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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

Page 5

by T. L. Wainwright

  “Meet me tomorrow?” Teddy growled out his request. “After work, even if it’s just for a few moments.”

  “Okay, at the shop, six o’clock.”

  With one more quick but heated kiss, he pushed her gently in the direction of her house, before he lost all control. He wanted her so badly, but he knew that one more sweet taste of her lips, would make it too difficult for him resist.

  When she got to the door, she slipped off her shoes and picked them up, before turning to see him one last time. There was no sign of him, but she knew he was there. She could feel his eyes on her and it filled her with excitement.

  Slipping silently into the house, Jenny closed the door behind her, taking the stairs quickly, making sure she missed the second creaking step, and got safely into her bedroom without been caught. Undressing in haste, she bundled the dress and shoes together and stuffed them into the bottom of her wardrobe. Once in her cotton nightdress, she jumped into bed, and closed her eyes in search of sleep. Within seconds, her eyes flew back open and she smiled. Thoughts of the evening occupied her head and sleep was the last thing on her mind.

  Chapter Six

  Over the next week, every chance he had, Teddy would call into the shop for coffee, or meet her around the back after work. Although their time together was limited, both were growing closer and closer to each other. Each kiss grew more intense, but were only short stolen kisses, as they never had the privacy for it to be anything more.

  It was Friday and Teddy hadn’t been in the shop, which may have been a good thing, as Jenny had been on edge all day. Knowing her luck, both her mother and Teddy would have come into the shop at the same time, something she didn’t relish in the slightest.

  So, when it came to finishing time and she looked out of the back window into the yard, her heart sored as it always did, when she saw Teddy leaning up against the wall waiting for her. However, when she stepped outside to greet him, a feeling of dread swept over her. His body was stiff, his face soulful, his demeanour far from his usually happy self. When he did see her, he smiled, but immediately, Jenny knew it was forced. He walked towards her with purpose, taking her into his arms and holding her like he never wanted to let go.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s a rumour going around that we might be moving out.” He held her even tighter, so tightly, that she almost couldn’t breathe. “I don’t want to leave you Jenny.”

  “When will you be going?” she asked, her voice cracking with emotion.

  “Nothing’s certain, but usually when there’s talk, it’s a sure bet that somethings going to happen. It could be days, if we’re lucky, weeks. I just don’t know.”

  “Teddy.” Jenny pushed up on her tiptoes and placed her mouth against his, a soft whimper of despair muted with a kiss. Teddy kissed her back with every desperate emotion that consumed him. His heart aching with the thought of leaving the girl he’d begum to have such deep feelings for.

  “Take me somewhere where we can be alone,” Jenny whispered. Teddy looked at her questioningly, not sure if he understood what it was that she wanted.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying Jenny, because, if I have you all to myself, I’m sure I will be able to hold back.”

  “I want to be intimate with you Teddy, not just the way we are now, but in every way, before it’s too late, before the chance is lost.”

  “Jenny, are you sure about this? This means…”

  Jenny placed a finger across his lips and blew out a soft “shh!” from her soft pink lips. “Now, today.”

  Teddy took hold of her hand and led her out of the yard. “I borrowed one of the jeeps, its parked a couple of streets down.” Teddy, still holding her hand firmly, started in one direction, only to be pulled in the other.

  “This way,” Jenny tugged on his arm. “It will be quicker if we cut through the ginnel.”

  “The what?”

  “The alleyway,” she sniggered.

  Sure enough, the short-cut got them to the military vehicle in no time. Jenny pulled a scarf from her pocket, wrapped it around her head and secured it by tying two of the corners under her chin. It was partly to protect her hair while in the open vehicle, but also if she kept her head down, hopefully if they are seen, no one would realise that it was her. It was one of the downfalls of living in a small village. Everyone knew everyone and quick to spread any juicy gossip.

  Jenny wrapped her arms around Teddy’s neck, when he scooped her up and placed her into the passenger side of the green vehicle. Walking around to the other side, he jumped into the driver seat, and as soon as the engine rumbled into life, he headed out of the village.

  “Where are we going?” Jenny shouted over the noise of the engine once they had gained some distance.

  “There’s a little guest house about thirty minutes away, where we can rent a room.” Despite the noise, the gasp that Jenny made instantly got Teddy’s attention. He also didn’t miss the way her finger nails dug deep into the seat beside her leg. “Jenny, what’s wrong?”

  “Have you... … … …”

  “I can’t hear you.”

  Jenny shook her head, then turned her face away from him.

  Teddy swerved to the left, pulling into the side of the road and cut the engine. He placed his hand over hers, softly squeezing and caressing, until the tension in her grip relaxed.

  “Do you want me to take you home?”

  “No… no, it’s just that.” She slowly turned to face him, her eyes sad and questioning. “Have you taken any girls there before?”

  “Fuck no.” Jenny’s mouth falls open, shocked by the swear word that flew so easily from his mouth. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the palm. With his free hand, he took her chin firmly, and looked in to her deep brown eyes. “Never, Jenny. Never. Guys talk about the place, but this will be the first time I’ve ever gone there,” he hesitated for a moment, “that’s if you still want to go.” When Jenny didn’t speak a word, he added, “I’ll take you home.”

  “I don’t want to go home,” her voice now clear and full of determination. “Teddy, let’s go.”

  Teddy parked the jeep at the side of a large detached house. A sign showed rooms for rent, and made a squeaking sound every time it was caught by the soft breeze. Leaping from his seat, Teddy walked to the other side of the Jeep and held out his hand to Jenny.

  When her feet hit the ground, her legs wobbled a little, but however much her nervousness tried to take over, a deep and powerful need was winning the battle.

  They walked with speed towards the painted black door that sat central at the front of the house. When Teddy tried the handle, it opened. His eyes connected with Jenny’s. He could tell she was nervous, but the sure nod of her head and soft smile on her lips, reaffirmed that she wanted this too.

  The room consisted of just a bed, a small single draw bedside table and a narrow wardrobe, which was about the only furniture you could fit bearing in mind how tiny the room was. A small sink was tucked into the corner, the communal toilet however, was just down the hall. Jenny was amazed that there was a sink in the corner of the room and an inside toilet.

  Teddy however, couldn’t help noticing the peeling wallpaper, the damp patch in the corner of the ceiling and the thread bare rug that would have once been vibrant in colour, but was now dark and dull.

  “I’m sorry Jenny. I thought this place was better than this,” Teddy voiced. “Maybe we should try and find somewhere else.”

  “It’s fine,” she slipped her hand into his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “It might be a little tired, but it’s clean.” A shy smile played across her face as she added, “And we’re alone.”

  Tugging on her hand he brought her into his arms. No longer able to hold back, he held her firmly around the waist as his lips found hers.

  Jenny’s response was just as needy, and she returned the pressure to his lips. When the tip of his tongue pushed into her mouth, sweeping against hers, she showed no
resistance. In fact, she followed his lead and tried to match his every move.

  A deep groan vibrated in his throat, as his hands moved higher, his thumbs skimming the underside of each breast. He hesitated, waiting to see if she would stop him, but when her body pushed back against his touch, looking for more, he cupped one breast, caressing it, squeezing it and teasing the little hard nub that was stood prominent through the fabric.

  The way he touched her. The feelings she had when his fingers rubbed over the material that covered her nipple. His hands were on her breast, but the sensations. It felt like he touched her there, her intimate spot, right between her legs. She wanted more. Jenny broke the kiss, desperately needing to catch her breath. At first, Teddy thought she was pulling away from him, but when her hand moved over his firm shoulders, down his back and came to rest on his ass, he knew that this was far from over.

  “Jenny, can I undress you?” His voice was thick with need.

  “Mmh!” she murmured, as she sucked the corner of her bottom lip into her mouth.

  Eager to see what was hiding beneath her clothing, he pushed her coat from her shoulders, not caring a damn when it just falls to the floor. The small fabric covered button at the top of the back of her dress, was not so easy. Jenny quickly took over, popping it free with her smaller nimble fingers, while kicking off her shoes at the same time. Once the button was free, she grasped a handful of her dress and pulled it up and over her head in one swift movement.

  Standing in front of him, in just her pale pink underwear, was something she thought would terrify her, but the way his eyes roamed her body, made her skin tingle. The way it made her feel, left her only wanting to show him more.

  Once unhooked at the back, she let the bra straps slip over her shoulders and slide down her arms. Slowly releasing her full round breasts as it fell to the floor. With her fingers hooked inside the waistband of her knickers, she pushed them down. Once past her hips, the loose-fitting pants freefall, laying in a pool around her ankles. Stepping forward out of them, left her naked and also one step nearer to Teddy.

  Teddy was so aroused from watching her undress, that his cock pushed uncomfortably against the stiff course material of his pants, desperate to be released. He couldn’t take his eyes from her. Her body is exceptional and much more than he had imagined it to be. The soft curves, the creamy skin, the gentle bounce of her full breasts from her rapid breathing. Her waist narrow, but her hips had just the right amount of flair, along with a gentle roundness to her stomach. A triangle of downy dark brown hair nestled between strong thighs, tapered down to her slim ankles.

  “Damn, you’re breathtakingly beautiful.”

  Desperate to feel her naked skin against his own, he shrugged off his leather jacket and threw it on top of the pile of clothes gathering on the floor. Tugging at the fawn coloured tie around his neck, he released it and slid it from under his lapel. Next came the shirt, his fingers struggled to unbutton it due to his haste. Jenny stepped forward and began unbuttoning it too.

  Her forwardness took them both by surprise, no more so than Jenny herself.

  Pulling at his shirt until it came out from the waistband of his trousers, she started to push it over his shoulders. While distracted by the sight of his firm chest, the lines defining the muscles along his abdomen, Teddy took control of removing his shirt, balling it up and hurled it to join the rest of the discarded clothing. Her hands shook a little when she unfastened his belt, but Teddy’s wasn’t sure if it was a sign of her own need, nervousness or that she was cold. Whatever the case, he was certain he couldn’t wait to warm her with the heat of his own body.

  Kicking off his pants, shoes and socks, left Teddy just in his flannel shorts. As Jenny didn’t make a move to unbutton the waist, Teddy decided that for now, he would leave them on.

  Stepping closer to Jenny, he tentatively put a hand behind her head, and brought his mouth to hers. As their bodies touched, Jenny shivered from both the warmth and feel of his skin against hers. This was new to her, the feel of a man’s body against her, the intimacy and deep passion that was evident in his kiss and the way it had awakened her desires.

  As Teddy moved forward, Jenny stepped back and in just a few steps her knees hit the side of the bed. He guided her until she was sitting on the edge, then dropped to his knees in front of her, not once taking his lips from hers. His hand cupped her chin, then circled her delicate neck, before laying the flat of his hands across her collar bone. Moving down to her breasts, he covered the full mounds with his hands, taking the weight of them in each palm. He squeezed, not too hard, not too soft, but enough to warrant a high-pitched squeal of surprise from Jenny. A pinch of one of her nipples got a stronger reaction, and has her pulling away for a few seconds before pushing her tit back into his hand. Two, three, maybe four more pulls of each nipple had her squirming in her seat. When Teddy replaced one of his hands with his mouth, her body arched into him wanting more. Much more.

  Jenny gasped when she felt the warm wetness surround her already over sensitive nipple. Her head dropped back as her gasps of pleasure turned to a throaty moan when his teeth nipped at the fleshy skin of her breast, before taking the whole of her nipple into his mouth and sucking it hard.

  “Oh!” fell from her lips when he eased her legs apart and moved his attentions further down her body. “Ooohh!” The sound seemed to drag out forever, when he pushed her legs further apart, his head dropped between them and his mouth covers her. Her thighs try to clamp together, but he held them firmly apart as he pushed further with his tongue. The tightness in her stomach, rush of warmth and wetness between her legs only intensified when he found her clit and began to tease it.

  “No, no, ooohhhhhh!” she groaned, as her back arches and her legs began to shake. Uncontrollably, her hips moving forward to enforce more pressure, yet at the same time her hand tried to push his head away, as if her body was fighting between wanting more, and it being too much to bear.

  “Let it happen Jenny, let your body feel.” Teddy murmured, before he sucked hard on her swollen nub.

  When she came, Teddy didn’t stop, but lifted his eyes so he could watch her, she her face when his name spilling from her flushed face with a scream, as he lapped up the effects of her orgasm that spilled into his mouth.

  Jenny was still in a haze, laid halfway across the narrow bed, when Teddy lifted her and moved her fully onto it. Laying down beside her, he cradled her with his arms, bringing her body flush against his. Holding her close, his hands stroked her dewy skin, while she slowly regained a steady breathing pattern.

  Releasing his hold, he moved over her. With a hand at each side of her head, and a knee at each side of her hips, his shoulder muscles tight and flex as he held his body mere inches away from hers. The first touch was his lips against the silky skin that covered the pulse point at her neck. Along her chin his mouth roamed, until it pressed firmly against hers. She welcomed him eagerly, returning the kiss with a fierceness that only a woman wanting more would give. A deep, gravelly moan vibrated in Teddy’s throat, as once again he felt the delight of her naked skin against his. Pushing his shorts over his hips, with a little shake and persuasion they dropped over his feet to the side of the bed. When his erect cock touched the soft down of her pubic hair, he couldn’t help but tilt his hips, rocking his hardness against it.

  It was now Jenny’s turn to moan, instinct had her opening her legs and pulling her knees up, giving him more access.

  “I want you inside me,” she urged, her fingers clawed at his back, trying to find tenure, pulling him closer to her.

  “Jenny,” he gasps. “Is it your first time?” She nodded, a flush of embarrassment covered her face. “I want you so much Jenny, but I need to know that you’re sure about this.”

  Jenny moved her hand between them, and touched his hard penis. At first, it was just a feather light touch, but when she curled her fingers around the already hard shaft, giving it a firm but cautious squeeze, Teddy threw his head back, h
issing as he tried to supress his urges. This precious girl below him had his head spinning and was pushing him far too close to losing his control.

  “Make love to me Teddy. Please I…” He cut her words with a searing kiss, of which she returned with equal potency. Bringing her hands up around to the back of his head, her fingers unable to get a firm hold of his short-cropped hair, dug into his scalp. Having given her a taste of what could be, the raging feelings, the sensual experience had lit a fire in her. A fire that demanded more.

  As much as Teddy wanted to plough his hard, pulsing cock straight into her, he knew that she wasn’t ready for that. He kissed her with a softness that had her wriggling beneath him. His tongue teased her mouth with precision, when he slid a finger inside her. A quick, sharp inhale, had Jenny taking in his breath as her body jolted and stiffened from the intrusion, but as he started to stroke her gently inside, she began to relax and settled back into his all-consuming kiss. Teddy slowly added another finger as he tried to prepare her for his cock. He wasn’t huge, but he wasn’t small either and when fully hard, his cock was thick and girthy. Jenny’s body began to tremble under him as her arousal began to build. Unable to hold off any longer, Teddy removed his fingers. A soft whine of displeasure slipped from her, but was only short lived when he tilted his hips towards her, and his cock pushed up against her already glistening pussy. Sliding his shaft and head along her folds until his dick was covered in her juices, she was left gasping, muffled little whimpers of want. With his hand, he gave himself two quick strokes, making sure he was hard, and covered in her lubrication, before lining himself up, placing the tip at her entrance.

  Teddy released her hands from his head, taking one in each of his own, lacing his fingers between hers, before pinning them to the pillow at each side of her head. He brushed his lips against hers. He gripped her hands firmly. His blue eyes sort out hers and as they connected, he held her gaze, with extraordinary intensity, as he thrusted in quick and deep.


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