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Falling from Grace: A Billionaire Romantic Suspense series (The Filth Monger Series Book 1)

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by Chant, Annabel

  He’d confronted her, in the end, and forbidden her to even go online – an order to which she’d given the bird, forging ahead with her relentless mission to degrade herself, and him along with her. I guess I admired that in her, too. Anyway, she’d carried on seeking out trysts, and that was where we stepped in.

  Hacking PCs was second nature to a certain element within my entourage. It was what they were paid to do. Within days, she was corresponding solely with us – unbeknownst to her - and it was clear by then that she was intent on realising her fantasies. After a further flurry of emails, the date and time were set.

  And so I found myself heading out to some woods on the outskirts of the city, keeping a tactful distance from the little duck-egg blue Fiat speeding along ahead of me. She was clearly far more eager to get there than me. It had rained earlier, heavy and incessant. I’d thought we were going to have to reschedule, but it’d cleared, leaving the evening warm and bright. Water still lay on the roads, but the last of the sun’s rays gleamed on it and turned it to gold.

  I could hear the tyres, slick with moisture and threatening to skid, through the open windows. That was the least of my worries. Most girls, heading out alone to meet a group of men in the middle of nowhere, would have shown signs of hesitation…irregular speed…slowing down for no good reason…maybe even pulling over. Not this one. Her driving displayed nothing but reckless anticipation. I sighed inwardly. My only anticipation was of a train wreck. I encountered girls like this only too often but, generally, their father wasn’t a member of Parliament.

  When I’d realised who it was, I’d understood what was at stake. I thought back to the consultation I’d had with him prior to tonight’s proceedings. Giles Flint was a hawk-faced old codger nowadays, but he’d been handsome enough in his day. That, along with his title and his wealth, had made him a force to be reckoned with as far as the ladies were concerned.

  He’d been in no rush to find himself a wife, but had finally settled on some French model, a flighty nervous type, who needed more in the way of attention than Giles could spare her. She’d duly popped out young Felicity, before dying in a car “accident” on the way to meet a lover.

  No charges were ever brought, naturally, but a shadow had hung over Giles’s name ever since. I knew how he felt, and I could see why he was so desperate to keep this current situation in-house. I’d known Giles years. Max, his nephew, had been at public school with me, and he’d been a close friend of my father’s before…

  Her car slowed down for the first time. Even round the country bends it hadn’t given up speed, so this sudden dip in acceleration could only mean she was looking for something. And it seemed she’d found it. It matched the destination I’d put into my GPS, anyway.

  I turned it off now, holding back as she indicated to turn. I hadn’t needed it in the end. I’d managed to keep her in sight at all times, far enough away to avoid being noticed, but close enough to keep a watchful eye on her. This was essential, in case she’d somehow arranged another place to hold her fuckfest. With the current security breach, I couldn’t discount any possibility.

  I pulled up and let the car idle, waiting until she’d swerved in between the wooden gateposts and parked before I followed her in. She wouldn’t have had any idea, but there were men right by those gateposts, hidden in the shadows, waiting to deter undesirables by any means necessary.

  I’d given her enough time, so I revved the car up and pulled in, holding my hand up in recognition to the guys by the gateposts. The chipped billboard advertised the wooded expanse beyond as a nature reserve. The shadows lay long across the car park already, and I hoped we’d get this thing over with before night fell. It’d make it a hell of a lot easier. Video never came out as well in night-vision.

  As I parked up, I thought again about my meeting with Giles. He’d made it clear I owed him, and I couldn’t argue. He’d got me out of enough holes in the past, mainly related to the clubs I owned, and he didn’t trust anyone else to run this little sideshow for him. Anyway, he was of the firm belief that, once she was in the situation for real, his precious flower would wilt like a frost-struck bloom and that would be the end of it.

  I was about to find out how well he knew his daughter.


  Leo was standing in the doorway when I finally noticed him. He hesitated for a moment, before walking over to where I was still perched on the arm of the chair. He knelt down on the seat in front of me, and put his arms round me. I just sat there. I didn’t even pull away. I felt oddly vague and distant, and just let him carry on hugging me, while I stayed there, immobile.

  Was it because I didn’t love him enough? Should I have opened up to him more? Was this my own fault? Thoughts kept passing through my head, but they were distant and impersonal, as if typed on paper, and they didn’t really register.

  Finally, he tipped his head back, and looked at me. ‘I’m so sorry, Princess.’

  I looked back at him, really noticing him for the first time. He seemed unchanged. His hair was the same brown, the cow’s lick at the front making it stick up as always; his eyes the same hazel; the tiny scar on his lip, which most people didn’t notice, still in its place. But he was someone else. I didn’t know this man before me at all.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I said, finally pulling away from him.

  ‘I’m trying to apologise.’ He took hold of my hands, and squeezed them, staring earnestly into my eyes. ‘I’m sorry, babe, really. I’m so sorry.’

  Sorry for getting caught, you mean.

  ‘Who was she?’ I pulled my hands away, and stood up.

  ‘Who was…’ he began, then took one look at my face, and caved in. ‘I don’t know, babe. Some local tart, I think. She didn’t exactly talk a lot. It was Johnno, picked her up. She was all over him.’

  ‘I’m sure Kitty’ll be pleased to hear that.’ Johnno was team captain. Kitty, his wife, was a glamour model. As Chief WAG, she ruled the others – me, too, when I went to the matches – with an iron fist. No velvet glove. What she wanted, we did.

  ‘She’s already told him she wants a divorce.’ Leo rolled his eyes. ‘She would. But we’re stronger than that, aren’t we, Princess? We’re solid. We’ll get through this.’

  I wanted to believe him, to make it all okay again. I just didn’t know how. ‘I don’t know, Leo. I can’t… What if I’d never found out? Would you have come home with a little gift for me?’

  ‘Wh…what do you mean?’

  He looked genuinely puzzled, so I spelt it out for him. Literally. ‘An STD, Leo? Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, God – I don’t know – AIDS?’

  ‘Oh, come on, babe.’ He almost laughed. ‘We’re footballers, not fucking idiots. We always… We used something.’

  I stared at him for a moment more. Always… ‘Footballers…idiots… it’s the same thing to me.’ I turned and walked into the kitchen, trying to focus. At least I’d stopped crying – my anger had seen to that – but I didn’t know what to do or say. We’d built a whole life here together, Mum was right, and the flat – I’d never be able to afford it on my own. We’d been together over nine years. Was I going to throw it all away?

  He followed me out and came up behind me. He wrapped one arm around my waist, lifted up my hair with the other, and started to nuzzle my neck. I actually shuddered. He laughed, as if he couldn’t believe it. ‘Come on, babe. It was nothing. Less than nothing. Just lads together. If you’d come with us…’

  I rounded on him. ‘Don’t you dare blame this on me.’

  He held his hands up, and stepped backwards. ‘I…I’m sorry. I just meant…’

  ‘I know exactly what you meant, you… you fucker.’

  He didn’t say anything for a moment, then laughed again. ‘I’ve never heard you swear, babe. Come on…’ He came in towards me, putting his hands on my hips, and looked me in the eyes, so straight and true I knew he was lying. ‘She was nothing to me…to any of us. You’re everything…my world. I’ll prove it to you.’ H
e took my hand, and led me upstairs. I wanted it to be all right. I wanted him to make it all right, and I let him take me.

  Once upstairs, he led me into the bedroom. ‘We’re solid, Princess.’ He took me in his arms, and began to kiss me gently.

  I don’t think, in all the time I’d been with him, I’d ever kissed him with my eyes open, but I did then. I stared at him, taking in the soft curl of his lashes…the folds of his eyelids…the tiny pits from the acne he’d still had, when I’d first met him seven years ago…everything except his kiss. I felt wooden, just a receptacle for his tongue.

  He opened his eyes and jolted slightly as he noticed me staring. He pulled away and looked at me, smiling slightly. ‘Come on, babe. It’s you and me.’

  He walked me, backwards, to the bed and lifted my skirt up around my waist, before pushing me down onto it, pressing my thighs apart as he did so. ‘I’ll make it better,’ he said, smiling down at me.

  I just lay there.

  Better to get it over with right away, or I’ll never do it. I need to claim him back this instant. It was the only thing that made any sense in my desperate state. I needed to move forward… forget about Hull and everything to do with it.

  ‘I’ll take you with me next time, even if you’re dying. I’ll make you come.’ He unbuttoned his jeans. ‘In fact,’ he added, determination in his eyes. ‘I’ll make you come right now.’

  He pushed down his jeans, and got on top of me, leaning on his hands. ‘I’m gonna make you come like you’ve never come before.’

  I could feel the hardness of him, pressing down across my mound, as he let himself sink onto me. How could he be ready so quickly? How could he want it at all?

  Well, he hadn’t had it since the previous night, presumably. God, I didn’t even know. He’d better be planning on using something, anyway. Or he’s not getting any further. Not after… I tried to block it out, but I couldn’t.

  He started to kiss my neck, then my face, and all I could think was; is that what he said to her? Is this what he did when he fucked her? Did he look to her like he looks to me now?

  Revulsion coursed up through me, until I thought I was going to be sick. I pushed him off. ‘Get away from me, you filthy, disgusting bastard, and get out of here. Get out!’

  He didn’t argue. He didn’t do much of anything…just stood there, his jeans puddled around his ankles, looking bleak. Finally, he dragged them up and fumbled with the fly, then turned and left the room.

  I heard the door slam a few minutes later, and came downstairs. I actually felt glad. I was sick already of feeling sick and empty. My whole world was shattered, as if it were ice in a puddle and he’d stamped on it. At that moment, I hated him.


  As I made my way across the car park to the group of cars clustered in the far corner, several more cars pulled in. More of my men. They’d arrived later than me, as instructed, masking my arrival as inconsequential. I’d never met the girl, and I didn’t think she’d recognise me - most people didn’t, and I liked it that way - but it was always worth the extra details. The others, she wouldn’t know. They were cherry-picked for their discretion and low profiles. Well, amongst other things.

  The car park was rough and unshod, and I picked my way across it, watching them. The whole place smelled earthy, tinged with the fresh, slightly astringent scent of juniper. They drove slowly and carefully, avoiding the rain-soaked potholes. They clearly wanted to avoid damage to their vehicles. Expensive cars were one of their perks, and I’d left mine at the entrance for the same reason. I saw Alex’s Merc, parked by a tree, and was glad he was already there. I needed everything on tape. He’d obviously been in a rush – his car was sitting slantwise, as if he’d parked in a hurry. I hoped he hadn’t missed anything.

  For the first time, I wondered if our cars might give us away. I was so used to the best of everything, it hadn’t occurred to me until now that your average dogger probably wouldn’t be able to afford a high-end car. I was relying now on the fact that Felicity moved in a similar circle to me, and wouldn’t notice the anachronism. Even so, I was glad I’d parked over the other side. My Aston would have been a dead give-away.

  I reached the cluster of cars just as my remaining men were getting out. They were watchers, like me. They could rub their cocks, but they couldn’t take part. They were there to keep an eye out for members of the public, and to cover for me. If I were the only one not taking part, I’d stand out. We made our way, one by one, over to where the action was about to take place. Her car was in the corner, in the middle of the rest, and overhung with trees.

  The inner light was on and, as I caught sight of her, a brief gush of relief washed through me. I could tell right away she wouldn’t have noticed our cars, even if they were on fire. She was already too busy, gobbling cock through her open car window. At the same time, my heart sank. Later that evening, I was going to have to break the news to Giles that his assessment of his little darling was way off the mark.

  I held back from the guys gathered around her driver door. They were groaning and sighing as they took turns to push their meat into her mouth.

  ‘Yeah, good girl, Felicity,’ I heard Matt, one of my best, say. ‘Eat it all up.’

  Christ, she’d even given them her real name. What was she thinking of? Was she even thinking at all? It didn’t seem like it. Her eyes glinted as she licked along the length of his cock, but they were unfocused, as if she was looking somewhere else entirely, and she was smiling in what I could only think was bliss.

  To be honest, from what I could see, she didn’t look as bad as reports had suggested. The only photos I’d seen hadn’t given much away. Taken at some summer ball or other, they’d been group shots, gaggles of drunken undergrads pissing away their student loans in a beer tent. Not that she’d ever needed a loan. Maybe that was why she’d look distant and set apart from the rest. Money could do that to you.

  I could see why my men had been disappointed in her. There was a cheapness to her that belied her breeding. She’d somehow sidestepped her mother’s exotic charm and even the brooding looks of her father. Her face was flat and wide. Everything about her was wide. Her eyes were large almost to the point of protruding, her nose was just too broad to be cute, even her mouth was too full… in more ways than one.

  Even so, she had a certain, enthusiastic charm about her. Her fluffy, blonde curls framed a face that seemed wide awake and very different to the distant-looking girl in the photos. I couldn’t help thinking there must be some other reason she couldn’t find a man of her own.

  I wondered how much pleasure she was really getting from it. Sucking on dicks encased in rubber couldn’t taste that good, even with the flavoured ones they were using specially. No one was going near her without one, or going down on her at all. I wasn’t putting their health at risk, not even for Giles. It wasn’t perfect, but usually health checks were undertaken beforehand, as a matter of course. But then, most girls knew what they were getting into. Looking at her now, I could tell she was lapping up the attention, and I felt bad for her. I knew how this would end.

  She pulled back slightly, to take his tip into her mouth, then took hold of two of the other guys’ dicks and started to toss them off. As she leaned forward to take his cock deeper down, her tits, encased in a petrel blue boob-tube, rubbed back and forth against the open window.

  At least she’s dressed the part, I thought, with an inward sigh. When Giles saw this, he wasn’t going to be impressed. I always took video, as routine. It protected everyone involved. But typically it stayed in-house and untouched, sealed straight away in the vaults beneath The Castle. It seemed bizarre, and quite sickening, that he’d want to see it but, at the same time, I got it. He wanted evidence, and he’d have died rather than let anyone else see.

  Matt pulled his dick out of her mouth, rubbing it back and forth slowly to keep it up. He stood aside slightly, making way for Rick. She leaned forward, her mouth open wide, eager to take him, but he pushed h
er back slightly and dragged her top down around her waist, revealing her tits. They were full and wide, much like her face, and she ran her hands over them suggestively.

  Rick and Matt started tossing themselves frantically, and she cupped her tits in her hands like udders. They surged forward, crouching, and she pushed them into their hungry mouths, as they suckled, more like piglets than grown men. She tipped her head back and sighed contentedly, the sound of their slurping echoing around the empty car park.

  ‘Show us what else you’ve got,’ said Matt, coming up for air. ‘Come on, Fliss, show us your pussy.’

  He got up and stood back, Rick following his lead unwillingly. Every man there was watching her intently, playing with themselves like schoolboys. She looked around them with a knowing smile. She pushed open the car door, giggling unattractively, and turned until her legs were sticking out of the car door. She was wearing a black miniskirt – no surprise there - with high heels to match, and the legs that linked them were long and tapered. Something to remember her mother by, at least.

  She looked around the guys, as if daring them to will her on, and they were only too happy to oblige. She’d primed them well, and her looks didn’t come into it now. They all had stellar appetites. It was another of the reasons they got this particular perk.

  ‘Oh yeah, Fliss.’ Rick was rubbing his cock for England. He sounded breathless. ‘Come on, gorgeous, spread those legs for me.’

  She played the tease for a few seconds, parting her thighs slightly, before snapping them shut with that irritating giggle.

  ‘Come on, Flissie,’ he coaxed. ‘Spread 'em for us, baby. Let’s see what you’ve got.’

  She leaned back across the seat, wriggling her skirt up to join her top around her waist, and opened her legs wide. ‘Who’s going to do the honours?’ She pulled her bare pussy apart with her fingers. ‘Who’s going to eat me all up?’


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