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Falling from Grace: A Billionaire Romantic Suspense series (The Filth Monger Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Chant, Annabel

  I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to find out. Someone like him would never be interested in me, anyway. If I was anything to him, I was sport…something to keep him entertained while the bar was so empty.

  I threw him what was quickly becoming my trademark Icy Glare, before moving away slightly and turning my back on him to gaze across Hyde Park. I hoped he’d get the message and disappear. Night was closing in, and the lights on the fountains were beginning to stand out against the darkening green of the lawns. I traced the streetlights around the edge of the park, trying to take my mind off his continued presence.

  What was he even doing here, anyway? Kitty was trying to find out, not very subtly, but he seemed evasive in his answers. I couldn’t help myself. I was too curious. I turned slightly to watch them, leaning against the balcony and wishing I still had the cigarette. I needed it now.

  ‘I had some business here tonight,’ he was saying. ‘I came to meet someone.’

  ‘Ooh.’ Kitty leaned forward, pushing out her ample bust. ‘Who is it? Anyone I’d know.’

  ‘Yes, well,’ He paused and looked over at me. I turned my head away and pretended to be interested in something on the horizon. ‘That is, I doubt it. Do excuse me.’

  He nodded his head at her and smiled briefly. I looked back again, half wishing he’d stay, despite everything. He was looking over at me. His expression, as he caught my eye, was unreadable. I think it was intended as a smile, but it was only his mouth that made it. His eyes were inscrutable. If anything, he looked disappointed.

  I watched his back as he went into the bar, pausing briefly at the door as if there was something he’d forgotten to say. He was tall – a good few inches taller than me, even in my heels – and he wore his suit like a second skin. It seemed so natural on him, as if he never wore anything else. His shoulders were square, without being overly broad, and his jacket was fitted enough to show off his athletic build, well-toned but not overly muscled. His dark hair curled slightly over his collar, and he put his hand up to it now, running his fingers through it as if he, too, felt somewhat awkward.

  For a moment, I thought he was going to turn back to us – to me – but, if he’d intended to, he thought better of it and disappeared into the bar.

  ‘Well!’ Kitty seemed almost speechless. ‘Isn’t he adorable?’

  ‘I’ll smoke if I want to,’ I said, not really listening. ‘What’s his problem, anyway?’

  ‘He was just trying to make conversation.’ She gave a shrug. ‘You need to lighten up a bit. He was a babe.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I said, wondering if she was right. Maybe I was just over sensitive. I kept seeing that disappointed look and, despite everything, I felt angry with myself. I wanted to please him, I realised, but that just made me angrier.

  ‘Your loss is my gain, anyway,’ Kitty continued, heading back inside. ‘I’m in there, later, I reckon.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I repeated, taking a last look out across the park before following her in. She was probably right, after all. She had the looks and personality to attract a man like that. Not to mention the reputation. Next to her, I was a definite also-ran. Not to mention a disappointment. How come it was okay for Kitty to smoke, anyway? Maybe he didn’t want to risk upsetting her. Take the piss out of the sad friend instead. Yeah, that made sense. I needed to forget him, and fast.

  None of this stopped me looking around for him as we walked back across the dance floor to our table. There were more people in the bar now, but he wasn’t one of them.

  ‘He’s gone.’ Kitty gave a long-suffering sigh and sank down into her seat. ‘Oh well, plenty more where he came from. Look, it’s really filled up!’

  It had, somewhat. There were certainly fewer empty tables. A blond man was leaning over the railings above us. He was quite handsome in a Nordic God kind of way, all blond hair, tanned skin and muscles, and it didn’t take Kitty long to notice him.

  ‘Hey-up,’ she murmured under her breath to me, chinking her glass in his direction. ‘I think I’m in here.’

  And, this time, she was right. He came down and sat with us, talking exclusively to her, until I felt as awkward and uncomfortable as I’d felt the night before, when Liv had abandoned me at the bar.

  Twenty Four

  Kitty Hart was worse in the flesh than she’d seemed on the news. Fuck knows why Grace had agreed to come out with her. She was a liability with a large mouth and a love of publicity - good or bad, it didn’t seem to matter to her. I couldn’t believe she’d tipped off the tabloids. I’d had to push my way through a small army of reporters when I’d arrived, and I was still furious with her.

  I didn’t care what she did to herself, but she was likely to suck Grace down with her, at this rate. I stood at the end of the bar out of sight, and watched them both, wondering whether to just go home. Grace had seemed less than impressed with me – again – and I was starting to think I was wasting my time.

  For a start, she was smoking. I’d seen her cadge it off Hart, so I knew she wasn’t a real smoker. What did she think she was playing at? I’d teasingly nipped her nicotine-binge in the bud, but she hadn’t taken it well. I’d expected her to laugh, maybe protest a little, but then relent and start chatting. I was wrong. I wondered if she was always so defensive, or if it was purely aimed at me. She certainly seemed to have developed an intense and immediate dislike for me. It put me on the back foot; I was used to reactions like that from men, but seldom from women, particularly those I barely knew.

  She looked just as awkward and prickly now, though, so maybe it wasn’t just me. Hart was fawning over some blond guy. He’d been standing alone, casing the room. As soon as they’d sat down, he’d moved over and stood above their table, leaning on the railing by the bar. I’d seen him in there before. He was a regular at the hotel. He might even be an escort, judging from his behaviour. I wondered if she had any idea what she was getting into. I didn’t get the impression she much cared. She was all over him, anyway.

  Grace, on the other hand, was just sitting there, her leg crossed away from them, looking around the room. She looked bored to death, and I didn’t blame her. I was beginning to regret inviting them here in the first place. There were plenty of other bars and clubs I could’ve chosen, but I’d plumped for this one because it was quieter and more discreet than the rest. In hindsight, it was perhaps a bit too discreet. There was no crowd to blend into, no chance of just happening upon her as I walked around the club. If I was going to talk to her again, I was going to have to be obvious, and I didn’t much fancy that, after her reaction out on the terrace.

  I wondered again what I’d done. She’d had it in for me from the moment she’d seen me in Max’s office. Maybe that was why I’d found her so alluring. It was rare for me to meet a woman that was a real challenge, and she was starting to become exactly that. I swirled the ice around in my glass, and looked over at her again. That was it. I’d treat her as a challenge. Then, even if she brushed me off yet again, I wouldn’t feel so defeated and I’d have my own permission to keep trying.

  I was just about to go over and try, again, to talk to her, when some guy went over to her. She looked up at him, and then over at the group of guys he’d been sitting with. She shrugged briefly and smiled, before getting up and following him over to sit with them. I couldn’t believe it…I’d missed my chance. I could only watch in increasing disbelief, as she smiled round at them all and shook their hands. It was my own fault, I knew. I should have been quicker off the mark…been more direct with her out on the terrace.

  She sat down between two of the guys, smoothing her dress as she did so. She had her back to me, and I could see the bones of her spine tracing a curve down the open back of it as she crossed her legs again. I wanted to reach out and run my fingertip down that spine, trace a line back up it with the tip of my tongue.

  Even as I thought it, one of the guys put his hand to the nape of her neck, and did exactly that. He caressed her neck for a moment, before letting his fingers sl
ide, trailing down her spine to the point where the silken folds of her dress met in the small of her back. It was such a subtle, predatory movement that it sent a shiver right through me. Even before I saw him flash a grin at his mate, I knew what he was after.

  I started forward, ready to intervene, then paused as I realised she’d done nothing to stop him. In fact, far from protesting, she was laughing and shaking her head slightly, tipping it coyly to one side, as she smiled at him.

  I sighed. It was the end to another perfect day. I might as well leave and get sorted for the morning. I might even squeeze in a run for the first time this week, if I left now. I threw one more regretful look in Grace Anderton’s direction, and made to go.

  That was when I realised Kitty Hart and the blond guy had disappeared.

  I looked around to see if they’d moved, but they weren’t anywhere to be seen. They weren’t at the bar or on the terrace, and their drinks were sitting empty on their table. I went to the door. Matt was on security there. It wasn’t his usual job, by a long stretch, but I’d wanted to make sure no undesirables got in tonight, and he was one of the few men I could still trust one hundred per cent.

  ‘The blonde one, Sir?’ He nodded at the lift. ‘She went down with some guy a few minutes ago.’

  ‘Are they coming back?’

  ‘No idea, boss.’ Matt looked awkward. He was good at his job, and he always hated not being able to give me a straight answer. ‘Jez got him his jacket though, so it doesn’t look like it.’

  I stood there for a moment, wondering whether to just go. I knew it was the wise move. Grace seemed more than happy with her new pals, and I’d just end up standing there, torturing myself, but…there was something off about her behaviour. I didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of just leaving her there. Not now Hart had done a disappearing act.

  I looked over at her again, and what I saw made my mind up. Another of the guys was leaning forward now, and he had his hand between her knees, pushing up between them. She barely seemed to notice. She was leaning back in her seat, and the guy that had been stroking her back was now nuzzling her neck.

  As I watched, he whispered something in her ear. She gave a shy smile and nodded, and the whole group stood up. The guys pulled their jackets from the backs of their seats and started across the dance floor towards me…towards the exit…pulling Grace along with them.

  I froze for a moment. I could hardly believe what I was seeing…and I’d thought Kitty Hart had gone off the rails! Well, she had, but she’d left with one guy and, even if I’d seen her go, there was nothing I could do to stop that. Girls left with guys all the time.

  But one girl leaving with a whole group of guys…a group who’d been mauling her in a public bar. It didn’t bear thinking about. Even if I hadn’t had a vested interest, I wouldn’t have let that happen. Not in one of my clubs, and certainly not on my watch.

  Twenty Five

  I couldn’t help myself. I knew I was letting Liv down…letting myself down, but the moment they began to touch me, and hint at what they wanted to do to me, there was no way I could resist. I’d had my fantasy snatched from me last night, and now I had the chance to seize it again. Next time I went to bed alone, I’d have other faces with me in the back room of the bar…not Leo’s.

  I’d agreed to go with them, back to one of their rooms, and I let them lead me out into the foyer. Just as we were about to get in the lift, I heard a voice behind me.


  I turned round and, again, it was Mr Arrogant. If he’d looked disappointed in me before, now he looked horrified.

  ‘It’s Grace,’ I said. ‘Not Aimee.’ I was right…he was just playing with me. He didn’t even know my name.

  ‘I’m sorry?’ he said.

  ‘It’s Grace.’

  As my words sunk in, he looked stricken. ‘Grace, of course, I’m sorry…that’s what I meant.’ He stepped forward and took hold of my wrist. His hand felt cool against my skin, and he held me gently but firmly, his fingers encircling my arm in a grip I knew I’d be unable to break if I tried. ‘Grace, where are you going?’

  ‘I…’ I hesitated, looking down at the floor before raising my eyes to meet his gaze. For a moment, I was too ashamed to admit it, but the look of disapproval in his eyes made me defiant. I didn’t have to answer to him, not for smoking, not for anything. ‘I’m going with them.’ I nodded at the guys. They were milling around by the lift, looking over at us impatiently.

  ‘Where?’ he asked me.

  When I didn’t reply, his eyes narrowed and he turned to them. ‘Where are you taking her?’

  ‘To my room,’ said the one I’d spoken to first. Christ, I didn’t even know their names. I was getting worse. At least, last night, I’d been told the guys names, even if I didn’t catch them all. ‘What the fuck’s it got to do with you?’

  ‘Do you know who she is?’ Mr Arrogant moved in front of me, still gripping my wrist, as if he thought they might suddenly grab me and run for it.

  ‘Nah,’ the guy said. ‘But she’s up for it. Have you got a problem with that?’

  I could feel the muscles in his hand tense, and he was about to say something when one of the other guys stepped forward. ‘I know who she is,’ he said. ‘I’ve just realised. She’s that bird off the news. The footballer’s wife.’

  ‘She’s nobody’s wife,’ Mr Arrogant said, then he turned to the doormen. ‘Take them into the office. I’ll deal with them in there.’

  The doormen opened a door which I hadn’t even noticed. They held it open for the guys, who hovered in the foyer uncertainly.

  ‘I’d go in of your own accord, if I were you,’ Mr Arrogant said, coolly. ‘I’d seriously advise against pissing me off any further.’ Then he turned to me. ‘Go to the ladies or whatever you need to do. Then wait for me here. I’ll be five minutes.’

  He let go of my wrist and stood there, watching, until I did as I was told and went back into the bar. As I looked over my shoulder at him, I saw him turn and, presumably, follow the rest of them into the office.

  Once in the Ladies, I stood with my back to the wall and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was ruffled and my dress was hanging off my shoulder but, more than that, I looked stunned. Hell, I was stunned. I was actually panting, and I felt like I might cry.

  I was so angry with him. He’d done it yet again…humiliated me and left me feeling about an inch tall. I didn’t know who I was more cross with…him or myself. I was such a fuck-up. What had I thought I was doing? What if he told Max? Would I have done it if I’d known he was still there? I didn’t know for sure, but I suspected I would have, regardless.

  I was tempted to try to make a run for it; to get out of the hotel while he was dealing with the guys in the office. His office, I now realised. The words had only just sunk in. He either managed the place or…

  No, he wasn’t the kind to manage anything. He owned things. I wondered if he owned the bar, or the whole hotel. I was inclined to think the latter.

  Was it too late to make a break for it? It seemed the best idea. I wasn’t sure I could face seeing him again but, even as I thought about trying to leave, his words came back to me; ‘I’d seriously advise against you pissing me off any further.’

  I had a feeling those words had been meant as much for me, as for the guys.

  My mouth was dry. I ran some water and leaned forward, cupping my hands to drink it. Christ, I was in one of the most exclusive bars in London, and I had to resort to drinking from the washbasins. It’s my life in a snapshot, I thought, pushing my hair back from my face.

  I took one last look at myself. I felt like I was going to my execution, or at least to see the Headmaster at school. Wherever, I was going there. I didn’t have a choice. I’d have to go and wait for him, or risk him coming to find me in the toilets.

  And if there was one thing I knew right now, it was that I didn’t put it past him to do it.

  When I got back to the foyer, the guys I’d been
planning to leave with were just coming out of the office. A couple of them glanced over at me, but the rest didn’t even look in my direction. They just got in the lift and left.

  Mr Arrogant followed them out and, after a brief word with his doormen – which I strained to hear, but couldn’t, frustratingly – he came over to me.

  ‘Shall we go?’ he said, holding his arm out towards the lifts.

  As we stood waiting for one to arrive, neither of us spoke. He seemed oblivious to my humiliation. I didn’t know where to look. When I looked around, I kept catching his eye. Every time I did so, he threw me one of his mocking smiles. It was infuriating. In the end, I just looked down at my nails and ignored him.

  When the lift arrived, he stood back to let me enter first. I went reluctantly in, and waited while he pressed the bottom button. As the lift started its descent, he turned to me. ‘Smoking’s really not going to help anything,’ he said.

  I shrugged. I knew that – I didn’t need him to tell me.

  ‘Neither is getting yourself screwed by a bunch of guys.’

  I looked up at him in shock. It sounded so real, him putting it into words like that…so raw. I was mortified all over again.

  Thank god it was one of those super-fast lifts. We reached the ground floor and the doors opened. I immediately headed out, hoping to give him the slip in the foyer and call a cab.

  Only it wasn’t the foyer. It wasn’t even the ground floor. It was the basement level – a car park – and there weren’t any cabs. He put his hand in the small of my back, and guided me to a car which was parked just across from the lifts. It was an Aston Martin, low, sleek and charcoal grey. Expensive, without being ostentatious. I was surprised. From my experience with him, I expected to see a bright yellow Lamborghini, at the very least.


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