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Deceive Not My Heart

Page 44

by Shirlee Busbee

  Not put off by her unenthusiastic greeting, Morgan sprawled in the hay beside her, one elbow propping him up as he stared down into her face. "I followed you," he admitted. Aware of the cause of her tears and seeking, momentarily at least, to distract her, he added provocatively, "You slunk off so quickly after dinner that I-"

  "I did not slink off!" she interrupted indignantly, the tears drying.

  He smiled and murmured, "Well, perhaps not. Marched, might be a better description."

  Uncertainly she regarded him. "Are you teasing me?"

  He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek. "Is that not permitted? I'm afraid I assumed with this afternoon's events behind us, that I could upon occasion dare to tease you. A husband-to-be does have certain rights, I'm told."

  She sent him a misty smile, her own hand traveling the small distance between them to lie against his chest. "Monsieur, you have all the rights you could ever want where I am concerned."

  Morgan's breath caught in his diaphragm, any thoughts of rational conversation disappearing. An intent, hungry blaze in his blue eyes, he bent nearer to her and asked huskily, "All rights? Even the right to touch you like this?" and his hand knowingly, cupped one breast. His mouth coming closer to hers, he added thickly, "And the right to kiss you like this?"

  Blindly Leonie met his descending mouth, her lips opening eagerly under the sweet assault of his kiss. Her one hand curved around his neck, pulling his dark head nearer, her body arching up next to his. He was her man, her lover, and she wanted to deny him nothing... wanted his lovemaking to drive away the devils, wanted the fires of desire that flared so powerfully between them to burn away all thought of Ashley, leaving behind, glowing bright and strong, only their love.

  For the first time, doubt and suspicion did not lie beside them as tenderly, urgently their hands and bodies touched and caressed the other. There was only love and a bittersweet joy between them, each one seeking to pleasure the other, unconsciously seeking passion to destroy Ashley's malevolent specter.

  To have Morgan near her like this, to know he loved her, to have his hands stroking and sliding sensuously over her body was paradise, and Leonie made no effort to escape the hot tide of desire that engulfed her. With impatient hands she tugged at the clothes that separated them, needing Morgan's naked flesh next to hers, needing desperately to show him with her body how very much she loved him.

  Leonie's response to his caresses unleashed all the passion Morgan had controlled these past weeks, and with a low groan, he undid the fastenings of her gown, his hand gliding softly over her silken skin. He was trembling from the force of the emotions that thundered through his big body, and with hurried movements he shifted her pliant form and jerked the clothes from her body.

  A sigh of satisfaction came from him, when at last she lay naked on the hay before him. Her tawny hair tumbled wildly around her face and shoulders, and the golden skin gleamed faintly from the light of the waning moon that shone in through the hole in the roof. There was a slumberous expression in the sea-green eyes and her lips were slightly parted as she looked back at him, and Morgan couldn't stop himself from leaning over and kissing her deeply, his own clothes forgotten.

  Freed from the trappings of her gown and undergarments, Leonie's entire body was his to explore and he did so with undeniable pleasure, his hands and fingers sliding lovingly over her breasts, hips, and thighs. But his clothes proved a barrier neither of them would tolerate and with a muttered curse, he sat up and began to strip off the offending garments with decisive movements.

  Made brazen by the emotions that ruled her, Leonie could not even bear for him to be gone from her for that short time and like a seducing siren when he turned from her to tug off his boots, she knelt behind him and pressed herself closer to his muscled back, moving her hips sensuously against him, until he said in a shaken voice, "If you don't stop that, little witch, I'll take you as I am, and boots and breeches, be damned!"

  Love gave her boldness and sinking back on her haunches she murmured, "Perhaps monsieur does not want me?" Morgan shot her a smoldering look that dispelled that notion and with one violent jerk the last of his clothes were shed. Swinging around to face her, he felt his blood leap with a mingling of possession and white-hot passion at the blatantly sensual picture she made.

  She was half-sitting on her haunches, the tawny hair curling wildly about her shoulders, the taut, coral-tipped breasts peeking impudently through the silken strands of hair. With her eyes drowsy with ill-concealed desire, the faint moonlight caressing her naked belly and thighs, and her mouth curved in a provocative smile, she was irresistible.

  He reached for her hungrily, jerking her to him with suppressed violence. But there was nothing violent about his touch, it was as tender, as sweetly caressing as any woman could ever want. Gently his mouth moved over hers, his tongue ravenously tasting the warm wine he found between her lips. His fingers slowly, tantalizingly teased her nipples until they were hard, throbbing points of fire and then and only then, did his hand drifted lower, searching for the soft tangle of curls between her legs. He found it, and Leonie's body jumped with pleasure as he tenderly stroked and fondled her, his fingers insidiously exploring where they would.

  Unable to remain passive, her entire body tingling and aching with desire, she kissed him back, her hands beginning an exploration of their own as they slid down his back, over his taut buttocks to his muscled thighs. His skin was smooth and hard beneath her questing fingertips and she reveled in the feel of the powerful sinews that lay just under the warm flesh. She arched up closer to him, delighting in the soft cushion of hair that crushed against her breasts.

  Her nipples were like two tips of flame against his chest, and when she reached for him, her small hand closing around the swollen length of him, Morgan shuddered. Compulsively his mouth sought hers, his tongue filling her mouth and his hands caressing her with a fervent intensity, wanting to give her the same sweet ecstasy she was giving him.

  Despite the passion that ran deep and strong between them, there was an air of feverish urgency about their lovemaking, as if they both feared this might be the last time they could ever touch one another this way, ever share such exquisite lovemaking. With a tender fierceness Morgan lavished his caresses over her body, his lips and hands sliding warmly over her breasts and stomach, arousing Leonie to a delirious state of blind, hungry yearning. Even when his head dipped lower, and his tongue flicked like fire over the most intimate part of her body, she didn't deny him. Almost with a will of their own her legs parted, letting him explore and caress as he wished.

  Nearly mindless with the pleasure he was giving her, she moaned and writhed beneath his searching caress, her hands reaching for him, wanting to touch him, wanting to share this shamelessly erotic experience. But he wouldn't let her, never ceasing the gentle probings of his tongue, his hands closed around her breasts holding her prisoner, pushing her back down into the hay.

  Helplessly her hands sought for some way to caress him, her fingers traveling over his powerful shoulders before they found the dark hair on his head. And when the first sharp spasm of ecstasy washed over her, her body tightened like a bowstring, her fingers gripped the thick black hair with frenzied pleasure and she sobbed aloud her gratification. Again and again her body arched with ecstasy so great she thought she would go mad with it, but then gradually it lessened to a sweet ache. It was only when she was lying limp and satiated, that Morgan raised his head, and a glazed intent look in his eyes, he stared at her. His voice thick and slurred, he muttered, "I told you the next time we would do it my way... are you sorry?"

  Imperceptibly Leonie shook her head, too replete, too completely shaken by what she had experienced to do more. Morgan watched her a second longer, and then slowly his body slid up hers, his lips scorching a fiery trail as they traveled up her flat stomach to her breasts, where he lingered awhile until her nipples were once again hard and throbbing before he finally sought her mouth.

s body leaped with renewed hunger the moment his lips had touched her breasts and when his mouth found hers, she was already aflame for his possession. Unable to hold himself back any longer, Morgan swiftly moved between her thighs, and with a low groan of excitement he thrust himself urgently into the warm softness he knew awaited him. Their mouths were locked together in mutual hunger, his hard flesh pleasuring them both as he drove endlessly into her. He prolonged the sweet joining as long as he could, but when he felt Leonie's body beneath his, trembling from the force of her pleasure, he lost control of himself and shuddering with ecstasy, gave himself up to bliss.

  That night when they retired to bed there was no question of separate rooms and throughout the long night, again and again their ardent bodies pledged their love, each time seeming more precious and sweet than the time before. And between the bouts of lovemaking, they would lie in each other's arms murmuring their love, vowing that nothing would ever part them.

  Ashley's name remained unspoken until just before dawn and it was then that Morgan asked, "Leonie, about the fortune he mentioned—if it really does exist, and I suspect it does, considering his presence here, do you want to claim it?"

  Her head resting against his shoulder, her body relaxed and exhausted from his lovemaking, she thought about it for a few minutes. Finally she said softly, "No. France and everything connected with it is so far removed from what is important to me. When my great-grandfather came to this country, he turned his back on his homeland, and this became his home. It is the only home I have known. I was born here and I have no desire to lay claim to whatever fortune might await me in France." Propping herself up on one elbow she stared down into his dark face. Ttracing the outline of his full masculine mouth, she murmured, "Everything I want is here: my home, my son... and you."

  With a groan, Morgan pulled her down next to him and proceeded to show her just how very much he loved her.

  Chapter 31

  Ashley was awake before dawn, and within an hour, he was on his way to Chateau Saint-Andre. He reached the road that led to the plantation by eleven o'clock, but instead of riding directly to the plantation, he veered his horse off the road into the underbrush. It was difficult going, but eventually he found himself near the house. He dismounted and tied his horse's reins to the lower branch of a young oak tree and then crept nearer to the house.

  Positioning himself where he had a good view of the house, he settled down to watch the comings and goings of the inhabitants. A definite plan hadn't formed in his mind yet, but he was determined to see Leonie and make her understand about the fortune.

  Besides Leonie, there was only one other person whose movements interested him, and when he saw Morgan ride away from the house about one o'clock, his spirits rose. Now was his chance, he thought. Morgan was out of the way and before he returned Leonie must be made to see reason.

  He waited a few minutes longer, just to make certain his cousin wasn't returning, and then he rode boldly up to the house. Just as brazenly he walked up the horseshoe staircase and gained entrance to the house.

  There were servants and people everywhere, but Ashley assumed correctly that they would mistake him for Morgan, especially if he didn't linger and watched himself.

  Composing a pleasant expression on his face, he wandered through the house, finding Leonie, to his delight, alone in a small room at the rear of the house. She was looking at various swatches of material and when he entered she looked up, a lovely smile breaking over her face.

  Unaware, at first, that it was Ashley before her, she asked lightly, "Shall we have a rose watered silk for the walls in the dining room or would you prefer moss green? I can't make up my mind."

  Shutting the door behind him, Ashley turned to look at her. The hard blue eyes taking in the demure picture she presented as she sat on a shabby sofa, her gown of apricot muslin falling gracefully around her ankles, he said, "Quite the domesticated little woman, aren't you, my dear?"

  Leonie went rigid, immediately recognizing that sneering voice. Rising to her feet, the swatches scattering wildly, she spat angrily, "You! What are you doing here? Morgan will kill you if he finds you here!"

  "But he won't, will he?" Ashley returned. "I took the precaution of waiting until I saw him riding away before entering the house. And believe me, I will be gone long before he returns."

  Not frightened of him, too angry to be frightened and aware that there were others only a call away, Leonie watched him. She was conscious of a scalding core of fury against him burning deep within her, and making no attempt to hide her scorn and contempt, she demanded, "What do you want? There is nothing here for you!"

  Too pleased with himself to tread carefully, Ashley smiled, almost enjoying the situation. "Ah, but there is. My wife is here, after all."

  When Leonie's hand balled into a fist and her eyes flashed at his words, Ashley said hastily, "Now, now, my dear; don't take umbrage so quickly. I know that we have started off badly, but circumstances were such that I had no choice but to act as I did." Keeping a pleasant expression on his face, he approached a little closer to her, but Leonie retreated. His smile slipped a little, but persevering, he said, "I'll admit that I haven't been the most exemplary husband in the world, but if you'll just give me a chance, I'm certain you'll see that I intend to make amends for the cavalier way I was forced to treat you in the past."

  Not the least bit mollified by his speech, and deciding that two could play this false game, she said sweetly, "Oh? Does that mean you've come to repay my dowry?"

  Ashley frowned. Clearing his throat, he said testily, "Not exactly." Shooting her an uncertain glance, he added, "Your dowry, my dear, is a paltry amount compared to what I can assure you in France." His face filling with apparent tenderness, he said softly, "Come to France with me—I shall show you a wondrous world of wealth and power."

  Unable to prevent herself, she shot back, "You can assure me? I thought it was my fortune."

  His eyes narrowing, the facile charm beginning to fray around the edges, he retorted sharply, "It is your fortune, but you need me to get it. I know people in power... I am a close adviser to Napoleon, and once we are in France, it will be a simple matter for him to order the return of the Saint-Andre lands and monies to their rightful owner."

  "I see," Leonie murmured. "And of course without me, you can't lay your hands on it, can you?" A mocking smile on her mouth, she added, "I begin to understand why you have suddenly decided it would be advantageous to find your wife after all these years."

  All pretense of politeness vanishing, he snapped, "Don't toy with me, my dear! I want that money and you are going to come to France with me to secure it! It is your duty as my wife."

  Leonie laughed. Her eyes dancing with derision, she said softly, "My duty? What about yours? You deserted me, remember? I'll concede that we had agreed to make no demands on one another, but that was an agreement I had with Morgan Slade, not you! You are a fraud, an impostor of the blackest kind! I won't lift one finger to help you gain anything!"

  "I don't think you understand the full situation," he said maliciously. And when Leonie's brow flew up, he went on, "I am not so easily deterred from what I want, my dear. And while I may have defrauded you, that doesn't change the fact that you are my wife, that you are committing flagrant adultery with my cousin." A sneer marring the handsome features, his voice dripping with slyness, he added, "I wonder what the good and proper people of New Orleans would think of that? Morgan is well-connected in the city, I know, because his mother comes from a prominent Creole family here. The gossip such knowledge would cause! Naturally Morgan would be forgiven... the man always is, but you?" He smiled nastily. "You, my dear, would become a pariah, a woman without character."

  Ashley's words hit with painful accuracy; Leonie was very aware of the ostracism she would face if the truth became known. But she didn't dare let Ashley see her doubts. Her jaw set in a stubborn line, she gritted out, "Go ahead—spread the gossip, but it won't gain you the Saint-Andre f

  Ashley appeared to consider that aspect for a long moment. "No, that's true... but there is no reason for it to be this way." Putting on his most sincere expression, he said coaxingly, "Come to France with me, regain your fortune, and then I shall divorce you there. No one need ever know. Let me have the monies in France and you can go free."

  Leonie looked at him with revulsion. "You're mad!" she breathed. "Mad and a fool, if you think I would believe anything you would say!"

  Ashley's face suffused with rage and with a snarl he lunged forward to grab her. And at that precise moment, Justin came bounding into the room.

  Ashley heard the door opening and pulled himself up instantly. Leonie who had been intent upon avoiding his touch went limp with relief... until she saw that it was her son who was coming into the room.

  Completely oblivious to the tension that swirled thickly in the air between the two adults, Justin ran up to Leonie and throwing his arms around her legs, he said happily, "Ah, maman, here you are! I have looked everywhere for you! You must come and see the new saddle that papa has bought me. It is red and very beautiful! Come!"

  Her hand shaking slightly, Leonie reached down to caress his tousled curls. "Not now, Justin. In a short while, mon coeur."

  Ashley stood staring thunderstruck at the child. And when Justin turned his head and he saw the same sea-green eyes as Leonie's, he sucked his breath in sharply. He opened his mouth to speak, but Justin spoke first. Smiling at the man who so resembled Morgan, he started toward him, saying excitedly, "Papa! How did you get here ahead of me?"

  "Papa?" Ashley burst out. His face harsh and furious, he glared at Leonie and said jeeringly, "I understand now why your grandfather was in such a hurry to marry you off!" A shout of ugly laughter escaped him. "By God, to think I was duped into marrying you for the oldest reason in the world!"

  Justin had stopped in confusion, and his small face bewildered, he stared hard at Ashley and then took an uncertain step backward. "You're not my papa!" he said accusingly. "You look like him, but you are not my papa! Who are you?"


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