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Marine 3: Island of Dreams (Agent of Time)

Page 10

by Tanya Allan

“None, you are the first,” he said, grinning rather nervously.

  I drove out of the parking lot and back onto the highway, heading north. It was a superb car to drive and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ed eventually relaxed when he saw that I wasn’t going to crash, or get a ticket for speeding, and settled down and dozed. I drove across the border into Georgia and woke him up. Ed had me pull over at a gas station, so after we filled up, he took over again.

  It was just getting dark when we arrived at Fort Benning, and the guard at the gate recognised Ed’s car as we pulled up.

  “Good to see you back, Sergeant Major,” the man said. News of his promotion was obviously well known.

  “Good to be back. This is my fiancé, her name is Doctor Gillian MacLeish; can you get her a pass?” Ed said.

  “Sure, if you come into the office, ma’am, we will do that right now.”

  Ed parked up and we went into the guardhouse.

  There were several soldiers and marines in the office, but as I entered, an awkward silence fell. Ed chuckled quietly. The sentry filled out a form and asked me some questions. He wrote in the book, detaching a small pass for me.

  “Hey guys, have none of you seen a real lady before?” Ed asked, and there was some laughter, rather nervous, I thought.

  “Shit, Sergeant Major, we seen ladies, but, damn, your lady beats all,” a deep voice muttered to our left.

  A large, black, Marine Sergeant loomed out of a back office, and grinned at Ed.

  “Macey, how long you been here?” Ed said, and the two men shook hands.

  “Only since some dumb ass white boy went and screwed up his leg. I was posted in about six weeks ago,” Macey said. “Congratulations on the promotion, by the way!”

  “Thanks. So, you got my job?” Ed asked.

  “Looks that way, boy. Ain’t ya goin’ to introduce me to the lady?”

  “Sure! Gilly, this reprobate is Sergeant Macey Dixon, one of the few friends I have left. Macey, this is Doctor Gillian MacLeish, and she is going to be the next Mrs Ryan,” Ed said.

  Macey took my hand and raised it to his lips.

  “Je suis charmé te rencontrer Ma'mselle,” he said, in passable French, but with an atrocious accent.

  “Pourquoi Monsieur, comment vaillant. Je suis charmé également par tes manières gracieuses,” I said, in fluent French. Macey burst out laughing and punched Ed on the arm.

  “Hell, girl, that’s the first time someone came back better than me. You speak French real good,” he said.

  “I should do, I have a degree in French and studied in Paris for two years,” I replied.

  Macey frowned.

  “Hey, you ain’t American and you ain’t English, but you have a funny accent; you ain’t French is you?”

  It was my turn to laugh and Ed joined in.

  “Macey, you stupid native, Gigi is Scottish!”

  “You don’t say? I never met anyone from Scotland before. Is it true that it always rains in Scotland?” he asked, to which I shook my head.

  “You a real doctor, of one of them funny doctors?” Macey asked.

  “I’m a funny doctor. I’m a lecturer at Edinburgh University.”

  “You don’t say? So what do you teach?”

  “Languages, my speciality is West African Dialects, but I speak several European languages fluently.”

  Macey stared at me, and looked at Ed.

  “So what the heck is a clever girl like you doin’ with a hunk of grunt like this?” he asked.

  “Because this hunk of grunt is my hunk of grunt, and I am clever enough to realise that he’s special!” I said, and they both laughed.

  “Hey Macey, I’ll see you around, we’re having dinner with Colonel Masterson,” Ed said.

  “Well, look at us; too good to associate with us poor black folks. You go on up to the big house, Massa, I’ll polish the horses until your return,” Macey said, in mock slave talk.

  Ed laughed, punching Macey’s arm in return, and we left to the sound of laughter. We drove to a parking lot and Ed took me into his quarters.

  It was pretty Spartan, but there was a shower, so I made a bee line for it.

  Ed brought the bags in and showered as I changed. I had bought a little black evening dress, and I was longing to wear it for him. It was figure hugging and quite short. With my stockings and high-heeled black shoes, I felt wonderful. I made an effort with my make up, and realised that I was getting better. My ears were still tender, as I had only had them pierced yesterday, but I wore a small pair of onyx studs, with some matching black beads around my neck.

  Ed came out of the shower and whistled.

  “Gigi, you really are stunning,” he said, I looked at him, and raised the hem of my dress so he could see my stocking tops. His erection spoke volumes. I pushed him onto the bed, and took him in my mouth and gave my first blow job.

  I wasn’t very good at it, but I was very enthusiastic, but he didn’t take long. He started thrusting deeper and faster, so I knew that he would ejaculate any moment, but I didn’t know what to do.

  In the end, events decided for me, as he thrust deep into my throat, and I felt the hot semen against the back of my throat, so I simply swallowed, as he kept coming, I kept swallowing.

  He finished and withdrew from my mouth, and I felt myself all aroused too. He kissed me, so I let him taste a little of himself!

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked.

  “Perhaps later.”

  He looked very smart in a pale blue shirt and tan pants. He wore his cowboy boots though!

  We drove the short distance to the Colonel’s house, and by the sounds of it, some other guests were already there. We walked up the path and Ed rang the bell.

  The door was opened by Macey, who held a bottle of beer in his other hand.

  “Why, lordy-lordy, if it isn’t the young Massa returning from de war. Come on in, Massa, de boss is holdin’ court by the barbeque,” he said, in mock slave talk again.

  “Macey you schmuck, you knew all along,” Ed said, grinning.

  “Hell boy, you think you is the only grunt to get to share vitals with the boss? Good to see you again, Doc,” he said to me.

  “Hey, Macey, call me Gilly. ‘Doc’ is a wee bit pretentious,” I said.

  A tall man of around fifty appeared. He had grey hair, so I immediately guessed he was the Colonel. He was wearing a red and white checked shirt and blue jeans. I felt rather overdressed.

  “Ed, good to see you. Welcome home,” he said, shaking hands with Ed. He stared at me, so I smiled. His reaction was a joy to behold.

  “You must be Gillian. Macey told me Ed had found a beautiful girl, but he understated the truth by a long way. I am Rick Masterson, welcome to America,” he said, kissing me on the cheek. He led us into the house, and I was surprised to see about fifteen people already here.

  Chapter Six

  Rick Masterson

  I was pleased when Ed decided to take the training post. I got a call from General Howard, who told me that he was after a new Sergeant Major and wondered if Ed would fit the bill. I gave him a run-down on Ed, and sent him a copy of his file. Then, he called me to tell me that if Ed wants the job, it was his.

  There was an edge to Ed’s voice that made me feel that something had happened to him. Ed had always been seeking, and I never knew what it was. He now sounded as if his search was over, and he was relaxed for the first time in his life.

  When he told me he was planning to get married, I was surprised but very pleased. So I invited him and his new lady to come to dinner, and invited all my senior sergeants and their partners, just to make him feel at home. I was thrilled when Macey Dixon applied for Ed’s old job, as he was a first class man, and a good friend of Ed’s. They both worked the same way, so the continuity of training would not be lost.

  Macey arrived, having just come from the guardhouse and changed. He had a huge grin, and was eager to tell me that he had seen Ed’s new girl.

I have just met Ed’s intended, and you would not believe how beautiful she is. I know that Ed has his good points, but this babe should be in the centrefold of Playboy, or a movie star,” he told me.

  I have known Macey for many years, and his taste in women is dubious at the best of times, so I took his words with a pinch of salt.

  Then I heard the doorbell, and Macey was already letting them in. He had not lied, because Ed came in with the most attractive woman on his arm. She was in her late twenties or early thirties, dressed in a fantastic little black dress, which showed off her gorgeous figure. Her heels put her at about 5’8”, and her blonde hair was quite short, but shaped beautifully. She was as tanned as Ed, almost as tanned as Macey. However, her eyes were chillingly blue. Her smile lit up the room, and I suddenly realised why Ed had changed. She was truly a princess.

  Ed was surprised at all the people I had invited and Macey took on the role of barkeep. I made a note to watch him, as he had a habit of imbibing too much when let near a bar. Hell, they all did, they were Marines!

  I got a chance to speak to Gillian alone, as Ed was dragged away by his colleagues.

  I found her a witty and intelligent girl, who had eyes only for Ed.

  “So, you met on the expedition?” I asked.

  “That’s right. He was there to protect us, so I managed to get some special protection,” she said with a smile.

  “Was the expedition a success?” I asked.

  “Oh yes, for many reasons. Were you aware of where we went or why?”

  “No, I just knew there was a small expedition to some island.”

  “Well, there is a group of people on a small island, which has been left alone for nearly two hundred years. They are the descendants of some slaves who were shipwrecked when a slave ship foundered on the reef many years ago. Our task was to identify their origins and map how they progressed to the group they are today. I am a languages specialist, so I was able to identify their roots through the six distinct dialects that started their unique language, and then the anthropologist was able to plot their lineage and tribes.

  “The doctor was interested in the remedies they employed and everyone had a very successful time. Not least Ed and I,” she said with a grin.

  I smiled, “So it seems. What attracted you to him? He has always been a bit of a loner,” I asked, genuinely curious.

  It was her turn to smile, and she glanced over to where Ed was standing. Their eyes met, and I swear they communicated in some way, on a different level to the rest of us, or something. Ed simply nodded and smiled, returning to his conversation.

  “Ed and I just have a hell of a lot in common, and we just hit it off from the first time we met,” she said.

  Macey appeared and gave her a bottle of beer. She smiled her thanks and took a swig. There was something erotic in the way she managed to do that. She was a very beautiful, elegant lady, but she drank like a Marine. I laughed.

  “I’m sorry, have I missed something?” she asked, with a frown. I pointed to Ed, and he was drinking from his bottle.

  “I see what you mean about having things in common, you even drink like a Marine,” I explained and she laughed. She had a nice laugh.

  “Ed told me about your wife, you must miss her even still?” she said.

  “I do, we were married for twenty-five years, and we wanted to grow old together. I keep wanting to tell her things. I wanted to tell her that Ed had at long last found a girl, and that he wanted to settle down and get married. Carol was fond of Ed, and would have been pleased. I wish you could have met her,” I felt myself getting emotional, and yet this girl seemed to care.

  “I’m sorry, I know memories are like booby traps, and bring everything back, but I think it is important not to forget sometimes,” she said. “Will you miss Ed when he moves up to Parris Island?”

  I nodded, grateful that she managed to change the subject.

  “Sure, but only as an old friend. Macey is as good at the job, but his knees are stronger,” I said.

  She drank again, nodding, but she had a small smile on her lips, so I was given the impression that she knew something I didn’t. But she then changed the subject again.

  “You have grown up children; do you see much of them?” she asked.

  “Not as much as I should like. Grant is twenty-six, and is a surveyor in LA, and Cheryl is twenty four, married and living in Seattle. Her husband is an architect, and they are expecting my first grandchild. I see them at the holidays, but I would like to see more of them,” I said.

  “How much longer will you stay in the service?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, I have just finished my thirty second year, so I guess a few more can’t hurt, and then I will move out West to be closer to the kids.”

  “I think it is important to have people around you. I used to be very lonely, and, well, things changed, thank God,” she said.

  I was surprised, as she didn’t seem the kind of girl who would ever be lonely for long. She was intelligent, beautiful, charming and witty, so I was at somewhat of a loss to understand.

  She laughed at my confusion, but declined to illuminate me. Macey appeared with another beer for her, and to my astonishment started to converse with Gillian in French. I shook my head and went to speak to Ed.

  “Thanks for this evening, Colonel!” he said.

  “Ed, no ranks, not tonight!” I said.

  “Thanks, Rick! I was meaning to ask, will you be my best man?” he said, and the request threw me a little.

  “Are you sure, there are lots of the guys who would do a better job than I?” I said.

  “With respect, you are the nearest thing to an older brother I have left, so it would mean a lot to me if you could do it. I know I am only a Sergeant Major, and you are a Lieutenant Colonel, but hell, Rick, I’d really like you to think about it,” he said.

  I held out my hand.

  “I’d be honoured Ed, just let me know when and where,” I said. Ed grinned and shook my hand. The funny thing was, I really was honoured, it was the first time anyone had asked me, and I thought I’d never get a chance to be a best man.

  “Hell, Rick, neither of us know when or where. Gigi’s mom is making the arrangements, but I guess it will be in a couple of weeks, somewhere in Scotland,” he told me.

  “Are you sure about this, you are both from very different worlds?” I asked.

  Ed smiled. “Maybe, but you would not believe how much we have in common. Of all the things in the world, I am sure that she and I were meant to be,” he said, with such assurance that I was convinced.

  “She said much the same thing, but it seems an unusual partnership,” I observed, but Ed just laughed.

  “We may be from completely different countries, and completely different backgrounds, but there is no doubt in my mind, we are truly soulmates,” he said.

  The evening progressed, until Pete Cooper, who was cooking the steaks on the barbeque, called for us to get our food, so the serious business of eating began.

  There were about half a dozen wives or girlfriends present, and Gillian seemed to have no problem talking to anyone who cared to talk to her. She seemed to have the knack of being able to converse at any level with anyone. In fact, she was just so relaxed and poised, that I felt happy for Ed. She was independent, yet at the same time, they exchanged such deep and meaningful glances throughout the evening, that I really believed Ed was right, there was something special between them.

  Still, they managed to talk to everyone else, without having to be next to each other. This was unusual, particularly with couples in their early stages in a relationship. It was almost as if they had been married for years, as each was quite happy to do their own thing. I envied them their happiness, as my own loneliness seeped through and gave my heart a twinge.

  Some of the guys started to get boisterous in the yard, and I knew that soon someone would get thrown into the pool. Sure enough, after a few minutes, Ed was lifted onto their shoulders, paraded a
cross the grass and thrown into the pool.

  “Where is the future Mrs Ryan?” Bellowed a voice, and I saw Gillian laugh, but look a little alarmed.

  They chased her, but after a dozen paces, she stopped, raising a hand, and blow me, if they didn’t stop too. She kicked off her shoes, slipped her dress off and calmly dived into the pool. She came up next to Ed. Ed laughed and put his arms around her. They kissed and showed no inclination to get out of the pool.

  Everyone applauded, but still the couple made no attempt to either stop kissing, or to get out of the pool.

  Eventually, the mob became bored, and searched for another victim. Soon Macey joined them in the water with a tremendous splash. This was the sign for a general free-for-all, clothes were discarded, and bodies jumping into the pool from all angles. Still Ed and his girl were locked together in the middle.

  Eventually they got out, so I handed them a towel each.

  “I should have warned you, they do that to all engaged couples,” I told them. Neither seemed to mind, as there obviously were no hard feelings. In fact, I swear they enjoyed it.

  Ed slung his clothes in the dryer and jumped back into the water, and started throwing bodies around. Gillian went and dried off, and came down looking as glamorous as ever.

  “Ed tells me that you have agreed to be his best man?” she said, as she took another beer from the bar.

  “That’s right. I hope to be up to the job.”

  “Och, I am sure you will be brilliant. You will add a touch of class to the event. My mother is rather disappointed Ed is only a Sergeant Major. She would have preferred him to be an officer,” she said, laughing. I found her accent very attractive. I wondered how she managed to roller her Rs quite so well.

  “Have you any family in the military?” I asked.

  “Yes, one of my brothers, Will, is a Major in the Black Watch. It used to be a Highland infantry regiment, but is now just part of the Scottish Regiment; it’s the government cuts.”

  “I’ve heard of the Black Watch. How many brothers and sisters do you have?”

  “Just four brothers, all older than I. There is Rory who is forty-one. He’s a Detective Chief Inspector in the Tayside Division of the Scottish Police. Then there’s Alex, at thirty-nine, who’s a farmer like my dad. Followed by Will, who is thirty-seven and is the soldier, and finally Malcolm at thirty-five, who’s a surgeon.”


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