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Onset of Danger

Page 18

by Aubrey Ross

  “I told her I wasn’t very good at it. She should have believed me.” He laughed again and held out his hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Did you get what you came for?” She still wasn’t sure what he’d been hoping to find.

  “I think so, but time will tell. Now let’s go.” He motioned impatiently with his fingers, so she rushed forward and took his hand.

  Chapter Ten

  Bronik’s first instinct had been to return Eloise to the gatehouse, but mid-teleportation he changed his mind. Eloise was still struggling to understand and accept her new role in life. The last thing she needed was to feel like a prisoner again.

  She was still recovering from the effects of the paralytic, so he materialized in the foyer of Edrick’s house. The hunting party had returned with eleven new feeders. He was hoping Eloise would agree to let one of the humans supplement his blood.

  It took her a moment to lift her head from his chest and look around. She felt so good snuggled against him that he didn’t rush her.

  “Where are we?”

  Her hands slid down his arms as she stepped back. It was all Bronik could do not to pull her back into his arms and kiss her senseless. “Strigo headquarters.” She tensed so he added, “No one will harm you. They’re honor-bound to respect my vow.”

  Edrick strode across the foyer, a cautious smile parting his lips. “You found her. No harm done, I hope.”

  “There was an assassin, but I arrived in time to minimize the damage.”

  Eloise said nothing and her stance remained defensive.

  “I suspect you know who I am, but we haven’t been formally introduced.” Edrick held out his hand toward Eloise. “I’m Edrick Yeager.”

  “I know who you are.” She sounded prickly but she shook his hand.

  “As Bronik’s guest you’re entitled to my full hospitality. Please, make yourself at home.”

  She acknowledged the offer with a stiff nod but said nothing more.

  Bronik ignored her rude behavior. She’d had a lifetime to learn to hate Strigo strain. It would doubtlessly take some time for her to accept that they weren’t going to throw her back in chains. “Eloise was able to meld with Garrett. What she saw was confusing, but it looked as if the Rom captives are being held in some sort of prison. Windowless rooms with remote surveillance, that sort of thing.”

  Edrick glanced at her to see if she would elaborate. When she said nothing he nodded at Bronik and said, “I’ll tell the others. If she remembers anything more specific, let me know.”

  “Will do.” Edrick turned to go, but Bronik asked, “Where’s Kris? Has he kept himself out of trouble?”

  “For the most part.” Edrick made a bland gesture toward the back of the house. “He’s taken a liking to one of the new feeders and he hasn’t left her side. I’ll allow it for a few days but eventually he’ll have to share her. There are simply too many mouths to feed.”

  “I’ll make sure he understands.”

  She waited until Edrick left to ask, “Does everyone here feed from the vein?” She sounded shocked by the possibility.

  “Most would prefer it that way, but it isn’t always possible.” He took her hand, intertwining their fingers. “How do most Vladya hosts feed?”

  “Tara keeps blood-slaves but the troops are issued bagged rations.”

  “Which keeps them dependent on her.” He shook his head. The more he learned about Tara, the more convinced he was that she needed to be replaced or destroyed. “Are they allowed to hunt?”

  “They do a lot of things they’re not ‘allowed’ to do.”

  “I can see why.” He led her down the main corridor and into the game room. The spacious area was dominated by a pool table at one end and an entertainment center at the other. A spontaneous party had erupted when the hunters returned the night before and apparently the festivities had resumed as the sun went down tonight. Couples and small groups of revelers danced to the beat of the music pulsing from the entertainment center and the large sectional had become a tangle of naked and half-naked bodies.

  He looked at Eloise, waiting for her reaction to the hedonistic atmosphere. She looked around with dispassionate curiosity then shook her head. “This is not my scene.”

  “Mine either, but you need blood.”

  She looked at him and licked her lips. “So feed me.”

  Not expecting her playfulness, he chuckled. “You need something a little easier to digest until you’re at full strength again. Choose someone and we’ll take them up to my room.”

  “Anyone I want?” Her gaze shot to a handsome man surrounded by flirtatious females. His dazzling smile and comfortable pose made it obvious he was used to attention.

  “Anyone,” he countered, though his hands folded into fists. What if she wanted to fuck while she fed? Most hosts did. Could he stand by and watch her touch another male, taste and take him deep into her body? His fangs burned and his eyes stung as his symbionts echoed his displeasure.

  “And you won’t interfere until I’m sated?”

  She was testing him, trying to regain some measure of control.

  Control. He understood how precious it was and how helpless one felt without it. She needed this, needed to command her own life, if only in this one area.

  “I won’t interfere but I intend to watch. So choose carefully.”

  Mischief made her eyes sparkle and she pressed her teeth into her lower lip. The expression was so damn adorable he couldn’t stop smiling.

  She prolonged his torment by meandering about the room. She paused by the pool table, where two members of Alexi’s crew were halfheartedly engaged in a game. They were sharing a female feeder, passing her back and forth as they each went to take his turn at the table.

  Next Eloise watched a pretty blonde female. She was bent over the back of the sectional while a host fucked her from behind. Another was fucking her mouth, while a third fed from her shoulder. Being physically attractive was a disadvantage in situations like this. Still, she arched into each thrust and her muffled cries made it obvious she was enjoying the experience.

  Is she willing or did someone compel her?

  Emotions rolled into Bronik’s mind along with Eloise’s question. Anger and resentment twisted around desire. The spectacle aroused her, yet she feared for the female.

  All the feeders are willing. Edrick banned blood-slaves years ago. Of course the bite of a Strigo host created a rush of sensation unlike anything human drugs could replicate. The pleasure was intense and addictive, so determining the willingness of a feeder could be tricky.

  Are they allowed to leave if they decide they’ve had enough? she persisted.

  Their memories must be muddled before they’re released, so the estate is locked down while we sleep. But the feeders are free to go whenever we’re awake. Why is this so troubling to you?

  Tara and Garrett are horrible to their blood-slaves. I was just hoping Strigo strain was less…selfish. Eloise rounded the sectional so she could see the people interacting on the wide cushions. There were so many people engaged in various sexual acts, it was hard to determine who was pleasuring whom.

  Her anxiety gradually ebbed as her hunger escalated. She might be struggling with her conscience right now, but she was still a host with an inescapable need for blood.

  Pick someone, he urged. I’m not going to wait all night.

  She looked at him and grinned. Her fangs were visible and her cheeks were flushed. She was obviously overcoming her misgivings.

  “What is she doing here?” Kristof’s sharp tone drew Bronik’s attention away from Eloise. “Fuck that. Why is she still alive?”

  Bronik tensed. He understood his brother’s bitterness but he tolerated insolence from no one. “She’s helping us find the Rom captives, which has made her a traitor to Vladya strain.”

  “How can you believe one word she utters?Isn’t that the bitch who interrogated you?”

  If the questions had come from anyone but Kristof,
Bronik would have told him to butt the hell out. “She’s seen the error of her ways.”

  “Then she’s your prisoner?”

  “Not anymore.”

  “Why not?” His voice became almost shrill and he grabbed Bronik’s arm. “She should be in chains!”

  “She’s not your concern.” Bronik jerked his arm out of Kristof’s grasp and used a deep, commanding tone to warn his brother that he would be pushed no further. “She’s mine and that’s all you need to know.”


  “Enough.” The flash of his gaze finally silenced Kristof and Bronik noticed the fresh-faced blonde standing a step back from them. She must be the feeder Edrick had mentioned. “Who’s your friend?”

  “New recruit. Her name is Sheila.”

  “Edrick said you can enjoy her for a few more days but she isn’t yours to keep.”

  The girl’s eyes widened at his words and she moved closer to Kristof.

  “And if I’m not okay with that?” Kristof wrapped his arm around Sheila’s waist and drew her close against his side.

  “This is Edrick’s house. He makes the rules. Abide by them or leave.”

  Kristof nodded but the mutinous gleam in his eyes left Bronik with a bad taste in his mouth. Kristof was still young and impulsive. It would be like him to start a fight over a feeder. Bronik would have to monitor the situation carefully.

  The young couple left the game room and Bronik looked for Eloise. She wasn’t by the entertainment center or the pool table. He found her in the corridor talking with a brown-haired man.

  “There you are.” Eloise smiled at him then motioned toward the human. “This is Heath.”

  Bronik looked at the human again. Had his initial glance missed something important? With a room full of eager feeders to choose from, why had Eloise selected this one? His hair was simply styled from a side part. His eyes a common shade of blue. His features were well balanced, but…ordinary. Average height, average weight, utterly ordinary. So why had Eloise chosen him?

  “Are you sure?” He shifted his gaze back to Eloise, unable to disguise his confusion.

  “Absolutely.” Their gazes locked and desire sizzled across their link.

  Eloise took Heath’s hand and led him down the corridor, which left Bronik to follow behind them. No one spoke again until they reached his bedroom on the third floor of the mansion. Heath paused to look around while Eloise silently watched him. Bronik found himself watching Eloise, fascinated by her intent expression. What was it about this human that had her captivated?


  The human turned toward Eloise at the sound of his name. “Yes?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Eloise corrected. “You told me you’re a trained submissive. Now show me your skills.”

  Heath lowered his gaze and softened his tone. “Yes, Mistress.”

  Bronik smiled, finally understanding the appeal. Eloise knew she would be locked into the submissive role as soon as they were alone. This would sate her need for control without compromising their arrangement. He moved to a chair adjacent to the bed, content to watch for the moment.

  “Undress slowly. Display your body for both me and my mate.”

  Mate? The word sent scalding desire crashing over Bronik. Did she think of him as her mate or had it simply been a figure of speech? His cock hardened in an instant, aching for the firm embrace of his mate’s slick cunt. He willed her to look at him but her gaze was fixed on her new toy.

  Heath kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks then released the first few buttons on his shirt. Then he pulled the garment off over his head. Lean and toned, his torso was far more interesting without clothing. His chest was hairless and his nipples were pierced. He turned in a slow circle, giving Eloise plenty of time to look before he started on his pants.

  “You told me you’ll pleasure either, but do you prefer men or women?” Eloise sat on the end of the bed, legs crossed, gaze locked on Heath.

  “It depends on the person.” He unzipped his pants and eased them down over his hips, revealing silk boxers. His legs were lean, well-muscled without being bulky.

  “Lose the shorts.”

  Heath hooked his thumbs over the waistband of the boxers and pushed them down. He smiled at Eloise and paused for effect before the big reveal. His sex came into view, long and lean like the rest of him. Bronik fought back a smile. The human might be well endowed for his size, but Bronik had nothing to worry about. The hair had been removed from the human’s balls and the tip of his cock was pierced. Bronik observed it all with mild curiosity. He’d never been attracted to men.

  “Very nice.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.” Without having to be told, he turned in a final circle, allowing Eloise to view him from every angle.

  “On your knees,” she said as he faced her again.

  Heath knelt then locked his hands behind his head and spread his thighs. It was a classical submissive pose, designed to display the body.

  “Why aren’t you hard?”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress. It sometimes takes pain to arouse me.”

  Her gaze narrowed and lust surged across their link. Despite her guilt over possible abuse of the feeders, she was obviously aroused by the idea of hurting him. “You honestly find pleasure in pain? You’re not just saying that because you think it will please me?”

  “No, Mistress.” He raised his gaze and looked into her eyes. “I generally can’t come unless I’m in pain. I’ve always been that way.”

  “Thank you for your honesty. Now crawl over here and undress me.”

  A flirtatious smile bowed Heath’s lips as he crawled across the floor. He glanced at Bronik briefly but the majority of his attention remained on Eloise.

  Bronik shifted his feet farther apart and adjusted his erection, hoping to find a position that would ease some of the considerable pressure. It was no use. He hadn’t expected to enjoy this, had thought he’d patiently enjoy Eloise’s rebellion and then get on with the rest of the night. Instead she’d found a way to tantalize and tease him, keeping his hunger smoldering while she had her fun.

  Naked and smiling, Heath knelt between Eloise’s knees. Eloise raised her arms and Heath pulled her borrowed shirt off. She wasn’t wearing a bra and the human looked at her breasts with obvious interest. She guided Heath’s mouth to her breast, her desire obvious. Using only his mouth, Heath licked and sucked and nibbled until Eloise’s nipple was hard and red. Then Eloise moved him to the other side.

  Bronik watched the human’s lips draw on Eloise’s flesh. She arched her back, hands braced on the bed behind her. Gods, it was hot. He scooted to the edge of the chair and then leaned back, unable to ease the ache in his groin. And, despite Heath’s claim to need pain, his cock was rapidly hardening.

  “Enough. Take off my pants.” Rather than stand, Eloise lifted her hips and Heath peeled the jeans down. Eloise lifted her legs free from the jeans and paused to look at Bronik. “Do you want to play or just watch?”

  “Watch.” The one word was all he could manage as he swallowed past the lump in his throat. “You need this. Take your time. But know this—if his cock enters you anywhere, he’s dead.”

  Eloise smiled, ridiculously pleased by his jealousy. He had to have known most hosts fucked when they fed, so why had he insisted she choose a human? “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She looked at Heath, kneeling before her, naked and still. The thought of commanding him, controlling him, had been the only thing she found intriguing in the game room. She’d had free access to Tara’s blood-slaves but she usually fed from a bag like the other soldiers. Blood-slaves were mindless shells. It had always seemed abusive to take their blood.

  Heath’s cock now bobbed in the air between his spread thighs. “Sucking my nipples made you hard. Are you sure you need pain?”

  “You’re very beautiful, Mistress. And danger also arouses me.” He made a bland gesture toward Bronik. “Is your mate as mean as he looks?”

p; “He can be.” She looked at Bronik and smiled. He looked miserable. The bulge in the front of his pants had to be painful. “You look uncomfortable, my love. Will you let Heath undress you?”

  “Not until you’ve fed. That’s why he’s here, to feed you.”

  Feed, not fuck. It was a not-too-subtle reminder. She had no intention of fucking Heath, but paddling his tight little ass ’til he came was a titillating alternative.

  She pushed Heath back so she could stand then walked to the closet and found a long leather belt. Heath watched her, blue eyes dark and stormy. He wanted it and yet he feared the unknown. She hadn’t yet earned his trust.

  “Stand up and then bend over the bed. I want to be able to see your cock while I stripe your ass.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” He moved into position, bracing his forearms against the mattress.

  She stood on Heath’s left so she could see Bronik as well. He’d unzipped his pants but his hands stubbornly rested on the arms of his chair. She swung the belt and watched Heath’s body tense, then a deep red welt formed across his ass cheeks. Aiming the next swat lower, she caught the backs of his thighs. He gasped then hissed, but didn’t scream.

  Eloise felt restless. This wasn’t nearly as much fun as she’d expected. She kept picturing herself in Heath’s place with Bronik swinging the belt. Had a few days linked with Bronik turned her into a bona fide sub?

  Heath’s ass wiggled and his thighs flexed. She might be distracted but the spanking was obviously having the desired effect on him. She held the belt out toward Bronik and asked, “Will you finish him off while I feed?”

  “Of course.” Bronik crossed the room and kissed her, a brief yet deep kiss that instantly eclipsed the eroticism of what she’d been doing with Heath.

  “Do I have permission to come?” Heath asked no one in particular.

  “In your hand,” Bronik responded. “Don’t you dare soil my carpet.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Eloise couldn’t hide her smile. He was so much better at this than she was, it was ridiculous. But then she was only pretending and he was dominant by nature.


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