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Always (With Bonus Material) (Always & Forever Book 1)

Page 13

by Kindle Alexander

  When the vows began, Avery listened intently to each word Kane repeated from the pastor. Kane's voice broke as he said his vows, and Avery could feel how deeply Kane meant each word. From this moment forward, Kane would always be his and he would be Kane's. Avery swore he wouldn't let anything come between them, ever. That thought settled in his soul and brought a huge smile to Avery's face.

  Avery began his vows, making sure his voice was loud and clear as he gazed into Kane's eyes with each word spoken. After the last repeated line of their pre-written vows, he continued talking.

  "The first moment I saw you, I knew we would be standing here today. There has always been certainty between us. That day, in La Bella Luna, you stole my heart. Today, I give you my soul. And from this day forward, I vow to never be without you again. Kane, I choose you to be my partner in life, to be the person I share all life's ups and downs with. You are the one I want to laugh with, cry with, and grow old with. I promise to love you, honor you, and cherish you, not only on this precious day but, always." Avery stepped closer to Kane and lightly brushed his lips across Kane's before stepping away and turning back to the pastor. "I've said everything I wanted to say. You may finish."

  She gave him an indulgent smile before continuing, "Avery and Kane have pledged themselves to each other by solemn vows with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings. May the grace of Christ attend you, and the love of God surround you, the Holy Spirit keep you, that you may live in faith, abound in hope, and grow in love, both now and forevermore. It is now my privilege to announce you united as one in love and marriage. Those whom God has joined together let no man put asunder. You may kiss your groom, again."

  Avery grinned as the room full of their friends and family cheered them on. He stepped up to Kane, lifted his hands, and gently took Kane's face between his palms. He angled him as he came in for the most sincere kiss of his life.

  Chapter 14

  The band played softly in the background as Avery danced slowly with Kane, holding him tightly in his arms. Avery led, Kane followed, resting his head on Avery's shoulder, his hair tickling Avery's nose as he breathed in his husband's spicy citrus scent. God, he loved holding him in his arms, and he especially loved all the small little nips and soft kisses he'd get between each breath.

  Their wedding and reception was turning out to be a great success, at least as far as Avery was concerned. The wedding had been followed by dinner, dinner was followed by dancing, and the dancing continued for hours. Their guests seemed happy, content to stay and celebrate the union, just as Avery had hoped they might.

  The oversized tent he'd rented easily fit all three hundred fifty of their guests. Flowers, large planters, and twinkling lights filled the tent. A buffet fit for a king ran along the right side, while the dance floor sat in the middle so it could be seen from any table. Mini wet bars were positioned strategically throughout the area, along with large ice sculptures, and white linen covered tables and chairs throughout all the open space. He'd spared no expense, hoping to make this a special memory for Kane. All he wanted was Kane's happiness.

  It seemed like he had achieved his goal.

  Avery was so eager to begin their lives in their new home he'd held the reception in their backyard. The party tent sat between the house and the St. Croix River. Valets greeted guests, parked the cars, and shuttled people from the front of the house back to the tent. This was all designed to have Kane one step closer to moving into their new home tonight. That pleased Avery far more than anything else they'd done this evening. No more separate homes or forced separation for fear of living in sin.

  His usually ultra-conservative, strait-laced new husband had let his guard down and relaxed tonight. Those times were rare indeed. Kane's face was filled with joy and he seemed blissfully happy; he laughed easily and stayed close to Avery's side for the entire night. They held hands, giving each other little knowing smiles, quick pecks, and had begun ending each other's sentences, like an old married couple.

  He was so in love with Kane, and had been since the day he'd first laid eyes on him. In the past, these special moments were shared in the privacy of their apartment, but tonight Kane opened completely. It pleased Avery beyond measure to call Kane his in front of all their family and friends.

  Another thing Kane had done that evening was show the political world he was a solid, competent, charming man. How he would make a perfect, well-balanced mate for any future political office Avery may consider running for. Avery saw the speculation from the few politicians attending tonight.

  "I love you," Avery whispered against Kane's ear as they gently swayed back and forth to the music. He laid his cheek against the top of Kane's head and pulled Kane tighter against him as the band played. The evening was perfect.

  "I loved the flowers in the church and the ones in here too. You remembered the calla lilies," Kane said, moving his head slightly forward to kiss Avery on the neck. The simple gesture sent goose bumps springing up across his neck and arms.

  "I'll never forget your favorite flower. You sent me your favorite flower. I love that memory," Avery replied. "I have another confession. Actually, I planned to wrap all the paperwork with a big bow and give it to you as a wedding gift, but I can't seem to wait. I bought your investors out. La Bella Luna's now completely yours." Kane lifted his head and the look of shock on his face brought a smile to Avery's lips. He kept Kane wrapped in one arm and urged his head back down to his shoulder. "No, I like you like this."

  "Avery, that's too much," Kane said, his head barely lowering as he spoke.

  "It's not too much. I love you. Paulie still has his shares, but now you hold the majority. And it makes me happy to give this to you, so please just say thank you. Don't argue with me right now," Avery said, leaning down to kiss Kane's beautiful lips. His half-aroused cock grew thicker, not leaving much room in his trousers as Kane brushed against Avery. He willed himself to calm down, much like he'd done a thousand times over the last few hours. He wanted so desperately to be alone with Kane—to make love to his new husband.

  "Thank you. We're married now and all I got you was a belt, but it's very nice Italian leather," Kane said, lifting his head slightly to look Avery in the eyes. The angle was perfect for a kiss, and Avery didn't hesitate to take advantage of the moment, loving how easily Kane accepted their PDAs now.

  "You finally made an honest man out of me, Kane. It has to be close to midnight. Let's go home," Avery suggested, nodding his head as he spoke. Kane chuckled, hugging him tighter. Avery felt the full hard-on Kane had going on in his pants, and he grew even harder. "Let's tell Mom and Paulie goodnight and sneak out. No need to make a big to-do about it, everyone's having a good time. I don't want them to think they have to leave because we are."

  "Okay," Kane agreed and kissed Avery again. They made their way off the dance floor, arm in arm, Kane tucked in tight around him. They didn't stop for any polite conversation, but Avery gave a nod here or there as they walked to the back of the tent where his mom sat with Paulie. They'd become fast friends over the last year, Paulie challenging his mom on a level she'd never experienced before. Paulie, for his part, couldn't care less that she was the CEO of a multi-million dollar empire, he treated her like he treated everyone else, and she appeared to love every minute of getting to know him.

  "Mom, Paulie, I think we're gonna call it a night," Avery said. Kane stayed pretty much glued to his side, holding Avery tightly with both arms wrapped around him. He leaned over and kissed Kane's upturned, tired face.

  "The night's still young. You've got an entire life ahead of you two. Stay," Paulie teased. Kane started to agree they shouldn't leave, but Avery put a stop to that nonsense.

  "It's midnight, and I've barely had five minutes alone with him since the nuptials," Avery said, tightening his hold as Kane began to untangle himself.

  "I'm real proud of you, boy." Paulie stood and shook both their hands, giving Kane another giant hug.

  "Thanks, Paul
ie. Thanks for helping get all this together tonight," Kane said. Avery's mother was up, too, hugging Avery and then Kane. Kennedy Adams had become a staple in their lives.

  "You two go. Don't worry about anything. We'll close everything down," she said.

  "Mom, you don't have to stay. I've got it all arranged to let everyone be here as long as they want." Avery kept Kane close as he leaned down to kiss his mom's cheek.

  "Thank you for being here and doing so much to help pull this off. It was perfect. Today was perfect," Kane added. The huge grin on his face lit up his eyes, causing them to twinkle. That smile made Avery feel like a million dollars. All the work, every bit of planning he'd done, had been so he could see that smile on his Kane's handsome face.

  "It's not every day your son gets married to such a fine man. Where else would I be?" There were tears in her eyes and she hugged them both tightly. "I'm very proud."

  Avery enjoyed the few moments with his mom and Kane, but ended the conversation as quickly as possible, tugging Kane along with him when it looked like he might try and stay with his mom and Paulie a little longer. The party was still in full swing, but there had been enough of an exchange between the four of them that the room finally clued in they were leaving. They got a thundering round of applause and Avery didn't do anything more than turn and wave as he ducked out of the tent, pulling Kane right behind.

  "Thank God it's over," Avery said, bypassing the waiting shuttles. The warmth of the tent hid the crisp April breeze blowing off the St. Croix. Their new house was a few hundred feet from the reception tent and Avery willingly wrapped Kane back in his arms to help fight off the cold as they headed toward the back door.

  "You're cold. We should have grabbed our jackets," Avery said, holding Kane a little tighter against the side of his body. He ran his hand up and down Kane's arms, trying to build warmth.

  "It's not far," Kane said, dropping his head back on Avery's shoulder, letting the moonlight guide their path.

  Avery bent down to kiss the top of Kane's head and looked back out over the distance. "I love the view. It's too dark to see, but you can hear the river churning. I sat out here for hours last night, wishing you were here. I couldn't wait for today. I hated being away from you. You've changed my life so completely, Kane."

  "It's a beautiful place. You did really well, Avery," Kane said, looking up at Avery. That earned him a quick kiss.

  "Baby, we did well. You did this with me. I love you," Avery replied, but didn't give Kane any time to respond. "You were stunning tonight. When we were dancing, I wanted to leave the dance floor and drag you from the tent. You were so breathtakingly handsome, and we fit perfectly together."

  "I loved that dance. I'm glad we took those dance lessons," Kane said, walking up the steps to their oversized back deck.

  "Me, too." Avery jogged up the steps, then across the patio, holding the door for Kane as he came in behind him.

  "You're my husband now," Avery said, shutting the door and gathering Kane in his arms again, keeping them right there in the back kitchen entry.

  "And you're my husband," Kane added, waggling his brow as Avery began the descent to his lips. Avery stopped right before his lips touched Kane's and cocked his head, looking closer before he pulled his head back. Kane had been in the process of opening for him, and his lips were still parted, ready for the kiss.

  "You look exhausted. Did you sleep last night?"

  A look of confusion crossed Kane's face. "Not much, I was nervous."

  Avery changed his intention and leaned in for a chaste kiss. He wanted to make love to Kane like he wanted to breathe, but he didn't like the fatigue he saw surrounding those beautiful blue eyes. Avery took Kane's hand again, pulling him down the hall to the stairs in the middle of the two story colonial. "Let's go upstairs, you need to sleep."

  "I'm not sleeping on our wedding night," Kane insisted, walking much slower to the point of Avery having to work to tug him along.

  "Yes, you are. I can't believe I didn't notice how tired you looked earlier. We would have been up here hours ago," Avery said, taking the stairs up to their room.

  "Avery, I'm not that tired," Kane started, but stopped as Avery opened the door to their bedroom. Avery watched as Kane took in the space. His face lit up, and the look made everything worth it. He had gone all out in this room in his pursuit to please Kane. Rose petals were sprinkled across the bed and table. Bouquets of calla lilies sat on every surface of the oversized bedroom, and the wine he'd picked for them had been placed in a silver bucket by the bed to chill.

  "I love you, thank you for this. I seriously can't believe you remembered the calla lilies," Kane said and brushed past him, stepping inside.

  "How could I not? They remind me of you." Avery smiled and followed Kane into the room. "Do you like the furniture?"

  Kane hadn't been in the room since the builders had finished the house's initial rough in. He'd told Avery he wanted this night to be special for both of them. And even before the foundation was poured, Kane had refused to come near the room, saying that Avery was tricky. He swore if he came up here with Avery, they'd end up christening the room. "It's so big in here."

  "Our room runs along the entire side of the house," Avery said and turned Kane around toward the part of the room behind the door.

  "You put your office in here." Kane's excitement was evident as he walked to one of the two desks in the back part of the room. He ran his fingertips over the surface, and a smile touched his lips.

  "I put both our offices in here. I don't want to be separated from you any longer than I have to be." Avery closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Kane's waist. "I'm a man crazy in love."

  "I love you, too." Kane turned in his embrace and slid his arms around Avery's neck. They stared at one another for a moment before Kane ran his fingers through Avery's hair and drew his head down for a smoldering kiss. One Kane deepened quickly. Avery pressed against the length of Kane's body and rolled his hips before pushing his hand between their bodies and unfastening Kane's slacks.

  Kane gasped for breath as Avery's hands slid inside his boxers and wrapped around the thick length. Avery grinned when Kane's slacks dropped to the floor and a moan escaped his lips. His body responded instantly to the sound and smell of Kane's arousal. Avery had been feeling denied the last few weeks as they had abstained from sex. Holding off was clearly worth the wait. Kane's actions were frenzied; he thrust his hips forward, grinding hard into Avery's palm. Kane was a man desperate for his touch, exactly how Avery liked him.

  "I know you're tired. I know I've pushed you…It's been a lot to deal with, let me make love to you tonight," Avery whispered the words in Kane's ear as he mouthed the soft skin along his neck, biting the warm flesh between each word. Kane responded by closing his eyes, dropping his head back, allowing Avery complete access to his neck. Kane's hands moved to his buckle, clumsily working the belt undone until he finally found his way inside Avery's slacks and pushed them down his legs. Kane's brow lifted and he grinned, and Avery knew he'd felt the assless underwear he was wearing.

  "You like? I got these for you, just in case we found a place for you to take advantage of me during the wedding or reception," Avery breathed into Kane's hair. He closed his eyes, savoring the citrusy scent of his husband. He ran his tongue around the shell of Kane's ear and flicked into the opening, making Kane moan.

  "Take me to bed." Avery pulled Kane's dress shirt over his head. Their ties had been lost sometime during the feverish kiss. He managed to get Kane's white undershirt off without tearing it open. He couldn't say the same for his own clothes, but Avery ignored the ping of buttons flying across the room when Kane's tongue found its way into his ear. Avery was pressed head to toe against Kane, and he still couldn't get enough. He craved every part of Kane touching every part of him. "God, I've missed you," Avery whispered.

  "I've missed this. I've missed being with you. I love you." Kane's hot breath caressed his skin and the words emb
raced his heart.

  "I want us to stay like this forever," Avery said, running his cheek and nose against Kane's dark silky hair. He was so lost to the man in his arms his knees went weak. He wasn't certain he was supporting himself or if it was Kane that held him upright.

  "Me too." Kane's voice sounded strained. Avery released the grip he had on Kane's cock, stopping the slow strokes. He slid his hands up Kane's stomach and chest to cradle his husband's face in his palms.

  "We can always make love, sleep for a little while, and then switch it around," Kane stated, his lips curled into a smile as he pushed Avery back against the bed. "If that's what you want, that is."

  "Whatever you want. I don't think I can wait much longer, though." Avery's legs hit the back of the bed, causing him to lose his balance. Kane tumbled down with him, gathering Avery in his arms and kissing him deeply. They used tongues and teeth, devouring one another with their mouths. Avery coaxed Kane forward, scooting them up on the bed as he reached for the lubricant he'd happily placed in the headboard earlier that day. Kane's mouth never left his body, he just moved his lips and tongue to whatever part of Avery's body was closest.

  "No…" Kane moaned and reached for Avery as he sat back on his heels, kneeling between Kane's parted thighs. Avery just grinned down at his husband and lifted his cock, bending forward to place a simple kiss on the glistening broad head. He began to stroke Kane in long sure pulls, adding the little twist at the end that he knew drove his lover wild. And like he hoped, the effects were immediate. Kane arched his long body, throwing his head back toward the pillow, and dug his feet into the mattress.

  "That's it… Yes!" Avery tightened his grip on the base of Kane's cock when he saw his sac draw up.

  "Not yet. It's too soon, baby," Avery said, watching as a look of desperation crossed Kane's face.


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