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His Loving Guidance

Page 4

by Sue Lyndon

  “Okay. Are we leaving now?”

  “Yes. But I’m making a stop at that new adult shop first. The one in the shopping center behind the new gas station. You can wait in the car while I run inside and get what I need.”

  “Why?” She pulled back, her expression pale. “What do you need?”

  He reached under her bottom to give her left cheek a squeeze. “You’ll find out when we get to the cabin.”

  Chapter Five

  “Please tell me what’s in the bag. Please, please, please.” Lucy hated to beg, but the curiosity was killing her. Whatever it was, it was small. She glanced around at the little black bag on the back seat, fighting the urge to snatch it up and peer inside – even though James had promised such an action would warrant a second punishment spanking.

  “Keep your eyes out the window, looking as far in the distance as you can. It’ll help you keep from getting sick this time,” James scolded her as he slowed for another turn in the road.

  “I don’t feel sick at all. The Dramamine is working wonders.”

  “Keep your eyes out the window, Lucy. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  It was late afternoon by the time they arrived. A sense of finality came over Lucy as the car crunched over the gravel in front of the cabin. It was not a negative feeling, but rather one of calm acceptance. She had been so caught up in trying to smooth over the situation with Wendy and the letters, that she had been blind to the fact that James would want to help out. At first she had assumed he would only be upset over her leaving the cabin in secret. Now she realized the full magnitude of her error. While the guilt gnawed sharply at her insides, she knew James, in his love, would help to clear the air between them. Almost like a new beginning.

  The silence of the place hit her as they walked inside. The road leading up this side of the mountain was scarcely traveled, and the nearby cabins were shielded by trees, providing a sense of isolation. She followed James into the living room, concentrating on his steady footsteps as if it were the only sound in the world. Her knees trembled when he turned to face her. He had the look. A determined look that spoke volumes. It conveyed his displeasure and disappointment in her behavior.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked. “Any dizziness or nausea?”

  Even though her stomach was twisted into a knot, she knew it was not a result of the drive. The medicine had kept away the motion sickness she had experienced during the last drive up the mountain. “I’m fine, James.”

  “Good.” His countenance darkened a shade as his mouth set in a firm line. “Come here.”

  To her surprise, she was eager for this spanking. Lucy approached him without a degree of hesitation, though her knees still felt weak. He took one step toward her, closing the last inch of space between them. His forehead rested against hers, and her eyes fluttered shut as his hands raked up and down her arms. His love flowed into her, filling her with a tender warmth that caused a lump in her throat and tears to form behind her closed eyelids.

  “I panicked when I woke up to find you missing, Lucy. I don’t ever want to feel that kind of fear again. The spanking you have coming will be a memorable one. I want you to go in the bedroom, take your clothes off, and wait in the corner. I’ll be in shortly to punish you.”

  “All right,” she whispered hoarsely.

  His expression was warmer by the time he stepped back. The sternness was still there, but the glow of love radiated from him in waves. Despite his obvious anger that showed in the clenching of his jaw and rigid posture, she felt no fear as her feet carried her to the bedroom. In the back of her mind, she realized the pain she was about to experience at his hand would be greater than any other punishment before, but she did not focus on the pain. Instead, she focused on obeying his command to undress and take up residence in a corner. Acceptance and impatience to be over his lap caused her thoughts to mute, and she was not even sure how much time had passed by the time she heard his footsteps approaching.

  “Turn around.”

  As she complied, a gasp left her when she noticed the two objects in his hands. A bottle of lube and a sinister looking butt plug. “James?” Her gaze focused on the slim black rubbery shaft, and she could not tear her eyes away. He had warned her about clenching her bottom again and again. She had not expected him to seriously follow through with his threats to train her to keep her bottom relaxed during a punishment though.

  “I’m going to give you a good, long spanking, Lucy, and I want you to feel the intensity of every smack I give you. You’ll find tightening up your bottom most difficult when it’s filled up with a plug.”

  “Please,” she begged. “I don’t think I could bear it.”

  “You’ve taken my fingers and my cock before. You’ll do fine. Go bend over the bed and pull your cheeks apart.”

  Shocked, Lucy did not move for several seconds. He waited, staring her down as he twirled the dreaded plug in his hand, as if it were nothing more than a common household item. Blood rushed to her face as she approached the bed, the sunlight streaming through the partially opened blinds heightening her nudity.

  “Enough stalling,” he said. “Bend over and hold your ass cheeks apart, Lucy. Show me what a good girl you can be.”

  His encouraging words rang through her, giving her the courage to do as he asked, as embarrassing as it was to open her body up to his gaze. Her chest and face pressed down on the covers, and she reached back, drawing her bottom apart.

  “Good girl. Now hold just like that. I’m going to prepare you for the plug. I want you to remain in this position until I say otherwise.” With that, he trickled a cool liquid down her crevice, prompting her startled intake of breath. His fingers massaged the lube around the tight entrance of her asshole before one finger pushed inside, pumping slowly as more lube was applied. A second finger soon joined in, stretching her for the inevitable entrance of the plug. The size of the object was somewhat comforting. It was smaller than James’ cock at least. But knowing it would be seated deep in her, unmoving as he spanked her unrelentingly, sent a shiver up her neck.

  When the hard tip of the plug prodded her hole, she tensed up.

  “Lucy,” he warned.

  “I – I’m sorry.” Steadying her feet, she relaxed her muscles and strived to keep her cheeks splayed apart to his liking. The cool air of the room kissed her most intimate spots, and her pussy spasmed with heat as she realized how vulnerable she was in this moment, completely at James’ mercy. Yet she craved her punishment more than she had craved anything in life before. How strange. Some summer this was turning out to be. Before today, she had only craved the sense of absolution a spanking produced, but now she craved the surrender. Submitting to James’ punishment brought her a sense of peace, of letting go of all the recent worries plaguing her – from the stupid family drama to her most recent disobedience.

  “Try to bear down on the plug as it goes in, just like you do with my cock. Trust me. It’ll go in easier. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Funny words coming from a man who was about to spank the daylights out of her. Lucy kept her opinion to herself though and bore down as he inserted the tip. To her astonishment, the process went more smoothly than she had imagined. Literally. It glided in, stretching her, but not unbearably. It didn’t sting, and when James announced the whole thing was inside her, she beamed inwardly over her ability to accept it. This was, after all, part of her punishment. Fighting James over the plug would have been pointless, not to mention disrespectful, had she gone so far as to question his methods.

  He stepped away and Lucy heard the telltale sound of his belt buckle unfastening.


  James paused after he doubled the belt over, considering the nature of Lucy’s transgressions. He hated to use the belt, but he had forgotten the paddle at home. After the stunt she had pulled, a simple hand spanking would not do. For a second, he considered going to the kitchen to search for a wooden spoon or a spatula, but the image of Lucy navigating the unfami
liar roads after sneaking out caused his grip on the belt to tighten. The belt it was. Satisfied with his decision, he came up beside her to place one hand on her lower back. If she tried to block the blows, he was prepared to grab her wrists.

  “Keep your legs spread as they are, feet planted on the floor. This is going to hurt a lot, Lucy. More than the other times I’ve punished you. But I’m giving you the punishment you earned.”

  “I know. I’m not scared.” Her declaration clashed with the shakiness of her voice, but he got her meaning well enough. She was scared, but not scared of James.

  “You don’t have to be brave in front of me, Lucy girl. I know you’re afraid of the punishment you have coming. Anyone would be. But I know you trust me to do it right.”

  His words broke her. A sob burst from her throat as a shudder racked her body. “I do trust you, James. I love you. And I’m so sorry.” Mores sniffles escaped her, and James fought the urge to gather her up in his arms. Later, he told himself. Later he could hold her until morning.

  He raised the belt up and brought it down with a resounding crack. He watched as a thick red line appeared on her flesh. The next blow caught her thighs, causing her to sob anew. She clenched her bottom cheeks once, but immediately relaxed them, no doubt as a result of the intrusive plug. Determined to make his point and get the spanking over with as quickly as possible, he gave her twenty good slaps with the leather before dropping the belt to the floor. It was over. Thank goodness.

  The cries that filled the room tugged at his soul, and he sat next to her on the bed, caressing her back as her sobs subsided. When she had calmed down enough to rise up, he carried her to a huge rocking chair across the room. Minutes passed and he simply held her, loved her, and murmured comforting phrases into her ear. She buried her face in his chest, breathing heavily as the last of her sniffles ceased. She was shaking the way she always did after a punishment, but he knew it would end soon. The first time it had worried him, but he now understood it was part of her body’s normal reaction.

  “Are you all right, Lucy? Talk to me, sweetheart. I want to hear your voice.”

  “I’m here,” she said through a teary smile, gazing up at him with unrestrained adoration. It still blew him away sometimes that she admired him for spanking her, for punishing her when she had broken a rule or felt guilty over something. His only regret was that they had not discovered domestic discipline sooner in their relationship.

  “Tell me how you’re feeling.”

  “I love you so much. So much it hurts sometimes.”

  He chuckled. “You always say that after I punish you.”

  “But it’s true. I’ve never been so happy in my life. I thought Wendy finding those letters was the end of the world. Now I don’t feel like it’s such a big deal after all. Weird, huh?”

  “I don’t think it’s weird. I think sharing your problems with me takes some of the burden off your shoulders. I knew you had issues with your mother and sister when I married you. None of that mattered to me then, and it doesn’t matter to me now. I’m here for you, Lucy, always.”



  “When can I take the plug out?”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Not really, but I’d still like it out.”

  He smoothed her hair behind her ears, and pulled her close again. After the harsh punishment he had given her, he needed the comfort just as much as she did. The feel of her in his arms, calm and collected after what she had endured, was a priceless treasure. “We can take the plug out now if you’re ready.”


  Gingerly, she scooted off his lap. He gestured at the bed. Blushing, she bent over and rested on her forearms. Wide, crimson lines covered her bottom and upper thighs. He took his time, inspecting her punished backside. When he was satisfied that there were no bruises or serious welts, he boldly reached between her legs to stroke her pussy.


  “Have we ever not made love on a day I punished you, Lucy?”

  “N – No, but we’ve never done it directly afterwards. You just punished me. I don’t think I deserve it.”

  James bit back a laugh. “Lucy, the air has been cleared. Your punishment is over. I’ve forgiven you.” He slipped two fingers into her warmth, discovering her moister than he had expected. She was not as ready for him as she was after a maintenance spanking, but she was not far from it.

  She moaned, but abruptly closed her legs together and attempted to stand up. James nudged her back in place, holding her down on the bed as he explored her pussy. He circled her clit and dipped back in her center to discover her arousal growing by the second. The plug was still seated in her ass, and he poked at it a few times before twisting the end and beginning a slow pumping motion.

  “I’m going to remove it now. Bear down as I pull out.”

  The plug slid out more easily than it had going in. James instructed Lucy to wait while he tossed it in the bathroom sink. After he returned, he paid her clit more attention, stroking it in precise circles as her hips rose and fell against his hand. The scent of her arousal filled the air, and James knew she was ready. It bothered him that she felt she did not deserve to make love to him right after a spanking. He was about to show her how much she meant to him, and he planned to make her orgasm multiple times.

  She fought her first release, but shuddered and ground against his hand as he wrung out every last contraction until she collapsed, panting over the covers while he waited for her to float back down to Earth. When her breathing slowed and she attempted to stand up, he flipped her over and slammed his cock into her entrance. He took her completely, teasing her with slow, sensuous strokes until she begged for more and he responded with quick, deep thrusts as he gripped her hips. All the worry he had experienced when he discovered her missing from the cabin melted away as they became lost in each other.

  The rest of their time on the mountain was without incident. A perfect vacation. They swam in a nearby lake, went hiking a few more times, and enjoyed the hot tub. Most of their time, however, was spent in the bedroom.

  A day before their return home, Wendy texted Lucy to say she had found a full-time waitress job with evening hours. Even with Wendy’s reluctant acceptance when it came to Lucy and James’ DD marriage, it was comforting to know they would have plenty of alone time. Their Friday night maintenance spanking ritual would not be disrupted, and Wendy promised to keep the personal details of their marriage a secret. Even if someone else found them out, Lucy no longer believed it would be the end of the world. It would merely be a challenge they faced together. As they made the return trip down the mountain, she felt cherished and at peace with James by her side, and her soul danced the whole way home.

  Belonging to Ben

  Chapter One

  “I’m going out with Chelsea tomorrow night,” Gina announced as she placed dinner on the table. White swirls of steam rose up from the casserole and freshly baked rolls.

  Ben pushed back from the table slightly and straightened, his muscles tensing. “Where are you going?” A note of hesitation tinged his voice. He didn’t want Gina hanging out with her childhood friend, Chelsea, but he also didn’t want to be the kind of husband that dictated who his wife was allowed to hang out with. Chelsea was single and had a reputation for partying hard and often, and Ben didn’t think a married woman such as Gina should plan an evening out with a girl like Chelsea, even if the two had once been best friends.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Wherever the night takes us.”

  “I want to know where you’re going and what time you plan on being home, Gina.”

  She shot him a scowl. “We haven’t finalized our plans yet, but we’ll probably start out at Cooper’s Grill.”

  “Cooper’s Bar and Grill? Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You know how Chelsea gets when she drinks. Just because she moved back to town and the two of you used to be good friends doesn’t mean you need to join in her wild n
ight life. Why don’t you two have lunch or dinner somewhere tomorrow instead?”

  With exaggerated movements, Gina scooped a serving of casserole onto his plate and then one on hers. Her frown deepened after she settled back in her chair. “I’m a grown woman, Ben. Stop acting like you’re my father. There’s nothing wrong with going out and having a little fun now and then.”

  He glared at her, his palm twitching with the impulse to smack her bottom. Silence reigned in the dining room and a sharp chill descended. He swallowed hard and once again wondered about his desires to take her in hand. If he ever acted on those urges, would she pack her bags and leave? He loved her and took their marriage vows seriously. He didn’t want to do anything to hurt or frighten Gina, but she’d been acting out lately.

  Staying out late. Talking back. Dressing a tad too provocatively in public. Well, when she went out with Chelsea, anyway.

  “Gina, sweetheart, you are twenty-five years old and a married woman, yet you have been acting like a rebellious teenager these last few weeks. I won’t have it.”

  Her eyes flashed and her face reddened. “I have not been acting like a rebellious teenager.”

  “You have,” he said calmly, “and I aim to reel you back in. I am your husband, Gina, and you will mind me, one way or another. Now, I’m not forbidding you from hanging out with Chelsea, but you will not go out bar hopping with her anymore. It’s not safe, especially with the type of people she attracts.”

  “Are you worried I’m going to cheat on you, Ben? Because that’s fucking ridiculous. I would never—”

  “What your mouth, young lady.” His tone was sharp, and she flinched.

  For a while, neither of them spoke. The silence was deafening though, the atmosphere in the dining room thick with tension. They’d dated for two years before getting married, and now they were approaching their one-year anniversary. He recognized they were still newlyweds, but the woman he’d thought he knew better than anyone was suddenly acting like a stranger. That scared Ben. He worried for her safety and for their marriage, and while he tried not to fret over what other people said about him, he sure as hell cared what people said about his wife. Gossip traveled the speed of light in their small town.


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