Back To Country (Country Love #4)

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Back To Country (Country Love #4) Page 13

by Vicki Green

  Matthew cocks his head. “You’re not just saying this to get rid of me, right?” I shake my head, a smile plastered on my face. “Huh. Okay. Well, I’ll be in town for a couple of days. My aunt actually thinks this is a quaint little town and wants to do some shopping.” He walks to the door, opens it, and then looks at me over his shoulder. “I’ll be back.” Why did that make me shiver? And why did that make me think of a movie?

  I watch him leave, my smile fading, wondering what in the hell just happened. Why is he really here? Mom. She had to have put him up to coming here. There’s no other explanation.

  “Hey.” I look into Nash’s vibrant green eyes and smile. “Are you okay?” I nod. “Who was that guy?”

  I wave my hand, suddenly embarrassed. “Oh, just someone from back home.” I start cleaning the counter, a little bit too forcibly. I hear him move in front of the counter, and I try not to look up.

  “Anythin’ I should be worried about?”

  My head snaps up, looking into his concerned eyes. Damn, he’s fine. I stand up quickly. “No! No.” He raises one of his sexy eyebrows. Yes, even his eyebrows are sexy. “Really. He’s not even that much of a friend, really. Just a son of one of my mom’s pretentious friends. You know.” He seems to relax but still looks concerned. I walk around the counter and put my arms around him, pressing my lips against his. I feel his strong arms move around me, hugging me tightly. God, he’s such a great kisser. I swear I hear bells ringing.

  “Now, don’t ya’ll look cute together?”

  And of course, as the world would have it – we’re interrupted. As usual. I smile against his lips and take a step back, missing his arms around me immediately. He smiles, walking backward toward the door. “Lookin’ forward to Friday,” he says, then gives me a wink and walks out of my shop.

  “What was that all about?” I tear my eyes from the closed door and turn my head at Misty. “He’s so fine.” She sighs, leaning her chin on her hand, her elbows resting on the counter.

  “Very fine.” I sigh, walking into the back room.

  “Wait! What happened?” she yells.

  “Oh! Just another crazy day at the shop!” I yell back. I walk to the preparing table, pick up an oven mitt and start fanning myself. “Damn, fine.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  It’s been four days since Matthew stopped by my shop, never stopping in again. Thank God! Four days since Prie left to go home with Grant. And four days since I’ve seen Nash, which is the weirdest of all. He normally stops by at least once a day. No text. No call. And tomorrow night we’re supposed to go out on our first official date. I get the strangest feeling something else is going to prevent our date. Again.

  “Stop worrying. I’m sure everything will be okay.” I look up as Sadie takes out a sheet of pastries from the oven. She lays the sheet on the table then starts scooping up the pastries with a spatula, setting them on individual plates. “Why don’t you just call him? Make sure everything’s okay. It’ll only set your mind at ease.”

  Yes! I could do that! Nope, I can’t. “I don’t think I should. I mean, call me old fashion, but the guy should call the girl. Otherwise, the girl just looks like a loosey goosey.” She smiles.

  “Well. You took dinner over to his place that one time. Why don’t you do that again? I’m sure he’d appreciate that, and then you’ll see that everything’s just fine.”

  Oh! Maybe she’s right! I could do that. That wasn’t too awkward that one time. Okay. It was totally awkward but ended up being a really good night. “You’re right. I can do that.”

  So that started the plan in motion. Once Pam got to the shop to help out Misty, I ran upstairs and started cooking and baking. The entire time I’m thinking, will we ever have a normal relationship? Will we ever really have a relationship? I’m starting to wonder. I’m on my way to his place with two huge shepherds’ pies and a large pan of apple crisp because we all know what happened last time I took food over to his house. As I pull into his drive, I’m overly anxious. Why hasn’t he called or texted? We’re supposed to finally go out tomorrow night and I haven’t heard from him. What could be so important? Or has he reconsidered and is afraid to tell me? Afraid of breaking my heart? Sitting in my car, parked in front of his ginormous house, I’m wondering if I should even go up to the door. I’m starting to think this – whatever this is, was doomed before it could even start.

  “Shit. Pull up your big girl panties, Tina. You’re being an idiot. Again,” I murmur to myself as I get out of my car. Opening the back door, I pick up the full sack of food and walk up the porch steps. My breath expels, able to see it in cold air, as I knock on the door. There’s rustling behind the big door, sounds of shuffling, and then strange noises. What’s going on in there? Oh, my God! Does he have another woman in there, trying to hide her before opening the door? My heart thunders in my chest, ready to break. The door opens and.... “Manuel?” I tilt my head in confusion. “Are you supposed to be outta bed?” He smiles, sitting there in a wheelchair. Hence, the strange noises I heard.

  “Ah! Carino!” Sweetheart. “Yes. Nash got me a wheelchair. The doctor said I could start usin’ it for a limited amount of time a day. Come in. You must be freezin’.” I walk inside, happy to see him up instead of lying in bed. I bet he’d gotten sick of that. His casted leg lifted high by the raised foot plate, an afghan covering his lap. “Come into the livin’ room and sit by the fire. I’ll text him and let him know you’re here.”

  Setting the sack on the floor, I take my coat off and hang it in the front closet. Picking up the sack, I smile, wondering why he’d need to text Nash. Is he not here? “I brought some food. I’ll go put it in the oven to warm it up.” He nods, looking down at his phone while his fingers fly over the keyboard. I walk into the kitchen, every counter cluttered with dirty dishes, wadded up paper towels, and the surfaces clearly needing to be washed. “What in the hell happened here,” I mumble as I look around. Shrugging, I place the sack on the counter and remove all the dishes. After setting the oven, I place both large pans in it. Then, I roll up my sleeves and get busy cleaning.

  “Tina?” My head raises from looking down at the counter as I scrub and see Nash walking in the back door. I drop the sponge and take a step back, brushing my long hair back from my embarrassed face.

  “Oh! Hi.” I feel like I was caught doing something horrible. I shouldn’t have just come in here, making myself at home.

  “It’s great to see you.” He runs his fingers through his hair, looking disheveled. He walks over to me, putting on a smile. “Fuck. I’m sorry I haven’t called you or at least texted.” I wave my hand in the air like it’s no big deal and open my mouth. Before I have a chance to respond, he takes me in his arms, hugging me tight. He leans back, the look of apology in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He kisses me and as my arms move around his neck, my toes curl and legs feel weak.

  As he starts kissing my neck, I remember that I was worried why he hadn’t contacted me. “I thought – oh, yeah.” He sucks some of my skin into his mouth, and I run my fingers into his hair. “I wasn’t sure if – God, that feels so good.” What was I saying?

  He moves his luscious lips back up my neck then to my mouth. We both become totally out of breath. Definitely not a bad way to go. He cups my face. Our breathing labored. “I should have called.” His thumb rubs softly over my cheek. “So much has happened, I....” The back door opens, and I look over his shoulder as he turns his head, his hand falling to my arm.

  “Doc Mills is gettin’ ready to leave.” Bart looks at me and smiles then looks back at Nash. “Sorry, but he wants to talk to ya before he goes.”

  I look quickly at Nash when Bart closes the door. “Is everything okay?”

  He grips my arm, his brows lowering. “That’s why I haven’t called. My mare Comet had a colt.” My eyes widen. How wonderful! He doesn’t smile, making my exc
itement fade. “Poor little guy had complications.”

  “Oh, no!” I put my hand on top of his.

  His mouth lifts into a smile. “He’s doin’ better now. But it’s been a rough few days.” He looks over his shoulder then back at me. “I need to....”

  “Go. I’ll be here.” He leans in and kisses me, gently. He starts to walk toward the door. “Let the guys know I brought plenty of food.”

  He opens the door and looks at me from over his shoulder and smiles. “That’s mighty nice of ya. I’m sure they’re starved. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  I watch him leave and then I turn around to check on the food. Bending over, I start to open the oven door but instead reach up to my mouth, finding I’m smiling. God, what he does to me. Just a simple look, a smile, those sparkling eyes as he looks into mine. “Sheesh, Tina. You’re like a star-crossed lover or maybe a crazy teenager.” Grabbing the oven mitts, I pull out the large trays and set them on the counter. “Read a little too much?” I laugh, even though it does seem a little fitting. Suddenly, the back door opens, and a loud hustle and bustle ensues.

  “Evenin’, Miss Tina.” Bart tips his cowboy hat then takes it off, setting it down on a long hutch against the wall.

  “Evenin’.” Luis smiles.

  The rest say hello and remove their hats then sit down at the kitchen table. “Here let me.” Bart walks over and picks up the trays as I take out rolls from the oven. Sam helps take plates and silverware to the table. Once everything is done, Manuel comes into the room.

  “Smells delicious!” He pushes himself over to the head of the table as Jim – one who is apparently shy, moves the chair out of the way. “Come. Sit, Miss Tina.” I smile and sit down next to him as the guys start filling their plates.

  This time it was more comfortable as we ate. They guys were respectful, thanked me for the food, and told me how great it was. By the time they started taking their plates to the sink, I started getting worried about Nash. I look down at the empty chair beside me and wonder why he didn’t come back.

  “He’s had a rough few days.” I look up at Manuel. “You see. There’s one thing his pa didn’t have to teach him about breedin’.” I tilt my head, really interested to learn more about Nash. “His love for animals.” Oh! “Thing is, he hurts when they do. Would do anythin’ for them.” He settles in his chair. “That’s why the last few days have been so tough. It wasn’t lookin’ good for the colt, thought we’d lose him, but Nash didn’t give up. Stayed in the barn with him all day and night, doin’ the stuff the vet told him to do.”

  “Oh,” I whisper.

  He smiles. “I know ya’ll don’t know each other that well, yet.” Man, he isn’t kidding. “I can tell ya’ll have somethin’ special goin’ on.”

  “Yeah?” I smile. It turns down into a frown quickly. “Seems like there’s secret forces out there that seem to keep getting in our way though.” He laughs. He really is a nice man. I can see why Nash feels like he’s a pa to him. It would have been nice to have someone like him as a dad. Lord knows mine isn’t anywhere near that.

  “Life in the country, workin’ on the land, it gets pretty tough to do anythin’ else.” Geez, don’t I know it.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  He smiles. “No. I’d better not. I’ve probably stayed up much longer than I should have. Hate bein’ tied to this chair. It’s hard when all I want to do is help him.” He pushes himself back and starts to turn but stops. I stand and he places his hand on my arm. “I believe if a relationship is supposed to happen, sometimes things don’t come easy. Sometimes you have to work for it. There are some that just fall into place but there are others where it takes struggle and determination, and sometimes those are the best ones. The strongest love.” I smile, feeling a bit of wetness in my eyes. “You young kids just hang tough. I see the way you look at each other and can feel you pullin’ toward each other. It’ll happen.” He turns and starts pushing himself out of the room. “And I believe it’ll be one of those strong loves.”

  I watch him leave and wonder about his own life. Did he ever have that kind of love? Was he ever married? I clean up the kitchen and put all the leftovers away, which wasn’t very much. Those guys sure have hardy appetites. Still no Nash. I think it’s time to become determined and help this relationship along.

  Chapter Eleven


  I turn up the small heater and pull up the blanket further on the colt. Doc Mills says he’s doin’ better but I can’t seem to leave him. Comet whinny’s on the other side of the stall. “He’s doin’ okay, Comet.” I turn to look at her and see Tina standin’ there, all bundled up in her coat. Damn, I’ve been so concerned about the colt, I forgot this whole time she’s been up at the house. I stand and walk over to her. She walks toward me at the same time and right into my arms. “I’m sorry. I meant to....” She reaches up, placin’ two fingers over my mouth.

  “It’s okay,” she whispers. She looks over my shoulder. Her mouth opens, and her brows cross. “Oh! Is this the new addition?” She walks around me. I’m left smilin’ as she bends down next to the colt. “He’s precious!” As I squat down beside her, the colt lifts his head, lookin’ up at her. “Is he gonna be all right?”

  Lookin’ down at him, I rub down his nose. “Yeah. Even though my barn is heated, I got a smaller one to put in here closer to him. Doc says he’s doin’ a lot better. Should be good in the next couple days.” She looks up at me and smiles, but it turns sad. “Yeah, about tomorrow night....”

  She sits down on the hay, crossin’ her legs. “Nash. It’s okay. I understand.” I sit down beside her, leanin’ back on my hands, and stretch my legs out. She looks at me and becomes serious. “I love that about you.” My brows raise. “I love how you care so much for your animals. I love how much you care for your men.” She turns toward me. “I love how much you take care of Manuel and what he means to you. I love....” Sittin’ up, I grab the back of her head, pullin’ her to me and cover her mouth with mine. I already knew how beautiful she is. Already knew how cute, shy, and adorable. But in this instant, I know just how special she is. As her lips part, I waste no time pushin’ my tongue inside and explorin’ her mouth. She tastes as sweet as she is. She lets out a moan, her hand movin’ up my chest as I cup the side of her face, pullin’ her hard against my mouth and coverin’ her hand with mine. Our chests are pushin’ against each other’s as we both begin to struggle for a breath. I move back only to press my forehead against hers. The only sound in the barn is the hum of the small heater, the colt’s breathin’ and our heavy pants. It’s – perfect.

  “I have....” She takes some deep breaths. “An idea for tomorrow night.” I let out a chuckle as she continues to pull in air. I love that I did that to her, made her feel that way. I aim to keep makin’ her feel that way. I lean in and kiss her again, hard. Her arm moves around my shoulder as she kisses me back. We pull away, both of us tryin’ to catch our breaths. “Okay. Stop for a minute, I....” She covers my mouth with hers. When we break away, her eyes still closed, and a smile appears on her beautiful face. She opens her eyes. “We’ll talk about it later.” My brows raise, and then she kisses me again, our arms goin’ around each other as we slowly lay down in the hay.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night,” she says and kisses me again. I watch her walk onto the porch and down the steps and into the dark night, all the way until she’s in her car and drives off.

  “You two kids have fun?”

  Closin’ the door, I turn around and see Manuel sittin’ on the couch in the livin’ room. I walk in there and go over to the fireplace, grab the poker and squat down, stokin’ the fire. “It was....”

  “Amazin’. Wonderful. Incredible....” he says. I can tell without lookin’ that he’s smilin’.

  “One of the best nights of my life.�
�� Settin’ down the poker, I stand and walk over to the recliner, sit down and look at him. “Manuel. It’s just....” Leanin’ my arms on my legs, I look over at him. “It’s frustratin’ bein’ a gentleman.” He laughs. “I know. I know. I am the way I am but damn, it’s been hard enough tryin’ to find time to be with her and with the little time we’ve had – ain’t never gonna get anywhere.” He raises one of his bushy brows. “You know what I mean.” I look down at my hands. “It’s hard to find the right woman. But I’m findin’ it’s even harder to take her out on a date.”

  He laughs, sittin’ up. “Mijo, help me get upstairs. I’m not as young as you and need to get some sleep.” Laughin’, I stand, grab him under his arms and lift. He puts his arm around me and hobbles as we walk toward the stairs.

  “You do more than a lot of men I know, old man.” He laughs. We start goin’ up the stairs, takin’ it slow.

  “Everythin’ will happen in its own time, son. No need to rush it. I like Tina, think she’d be a good woman for you. Her heart is in the right place. Can tell she has some strong feelin’s for ya.” I look at him and raise a brow. “She feels the same way, not understandin’ why it’s been so difficult for ya’ll to be able to get together.” He chuckles. “Thinks the world’s against ya’ll.” We make it to the top of the stairs, and he’s out of breath so I give him a minute. He turns to me. “Mijo. It’ll happen if it’s meant to be. And I believe it is.”

  I get him into bed, make sure he’s settled, and then go to my room. After takin’ a shower, I get dressed and go downstairs, put my coat on and walk down to the barn. I’m not quite ready to leave the colt on his own yet.


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