Book Read Free

New Tricks

Page 15

by Kelly Moran

  “You’re going to burst a blood vessel. What’s going on with you?”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m not sure I have the words to convey the problem.”

  Her ah-ha expression indicated she knew precisely his issue. “Try. Open your mouth and let words tumble out.”

  With a gaze heavenward, he exhaled. “Homicidal thoughts filtered through my mind when he was around you.”

  She burst out laughing, then quickly tried to cover the act by placing her fingers over her lips. “And why is that?”

  Smartass woman. She was either unaware how embarrassing this was for him or she didn’t care. He fisted his hands in his pockets. “Because I should be the one flirting with you. And I don’t know how.”

  “I see.” With a solemn nod, she sobered. “There’s nothing to be jealous about. And anyone can flirt.” When he said nothing, she glanced around as if searching for something in particular. “Cade! Come here.”

  Drake’s youngest brother made his way over and exchanged quick pleasantries with Cat. “What’s up?”

  Zoe crossed her arms. “Flirt with me.”

  “Uh…” He rubbed his neck. “If this is a ploy to amuse Avery, she’s not with me. She took Hailey to find popcorn.”

  With an eye roll, she waved her hand. “No. I’m proving a point to your brother here. Flirt with me.”

  “Huh. Okay. Give me a sec, yeah?” He tapped his chin. “I noticed your business name is Doggie Style. I could teach you some other positions.” He frowned. “I feel a little dirty saying that to you.”

  “Bwa ha ha. Not bad. Give me another.”

  Drake ran his tongue over his teeth.

  Hands on his hips, Cade pursed his lips in thought. “Since it’s the Fourth of July, why don’t we go make some fireworks?”

  Zoe’s grin only infuriated Drake more. “That was almost as good as Jason’s glow stick comment.”

  “Damn.” Cade smacked his forehead. “Glow stick. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “It’s okay. You’re out of practice.” Zoe rubbed her hands together. “Now, do you want to sleep with me after that?”

  Cade flinched. “Christ, no.”

  Zoe curtsied and patted his chest. “Good boy. You were very helpful. Run along now.”

  Shaking his head, Cade laughed. “Always did love your crazy side, Zoe.” After a quick fist bump, he took off.

  “See? Easy as that.” Her grin nearly dislodged Drake’s irritation. Nearly being the operative word. “Oh, come on. Give it a try.”



  Determined to shut her up and stop this stupid display, he wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her flush against him. “I’d rather show you what I want to do than talk about it.”

  Hazel eyes wide in surprise, she parted her lips to, no doubt, protest. He put his mouth there instead.

  He sank into her kiss, drugging and as strong as the tide’s undercurrent. No matter how sharp her tongue or her wit, her mouth was so damn soft. A delicious little contradiction.

  Since they were at a crowded venue, he lifted his head. “How was that as far as flirtations go?”

  Her lids slowly lifted. “Not bad.”

  With a smile against her lips, he brushed his nose with hers. “For the record, I don’t care who you flirt with or who does it back, as long as I’m the only one you’re kissing.”

  Someone cleared their throat, and Zoe jumped.

  He let her go as she spun to face his Aunt Rosa, who stood next to Cat’s wheelchair with a knowing smirk.


  “Crap.” Zoe smoothed her ponytail. “You didn’t see anything, Rosa.”

  “I absolutely didn’t see you kissing Drake. On the street. Right after the parade…” She typed something on her phone, sunlight glimmering so brightly off her unnatural red hair Drake had to squint. “Attaching picture and…there.” She looked up. “Totally correct. I saw nothing.”

  Zoe turned a scary shade of crimson. “I’m going to kill you.”

  If he had a nickel for every time he heard her say that… Except this time, it was directed at Rosa. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong?” Zoe’s voice hit banshee level. “What’s wrong? Your aunt just posted about us. No doubt on Twitter and, if I know her, she probably created a Pinterest board.”

  Aunt Rosa tsked. “We created the Drake/Zoe board two weeks ago.”

  Zoe growled. “I told you to leave this alone.”

  “What’s Pinterest?”

  Palms to her forehead, she paced away from him and back again. “This is not happening.”

  Looking unaffected by Zoe’s apparent meltdown, Aunt Rosa grinned innocently. Too innocently. “You two run along. I’ll take Catherine around for a bit and then back to Pine Crest.”

  “Am I working today?” Cat pouted. “That stinks.”

  “Take it down, Rosa. Whatever you posted, just take it down. You’re like a geriatric small town version of Gossip Girl, and I’m fed up.”

  As if preparing for a bank heist, Aunt Rosa gripped the handlebars of Cat’s wheelchair, spun in the opposite direction, and walked at an extremely brisk pace toward the park.

  Zoe stared after them like she was debating the pros and cons of manslaughter.

  “Okay.” Drake grabbed her hand. “Let’s get you a hotdog.”

  She dug in her heels, tugging back. “What are you doing?”

  He tightened his grasp. “I’m holding your hand in public.”

  At once, she quit fighting and deflated on the spot. “Drake,” she said through a weary sigh. “No. It’s bad enough your aunt just put who knows what all over the internet. Everyone will see.”

  “Thus the public part.” She stared at him through such tortured eyes his backbone went up. “Since when do you care what people think?”

  Closing her lids in a long blink, she bit her lip. “It’s not my reputation I’m worried about.”

  He had a sinking suspicion this tirade went back to the “good time” comment she’d made the other night. And she looked utterly, utterly wrecked. Keeping her hand in his, he stepped in front of her. “Hold my hand and walk to the park with me. Get a hotdog with me. Watch the fireworks tonight with me. Are you sensing the pattern? I chose you. I said I’m not giving up on us until we explore the potential.”

  “And I told you there is no potential.”

  Bang head here. “I also believe I said I wasn’t listening.” Giving her no choice, he headed toward the park.

  The rest of the day, she was unusually quiet. She kept her head down and only engaged in social pleasantries when there was no choice. He barely got her to eat one hotdog, no matter how many offers he dispersed for popcorn, cotton candy, or roasted corn. She acted so out of character his gut burned. By the time dusk came and went, he needed a Valium.

  Townsfolk were setting out blankets for the fireworks and he spotted the area his brothers had staked out. Stopping by a tree, he faced her. “Let me grab us something to drink and we can meet up with the others.”

  She nodded.

  Frustrated, he stood in line at a booth ten people deep and crossed his arms to wait. Muttered conversations chattered around him, but he tuned them out until he surprisingly heard his name. Two women he didn’t recognize a few turns ahead of him in line were whispering not so quietly.

  “…and with Zoe Hornsby. Can you believe it?”

  “I know. She’s going to break that poor guy’s heart, and he’s had his share of grief. To think, she calls herself his friend.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. Girls like her don’t last long. She’s nothing more than a rebound.”

  “And when that happens, I’ll show him what his next wife really looks like.”

  He ground his jaw as they giggl
ed. Having grown up in Redwood Ridge all his life, he was accustomed to gossip, especially considering his meddling aunts and mother. But what those women in front of him said had been outright cruel.

  Far as he knew, everyone loved Zoe. The guys wanted to date her and the women wanted to be her. At least, that’s the impression he’d always gotten. He suddenly understood Zoe’s detached mood. Was that how she viewed things with him? Like she was the rebound? He didn’t believe in that nonsense or the rules of dating. People either liked each other or didn’t. There was a spark or there wasn’t.

  Turning, he looked over his shoulder. Zoe was in the same spot he’d left her, by the tree, arms crossed and avoiding everyone. An unbearable ache spread behind his ribs and took root. She was no one’s rebound, good time, or doormat. But did she know that?

  He paid for two bottles of water and made his way back to her. Brent and a guy Drake recognized from youth functions was talking to Zoe. She was smiling, at least.

  Drake handed her a water. “Everything okay?”

  “Sure.” Her smile was as genuine as her artificial hair color. “Drake, this is Miles. He works at the rec center.”

  Drake shook the guy’s hand, briefly taking in his short brown wiry hair and Milano skin. His eyes were a focal point of aquamarine. “Good to see you again. Avery said Hailey adores you.”

  Miles grinned. “The feeling is mutual.”

  “Brent and Miles are on a date.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  Miles’ affectionate gaze shifted to Brent. “Our third, actually.”

  Zoe sighed dreamily and hugged Brent. “I’m so happy for you.” She looked at Miles. “Hurt him and I’ll maim you ten ways from Sunday.”

  “Point taken.”

  Brent cocked his hip. “The others are waiting. You ready?”

  They settled on a blanket next to Cade, Avery, Flynn, and Gabby. Zoe tried giving Drake a marginal berth. He leaned over, wrapped an arm around her waist, and hoisted her to deposit her between his legs. She sat stiffly, unmoving.

  Drake glanced at Avery. “Where’s Hailey?”

  “The fireworks are too loud for her.” Avery tucked a strand of wavy brown hair behind her ear. “My mom took her home.”

  “Uh oh.” Gabby frowned at her phone. “Um, Zoe…” She passed her the cell, and Drake looked over Zoe’s shoulder to the screen.

  It was a Twitter app on Redwood Ridge’s feed. There was a picture of him and Zoe kissing from earlier. The tweet read: Our favorite vet is back in action and showing a certain groomer some Animal Attraction. He mentally rolled his eyes at the play on the clinic name.

  Zoe clicked the @ responses, and anger pounded his temples. Most were supportive, but a few were just catty. Again with the rebound comment or bets on how long they’d last.

  Before he could say anything, she backed out to the main screen, her hand shaking, and clicked on a red P. The town’s profile popped up and he discovered what Pinterest was, which looked like a bunch of photo files to him. She tapped one that said Drake/Zoe. There were a few pictures of them from Cade’s wedding, the same one from Twitter, and another when they were perhaps three years old, hanging off a tire swing.

  Without a word, she handed the phone back to Gabby and rose to her feet. The entire group’s eyes were on her. As if unsure what to do, she rubbed her arm, glanced around, and stepped off the blanket.

  She got three feet before his brain connected rational thought to words. “Where are you going?”

  She paused, but didn’t turn around. “Home. I’ll see you at work.”

  Hell no. He shot to his feet. “I’ll take you.”

  “No, you won’t. I’ll walk.” She kept right on going.

  Cade grabbed Drake’s arm before he could get anywhere. “Let her go.”

  Never. He’d never—

  Shocked immobile by that first errant thought, he closed his eyes. Guess that was his answer right there. He’d been wondering if their friendship had accounted for his connection to her and if the physical punch was just lust complicating the mix. But no. For him, there was more going on than just simple attraction. And she’d been trying to tap the brakes from day one. Plus, she’d taken off like a bat out of hell first chance she got.

  Furious, confused, he glanced at Cade. Calm understanding looked back at him. After a quick scan of the others, Drake found the same. Apologetic, sympathetic, and pleading all around. His anger dissolved, leaving him with an ache between his eyes, a pounding in his chest, and a hollow hole in his gut.

  Carefully, he sat back down just as the fireworks began. Booms exploded, thrusting color against the black backdrop of night and winking stars.

  Too many emotions and thoughts collided around for him to get a grip on any one in particular. He itched to go after her, ram it through her thick, stubborn skull that he didn’t view their relationship as some of the town did. Pick apart her brain until he figured out her underlying issue.

  Knee bouncing, he suffered through the show, not having seen any of it.

  Chapter 16

  Wrist-deep in a bowel resection surgery on an Alaskan Husky who’d eaten gravel, Drake checked the vitals monitor. Stable. Excellent. He could close up and get the hell out of work on time.

  “You doing okay, hot stuff?”

  Drake glanced up at Brent over his surgical mask. “I’m fine, and don’t call me hot stuff. Ever hear of sexual harassment?”

  “Yes.” Eye roll. “I’ve been waiting to experience it for five years now. And you’re my boss, not the other way around. Sexual harassment doesn’t apply here.”

  Unable to help it, Drake grinned. First time in two days. Two long damn days since Zoe had stormed off during the fireworks. She’d come into the clinic after he’d arrived and had left before he’d gotten out of the OR. He’d thought about texting or dropping by her place, but she seemed to need time. He was giving it to her. Begrudgingly.

  Drake frowned at his task. “Suction.”

  “That’s what he said.” Brent put the suction hose inside the dog’s cavity.

  He laughed. “You’re feistier than usual.”

  “Must be my hot new boyfriend.” Brent paused. “You’re laughing and smiling more in the past two weeks than I’ve seen you do in four years.”

  “Good for you. Miles seems like a nice guy.”

  Miles was a soft-spoken man and Brent didn’t shut up long enough to breathe, but they fit well together, best Drake could tell. He and Zoe were polar opposites as well. Barring this wall she tried to erect around herself with regards to dating, they clicked, too.

  Which was interesting. Drake had been hesitant to start something with Zoe because of the friendship, the fact they worked together, and Heather. If he rooted around for deeper issues, he’d also lay insecurity at his own feet. She had mounds more experience than he did with this kind of thing. He’d been with Heather since high school. He never thought he could handle Zoe.

  But he’d been wrong. Turned out, she seemed to be the one unable to trust her feelings. He was planning on having a talk with his brothers tonight and then gauging Zoe’s mood at their softball game tomorrow. From there, he’d figure out what to do.

  Regardless, something had to be done. He wasn’t sleeping, barely eating, and Brent was starting to become an amusing form of entertainment. Not good.

  He finished closing the dog, charted a couple notes, and scrubbed out, leaving post-op care in Brent’s capable hands.

  Making his way toward the reception desk, Drake frowned at the raised voices. Zoe’s, to be exact. He rounded the corner and found Avery behind her desk, his aunts and mother near the door, and Zoe pacing in between. The waiting room was empty, indicating Flynn and Cade had finished with patients.

  Drake eyed the tense faces. “Is there a problem?”

  Zoe whirled on him. “They,” she pointed to the Battleax
es, “have you and I booked at a veterinary conference in Portland next weekend. Did you know anything about this?”

  He thought back and vaguely remembered Aunt Rosa mentioning something about it near Christmas last year when she’d still been their office manager. “Rings a bell.”

  Avery tapped away at her keyboard. “Yours and Zoe’s schedule is blocked off for Friday through Monday. The log date says December third.” More clicking. “And it’s already paid for. No refunds.”

  Zoe rubbed her forehead. “Of course. And all that means is they’ve had this matchmaking scheme in place that long.”

  “You give us too much credit. Consider it a vacation.” Aunt Marie shrugged. “Neither of you have taken much time off in I can’t tell you how long.”

  “I wouldn’t put the JFK assassination against you three. And this would be a work-related trip, not a vacation. I don’t have time to get away. Mama needs me around. What if there’s an emergency?”

  Aunt Rosa glanced up from her phone. “She’s safe at Pine Crest. We all can take shifts stopping by to visit. Besides, Portland is only four hours away.”

  Drake eased behind Zoe and set his hands on her tense shoulders. “They have a point.” Lightly, he kneaded her muscles to diffuse the ticking bomb. He’d have to check the convention calendar, but maybe they could blow off a couple things and get out in the city. “You do need some time off. So do I.”

  With an expunging sigh, she dropped her chin. “Fine. But if we get there and only one hotel room is booked, you three will have to look over your shoulders the rest of your lives.”

  Drake grinned. All her attitude had drained and she relaxed under his ministrations. He worked his thumbs up her neck and wished the clinic would vacate. He’d love nothing more than to keep loosening her up until she grew pliant enough to reason with. Alas, there were witnesses so, with a final squeeze, he let go.

  Zoe snatched her purse off the counter. “I need tequila. Lots of tequila.” She strode out the door.


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