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Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3)

Page 22

by A. P. Jensen

  “What did she do when she caught him?” Demi asked and glanced at Daniel who was being fawned over by Cassidy.

  “She walked away.”

  Demi turned her attention back to him.“What?”

  “They didn’t love one another. It was a convenient relationship. Regan didn’t even care when she caught him in the act.”

  “And she still talks to him.” Demi shook her head. “Weird.”

  She could see what Regan found attractive in Daniel. His French accent was to die for. He was intense and had a commanding presence. On top of that, he was hot.

  “They respect one another,” Johnny said as he ate a kabob. “Daniel sees the real Regan now and wishes he had that. He probably wouldn’t have cheated if he knew what was beneath the surface, but he didn’t care back then. He does now.”

  “And he’s building the resort nearby?”


  “There’s a lot of money coming into White Mist,” she observed.

  “Its good for the locals.” Johnny was hailed by an incoming entourage and swallowed his food. “Hey!”

  They circulated. Johnny was constantly touching and kissing her and she knew it was just his way. He was like this with those he loved. Most notably, Regan and Gwen and she liked it. She met nearly every artist in the room. Some were super nice, others were aloof and there were those who smiled at her, but it didn’t reach their eyes. She knew as soon as they walked away that they were talking shit. She let it roll off her shoulders.

  “Baby, if this was a test, I’d say you got a perfect score,” Johnny said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Demi stared at herself in the mirror. Courtesy of Barbie and Cassie, Gwen’s hair and makeup artists, she looked red carpet ready. Her hair cascaded around her in a dramatic veil, framing her eyes which were lined and dramatic. The color of her lips matched the dress and strappy Manolo Blahnik’s completed the look.

  She was still staring at herself in the mirror when the door opened and Johnny stopped dead. He had on a black tux with a red silk tie that matched her dress. His eyes moved over her with such heat that she shivered. She turned to face him and struck a pose. His eyes went to the slit high on her thigh and he stalked forward.

  She held her hands up and walked backwards. “Johnny, no.”

  “You can’t expect me to share you with the rest of the world without claiming you first,” he said in a raspy voice.

  She held up her left hand to show him the ring. “You have claimed me.”

  “Need to claim you another way,” he said and grabbed her.

  “You’re going to ruin my makeup!” she yelped.

  He obviously didn’t care about that because he cupped her chin and kissed her hard. It didn’t take more than five seconds for her to respond. She tugged on his tux. Damn, he looked lickable. His hands smoothed beneath her dress and he groaned in her mouth when he realized she wasn’t wearing underwear.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” he growled.

  “I didn’t do it on purpose. This isn’t the kind of dress that you—”

  Johnny gathered the dress above her hips and placed her bare bottom on the cold vanity. She let out a startled squeak as Johnny knelt in front of her and put his mouth between her legs. Seeing him in front of her in his tux, looking so proper yet doing something so scandalous made her hot. Her moan echoed in the bathroom and his lips glistened as he got to his feet. He pulled his cock out of his pants and slid inside of her. It was fast and hot and left them both shaky and giddy.

  “After this is over, we’re gonna spend a week in bed,” Johnny promised.

  Demi was careful with her dress as she jumped off the vanity and cleaned up. Johnny was a little too helpful and she had to shove him out of the bathroom so she could repair her makeup without getting sidetracked. As they headed to the theater, again surrounded by security, she was glad Johnny took the time to make her come. When the fans appeared, screaming and crying and even cursing at her, Demi was too sated to care. Johnny took this personally and Demi wrapped her arm around his waist to reassure him that she was fine. By the time they reached the red carpet, Johnny was on edge. She was the one that talked to most of the reporters and eventually he relaxed and took over. The red carpet wasn’t as bad as she thought although she hated posing and for minutes afterward, she couldn’t see because of the blinding flashes.

  “Who are you wearing?” an eager reporter asked, holding the mic up.

  “This is a Bethany London,” Demi said loud and clear and Johnny squeezed her around the waist. “She’s making my wedding gown as well.”

  Demi lost track of how many times she said Bethany’s name, but she was sure she did her job by the time they reached the stadium. Demi was relieved to find that they were seated next to Gwen and Trey. Gabriel sat nearby with Cassidy and Daniel. People that hadn’t come to the lunch stopped by to give congratulations and examine her and she was polite, but very much ready for the show to start by the time the lights dimmed.

  The host was suave, small and entertaining. He told a lot of jokes during the show and when he mentioned Johnny, her attention sharpened.

  “Now, a little birdie told me that the paparazzi got quite a scare when Bentley’s new woman got in their face,” he said.

  There were light chuckles from the audience.

  “I must say, Bentley, I like this one,” the host said and gave Johnny a thumb’s up and an exaggerated wink. “Having a woman that looks past your first three wives, man? She’s a keeper.”

  Johnny’s hand tightened on her thigh. She didn’t let what the host said or Johnny’s tension bother her. She smiled and did a Miss America wave. The host roared with laugher.

  “If you don’t keep her, I’ll carry around a stool to reach her lips and try to win her myself!”

  They all laughed at this point and the host moved on. Johnny put his arm around her chair and leaned in.

  “You know how much I love you?”

  “You can show me in a couple hours,” she said.

  Johnny kissed her and didn’t stop until the artists around them began to catcall. Demi had a great time. It was an entertaining night filled with pulse pounding performances and seeing those around her being honored for their achievements. She was stunned when Johnny was called up for a whopping five awards: Top Artist, Top Male Artist, Top Rock Album, Top Touring Artist and Top Rock Artist. Each time, she stood with him and he gave her a deep kiss before going up to collect his award. She was so proud of him, she could barely breathe. He was a star, but he was so much more than that and she couldn’t believe he was hers. He leaned over the mic and held up his fifth award. His eyes found her in the crowd as he began to speak.

  “I want to thank my fans for staying with me all these years and Demi, my future wife.”

  The fans and his peers cheered and Demi flushed.

  “This award means even more to me since I’ll be taking a break from music to get married and start a family. I love you all. Rock on!”

  Gwen clutched Demi’s hand as the crowd roared in approval. During a commercial break, Johnny made his way back to his seat and set the fifth award on her lap.

  “One day you’ll come back,” she vowed. “I’m going to make sure of it.”

  “One day,” he agreed. “This has been my life for a long time. I’m ready for a change, but one day we’ll tour with the kids. It’ll be a blast.”

  Her heart leapt and she kissed him. Demi was just as delighted for Johnny as she was for Gwen who scooped up Top New Artist and Top Female Artist. Gabriel collected Top Country Album and Top Radio Songs Artist. Trey won Top Country Artist and Oliver won Top Social Artist and Top R&B Album. Demi clapped politely when Cassidy won Top Dance/Electronic Album.

  She tensed a little when Johnny, Gwen and Trey left to do the last two performances of the night. She was surrounded by trophies and felt naked without them around, but when the lights dimmed and Gwen’s voice filled the stadium, she forgot to be self-conscious.
Gwen and Trey began the performance on opposite sides of the stage from each other. Everyone watched with riveted eyes as they sang. It was obvious to everyone that the emotions between them were powerful and genuine. Demi teared up and glared when she saw a cameraman in the aisle beside her. She did her best to ignore him as Gwen and Trey’s voices faded out and was replaced by drumming.

  Johnny appeared on a floating platform, playing his heart out on the drums. The rhythmic pounding made her blood race. His shirt was unbuttoned all the way and his red silk tie was loose. His stomach muscles rippled as he played and he tossed his head back as the sticks moved too quickly for her eyes to follow. When the floating platform landed on the stage, the lights went out. When they came back on, Johnny stood with his guitar and showed everyone just how good he was at playing Baby. Her legs shifted restlessly and he looked right at her. He knew the effect he was having on her and he loved it.

  He opened his mouth and sang a medley of his latest album, slicing seamlessly between hard rock, country and then ending with a ballad. His voice was spellbinding and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Sweat glistened on his body and he moved across the stage, riling the crowd. Everyone around her rose, fists pumping the air and her heart burst with pride as she did the same and screamed when he finished in a hail of sparks and light.

  She got a lot of kisses on the cheek from the surrounding artists as everyone began to make their way out of the stadium. It was mayhem and she was actually kind of relieved to see Paul who helped her with all the awards. Angie collected the awards for Trey and Gwen and seemed to be in her element as she navigated through the crowd with ease.

  “Johnny said to get you to the room,” Paul said.

  She nodded and they made very slow progress out of the stadium. Fans screamed at her as if she was the one that just performed and even in the midst of platinum artists, the paparazzi called her name and jostled to get a good picture of her. Demi was hemmed in by three security guards who led her to a private set of elevators and took her up to the room.

  “Thanks,” she puffed as she set the awards on the glass table in the suite.

  “It’s my job,” Paul said.

  They looked at one another for a moment and he cleared his throat.

  “I’ve known Johnny for a long time,” he began and paused. “I’ve seen women and wives come and go.”

  She put a hand on her hip and raised a haughty brow. “Are you done?”

  Paul held up his hands. “I’m not trying to piss you off. I’m just saying, he’s acting different, changing things. I don’t know him like this.” He shrugged. “It’s not good for business, but Johnny’s happy so… I’m going to try to adjust.”

  Demi realized this was Paul’s way of offering his support.

  “Thanks, Paul,” she said.

  He frowned. “I don’t like this, but I’ll deal.”


  Paul nodded and walked out of the suite. She blew out a long breath and dug a water out of the fridge. She took a long drink and walked towards the door that led out to the balcony. She pushed back the heavy slider and pulled pins out of her hair as she leaned against the railing and looked down at the street far below. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm wind that ruffled her hair. She thought of Johnny’s performance tonight and smiled broadly. When he came back to the room, they were going to christen that bed. Her heart felt as if it would burst in her chest. She was so proud of his accomplishments, of the man he’d become. She couldn’t believe he chose her, that he loved her so much. Everything was perfect.


  Demi’s eyes flew open and she stared blindly ahead as ice shot through her veins. She turned slowly and stared at Barry who stood three feet from her. Barry looked as polished and competent as ever in a pinstriped suit. On the surface, he looked like he was back to his normal self, aside from the fact that he was in her hotel room.

  “Barry?” She tried to put a lid on her fear, but she was alone with him on a balcony. Between the sound of traffic and the wind, no one would hear her call for help.

  “You look beautiful,” Barry said.

  She sidled sideways and hit the patio table. The sound of iron scraping over cement, raked over her nerves. “What are you doing here, Barry?”

  “I hear you’re engaged,” Barry said, his eyes on her finger, which was hard to see in the darkness. “I’ve come to offer my congratulations.”

  Demi desperately wanted to relax because his words were polite and even, but why was he in her room? She wasn’t sure what game he was playing, so she decided not to rock the boat and go along with this until someone came into the room. “Thank you.”

  “You seem very happy,” Barry continued and took a step towards her.

  Demi’s whole body tensed. Barry blocked the only exit and there was nothing to defend herself with besides the patio set—a table and two chairs. There wasn’t even an ashtray to bash him with. Her palms began to sweat and she felt lightheaded with fear as she watched him.

  “I saw you at the lake,” Barry said and his hand twitched at his side, the only sign that he was agitated. “I had to make sure you were all right. You were angry with me about The Ashton Hotel and acted recklessly. You’re not thinking straight.”

  He spoke to her like a therapist would to an insane patient. Demi beat back her fury and lifted her chin defiantly. She wanted a chance to tell him to his face that she was over him. This was it.

  “I’m where I’m supposed to be.” She held up her hand so he could get a good look at her ring. “I’m getting married in two months. I’m not coming back to you, Barry, it’s over.”

  Barry stared at the ring and then moved his eyes to her face. She had a split second of warning before he leapt forward. Any sign of civilization evaporated as he wrapped his hands around her throat and drove her backwards so she splayed over the table. Pain streaked through her back and she clawed at his hands as they tightened around her throat and cut off her air.

  “How could you do this to me?” Barry shouted. “I gave you everything and you embarrass me in front of my peers? You wear his ring with such pride.” Barry’s face was so close that his lips brushed hers. “Martin’s cutting me out of business deals and my contacts are breaking agreements I’ve had with them for years. You want to ruin me, Demi? It’s not enough that you left me? You want to punish me for taking The Ashton away from you? I saved you!”

  She caught a glimpse of his crazed eyes and panic engulfed her. Demi balled her fist and swung as hard as she could. The hand around her throat loosened. She rolled off the table and hit the ground hard, spluttering and choking. She managed to get to her feet a second before Barry grabbed her from behind, one arm wrapping around her waist and the other hand gripping her throat once more. She kicked and bucked, all to no avail.

  Barry backed them into the corner of the balcony and stepped onto one of the chairs, hauling her up with him. Demi’s hip pressed into the balcony and sheer terror made her toss her weight forward. Barry shouted at her and tipped both of them back so they slammed into the balcony and tipped precariously over the edge. She screamed and gripped the flimsy glass railing. They steadied and tears slipped from Demi’s eyes as the wind whipped at her dress and Barry locked her to him.

  Demi noticed movement in the hotel room as the door opened. Daniel and Johnny appeared and they looked like they were in the midst of an argument. Demi couldn’t hear anything over the sound of the wind or her heartbeat. Barry’s hold on her tightened and she trembled, realizing their presence wasn’t a coincidence. She saw Johnny go into the master bedroom with Daniel on his heels. When Johnny came back into the living room, he ambled towards the balcony with a frown on his face. He didn’t notice them until he was nearly at the open slider. Johnny froze in place and Daniel came up behind him, still talking until he spotted them.

  “Don’t move!” Barry shouted. “You both fucked what was mine. I won’t let you do it.”

  Demi shifted her weigh
t in preparation to knock them off the chair, but Barry lifted her off her feet and she stilled.

  “I sent you those notes. If I can’t have her, neither can you!” Barry raged. “I want you to know what it feels like to watch her slip through your fingers.”

  Demi locked eyes with Johnny. The wind whipped around them and a single tear trickled down her cheek. She whispered a goodbye and was so focused on Johnny that when she felt Barry jerk, she didn’t register what happened.

  Barry reeled backwards and she felt her body go horizontal as he began to tip over the edge of the balcony. Her feet kicked at open air and she realized this was it. A heavy weight crashed into her, pinning her against the railing. Barry’s hands scrabbled over her skin, fingernails digging into her before they disappeared. Demi crashed onto the balcony with a heavy weight over her. She looked down at Johnny’s body that blanketed hers.

  Daniel crouched beside her. “Demi? You okay?” he yelled over the wind.

  She blinked at the gun in his hand. “You shot him?”

  Daniel didn’t bother to answer. He pulled out his cell phone and rapped out, “There’s a body on the street.”

  Locked in a daze, she looked at Johnny who hadn’t moved. His arms were wrapped around her and he was shaking like a leaf. She could barely breathe and her body was one huge bruise, but she didn’t care. She was alive.

  Neither she nor Johnny moved as security, cops and medics filed into the room.

  “Sir? We have to check her out,” a woman said in a soft voice. “Make sure nothing’s broken.”

  Johnny finally raised his head and stared at Demi. “I almost lost you. You almost went over.”

  “I’m fine,” she lied.

  “Sir? Please,” the medic interjected.

  “Johnny.” Daniel’s voice cut through to him. “She’s hurt.”

  Johnny’s hand brushed over her bruised face and he shifted off of her and knelt beside her. The medic pressed on Demi’s body with gentle fingertips to make sure nothing was broken and examined her throat which burned. Someone got her water and she sipped, locked in a cloud of shock and residual fear. She stared at the crowd with blank eyes and answered the cops questions without emotion. Johnny’s hands moved gently over her as if afraid she would disappear.


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