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Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3)

Page 5

by A. P. Jensen

  “Just came by to see Demi,” Daniel said and held out his hand. “It’s been a while.”

  Demi shook his hand, bewildered by his presence. Not only was Johnny Bentley in this town, but billionaire Daniel Martin as well? Was there a goldmine nearby?

  “Yes, it has,” Demi said politely and couldn’t help herself. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m building a resort fifteen minutes from here. It’s on the lake and hasn’t been staffed yet.” Daniel’s eyes flicked to Regan before he asked, “What are you doing here, Demi?”

  “Starting over,” Regan said firmly.

  Daniel looked back at Demi, eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “I heard The Ashton Hotel has a new owner.”

  Demi gave him a steely smile. “Right.”

  “You did the best you could,” Daniel said.

  Demi nodded curtly. “I know.”

  “You could have come to me for help before you were bought out. I—”

  “I think I’m done looking to men for help,” Demi said and Regan gave her a thumb’s up.

  “If you’re settling here and looking for a job, I could use your expertise at the resort,” Daniel said.

  Demi’s heart skipped and she was about to answer when Regan kicked her under the table.

  “Actually, Daniel, Demi is going to work with me,” Regan said.

  Daniel frowned. “With you?”

  “I’m starting my own business and Demi has the qualifications I need.”

  Demi hoped Regan knew what the hell she was doing. Daniel’s hotel chain was world renown for quality and he was offering her a lifeline when she desperately needed one.

  “Well, if you need a job… or anything else, call me.” Daniel inclined his head and walked out of the diner.

  “How do you know him?” Regan and Demi asked each other at the same time.

  “Was engaged to him,” Regan said with a grimace, “and now he’s invading my turf.”

  Demi’s eyes bulged as she reciprocated. “He was a business acquaintance of my father’s. You were engaged to him? Oh my God. Why is he opening a Martin in Montana?”

  “Thanks to Johnny, Gwen and Trey, White Mist has suddenly gone on the map,” Regan said gloomily. “Businesses are booming and it’s becoming the place to stalk your favorite musicians. A lot of artists come here to collaborate with Gwen. Between the three of them, the traffic in and out of White Mist is sickening.”

  “And what’s this business you’re starting?”

  “I’m a business consultant,” Regan said airily. “My mom has a shop here and it wasn’t doing well, since there wasn’t much traffic through White Mist, pre Johnny, Trey and Gwen so I put her merchandise online. It was a huge hit, which is good since most of the crafters are locals. Several businesses have asked me to do the same for them and I’ve been doing it as a hobby, but its become more demanding and complicated so I decided to go legit and I’m taking on my first client. I’ve been requested outside of White Mist, but I want to start locally first. Since you have a similar background to me, I think you’ll catch on quick. I think we could work well together. What do you say?”

  An hour ago she thought this place wasn’t for her and now, she was being offered a job. “You’re serious?” Demi asked dubiously.

  “Of course. My husband works at the electric company and he’s a bear when I’m not home on time. I drag Chase everywhere with me and he’s a good trooper, but there’s some days when he’s not down with it and I need backup. If you’re good at it, we can expand the business and consult separately.”

  Demi stared at her for a long minute. “Regan, you don’t even know me.”

  “Yes, I do,” Regan said and leaned forward. “You care about Johnny.” She held up a hand when Demi tried to interrupt. “You can’t fake the emotion on your face when he sang to you last night. You know how to keep trucking on even when you lose your business. You’re classy, composed and you have a temper—traits I admire. You’re not a gold digger. If you look like you do and know people like Daniel, you don’t need to work. You’re looking for something. I know how that feels and you got hurt by a high school sweetheart, something I also have experience in. I can help you if you let me.”

  Demi never had a real friend. She’d been coddled by her family and convinced herself that they were all she needed. When her family was stripped from her, she’d been cast into stormy seas and almost drowned. Now, she was being handed a lifeline by a woman she’d known for less than two hours.

  “I’d like that,” Demi said gruffly, emotion clogging her throat.

  Regan beamed. “Welcome home, Demi Ashton. It’s gonna be a blast.”

  Chapter Three

  Regan refused to let Demi pay for the bill. She gave Demi the car keys and handed Chase over. He wrapped his little legs around her waist and grinned at her. Promising herself that she’d be faster the next time they ate out, Demi put Chase in the car seat. Chase was easy going and content, secure in the knowledge that he was loved. Her heart clenched as she met his green eyes. Braxton would have been fifteen this year…

  “Got it?” Regan asked.

  Demi blinked and stepped back. “Yeah.”

  Regan drove through White Mist, which had small shops lining the sidewalks, one grocery store and three traffic lights. Demi’s smile was a mile wide as she took it all in. She couldn’t have pictured a better place to settle. The town was clean and the people walking on the side of the road waved.

  “Are you from here?” Demi asked.


  “You don’t seem like you’re from a small town, no offense.”

  “Spent ten years away from home. Left at eighteen and did all the things my mom wouldn’t let me do. I backpacked across Europe, learned a new language, sang with Johnny, you get the drift. Before I was engaged to Daniel, I was his personal assistant and worked myself up to Regional Director of Hotel Operations. After I caught Daniel cheating on me, I dumped him and his company and came home. My high school sweetheart was waiting for me.”



  Regan drove out of town and Demi glanced at her. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re gonna get you clothes at the mall. That cool?”


  During the forty-five minute drive, Regan talked about White Mist and the businesses in town, most of which were family owned. Demi quickly became confused by the families and other connections.

  “I think I need a notepad,” Demi said.

  “Don’t worry. Once I start introducing you to people, you’ll get the hang of it.”

  It was hard to find parking at the mall since it was Sunday. Regan placed Chase in a stroller and handed him an action figure to keep him busy.

  “White Mist is mostly a jeans and shirts crowd so you can get whatever you want,” Regan said.

  Demi stood in the middle of a department store, completely at a loss as to what kind of wardrobe she needed for her new life. The only job she had was The Ashton Hotel, which meant she looked polished and professional at all times. Slacks, business suits and dresses were what she was comfortable with, but she didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb like Daniel who would probably wear a suit on a beach in Hawaii. She tried on several pairs of jeans, which her father would have forbidden her to wear and because she couldn’t help herself, got some business clothes as well.

  “I just realized I bought all this clothes and have no closet,” Demi said on the way back to White Mist.

  “Don’t worry about that,” Regan said dismissively.

  “Don’t worry about it? I need to buy a car and look at apartments. Do you know of a good place to rent?”

  Regan shot her a quick glance. “You know my phone’s been ringing so much, I put it on silent?”

  Confused by this comment, Demi asked, “Is everything okay?”

  “With me? Peachy. With Johnny? Not so much.”

  Demi stiffened. “What does he want?”


  “He had me once upon a time. Too late now.”

  Regan snorted. “Demi, the video of you and Johnny has gone viral. Millions are witnessing the look on your face as he sang you a song no one’s heard before. You cried.”

  “I was shocked,” Demi mumbled, mortified.

  “It’s obvious that you both still have feelings for each other. I mean, he dragged you on stage. In case you didn’t know, the reason why Gwen and I are in your face is because we love Johnny. We’re his best friends and we’ve never seen him react like this towards a woman. Ever.”

  “Johnny sings to women during his shows all the time. Its part of his routine.”

  “Usually Johnny points to a woman in the audience and security brings her to him. He sits her down and does everything in his power to make her blush. You didn’t go willingly. What he did wasn’t rehearsed and neither was your reaction. You told him, ‘Why’ after he sang the song.” Regan fanned herself. “I thought I was watching The Notebook or something. I could see how wrecked you were.”

  Demi crossed her arms. “I’m starting a new life and I don’t need drama. I just broke up with a man yesterday. I’m not about to jump into the fire again with a rock star who’s been with half the country!”

  Silence fell and Demi immediately regretted her outburst. Here she was with a woman she liked and understood and Johnny was in the middle of their budding friendship. She didn’t want to think about Johnny. She had a lot of practice ignoring her memories of him and now… any person with internet access could go to YouTube and witness how susceptible she was to him. Johnny could have any woman he wanted and demonstrated that repeatedly over the years. She had no idea how he viewed her. She may be the only female that ever broke up with him, which made her a novelty.

  Regan reflexively tapped the steering wheel. “You ever think Johnny married the first wife because he was so broken up over you?”

  Demi’s face twisted in disgust. “Johnny doesn’t get broken up over anyone. He married a woman two weeks after we broke up. Maybe he was cheating before that, I don’t know.” Regan said nothing and she shook her head. “Johnny likes petite, skinny women that go with the flow and don’t question him. He likes them wild, carefree and loose.” Belatedly, she remembered Regan had been one of those women and fumbled. “I mean, some of them are gems, but—”

  Regan burst out laughing. “I’m not going to lie. I was loose then. I can’t deny that I’m petite compared to you. Thanks for the skinny comment, I’m flattered.”

  Demi’s mouth twitched. “All I’m trying to say is I was an anomaly.”

  “And how do you know this?”

  “Because of every woman he’s had before and after me.” Demi let out a long breath. Feelings of betrayal and rage wriggled through her chest and she shoved them down. Once upon a time, Johnny had been hers. That was a long time ago. Demi knew the best way to get Regan off her back was to tell her everything. There was no way in hell she would be with Johnny Bentley again. Ever. “I showed up at his place and his wife strolled up behind him, naked, and wrapped herself around him. She told me they got married last night and showed me her ring.”

  Regan swore. Demi glanced back at Chase who was oblivious to the anger seeping from his mother. Thank God he was too busy crashing his action figure into the car door to listen to Regan’s creative curses.

  “So,” Demi said deliberately, determined to make her point. “That’s the last time I saw Johnny and because fate hates me, last night happened. Now, I’m in White Mist with his best friend telling me he may have married that woman because he was torn up over me? He didn’t seem heartbroken then and he doesn’t now. I call bullshit.” When Regan didn’t speak, Demi decided it was now or never. If Johnny was going to be a factor in their friendship, she should find out now and move on if necessary. “Johnny and I have nothing to talk about. Neither of us has tried to contact the other since that day.”

  “My high school sweetheart proposed to me when I was nineteen. I said no because I wasn’t ready,” Regan began in a quiet voice. “It caused a huge rift between our families and I left with my car and a trunk full of stuff. After six months of shit jobs and sleeping in my car, I came home with my tail between my legs. On the same day I came home, I saw him get married to someone else.”

  “Oh my God.”

  Regan nodded. “Yup. I saw that and didn’t come back for ten years until I caught Daniel cheating on me. I broke off our engagement, quit my job and drove to White Mist. I came home expecting Brooks to be married with kids, but he was divorced. Within a day of me being home, he was trying to pick up where we left off. I was freaked,” Regan said with a reminiscent smile. “My dad left when I was a kid and I was scared I’d do the same thing, but I’m still here and now I have Chase.”

  “That woman he was married to? Does she still live in town?” Regan asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” Regan said with grim humor. “My sister-in-law, Kerry, is married to Allison’s brother. Allison is sweet and sometimes, I still want to punch her in the face just on principal, but she makes these really great glass pieces that sell really well at my mom’s shop.”

  Demi couldn’t imagine saying a single, civil thing to Johnny’s first wife. “This sounds like a soap opera.”

  “Sometimes it is.” Regan glanced at her and then away. “What Johnny did, I don’t want to know how much that hurt. I know ‘hurt’ isn’t even the right word. When I saw Brooks get married, I shut down and that was six months after we broke up, not two weeks. If I caught Brooks with Allison naked around him, I probably would have killed them both. I can’t blame you for not wanting anything to do with Johnny.”

  “I don’t know why he did what he did last night and I don’t care. It’s been over for thirteen years. I know he’s your best friend, which might make this weird. If we can’t work together, I totally get it—”

  Regan shot her a killing glance. “Johnny has nothing to do with business. But, shit, he has a lot to answer for.”

  “You can’t tell anyone what I just told you!” Demi didn’t care if she sounded like she was in sixth grade.

  “Of course not,” Regan snapped. “Johnny needs to answer to you, and honey, don’t make it easy for him. That scene he caused with wife number one must have killed you.”

  Demi didn’t want to talk about the years of depression that followed. Work and family were the only things that kept her going. It was pure self-preservation that made her hide within the family fold, dedicating herself to their every whim. Barry was the first man she’d given herself to since Johnny and that had been a colossal mistake as well. Her luck with men sucked and she was so done. “I just want to start over.”

  “I can help with that.”

  Regan parked in front of a cute cafe in the middle of White Mist.

  “Need a hit,” Regan said and yawned. “Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”

  Regan held Chase’s hand as they walked into a cafe that Demi instantly decided she would visit often. It was dimly lit with booths and tables tucked strategically for conversations, privacy and people watching. They moved up to the counter where one of the workers promptly took Chase from Regan.

  “Who’s the best looking boy in White Mist?” the woman exclaimed. “Its Chase Hawking, that’s who!”

  “Sam, I’m about to pass out here,” Regan said dryly. “And I don’t want Chase to have a complex.”

  “He looks just like his daddy, you lucky dog. Are you gonna have another baby? You should have them close together.”

  Demi’s mouth dropped open at the intimate question. Talk about small town life. She glanced around and saw that some of the customers were waiting for Regan’s answer.

  “We’ll see,” Regan said and the woman looked crushed. “Sam, I need coffee.”

  “Your regular?” At Regan’s nod, Sam shouted, “Jericha! Regan Lee wants her norm!”

  “Gotcha!” came the holler from the back room.

, what do you want?” Regan asked.

  “Chai,” Demi decided and pulled out her wallet.

  “On my tab,” Regan said to Sam who was staring at Demi with big eyes.

  “Aren’t you the gal from the concert last night?” Sam asked. “Johnny’s first?”

  A young woman who Demi assumed was Jericha shuffled in beside Sam and absently kissed Chase on the cheek before she stared expectantly at Demi.

  “Well?” Jericha asked.

  “We’re not together. We just have,” Demi paused and looked around the cafe. Her heart sank when she saw that she had the attention of every local. “History. That’s it.”

  “But you’re settling in, aren’t you? Gertie saw you two at the diner and overheard that you’re gonna work with Regan Lee.”

  Demi stared at them. “Who’s Gertie?”

  “Nosiest person in White Mist besides Sam,” Regan said and slapped the counter impatiently. “Coffee. Now.”

  When neither Sam or Jericha moved, Regan sighed.

  “Yes, Demi’s moving here. Yes, she’s working with me. Happy? Coffee, pronto!”

  Sam and Jericha lurched into motion and handed Chase over as they got their order ready.

  “If the coffee wasn’t so damn good, I wouldn’t come here. You have to say something about your private life for each cup of coffee. That’s just the way it works,” Regan said as Chase ate a chocolate croissant.

  “That’s a high price for a cup of coffee,” Demi said uncomfortably.

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  When Demi took the first sip of chai, she had an inkling why she’d give a piece of her privacy for this drink. She sighed and Regan waggled her brows in a way that said, ‘Am I right?’ and she so was. They walked through town with Chase between them, each of them holding one of his hands.

  “Lift!” he shouted and they did so, causing him to squeal in delight.

  Regan nodded to a shop at the end of the sidewalk with a sign that said, Ever After. It was part bridal shop, part formal wear. The shop showed signs of age in the yellowed walls and thin carpet, but it was clean and had a pleasant fragrance hovering in the air. There were two dressing rooms with spotless mirrors and a comfortable sitting area.


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