Back To Country (Country Love #4)

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Back To Country (Country Love #4) Page 12

by Vicki Green

  “Did you tell Trevor yet?” She bites her lip, shakin’ her head. “Why in the hell not? And what is he talkin’ about Grant movin’ here and you goin’ home with him?”

  “Look. Grant asked me to go home with him and help and I’d like to visit my family’s graves so it seems like a great opportunity.”

  “But Prie....”

  “Nash. Grant knows. I’m not going to do anything strenuous, and I’m going to see my old doctor while I’m there. I’d also like her opinion about the pregnancy, see what she thinks. It never hurts to get a second opinion.” Her eyes are pleadin’ with me to understand.

  I place my hand over hers. “That’s all good but are you gonna tell Trevor before you leave? He deserves to know, darlin’. Hell, it’s startin’ to seem that everyone will know but him. He’ll be downright angry when he finds that out.” She starts bitin’ her bottom lip again. “Prie.”

  “It’ll only worry him more if I tell him and then leave town.” My brows lower in concern. She slides her hand out from underneath mine and places it on my arm. “I want to have all the information I possibly can before I tell him, Nash. I want to make sure I know and understand everything. You know I hate keeping it from him, but I need to be ready. I need to be able to make sure he knows everything. How can I do that when I don’t know everything yet?” She smiles. “Look, I’m going to tell him just as soon as I get back. Grant has packers coming so I really won’t have to do much except help supervise, and I’ll only be gone about a week.” That does make me feel a little better, but I still don’t like that she’s waitin’ to tell Trevor. She squeezes my arm and smiles. “I don’t like it any more than you do. I love how you’re concerned for Trevor. You’re such a great friend. But really. Just a little longer.”

  I look at her smilin’ face, her hand squeezin’ my arm again. “Okay. But, darlin’. If you don’t tell him the second you get back, I’m going to.” She nods and leans inside the window, wrappin’ her arms around me.

  “Thanks, Nash. You’re the best!”

  Yeah, she’s not gonna to think I’m the best when I tell Trevor if she doesn’t when she gets back. It’s not right that so many people know and he doesn’t. I really don’t feel good about this.

  Once I get home, I work on the rest of my chores, and by late evenin’ and bein’ Friday, the guys decided to go over to the Hoedown bar in town. I, however, stayed home to keep an eye on Manuel and my filly Comet. She’s gettin’ closer to delivery. I’d talked to Dr. Franklin, I mean, Larry, and he wants to buy her foal. Trevor’s already gettin’ a stall ready in his barn for when she’s old enough to go live there. Now, after havin’ demolished the rest of Tina’s dinner leftovers, cleanin’ up the kitchen, and checkin’ on Comet, I go into the livin’ room and turn on the TV. Another borin’ night in this huge house. Alone. I find a good old western and settle into the cushions of my couch. Thought I’d have some company tonight, not exactly the kind I’d hoped but Grant’s over at Trevor and Pries place. The movie is about halfway over when the doorbell rings. That’s weird. Grant said he was stayin’ over at Prie’s all night. Maybe he decided to come back after all. I walk to the front door and start to open it. “Hey. I told you the door would be unlocked and you can just c’mon in.” Instead of Grant standin’ there, it’s Tina.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I was gonna head home from the boarding house and thought you might like some dessert.” Probably not the same kind of sweets she has in mind. She leans toward me, looking inside. “Are – is everyone here?” Her eyes are wide, hopeful.

  Reachin’ out, I take the box she’s holdin’, gettin’ a big whiff of the delicious smells that’s inside. “Nah. They all went out honky tonkin’ and Grant’s spendin’ the night over at Trev and Pries.” She smiles as relief washes over her. “C’mon in. I was just watchin’ some TV.”

  “Sounds like the perfect evening,” she says walkin’ inside.

  I take her coat, hangin’ it up in the closet. She walks beside me to the kitchen, and I set the box down on the breakfast bar. “Want some hot chocolate?” I ask her as she removes dishes from the box.

  “Oh, that would be great. Thanks!” Fillin’ the tea kettle full of water, I set it on the burner, turnin’ it on, then grab two mugs and put a couple spoonfuls of cocoa mix in them.

  “Whatcha got there,” I ask, watchin’ her take out container after container. Damn, when she cooks, she really cooks. The different smells are making me hungry.

  I look up when she laughs. “Well, the kids and I kinda went a little crazy making cookies, pies, and assorted other pastries. They’ll have enough to keep them in sweet-land for quite a while.”

  I laugh as I get two plates, settin’ one down by her and fillin’ up the other with assorted goodies. “I bet Daisy will have her hands full with a bunch of sugar high kids tonight.” Daisy is an older woman who owns the inn in town. She spends a ton of time over at Prie’s boardin’ house. Usually she’s there several nights to help out with the kids who are there with their moms, who are tryin’ to get their lives back after their bad experiences. So many town folk help out there, it just shows you what a great place this is. The tea kettle alerts me it’s done so I walk over and turn off the burner, pourin’ the water into the cups. I stir them and bring them over to the counter. She picks up our plates, and we walk to the livin’ room and get comfortable.

  “So,” she says, pickin’ up her cup. “What are we watching?” I hit the pause button on the remote and the movie springs to life. “Oh! John Wayne. I love his movies!” A woman after my own heart. Can she be any more perfect?

  We both settle back and watch the movie. It didn’t take long before she was snuggled into my side, my arm around her. By the time the movie was over, I looked down and she was fast asleep. I move her up, her head lullin’ against my shoulder.

  “Five more minutes,” she mumbles.

  I let out a chuckle. “C’mon, Beauty. You’re stayin’ here tonight.”

  Her eyes flutter open as I stand, pullin’ her up with me. “But – but we haven’t had a date yet.” I smile, keepin’ her tucked into my side as we walk to the stairs. She’s pretty wobbly and a bit out of it. She’s adorable.

  “You’re stayin’ in one of the guest rooms.” It’s not like I don’t have a ton of them. I help her up the stairs and take a right, goin’ into the first room. It’s one of the few furnished rooms and one of the nicest. It’s just a few rooms from mine, that way I can hear her if she needs me. I help her onto the high bed. She lies down, curlin’ up into a ball. I run from the room and down to mine, lookin’ around to see what I can find her to wear. I open my dresser and take out a long sleeved t-shirt and run back to her. I stop in the doorway, watchin’ the light fall of her chest. Her hair is fanned out behind her and visions of it coverin’ my pillow hit me hard. I shake my head. Now is not the time for that. Walkin’ over to the bed, I sit down beside her. “Tina?” She doesn’t stir. Her breathin’ is light. Her beautiful face is serene. There’s no way I can bring myself to wake her. Standin’, I pick up the folded quilt lyin’ at the foot of the bed and spread it over her. Some of her long luscious hair falls down over the side of her face so I brush it back, gently. I can’t stop myself from pushin’ my fingers through a few strands. So soft. What I wouldn’t give to be lyin’ beside her, holdin’ her in my arms. She lets out a soft sigh.

  I take a step away, suddenly feelin’ like some kind of weird person starin’ at her. It has to be wrong to be doin’ this while she’s asleep. I make myself leave, walkin’ out of the room backwards, havin’ a hard time tearin’ my eyes away from her. Finally, I close the door and let out the deep breath I’d been holdin’. Slowly, I walk to my room, leavin’ the door open slightly, and go to the bathroom. We finally get some time alone and she falls asleep. I need a cold shower.

  I barely slept last night, knowin’ she was just down th
e hall. Ya know, there’s only so much a man can take. I shower, get dressed, and walk quietly down the hall, stoppin’ by her door. No sounds. Must still be asleep. I don’t blame her, it’s only five in the mornin’. I wouldn’t be up if I didn’t need to get ready for chores and check on Comet. I hear sounds comin’ from the kitchen as I make my way downstairs. Guess the guys are makin’ breakfast. Walkin’ into the kitchen the smell of coffee hits me hard but there’s another smell that is out of this world. What in the ever lovin’ God is that?

  “Mornin’, boss.”

  I look over at the guys at the table and nod. Luis pipes up, smilin’. “Great grub this mornin’.” What is he talkin’ about? If anyone here cooked, it wouldn’t be that great.

  I reach the stove and there’s a large pan and what looks like a half-eaten breakfast casserole. Turnin’ around, I look down at the breakfast bar counter, seein’ a note. I pick it up and start to read.


  Thank you for last night. I had a great time, even though I fell asleep. Sorry about that. We finally get some time alone and you get to see me drool and hear me snore. Anyway, I had to get up early, was kind of disoriented, but managed to make you and your guys a breakfast casserole. Sorry I rummaged through your kitchen, but I hope you all like it.


  P.S. Yesterday must have kicked my ass. Sorry, again.

  P.P.S.S. What is with the ancient stove?

  P.P.P.S.S.S. Hope to see you again soon.

  P.P.P.P. S.S.S.S. If the universe will let us. Sigh.

  I let out a chuckle, but my heart is pretty much soarin’ with her words. Turnin’ around, I grab a plate, pilin’ on the delicious food. Damn, it smells good. Takin’ my plate and coffee over to the table, I sit down and dig in. Most of the guys get up, settin’ their plates in the sink, and head out to do their chores. Only takin’ two bites of this magnificent meal, Bart yells out my name from the back door.

  “Nash! Comet’s havin’ her foal!” Not stoppin’ to go get my coat, I jump outta my seat and run to the back door. We jog across the deck and down the steps. I pull out my phone. “Already called Doc Mills. He should be here soon.” I nod, pickin’ up my step as we get closer to the barn.

  Comet’s lyin’ down in her stall as I approach carefully. Squattin’ down beside her, I rub along her neck. “Whoa, girl. Looks like you’re ‘bout ready. Hang in there.” I keep talkin’ low, soft, tryin’ to keep her relaxed as I rub her sweat dampened coat, soothingly. “Go set up my stuff, just in case Doc don’t get here in time and give Larry Franklin a call. He might want to know his foal’s almost here,” I instruct Bart. He gives me a nod, then I go back to tendin’ Comet.

  Three hours later, Larry, Bart, and I are standin’ here lookin’ at Comet’s new colt, the guys all standin’ around us. “Whelp, Larry.” I rest my hand on Doc Franklin’s back. “Mighty fine lookin’ colt you got there.” He nods smilin’. “He’ll be fit to move over to Trevor’s in about four months.” He turns and shakes my hand, pattin’ my shoulder with the other. “I might just have to breed him when he’s of age.”

  “That would be fine with me. Thanks, Nash.”

  My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and smile wide.

  Tina: I can get off on Friday, if you still want to go out

  I send back a reply immediately.

  Nash: Boy, would I ever!

  This day just keeps on gettin’ better.

  Chapter Ten


  Oh, my God! We’re actually going to go out Friday night! On a date! Me! And Nash! Together! Shit! What am I gonna wear? A knock sounds on my door and I find myself skipping there. I open it and grab Prie’s arm, pulling her into a hug.

  “Well.” She laughs. “I should come over more often.” I pull her inside, shutting the door, and walk over to the couch. We both sit down and face each other. She grabs my hands. That’s never good. “I’m leaving town tomorrow.” Told ya. “I’m going home with Grant to supervise his move here and to visit my family’s graves while I’m there, maybe see some old friends too. I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back there again.”

  “That’s good? I guess.” She laughs. Yes, because this is funny.

  “I’ll only be gone a week. His house is pretty much a bachelor pad so it won’t take too long to get it packed.”

  “Ohhh-kay.” She tilts her head.

  “Tina. What’s wrong?”

  I shrug. “You haven’t told Trevor yet, have you.” It’s not a question. She shakes her head, slowly. “I knew it!” I pull on her hands. “Prie! You can’t leave without telling him! Shit! Everyone in town’s gonna know except him! Or worse yet, someone is gonna let it slip out by accident. How can you do this to him?” This is so unlike her. She’s one of the best people I know!

  She looks down at our hands then back up at me. “I know I should have told him right away but I was scared. Some strong woman I am, huh?” I squeeze her hands. “If I tell him now, you know he won’t let me go tomorrow.” Well, she does have a point. Trevor is so overprotective of her and will be even more so once she tells him. After he helped rescue her from that madman, she went home, became strong, and even helped heal him of his demons. They’ve been through so much together. “Look. I’m seeing my doctor in town as soon as I get there. I want to get a second opinion. They know me better than any other doctor. Then, if the result is the same, I can get advice from them, understand what the risks are better and know how to deal with them. I’ll tell Trevor as soon as I get back. It’s only a week, Tina.”

  “Well....” She gives me those pleading puppy dog eyes. “I just don’t want anything to come between you and Trevor, ya know?” She pulls me into a hug.

  “I know and I love you for it.” When we move back, I give her a nervous look. “Really, it’ll be fine, Tina. I swear!”

  “I have a date with Nash on Friday,” I blurt. She squeals. Like, really loud.

  “Oh, my gosh, Tina! I’m so excited for you!” She pulls me into another hug so fast that the wind is knocked outta me. Sitting back, she gives my hands a hard squeeze. “Where is he taking you?” I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. “That’s okay.” She smiles, patting my hand. “Whatever you do will be perfect. I’m so happy for you both.”

  “But – you won’t be here to help me get ready? What will I wear?” My voice might have gone up to the Minnie Mouse octave.

  “Let’s go pick out something now.” My excitement grows. We stand and walk towards my bedroom. “We’ll just have to find something that will work no matter where he takes you.” My excitement deflates. Something’s gonna get in the way. I just know it.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  Two days later, I’m helping a customer. “Here you go. That’ll be four fifty-six.” I take her card and run it through the card reader. “Thank you.” I hand her the receipt and look down, cleaning the counter. “Can I help....?” I look up, my mouth drops open.

  “Hello, Tina. How are you?” Matthew Pearson.

  I cock my hip, purely self-consciously, sorta, and purse my lips. “What would you like?”

  He leans his arms on the counter, and I take a step back. “I’d like to take you out.” My left brow raises high. Again, totally self-consciously. Then, I snort. Not a little one but a BIG snort.

  I compose myself, but it’s really tough. “Matthew. What are you doing here? Did Mom send you?”

  He smiles. Okay, he is really good looking in that pompous, three piece suit, immaculate dark hair tossed to the side, pretentious kind of way. “I’m actually visiting my aunt.” He doesn’t actually say Aunt – it’s more like Aw-nt. You know. “Well, she lives an hour and a half away, but I thought when would I ever get this close to where Tina lives? So, here I am.”

  “Yes, here you are,” I whisper.

  He res
ts his chin on his hand and smiles. “So? Go out with me.” I cross my arms over my abundant chest. I might be exaggerating a bit. “You’re going to let me drive here, an hour and a half, and not go out with me?” I raise my other eyebrow. “C’mon! We’ve known each other most of our lives.”

  “Oh! You actually remember me?” I fake smile.

  He stands up, crossing his strong, muscular arms, over his big, broad chest. “Yes. Kinda.” I let out another snort and roll my eyes. “Okay. What’s stopping you from just having a drink with an old friend?”


  As Matthew turns his head, my smile widens. Nash is standing behind him with his beefy muscles on top of muscles, arms crossed over his mountain of a chest. No, this time, I’m not exaggerating. His black cowboy hat adorns his head and those green eyes are darkened with anger. Yeah, this isn’t looking too good for Matthew.

  “And you are?” Matthew turns fully and I creep along the counter so I can see both of their faces.

  “Her boyfriend.” Nash doesn’t hesitate. Doesn’t stutter. He said he’s my boyfriend! Oh, my God!

  Matthew continues to stare at Nash but talks to me. “This – is your boyfriend? Your mother didn’t say you had a boyfriend.”

  I lean against the end of the counter and smile. “Yeah, well, my mom doesn’t listen to me.” And I’ve never told her.

  Nash tears his eyes away from Matthew, walks behind the counter and pulls me into a hug. “Hey, Beauty.”

  I look up into his eyes and smile. “Hey, babe.” Damn! I’ve always wanted to say that! Well, to a real life guy instead of myself in the mirror pretending there’s a guy in front of me. Nash turns around, keeping an arm around my shoulders, and stares at Matthew again.


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