His Devil's Desire
Page 12
He glanced around but saw nothing in the darkness that surrounded the adjacent foliage. He turned back to the maze, touching his arm; it came away bloodied but the slight burn was an indication that it was just a flesh wound. Had he stayed upright, the bullet would’ve caused serious damage.
“I should’ve known not to trust her,” he sneered at himself. “Let that be a lesson in allowing your cock to lead your head, Greer.”
His jaw was rigid and his shoulders tense when he sat down in the ‘throne’ placed at his station.
“It would be interesting to see if she would still hunt for me, one way or another. But, either way, Samantha Frazer, I’m onto you. You won’t fool me again. Let’s see just how far you’re prepared to take this farce tonight.”
His voice grated like saw in the silence as he wrapped his tie around his upper arm to protect the graze in his arm.
Rhone locked away the emotions surging through him. They were inconsequential. Survival was all that mattered.
Samantha Frazer had just aimed her sniper rifle at the wrong man.
Chapter Nine
“Did everyone receive the maze map and their first clue?” Dom Wilson drawled over the megaphone, keeping a close eye on the participants.
His gaze sharpened on one of the participants. “If you still have the study material of the guiding Doms, please hand it over immediately. Part of the fun is to see how accurately you will be able to identify the Dom in your clues from memory. Don’t cheat. You will be disqualified immediately.”
Samantha was surprised at how many subs had been hiding the Dom’s details in their clothes when they started handing them in.
“Good lord, these women are serious about this hunt, aren’t they?” She asked Ziva who had come to join her until they started.
“Well, the owners are very popular and well known among the local BDSM community. Winning one of them on the opening night would be a big scoop. Some are hoping it would lead to a D/s agreement with the Dom they’ve entered for.” She looked around. “Do you know who your opponents are?”
Samantha’s shoulders lifted in an irritated shrug. “No, but there are four. Master Razor warned me that no one is allowed to touch me, therefore, I have to make sure I get the clues right and win, otherwise I’m in for punishment.”
“He said that?”
“I’ll be punished if I end up with the wrong Dom but he, the high and mighty Master, is allowed to dish out the prize should another win. And do you know what he offered?” Samantha grated angrily.
“Nope. Dunno,” Ziva almost laughed aloud at her friend’s expression. She wondered if Samantha realized just how jealous she sounded.
“Cunnilingus and a rough fuck. I bet he actually hopes I lose. Well, tough shit. If anyone gets what he’s dishing out, it’ll be me.”
“That’s the spirit. You better line up. They’re about to start. Good luck. I’ll see you in the club afterward.”
Samantha joined the rest of the participants in front of Dom Wilson and dutifully opened the envelope at his cue. She shut out the excited chatter of the woman around her. Her lips curved upward when she read her clue.
His smile turns many heads but when he brings out his red hessian ropes, the subs swoon with expectation. Find him and ask him to craft you in a breast harness. Choose wisely because if wrong, you will feel the sting of a paddle for a lusty ten strikes.
Slade. He was the only one amongst the guiding Doms who was an expert in Shibari. She’d watched him bind Ziva many times and even joined in an art exhibition of his skills where he’d used Ziva and her to create the illusion of a tree with his ropes. It had been an amazing experience.
“You have two minutes to study your maps and find the position of your guiding Dom. Each Dom is limited to ten minutes during which he’ll grant the request in your clue. Remember, if you find the wrong Dom, you will receive a punishment from that Dom.”
Samantha studied the map. The maze had been designed in a circle format, sporting very high hedges. It had multiple entrances and from what she could see, many dead-ends too. There were secluded spots all over the maze with chaise lounges and tables, which would be where the prize Doms would be waiting. The guiding Doms were placed at strategic spots all over the maze. If she took a wrong turn, she’d end up with the wrong guiding Dom and that could mean finding the wrong prize Master.
“Now subs, to reiterate the rules. Remember, once you find a guiding Dom who isn’t the one in your clue, it means you took the wrong turn. You cannot turn around and keep looking. That Dom will punish you and give you your next clue. It’s up to you to entice the Dom to give you the clue to find your Master prize. Good. Everyone clear on that?” Dom Wilson asked. “Also, remember to claim your Master by tying your winner band with your name on it, around his wrist. If two subs reach him at the same time, whoever gets it tied first, is the winner.” It was obvious from his animated expression how much he was enjoying his task.
“Very well, subs. Here we go. Ready, steady, GO!”
Samantha sprinted into the maze a couple of yards to the left, while the rest of the participants scattered in different direction, since everyone had different clues.
“Damn these spikes!” she complained when she felt the twinge in her ankle. “If I break my leg on these cobbles, you’re in for some serious trouble, Rhone Greer,” she promised as she turned left at the first split in the lane. She sighed with relief when she realized the stones only covered the entrance into the maze, the rest of the maze was an even ground. After three more left and right turns, she found Slade waiting on a large boulder.
“Well, now, look who we have here,” he drawled with a broad smile.
“No time for small talk, Master Slade,” Samantha said but returned his smile and quickly recited the clue to him.
He slid off the boulder and gestured to corset. “Remove your corset, Ace,” he instructed, using the club name she had been given.
“Now, sub. You should know me well enough to realize I only use my rope on naked skin.”
Samantha felt flustered at the thought that she’d have to continue with her breasts uncovered and bobbing all over the place. She yanked on the laces of the corset dress she was wearing, belatedly registering she’d be left with nothing but a thong and stilettos.
And some sexy red ropes, of course. Oh, and a diamond collar. Damn Rhone for not reminding me about this when I was getting dressed!
“It would be quicker if you hold your hands up over your head.” Slade instructed and didn’t waste time to begin when she lifted her arms.
Samantha watched the concentration on his face as he effortlessly tied the ropes around the base of each breast, which made her breasts jut up and outwards. He ran the rope around her back before he tied a knot between her breasts. She looked down. Her eyes widened. She didn’t have small breasts but with the harness pushing them up and tightening them, they looked positively huge. To make matters worse, her throbbing nipples hardened and pulsed due to the restricted blood flow. It wasn’t painful, but Samantha knew that the ropes would tighten with every movement and by the time she reached Rhone, she would be highly aroused.
“That looks beautiful, Ace. You were made for ropes. I hope Master Razor appreciates my effort when you find him,” he said with a wink. He tied a bright red armband around her wrist as proof that she’d successfully completed the first clue and handed her an envelope. “Your next clue. Be careful with this one, he might have some added incentive to snap his wrists a little quicker, with those tools of his.”
Samantha blinked. Did he just give me a tip? She frowned. Added incentive? It has to be either Ruark or Bracus then. Neither of them trusted her with their respective brothers and would definitely enjoy having her at their mercy.
She groaned when she read the clue. Ruark! He had a special crop made for Courtney and was the only Dom she’d ever come across who named his tools.
His favorite tools are crops and he
makes interesting patterns with them. Each one has a name. Find him and name the three crops he has with him. With every correct answer, he will reward you with two lashes. Choose the names wisely because if you get them wrong he will test your restraint with an anal plug until you finish the hunt.
Samantha studied the map. “Oh, damn! He’s on the other side of the maze. This harness is going to be torture to run in. Is that why you were the first?”
Slade wiggled his brows at her, smiling broadly. “Off you go, Ace. Rhone learned his whip skills from Bracus and I promise you, you don’t want to experience them as a punishment.”
That was enough for Samantha to turn and start running. She’d been witnessed numerous times on Bracus’ skill with the whip. She groaned and wrapped her hands around her breasts in an effort to lessen the sensations that rushed through her from the added arousal the bouncing caused.
It was the first time she got to use her tracker skills under normal circumstances. Her sense of direction was spot on and she found Ruark leaning against a rustic potted plant that stood as tall as him.
“You’re quick. I didn’t expect you so soon,” he drawled when she approached him.
“Slade was kind enough to remind me who taught Rhone how to use the whip.”
“Ah, I see. Let me guess. My dear brother threatened to use it, should you read the clues wrong and end up with the wrong Master.”
“Yes, but I have no intention of losing. So, may we begin, please?”
“Of course. Let’s start with this one,” he said, picking up a long, thin, black crop with a double-edged clapper at the end and golden studs on the handle.
“Cobra,” Samantha said without hesitation. It had been one of the six crops in the study material that had stood out. She worried the inside of her lip. Three of the six looked alike and would be easy to confuse when seeing them for real.
“Very good. Hands behind your back, Ace. Your reward will be a strike on each nipple.”
Her eyes shot to his. Didn’t the daft man notice the breast harness I’m wearing? A strike from a crop on her throbbing nipples would be excruciating.
The glimmer in his eyes told her that he was aware of that fact. “Now, Ace, or I add two more for wasting time.”
She clamped her hands behind her back.
Crack! Crack!
“Fucking shit!” she gasped and bent over double, pressing her burning nipples against her thighs.
“Next one.”
She straightened. The next flogger had a red triangle leather clapper with a stainless-steel handle. She’d seen one of these in Rhone’s closet as well.
“Red fury.”
“You have an excellent memory, Ace. Turn around please, bend over and clasp your ankles. Your reward will be a strike on each cheek.”
Samantha did as instructed and clenched her teeth in anticipation, knowing how badly it was going to sting.
Crack! Crack!
“Ooow! Fuck me,” she cried out. She took a couple of deep breaths. She moaned when Ruark gently rubbed his hands over the burning spots to spread the heat into her veins.
Her breasts pulsed in tune with her loins which were throbbing from arousal the twin sensations had caused. She straightened and froze. He held up the final crop. The smile on his lips was Cheshire-like when he noticed her expression. It was one of the three that looked alike. Samantha sifted through her memory to try and place it correctly, but with the pain in her ass and the arousal it was causing, she found it hard to concentrate.
It was braided in black cowhide and ended in a black flap-like, leather tongue. That was the similarity. The difference was in the handle, but they were all black. Samantha could only hope to make a lucky guess.
“Ehm, Devil’s sting.”
“I wondered if you’d be able to get it right. But, no, this one is Devil’s tongue. Seeing as this one is punishment, it’ll be a little harder than the others. Spread your legs, Ace. Wider, perfect.”
Crack! Crack!
“Oooww! Fuuuck!”
Her knees closed and she panted. The searing pain from the direct hits on her pussy shot straight to her clitoris, which started throbbing fervently. Samantha moaned. Liquid heat pooled in her pussy as a result.
“Take the position, Ace. You’ve got one-minute remaining and I still have to get the butt plug in.”
“Oh, fuck no. I forgot about that,” she moaned but did as instructed. She blushed when Ruark pulled her thong down and squirted lube on her rosette. She whimpered from the burn as he slowly rotated a butt plug past her sphincter. It felt like a teardrop butt plug. He didn’t stop and pushed the plug in until it settled in all the way.
“This is a beautiful, bright red, silicone anal butt plug, Ace, with a red jewel on the handle. It looks enticing, I have to say. And just to make sure you enjoy the rest of the hunt, it should also stimulate your G-Spot while you run,” Ruark informed her with a wide grin. He pulled her thong up, tied a blue band around her wrist and then handed her the final clue.
“Good luck with this one. Especially in the condition you’ll be in by the time you reach him.”
Samantha opened the envelope. She was in distress. How the fuck am I supposed to run with this butt plug up my ass?
He is known among the subs as The Clit King. One swipe of his tongue on your throbbing nub will make you swoon. But, here is the catch, he is going to lick and suck with relish at your honey, but should you come, he will reward you with a jewel to show his disappointment to all.
She racked her brain. There had been two Doms on the list who were clit aficionados.
Which freaking one was the Clit King?
Samantha closed her eyes and sifted through her memory to find the correct Dom. She sighed in relief when it clicked into place. Dom Wade. He was also the newly appointed club manager at Club Devil’s Cove and the one who had planned the entire opening event. She waved at Ruark as she took off. Wade wasn’t too far, but toward the back of the maze and she had no idea how far Rhone would be from that position.
She refused to consider how the other subs were doing and whether someone had already reached the final guiding Dom while she was still two minutes away from hers.
Halfway there, she skidded to a shocked halt.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” she snapped. She had to force her hands to remain by her sides and not cover her breasts while he leered at them.
“Well, I have to say, I always wondered what your rack looked like. It’s very striking, Ace; especially in this rope harness.”
“You’re wasting my time, Bulldog. What the fuck do you want and how did you know where I’d be?”
He strolled closer until they were toe to toe and his chest pressed against her throbbing nipples. He leaned in and sneered in her face, “I have my ways. You, of all people, should’ve realized that by now. Also, I don’t take well to threats.” He smirked. “You know what I want, Ace and I’m here to make sure you get the job done.”
“You gave me three weeks!”
“Yes, so I did, but since I found out that you know your target and that you’ve wormed yourself into his life very snugly; you don’t need three weeks. Get rid of him, Ace, and do it sooner rather than later.”
He stepped back. She cringed when his eyes took a slow stroll up and down her body. She hated being exposed to him.
“It would be a pity for such a delectable body to end up pushing daisies. Don’t piss me off, Ace and don’t, for one moment, believe I won’t do what I promised. Take care of the hit or your sister is going to be composting in a field somewhere.”
He turned to leave. “And never threaten me again, Ace. I don’t take kindly to that. The slight mishap lover boy just had, is a warning to you just how easily I can get to anyone.” He glanced at her over his shoulder and had the audacity to wink at her. “You better get going. I’m sure you wouldn’t want another sub to claim your Master, now would you?”
With those words, he disappeared into the maze. The
hedges were too high for her to see which way he went.
“Mishap? What the devil is he talking about?” Samantha wondered aloud as she started running, fury drove her legs to pump faster and faster and it helped to keep her thoughts at bay. She ignored the two subs she came across and kept going past them. She was out of breath by the time she reached Dom Wade who was animatedly chatting with some of the members who had decided to join him and watch.
She gasped, forcing oxygen into her lungs; her breasts heaving in the, now very tight, harness.
“Oh shit, it’s getting worse,” she wailed to herself as her loins tightened with arousal that had been building during her run, from the stimulation in her ass. Due to her anger she’d missed the signs while running. Now that she’d stopped, every part of her lower body pulsed. Her ass throbbed incessantly around the butt plug and her nipples felt like hard, painful rocks.
“In a hurry to reach your prize, Ace?” Dom Wade chuckled.
Samantha straightened and took a deep calming breath. “Of course, Sir.”
“Very well. Get up on the boulder for me, Ace. And you’re not allowed to come. Don’t worry, I’ve set my watch to ten minutes, so I won’t go over time. Good. Let’s get this off,” he said and pulled off her thong. “Spread your legs as wide as they can go.”
She blindly followed his instructions, to aroused to care about the crowd watching and rested on her elbows on the boulder. Her nails dug into her palms as he leaned closer and blew on her clit. Her breath wheezed from her lungs. She’d never known a breath of air could have such an effect on her.