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Incubus 1

Page 14

by Brandon Varnell

  He let his hand drop to his side. Brianna muttered something under her breath and tried to snuggle even closer, though he didn’t think that was possible since there was practically no space left between their bodies. He smiled at the woman as the hand he’d been using to stroke her hip fell still. With a yawn, Anthony closed his eyes as exhaustion finally came over him and he fell asleep.

  Anthony did not know how long he slept for, but when he woke up, his body felt more refreshed than it ever had before. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this good.

  Opening his eyes, he glanced around the room. Nothing had changed since he’d gone to sleep. After observing his surroundings, he looked at the woman still sleeping against him. Brianna’s red hair was fanned out across the bed, her breasts pressed into his side, and one of her legs hooked around his. She was smiling, which caused him to smile as well.

  He began stroking her hip like he’d done just before going to sleep. His plan was to lay in bed for a bit longer, but as he continued, the feeling of Brianna’s nipples poking him made it hard to resist. Anthony had not felt such a burning need to have sex in a long time.

  Rolling them over, Anthony stared into the sleeping face of Brianna, which looked so cute when fully relaxed. Her face had a vulnerability to it when she was like this that made him want to protect her… though he knew she could probably protect herself and him on top of that.

  As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Anthony leaned down and began placing soft kisses on her cheeks, chin, mouth, and forehead. Brianna groaned and stirred awake. He leaned back when she opened her eyes and smiled at her.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning.” Brianna yawned a little bit, smacked her lips, and then paused when she realized their positions. Her cheeks lit up as she looked away. “We really had sex last night, didn’t we?”

  “We did. A lot of sex.” Anthony agreed with a nod.

  “It really was a lot of sex,” Brianna admitted, her cheeks glowing even brighter.

  “Hey, Bri?”

  “Bri? Is that supposed to be me?” asked Brianna, frowning.

  Anthony froze for a moment. “Not if you don’t want it to be.”

  “I don’t mind.” Brianna reached up and cupped his face with her right hand. The smile on her face caused him to melt and nuzzle his cheek against her hand like an animal seeking affection from its owner. “I rather like the idea of having a nickname. You can call me Bri.”

  “Kay.” Anthony turned his head and kissed her palm, all the while staring into her eyes. “I know we just had a lot of sex last night, but can we do it again?”

  “Right now?” asked Brianna, startled.

  “Right now,” Anthony confirmed.

  Brianna looked a little stunned, but Anthony could feel through his new connection to her that she was not opposed to the idea.

  “I… I suppose we could. I mean…” Brianna trailed off. He thought her blush couldn’t get any fiercer, but he was wrong. “… I am your bondmate.”

  As she warmed up to the thought of having sex so soon after last night, Brianna reached down and began stroking his already hard member. The feeling of her soft hand on his dick was electric. She leaned up and claimed his lips in a kiss. Anthony kissed back, applying a light pressure as he placed one hand on her stomach and slid it across her smooth skin until he was cupping her sex. She was already wet, and she became wetter still as he rubbed his fingers across her. Brianna moaned into his mouth as he began playing with her clit. The small bundle of nerves twitched against his fingers.

  Just before things could really heat up, the door to the room suddenly slammed open and in walked an irate Professor Incanscino. She was wearing an all-white gothic lolita dress with numerous frills and wore a glare that caused both Anthony and Brianna to stop what they were doing.

  “There will be none of that right now,” Professor Incanscino told them. “You’ve already had enough sex for the moment. I need you both to shower and get dressed. Then meet me downstairs. We have a lot to discuss.”

  As the woman walked out of the room, Alex and Brianna glanced at each other before nervous smiles appeared on their faces.

  They both wondered if the professor was irritated at what they were doing or if something else was bothering her. However, neither of them would know what was getting under the woman’s skin until they got out of bed.

  Getting out of bed, however, was a lot harder than it sounded.

  Chapter 7

  Anthony did not realize anything about him had changed until he stepped out of bed and stretched his arms. His muscles were drawn taut. He could feel them being stretched out, but they felt… felt… denser? Yes, they felt thicker than he remembered. As he brought his arms back down, a thought occurred to him that he felt a lot better now than he ever had before, even when he had been a human.

  “Anthony,” Brianna suddenly called his name. He turned to find her sitting up in bed and covering her chest with the sheets. It seemed she still had a sense of modesty despite what they had done the previous night.

  “What is it?” he asked when he saw the look in her eyes. They were wide and filled with astonishment.

  “Your body… it’s…”

  “What about my body?”

  At her words, Anthony looked down and blinked several times when he saw thick pectoral muscles and the kind of abdominal muscles fitness models dreamed of. Below that was his dick, which hadn’t changed at all, but his legs were several times more muscular than he remembered.

  Feeling a jolt like lightning travel through his body, Anthony rushed over to the vanity mirror sitting against a corner of the room, where he soon found himself staring at someone completely unfamiliar to him. This… was this… really him?

  Anthony’s body had undergone a complete transformation. It was like the metamorphosis caterpillars went through when they changed into butterflies. Even Anthony was completely stunned by his new appearance.

  While he was still able to recognize the face that was staring back at him, his hollow cheekbones had filled out and now looked healthy. His once ragged and worn out features appeared strong and youthful instead of worn and gaunt. Even his skin now had a vibrant sheen. It wasn’t just his face that had filled out either. His entire body had gone from being emaciated to something he would expect to see on a movie star who played roles primarily in action flicks.

  Anthony stared at his chest, which had become streamlined and muscular, before shifting his gaze down to his waist. He had the powerful V-cut that a lot of men tried to achieve at the gym. The rippling abs of his stomach further enhanced the appearance of strength. Anthony looked down further at his legs, which were equally well-muscled. He was still thin, his body still lithe, but compact muscles now spread across him, making him look like a young olympian athlete.

  “What… what is this?” Anthony asked in shock.

  “I think the reason you look so different now is because I’ve become your bondmate,” Brianna said as she climbed off the bed. She still had the white sheets wrapped around her body, not that it did much. Anthony could see her nipples poking through the thin fabric. “We can probably ask Lucretia when we talk to her. For now, we should get dressed and meet her like she asked.”


  Anthony took one last look at himself before suppressing the curiosity filling him. He discovered that a pair of black jeans and a white shirt had been placed on the desk for him. He was surprised when, upon sliding the jeans up his hips, they fit his new body. Given what he’d looked like before, he had been expecting these to be too small. It appeared Professor Incanscino had suspected this would happen.

  After he finished putting on his jeans, he glanced over at Brianna as she let the sheet fall to the floor. He sucked in a breath as her perfectly round ass appeared before him. They shifted into a pair of long and beautiful legs with strong thigh and calf muscles. He looked further down at her elegant feet, which seemed almost delicate compared to the
rest of her and featured high arches and cute little toes.

  Then he let his gaze wander up her back, following the perfect curvature of her spine. As he watched her, Brianna bent over, which had the effect of thrusting out her ass. Her ample breasts swayed as they hung from her chest. Anthony gulped when he saw her pink nipples. His throat went dry.

  Unfortunately, Brianna noticed him staring.

  “D-do you really have time to stare at me so much?” she asked with an indignant squawk.

  “I’m sorry.” Anthony smiled as he slipped the shirt over his head. It felt a little tight around his chest and shoulders, but it still fit. “I just can’t help but admire you. I’ve never met a woman who looks more gorgeous.”

  Brianna’s cheeks flushed a little. “W-well, thank you for that, but please focus on the matter at hand. We can’t afford to get distracted.”

  “You’re right.” Anthony turned his head, almost missing the disappointment that flashed in Brianna’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I think something has changed inside of me and not just the outside. I feel a lot different.” He closed his eyes for a brief moment, opened them, then smiled at the redhead. “The urges and desires I’ve always felt are a lot stronger than before. To be honest, it’s taking everything I have not to push you against the wall and take you right now.”

  Brianna let out a slight squeak, but she didn’t say anything as she slid on her panties, put on jean shorts that revealed a good amount of thigh, and then began putting on her bra. Anthony noticed it was one that needed to be hooked from the back. He watched her struggle with it for a moment before wandering over to her.

  “Do you mind if I help?” he asked.

  Brianna hesitated for a moment but nodded. “Please do.”

  Anthony reached out and helped Brianna by attaching the hooks together. The woman sighed in relief as she adjusted the bra around her breasts, tucking her hand into the padding to fix them to her liking. He looked away. If he didn’t, he was going to have problems controlling himself.

  With the bra on, Brianna slipped a pink and white spaghetti strap shirt over her head, and the two of them proceeded out of the room and down the hall. They soon emerged into a large room with a set of stairs. Walking down the stairs, they entered the office and living room of Professor Incanscino, who looked like she was impatiently waiting for them.

  The diminutive professor was leaning back on one of two couches in a small sitting area with a coffee table. She had one leg thrown over the other. Her left leg, which sat atop her right, bounced up and down in an agitated fashion. Narrowed blue eyes stared at him and Brianna, framed by curly blonde ringlets.

  “I was wondering when you two would finish getting dressed.” Professor Incanscino narrowed her eyes further. With her arms crossed, she looked like a very agitated but cute middle schooler. “What were you doing? Don’t tell me you went for a quickie?”

  “O-of course not!” Brianna squeaked.

  “Relax. I’m only kidding.”

  “You don’t sound like you’re kidding,” Anthony said as he took Brianna’s hand and pulled her along toward the couch opposite the professor. Brianna gave him a startled look, but she didn’t resist him as he sat them both down.

  A moment of silence passed as the two parties stared at each other. Professor Incanscino removed her left leg, placed it on the ground, then lifted her right leg and set it on her left. For whatever reason, Anthony found himself staring at his professor’s stocking-clad feet, though he looked away when he noticed the smirk on her face.

  “I imagine you two are hungry,” Professor Incanscino said at last. At that moment, two loud gurgling noises erupted from Anthony’s and Brianna’s stomachs. As the pair blushed, the blonde woman’s smirk widened. “You’re lucky I foresaw this. I’ve already prepared some food for you.”

  At that moment, a door on their left opened and in walked… another Professor Incanscino?! Anthony gawked as he looked at the woman who was identical to the one sitting across from them. The difference lay only in their outfits. This one was wearing a traditional black and white maid outfit as she pushed a small cart up to the coffee table. Unlike the skimpier variations he sometimes saw at maid cafes, this one was completely modest and did not show any unnecessary skin.

  A delectable scent wafted over to Anthony and Brianna, forcing them to get over their shock. Their mouths watered as the woman stopped next to them. Were they going to try Professor Incnascino’s homemade cooking? Anthony was really curious to know how her cooking tasted. What if she was a really great chef? The desire to try his professor’s cooking suddenly surged inside of Anthony as he watched the woman who looked just like her remove the bell-shaped metal cover, which he believed was called a cloche.

  That desire he felt was soon squashed when he saw what was inside.

  What lay on the serving tray was not homemade cooking but carefully wrapped burritos that were obviously made from a takeout company. The tin foil wrapping had a logo plastered on it. Anthony was underwhelmed.

  As the woman placed two plates in front of Anthony and Brianna, then set the serving tray of breakfast burritos on the coffee table, he glanced at Professor Incanscino. The woman was still smirking at him. That amused expression was really beginning to irritate him, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but find it incredibly attractive.

  “Are you disappointed, Anthony?” asked Professor Incanscino.

  “No,” Anthony muttered as Brianna grabbed one of the wrapped burritos and stared at the object with curiosity. “Of course not. Why would I be?”

  “I don’t know.” His professor shrugged her delicate shoulders. “You tell me.”


  Anthony decided to ignore the woman for now. He grabbed one of the burritos and carefully unwrapped it, mindful of the heat. Steam rose from the burrito and the scent grew stronger after it was revealed. His stomach gurgled again, which prompted him to ignore his small bit of disappointment and begin eating. This might not be something she made, but it still tasted good.

  Sitting beside him, Brianna watched what Anthony did and mimicked his actions, unwrapping the burrito before taking a bite. She almost immediately released a started yelp as she bit into the food without waiting for it to cool.

  “Careful,” Anthony warned. “The food is hot.”

  “I-I know that now…” Brianna muttered bitterly as she held her hand to her mouth. It looked like she was fanning her tongue.

  “Is this your first time eating takeout?”

  “Um… yes. I didn’t expect it to be so hot.” Brianna cast a glance at Anthony as he continued chowing down. “How can you deal with this heat?”

  “Don’t know.” Anthony took another bite, chewed, then swallowed. “Maybe my nerves are deadened to pain and heat.”

  “That doesn’t sound possible.” Brianna sighed before blowing on her food to cool it down. When it finally cooled enough, she took a small nibble, swallowed, then took a much larger bite. Anthony watched her become more enthusiastic about eating before turning to watch the woman who looked just like Professor Incanscino leave the room through a large double-door on the other side.

  “So who was that woman?” Anthony finally could not keep his curiosity contained. “Twin sister? Evil clone?”

  “Neither.” Professor Incanscino replied. “That was me from about one hour ago.” When all Anthony did was blink, the professor laughed. “Time is a rather interesting thing. Let us just say that my ability to control time comes with a few perks.”

  He really didn’t understand what she meant, but Anthony decided to accept her words at face value.

  “I didn’t realize you could control your own time,” Brianna said with an almost reverent gaze.

  Professor Incanscino shrugged and looked away. There was a self-deprecating half-smile on her face.

  “I can only control my own time up to a certain extent. Unfortunately, there are some things even I cannot do.” The woman was silent for a moment, but then she grabb
ed a small but expensive-looking cup filled with coffee and took a sip. When she set the cup back down, she placed her hands on her thigh and gave them both an even stare. “Now then, I believe it is time we spoke about the recent events, along with the current changes both of you have undergone.”

  At those words, Anthony and Brianna straightened their spines and stared at the woman. Professor Incanscino, noticing their looks, lifted her hand in the air. A magic circle appeared over her desk. Then a sleek device floated off her desk and traveled to her. It was a standard black holoprojector. It landed on her palm.

  “I’m sure you have already noticed the first big change.” As she set the device down, Professor Incanscino glanced at Anthony’s body, no longer malnourished. “As an incubus, your body is reliant upon the mana provided to you by your bondmates. When you were stubbornly refusing to bond with anyone, you had a severe lack of mana, which caused your bones, muscles, organs, and everything else to atrophy. Now that you’ve finally had sex, your body is what it should have been from the very beginning.”

  “What do you mean by ‘what it should have been’?” asked Brianna.

  Professor Incanscino set the projector on the coffee table and pressed a button, causing a small light to appear within the center. The light coalesced into an image that appeared over the holoprojector. It revealed the body of a male. It looked like a three dimensional anatomical diagram.

  “Incubus are just like succubus in that they are made to be physically perfect,” Professor Incanscino said. “Perfect proportions, perfect muscle to fat ratio, perfectly symmetrical. There are no flaws on the body of a succubus or an incubus. Of course, while this perfection might make them unappealing to some, the vast majority of humans and demons find this impossible perfection extremely attractive. I suspect incubus and succubus are made this way to attract members of the opposite sex.”


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