixing their coffee. Looking over at the display case I notice we’re almost out of sandwiches. How in the hell am I gonna go make more when I can’t leave the counter? I look up and around the woman I’m serving to see a long line has formed again. Holy crap! I’m glad business is so good but give me a freakin’ break!

  “Excuse me.”

  I blink away my daydreams of sitting in the back room, talking with Nash while he holds my hand, and see a girl standing beside the customer I’m helping. She’s pretty with long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and a nice smile, one that I can’t help but smile back at. I hand the customer her coffee and the next one moves up, stopping me from talking to the pretty girl. Finally, something happens that makes my day. The girl walks around the counter. My mouth opens ready to tell her she can’t come back here, when she asks the next person in line what they’d like. As I fill my customers order, I watch this girl in fascination as she fills the other person’s order and waits on the next person. We work perfectly in sync. I watch the way she fills orders and knows how to do everything, she’s friendly to the customers and talks to them the whole time, even kidding around with them. It’s as if she’s worked here forever! I’m amazed and totally grateful for the help.

  By the time we make our way through the crowd, I start cleaning up the counter and look at her. “What’s your name?”

  “Oh! Where are my manners?” She stops cleaning the display case and walks over to me, hand outstretched. “I’m Misty Williams,” she says as she shakes my hand. “I’m sorry I just took it upon myself to help out but you looked like you needed some help.”

  I lean against the lower counter and smile. “No. Thank you. I totally needed help.” She smiles.

  “I’d noticed the help wanted sign in the window and came in lookin’ for a job. I had been takin’ care of an elderly lady for quite some time. Sadly, she passed away last week.”

  Wow! I admire people who can do that. To me, it says a lot about their character. “I’m sorry.”

  She waves her hand around. “Thanks. It was a long time comin’. I’d been with her and her family for a few years. But now....” She looks around and sighs then back at me. “After takin’ some time to grieve, I’m lost at what to do.”

  Standing up straight, I let out a small laugh. “Well, you sure know how to take and fill orders. You’re pretty good with people too.” I think about how great this timing is. She needs a job, and I need help. I like her too. That’s always a plus. After Loren, I’m a little gun shy at who would walk through our door asking for a job. I can’t take whiny. “You’re hired!” She nods eagerly. “Any hours in particular you’d like to work?” Oh, God! Please don’t let her be pregnant or have any babies at home. Not that I’d begrudge her that but it seems to be the way around here anymore.

  “Nope. I’m single and have too much time on my hands, now. I can work as many hours as you need me to. Open. Close. Whenever. I’m at your disposal.” Thank the Lord! “I can get the family I worked for to write up a reference, if you’d like. I love people, and I think I know how to do just about anythin’ here. If not, I’ll ask.” God, I think I love her!

  “No need. You’re already hired!”

  That afternoon, once we’d slowed down for a bit, I showed her how to make the donuts, the other pastries, and the sandwiches. She’s actually a natural. She even showed me how to make something she’d created herself, a pastry she used to make for the woman she took care of. The elderly lady had said it was her favorite. So, we named it after her.

  “I have a friend. Her name is Pam Miller. We’ve been friends for years. Grew up together. She’s lookin’ for a job too, part time, and would be perfect here.” Oh, really? “She works for Doc Larry Franklin. He works at the hospital but has a private practice at the other end of town, in the same house where Doc Kathy Stevenson is. Not sure you know them, but he’s a medical doctor and she’s a psychiatrist. I don’t know how he has the time. Or her, for that matter. They both also help out at Prie MacKay’s boarding house.” I actually know all this but I let her continue. “Anyway, Pam works there during the day, Monday through Friday, but she was just tellin’ me the other day that she wanted a part time job on the weekends and a couple of evenings durin’ the week.” Interesting. My mind goes in all different directions, thinking about how I could actually get some time off. “I told her I was comin’ here to apply and thought I’d ask if you’d want to maybe interview her too. She’s a real hard worker. I can vouch for her.”

  I finish sliding the sheet of pastries into the oven and turn around with a smile. “That would be amazing! Thanks!”

  In the next few days, I had two new employees. Misty had opened the shop by herself and Pam had worked her first evening. If this keeps up, I might get to go on a date with Nash soon! I’m nervous yet excited and totally scared! I haven’t seen Nash for the last couple days but being so busy with the shop and training they’ve flown by.

  “Someone real
ly likes you.”

  I stand up from my hunched over position, putting the last milk container I’d gotten at the grocery store in the small fridge behind the counter. When I turn around I see Misty carrying a very large vase with a bouquet of various flowers and letting out a sing-song of its arrival. Since spring is around the corner, it’s fitting. And they’re beautiful. She sets them down on the counter, smiling. “There’s a note!” I know it’s only been a few days but I really like Misty and feel as if we’re becoming fast friends. Wearing my own smile, I pull the card out.


  I’m sorry I haven’t been around much

  Manuel is home so I’ve been tendin’ to him

  Hope this finds you well



  “Oh, my gosh! Is that Nash Harris?” I nod, reading the note over and over again. “He’s dreamy.” I keep nodding, knowing all too well she’s so right. “He likes you.” Finally, I look up and see her staring at me, smiling with a light blush spread across her cheeks. I shrug, like it’s no big deal. It’s totally a big deal! “So....” She waves her index finger back and forth. “Are you two datin’?” Setting the vase of beautiful flowers down on the counter so I can look at them all day, I shrug again, biting my lower lip.


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