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Back To Country (Country Love #4)

Page 15

by Vicki Green

  “Uh, morning.” I startle then look over my left shoulder at Trevor. “Didn’t mean to spook ya.” He smiles and winks.

  “Oh, not at all.” I smile. God! I love my life. Cowboys everywhere and some of them are my friends. I could just stare at them all day. Although, nothing beats Nash. And I had sex with him! I feel my cheeks warm from the bright blush I’m sure is there.

  “Got time for a cup of coffee with me?” He seems – nervous?

  I look around the shop. Only a few people here, drinking and chatting. “Sure. Your usual?” He nods. I walk over to the counter and start making our drinks, noticing he went over to a table in the corner and sat down. Something’s up. I wish Prie were here. Picking up our cups, I walk over to the table and sit down, placing his coffee in front of him. He nods, giving me a thank you, and puts his hands around it. He keeps looking everywhere but at me. “Trevor? You okay?” He clears his throat, his eyes flashing to mine then back down at his cup. “Hey, what’s going on,” I whisper. He looks back at me.

  “Um. Well....” He takes a drink and then clears his throat again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this nervous before which makes me extremely nervous. Trevor is the epitome of calm and cool so this can’t be good. “Prie comes home on Monday.” This I knew. “Tina. I think she’s havin’ an affair.” Uh. Shit. What do I say to that?

  “Why, uh....? What makes you think that?” I bite on the inside of my cheek, hating that she didn’t tell him before she left. Then I think, why would he think that? “Um, Trevor? You know Grant is gay, right?” Surely after all this time he knows this.

  He starts rubbing his finger on the outside of his coffee cup, nervously. “I know that. It’s just....” Okay, this isn’t like Trevor at all. “She’s always spent so much time with....” With who? “Nash.” Uh, didn’t see that coming. “She’s always told me they’re just friends. Hell, he’s told me that.”

  “Then what’s the problem? Why do you think that?” Hell, I know it’s not Nash. At least I don’t think it is. Wait! She’s not even having an affair!

  “I dunno. At the hospital when Shiloh was havin’ Colt, they did a lot of whisperin’ and then he ended up takin’ her home. Then the other day before she left, she talked to him again but they always stopped talkin’ when I got near.” He takes off his cowboy hat and runs his hand over his head in exasperation. “I’m sure I’m bein’ silly.” He looks into my eyes, his full of concern and worry. “Tina. I can’t lose her. She’s my heart, my life. I don’t know what I’d do....”

  I reach over and take his hand. “No! Trevor. I’m sure it’s nothing. You know Prie loves you with everything she is.”

  He looks down. “I – I know. I just.…” He looks back at me. “Can you talk to her? Find out what’s goin’ on in that beautiful head of hers?” He smiles. No girl in her right mind wouldn’t want him. “You’re one of her best friends. Please talk to her. I’d be mighty obliged.”

  “Of course I will.” I smile. She’d better not have anything else going on, other than her secret pregnancy. I wanna kill her for not telling him before she left. Circumstances be damned.

  He pats my hand. “Thank ya, Tina. You’re a good friend.” I really don’t feel like such a great friend right now.

  Trevor left shortly after and I felt weird and frustrated the rest of the day and night. For him. Now, like Trevor had said, Prie has become one of my best friends but even best friends can make bad decisions. By the time I help clean up the shop, I was angry at her for not telling Trevor.

  He’s gonna be a daddy! He deserves to know! BIG point against her on this one! HUGE!

  He doesn’t deal well with anything bad that happens to Prie and needs to understand everything surrounding her pregnancy. Okay, she may have a teeny weeny point for not worrying him on this one.

  He worships the ground she walks on. He’ll want to protect her, wait on her hand and foot, and pretty much make her rest 24/7. Okay, she’ll feel like an invalid and she’ll hate that. She might have another point here. Small.

  He’d give her all his support, be comforting. Another loss of a point here. I mean, she needs that right now and throughout the pregnancy. Duh!

  For fuck’s sake! He’s gonna be a daddy! I know! I already listed this one but it is that HUGE! MAJOR pointage removal!

  I make myself crazy as I walk up the steps to my apartment and let myself in. So angry that I go into the kitchen and make some muffins just to try to cool off before I even think of attempting to call Prie. Once the muffins are made and put away, I settle down on the couch, pull my phone from my pocket and dial her.

  “Tina! So good to hear from you!” She sounds – chipper. Happy. I don’t know what I expected. Maybe still down, worried – concerned? That just makes me madder. “I can’t wait to come home the day after tomorrow. How are you?” How am I? I’m about ready to explode, that’s how I am.

  “Prie. Trevor came to see me today.” Let’s just start here. Shall we? I’m actually pretty proud of myself for sounding so calm. I’m anything but.

  “Oh?” she whispers. Silence except for hearing her light breathing. I open my mouth to speak when she does. “Everything okay? Well, I talked to him earlier today myself and nothing was wrong then. Did something happen since I talked to him?” Now she sounds worried. Way to go, Tina.

  “No. Not really?” Now I’m at a loss for words. “Prie. Why didn’t you tell him about your pregnancy before you left? I mean, I know why but still.” Silence. “He’s worried, Prie. He thinks something is going on.”

  “Oh.” Her whispers and one small word answers are not helping.

  “He thinks you’re having an affair,” I blurt. My non-filter is definitely still there.

  “Oh, no!” Well, at least she’s gotten to two small words. I roll my eyes. “With who?” Still two words!

  “Um – Nash?” Why did that come out as a question? She starts laughing. I don’t mean a chuckle or giggle, I mean full out belly hurting laughing. “Prie. I don’t think this is very funny.” She keeps going and I start getting angry again. “Oh, my God! Listen to you.” Her laughter starts dying down. “Prie. He was really nervous and worried. I felt really bad for him.” I hear her sniff.

  “I’m a terrible, terrible person.” She sniffs again and now I feel bad that I made her feel bad. “I’m so selfish.”

  “No you’re not, Prie. You’re just scared. I don’t blame you for that. God, I wish you were here, I’d hug you so hard. You’re still one of the strongest people I know.” I hear her sniff again but then a soft laugh. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

  “My doctor confirmed but gave me a book to read and a list of things that will hopefully help me carry the baby until it’s born.” She clears her throat.

  “That’s good, right? You know you have so many friends here that will help you and a man who loves you with all his heart.”

  “Yep.” Her voice sounds stronger. “I do. Grant and I will be back on Monday and I’m going right home and telling Trevor.”

  “Atta, girl!” She laughs.

  I went to bed with a smile on my face. My best friend will be back soon, she’ll tell Trevor and he’ll be so excited. He also, most likely, won’t let her out of his sight until the baby is born. Hell, he’ll probably not let her do anything or even get out of bed, knowing him. Then all my thoughts move to Nash. Sure, he’s got muscles upon muscles. Vibrant green eyes that can melt the panties off any girl. Killer smile with that amazing soft scruff covering that strong, firm jaw. Soft and thick hair. But inside. Inside is a sweet, caring, tender, and loving man. He melts my heart. We had sex. No. He made love to me. I gave him my virginity. In return, he not only gave me my first orgasm – which was so out of this world incredible – but he gave me so much more. He made me feel cared for, alive, respected. He made me feel – loved. I close my eyes, r
emembering every single second, with a smile.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After Tina left, I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about her. Makin’ love to her was a dream come true. She gave me somethin’ I’ll never forget. She’ll never understand what an honor it was that she gave me her virginity. That meant more to me than anythin’ she could have ever done. It also told me her feelin’s for me were so much more than I’d thought. I knew she cared for me, otherwise she wouldn’t have wanted to go out on a date with me in the first place. But allowin’ me to make love to her told me I meant even more to her.

  The rest of the weekend was spent thinkin’ of her while doin’ chores and catchin’ up on everythin’ since Atlas was doin’ so well. Manuel is spendin’ more time downstairs so things are gettin’ a little more back to normal.

  By Monday, Grant and Prie were back. They flew into Pilates while the movers had left a couple of days before and were meetin’ Grant at his new house this afternoon. What was weird is a few hours after they’d gotten back, Trevor sent a text out to all of his friends, tellin’ us to come over for supper tonight. My gut tells me that Prie finally told him the news. What will also be great is spendin’ time with everyone. All together. It seems like we haven’t gotten to do that for a long time. I’m lookin’ forward to it. So, I spent the rest of the day repairin’ part of the fence around the horse’s pasture. There’s always somethin’ that needs to be done.

  That night, I leave Manuel in the guys capable hands, sittin’ around the kitchen table playin’ poker, and drive over to Trevor and Prie’s place. As I pull into their driveway I spot Memphis and Colby’s trucks, knowin’ I’m the last to get here. I get excited as I walk up to the front door and give it a knock. It swings open and I find Prie in my arms quickly.

  “Nash!” She squeals.

  “Glad you’re back, darlin.”

  “Well, come in.” She steps back and I walk inside, removin’ my hat and coat. She takes them and hangs them in the closet. “Everyone’s already here,” she says, puttin’ her arm around mine as we start walkin’ to the livin’ room. She laughs. “I thought you’d be here first, since you live the closest.”

  “Yeah, well. Ran a little late mendin’ some fences so it put off gettin’ ready. Made some supper for Manuel and the guys.” I look down at her and smile.

  “Oh! How is Manuel doing?”

  “Hey, Nash!”

  “Doin’ much better.” Trevor and Memphis walk toward me while Sadie and Shiloh give me their hello’s from the couch. Shiloh’s holdin’ a sleepin’ Carter in her lap but I don’t see Sadie’s twins. Grant looks up and waves from beside the gals and I get pats on my shoulder and back from the guys, everyone talkin’ a mile a minute. My brows lower and disappointment overshadows me, not seein’ Tina anywhere. “C’mon in and sit. Beer?” Trevor smiles.

  “Trevor?” We turn our heads and see Prie standin’ by their big chair, smilin’.

  “Go on. I can get it.” I wink.

  He nods, a big smile overtakin’ his face as he walks over to Prie. I walk through the foyer and into the kitchen, stoppin’ dead in my tracks when I see Tina, her back to me, standin’ at the breakfast bar, takin’ a lid off a container. My heart starts beatin’ faster as I walk as quietly as my boots allow until I’m behind her. Wrappin’ my arms around her slim waist makes her startle but only for a second. I kiss the side of her neck, smellin’ her unique scent and takin’ a deep breath. “Hello, Beauty,” I whisper, her body gives a slight shiver. Fuck, if I don’t love how her body responds to me.

  “Nash,” she whispers, placin’ her hands on mine coverin’ her flat stomach.

  She turns around in my arms and our mouths cover each other’s quickly. My hands move up her back, my fingers interwinin’ into the curls in her long, soft hair. I tug a bit, pullin’ her head back as my mouth leaves hers and kiss underneath her ear. “I’ve missed you.” I breathe against her skin, makin’ my way down her neck. A soft moan leaves her sweet mouth, her fingers findin’ their way into my hair, her nails scratchin’ my scalp. Damn that feels good.

  “I’ve missed you too,” she says, tiltin’ her head to the side and breathin’ heavy.

  “Nash! Tina!”

  I stop at the base of her neck and move back, slightly, smilin’. “Guess we’d better get in there.” She looks up, the light rose color of her blush makin’ her look even more beautiful. She nods and I take her hand, leadin’ her toward the doorway. Stoppin’ suddenly, I look down and into her eyes. “You think all our friends know we’re seein’ each other?” She gives me a hesitant look then bites her lip. “Beauty, if you don’t stop that, we’re gonna be even later gettin’ in there.” I lean down and kiss her, draggin’ her bottom lip from her teeth with mine. She giggles. I move back and smile.

  “Well, I think a few of them do. But I’m not sure they all do.” She smiles back.

  “You all right with everyone knowin’? I mean, they’re gonna find out anyway.” I give her another wink and she nods eagerly. “Good. C’mon before they send out a posse after us.” I tug on her hand, listenin’ to her sweet giggles as we walk through the foyer. Everyone’s talkin’ at once as we walk into the livin’ room. We stop by the side of the couch and I put my arm around her, feelin’ mighty proud. Suddenly, the room goes quiet. All heads turn our way. Eyebrows raise. Mouths drop open. Smiles movin’ across the room at us. “Whelp, we’re here,” I say, standin’ a little taller.

  Trevor looks down at Prie, standin’ in front of the fireplace, with his arm around her, pullin’ her into his side. She nods at him, her smile so big, then he looks around the room. “Glad ya’ll could make it over tonight.” Everyone looks at him. He looks as if he could bust. “Well, Prie and I have some news.” He looks down at her. She’s glowin’ as she looks up at him, both of them beamin’ with their love for each other. Makes me pull Tina closer to me. “We’re gonna have a baby!” Gasps are heard with sounds of surprise and congratulations. Guess some are good at actin’.

  The guys walk over to Trev, givin’ him some pats while the gals walk over to Prie, givin’ her hugs. I look down at Tina as she looks up at me, her smile breathtakin’. I nod and she runs over to Prie so I walk over to Trevor. By the time I reach him, the guys leave and walk over to Prie. “I’m gonna be a daddy,” Trevor says to me, his smile wide.

  “Congrats, Trev. I’m happy for ya’ll,” I say givin’ him a pat on his shoulder. We shake hands then I pull him in for a quick hug.

  “Thanks, man. ’Preciate it.” He pats my arm and looks over at Prie.

  Loud chatter fills the room until Colt starts cryin’. “Sorry we woke him, Shiloh,” Prie says with a frown on her face.

  “Nah! It’s time for his feeding.” Shiloh smiles. She sits down and Colby walks over, takin’ a baby bottle out of a big bag and handin’ it to her. Colt gets quiet pretty quickly as Shiloh puts the bottle in his little mouth.

  “He’s so good,” Sadie remarks as she sits down next to Shiloh. “Jared and Evie would be all over the place if they were here. Good thing Molly could babysit tonight.” She smiles as she runs her hand over Colt’s head.

  “So.…” Prie gets everyone’s attention. She slides her arm around Trevor’s waist and smiles. “With our news also comes some other things.” Everyone listens intently. Of course, some of us already know those things but not sure how many. “My pregnancy is considered high risk so I’ll really have to take it easy. God, I hate asking you all for help when you all give us so much help already.” Sounds of people sayin’ it doesn’t matter and how much they’ll continue to do whatever is needed fills the room. Prie smiles and looks up at Trevor, tears in her eyes.

  “Damn. We couldn’t ask for better friends. Family,” Trev says, while lookin’ around the room.

  “So, with that.” Prie clears her voice and everyone quiets d
own. “You all know that.... I don’t even want to say his name. You all know what happened to me and the damage that was done physically.” There’s some nods and everyone looks at her intently. “Well, that caused some things that could create a lot of problems for our baby.” I watch as Trevor moves his arm around her, his hand touchin’ her flat stomach. “Technically, there’s a very good chance that something could prevent our baby from being born.” Quiet gasps sound. Makes me damn angry all over again how vicious and evil that man was. I’m sure everyone’s feelin’ the same. Some more than others.

  “But.…” Trevor says, with a look of determination on his face. “We’re gonna do everythin’ we can to make sure Prie has a safe and healthy delivery.” Talkin’ ensues around the room. “Tonight, let’s celebrate!”

  Everyone starts gettin’ up, givin’ hugs while others walk outta the room headin’ to the dinin’ room across the entryway. “Hey, Nash!” I give Tina a quick kiss, tellin’ her I’ll be along in a minute as Grant walks over to me with his hand out.

  “Hey, Grant. How are ya?” I shake his hand.

  “Doing good. Pretty fucking tired though.” He laughs. “Moving is so exhausting.” I know that feelin’ all too well. “Hey, do you mind if I crash at your place tonight? Nothing’s really put together at my new house yet since everything just got delivered today and I’m too tired to do anything tonight once we leave here.”

  I was kinda hopin’ to ask Tina if she wanted to spend the night, since I’m sure it’ll be late when we leave here. I look at the hope in Grant’s tired eyes. “Of course you can.”

  He smacks my back and we start walkin’ towards the dinin’ room. “So – you and Tina finally did the dirty deed, huh?” My brows raise high.


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