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Learning to Yield (Power Exchange Academy - Submissive Center/Master's School)

Page 5

by Martin, Madelene

  “A good submissive will practice self-discipline, keeping her mind, body and speech in order.” Said Ms. West as she was closing the lesson.

  Juliette was up and moving along the line of desks, placing a plastic wrapped bundle in front of each girl.

  “These are your uniforms,” Ms. West said. “From now on you will wear them to classes every day. Get changed before the next class. Juliette will stay to help you, and answer any questions.”

  Help with what? Ashley was dying to peek and see what the ‘uniform’ contained, but she resisted the urge to tear open the plastic.

  “When you are done, come in to the next room. You will be presenting yourselves for inspection, before experienced doms from the Master’s school. Regular inspection is an important part of serving your dominant. I will expect you to put into practice everything you’ve learned here so far. And -” She raised her chin and looked down her nose at them again. “Be on your best behavior.”

  Ms. West left, and the students unwrapped their uniforms.

  There was a purple-and-black plaid skirt that looked a bit schoolgirl-ish, a garter belt and a pair of seamed stockings, and what looked like a light -weight corset.

  Ashley held the corset up in front of her, gaping. Then she looked at the skirt. It was much shorter than the one she was wearing. Barely enough to cover everything. She would never wear this kind of thing in her regular life - not in a million years!

  She liked the idea of wearing a garter belt, but had no idea how to use it. Now she understood why they needed the assistant.

  The others were standing up, getting ready to change. Ashley sighed and started unbuttoning her shirt. Getting undressed in front of other women was bad enough. The only comfort was that they were all in the same boat.

  “Umm,” said Karen, looking up at Juliette. “Do I wear my bra under this?”

  The assistant smiled, cocking her head sympathetically. “No.” She said. “Wear only what’s in the packet.”

  Ashley hunted through the articles of clothing; shook the plastic over her desk. She swallowed hard, her fears confirmed. Short skirt. Tight corset. No panties.


  Ashley found herself trembling with nerves as the submissives walked in to room 2, following after Juliette in single file.

  They were all dressed in their uniforms. The corsets were identical - black fabric, lightly boned, with hooks in the back rather than laces. They fitted each girl exactly, tailored for their individual measurements.

  The skirts were all the same dark purple material, but Ashley noticed with some bitterness that hers was the shortest. There were other slight differences between them, too. Ella wore knee-high boots, and Karen had a long strip of black fabric held loosely in her hand. Ashley guessed it was a blindfold. What was that all about?

  The corset was tight, but not uncomfortable. It wasn’t totally rigid, so she could still move, but it kept her breathing a little more shallow and her posture a bit straighter. It would have been impossible to forget that she was wearing it.

  The quick glimpse she’d gotten of herself in the mirror nearly made her stop and stare. She looked like a different person - someone that belonged in a fetish catalog, or at a fancy dress party.

  The corset pushed her ample breasts up to an almost indecent degree, so that they almost spilled over the neckline and created pleasant cleavage. It looked sexy - if Ashley had seen anyone else wearing it, she might have envied them their confidence. But it was a very different thing seeing herself dressed that way.

  Then there was the caress of cool air on her skin as she walked, making her very conscious of the very short skirt and the fact that she had no panties on underneath.

  It all added to the disconcerting feeling of being exposed. Swallowing hard, she tried to ignore the nagging urge to pull at the hem of her skirt.

  The worst part was the warmth blooming between her legs, along with a shameful wetness that gave away her true feelings. Was she actually enjoying this humiliation?

  The assistant arranged them in front of the mirrors, facing the back of the room where the three professors were seated in leather office chairs, notebooks in hand.

  Mr. Morgan was on the end, leaning casually to one side. He rested his head on his hand, leaning against the arm of his chair. Just seeing him again made her heart give a little jump, and she had to look away, blushing, wondering if he could tell how turned on she was.

  “Good evening, submissives.” Said Mr. Barrett.

  “Good evening, Professor,” said Ashley along with the others, looking up at him as she heard him speak. She tried to stand still, clasping her hands together behind her back and locking her knees to keep them from shaking.

  “You will be meeting some new doms today.” He continued. “I expect you will make them feel welcome.” He gave a wicked smile. It was an expression Ashley would never expect to see on his serious face, and she liked him a little more for it. “This session will test your knowledge and your boundaries.” He said. “Good luck.”

  “I want you all to sit by the side.” Came Mr. Morgan’s smooth, deep voice. Ashley was relieved to be able to look up at him as he spoke. He was standing up in order to speak to the class. “You will be called up one by one and introduced to your dom. I want you to present yourself to him for inspection. Your dom will give you instructions.”

  He paused for a moment, looking down at his paper. Then he raised his eyes again, and his gaze met Ashley’s. “We will all be watching.”

  A shiver ran through her, and she mentally scolded herself as the students all moved to the side. He looked at all the girls, not just her. He was an instructor. It wasn’t as though he was interested in Ashley - no more than the other students anyway.

  She made an effort to be graceful - and preserve her modesty - as she sat down on the floor. She’d practiced a lot at home last night after class, and her knees were still sore. But at least at home there was carpet. Nonetheless, she ignored the pain and settled back on her heels to watch.

  Ashley fervently hoped she wouldn’t be called on first. Her fingers dug into her thighs where they rested and she felt her chest rise and fall rapidly with her nervous shallow breathing.

  Luckily, she didn’t have to wait long.

  The door opened and a man walked in. He was tall and muscular, with dark skin and short hair. He wore only black leather trousers, showing off his well-defined torso. Ashley heard Harmony make an interested little “mmm!” noise beside her. She couldn’t help smiling for a moment. Then she set her jaw and concentrated on what was happening at the front.

  “Ella.” He called, looking over at the waiting submissives.

  In Ashley’s peripheral vision, Harmony deflated. Ella stood up. She was breathing rapidly, much like Ashley was herself. In fact, she looked almost afraid as she walked toward him.

  The dom was so tall that Ella seemed tiny in comparison, and she had to tilt her head straight up to look at him when he spoke.

  “You may call me Master Guyard, or Sir.” He told her.

  “Yes, Master Guyard.” She answered, giving a little curtsey.

  “Do you know the inspection position, Ella?” He asked, quieter this time, as though he were speaking only to her.

  She shook her head.

  He moved to her side, caressing her arm in a lingering motion as he went. “I will show you how I like it done.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Give me your hands.”

  She did so, and he turned her to face the mirrored wall, holding both her wrists in one of his large hands. Ashley and the others could see her face in the mirror, wide-eyed and flushed.

  The dom raised her hands up above her head. “Keep them clasped behind the back of your neck.” He instructed, and watched as she moved to obey.

  He circled around her, adjusting her posture bit by bit, until she had her back arched, her legs spread shoulder width apart, her chin up.

  “I want you to look at me.” He said.<
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  Ella looked at him. He stood close to her - very close - and raised one big hand to stroke her, trailing a finger up her neck and over her jaw. He kissed her then, bowing his head to meet her lips, lingering for a long moment.

  When he pulled away, Ella’s expression was different. She no longer looked so frightened. In fact she gazed up at him almost reverently. Her lips were slightly parted, her eyes sensually lidded.

  Guyard drew his finger back down over her jaw, down her neck and over her cleavage, causing the woman to shiver. He moved behind her, and without a word began to unhook her corset.

  No wonder they hadn’t gone with laces, if they were going to be quickly undressed. Ella tensed for a moment as the dom pulled the corset away, leaving her exposed.

  Her skin was lightly tanned, with the occasional freckle here and there. Her nipples were dark, rosy pink. Her breasts - freed from their restraint - were full and heavy, rising and falling as she took a few deep breaths.

  Master Guyard circled back around and looked at her. He put his hands on her breasts, feeling their weight, squeezing them in his palms as he watched. Ella closed her eyes and Ashley thought she might have heard her quietly moan.

  Then the dom squeezed her nipples, hard enough to make her gasp. When he took his hands away the nipples were hardening, dark and erect.

  “When my subs come to me for inspection,” he said to the room as much to Ella, “I like them to be ready, in a state of arousal. Nipples hard.” He gave one of Ella’s nipples a flick with his hand, causing the sub to bite her lip and let out a little whimper. Then, he was moving behind her again.

  He ran a hand down her back. Over her ass, down her thigh. Then he pushed under her skirt, flipping the fabric so that it stayed up, exposing her ass.

  He made an appreciative sound, massaging her flesh with one hand. Then he stroked his fingers delicately over it, traced the cleft between her cheeks. Ella flinched a little, and he took his hand away, only to swat her hard, the slap ringing out so loudly that Ashley jumped.

  “Keep still.” He said.

  “I’m sorry, Master.” Ella murmured.

  Guyard said nothing, but stuck his hands between her legs. He felt along her slit, while Ella’s lips parted again and she started panting.

  “Mmm.” The dom said. “Wet and ready. Delightful.”

  He pressed up against her, encircling her in his arms. He cupped her breasts. Massaged them, pinched the nipples, watching them in the mirror for a minute as he took his time with her. Ella was clearly aroused, panting and trying hard to keep still.

  She lost composure, taking her hands from the back of her neck as though she wanted to touch him. He made a tutting sound, capturing her wrists and holding them there. “No, my girl,” he said, “Perhaps another time.”

  Ella looked disappointed as he let her go. Seeing the look on her face, Master Guyard laughed. He stepped back from her. “You may kneel and show me your appreciation.”

  Now Ashley could see the impressive bulge straining against his trousers. Clearly, Ella noticed it too.

  The sub looked grateful as she dropped to her knees. She bent her head, and unexpectedly clutched his hand in both of her own. She kissed his hand. Gave a shy look up at him. Only then did she move and begin to unzip his trousers.

  The dom smiled indulgently as she released his erection. It was huge and dark, and at the sight of it Ashley felt a flood of warmth between her own legs. She didn’t think she’d ever seen one so big, in her own limited experience. She wondered what it would be like to take it in her mouth, and with a brief spark of envy, wished it was her up there.

  Ella wrapped her hands around his shaft, and bent to kiss it. She licked the head, and opened her lips, taking the tip of it in.

  Master Guyard stroked her hair for a moment, smiling. “Very good,” he said. “That will be all. Take your corset, and go and sit back down.”

  He tucked his engorged organ back away as a flushed and happy Ella all but skipped her way back to the others. She didn’t seem to care that she was half-dressed as she knelt to take her place.

  Ashley was mildly disappointed. She had enjoyed watching the two of them more than she’d expected.

  “What is your assessment of Ella?” Mr. Barrett called out.

  Guyard smiled, looking down at the sub as he answered. “She has potential.” He said. “I enjoyed her responsiveness. But she needs to practice self-control. I think that might have become even more apparent if we’d continued.”

  “Very good. Thank you.”

  Ashley let out a shaky breath. She hoped she didn’t have to wait too long until she was called. She was wet between the legs and her nipples were tight, pressing almost painfully against the corset. She didn’t know how long she could stand to watch.

  Guyard disappeared through the door and someone else came out. Ashley almost did a double take when she realized it was a woman. She was dressed in a simple long black dress, with a deep neckline that showed off marvelous cleavage. Her black hair was pulled back, with some remaining soft curls framing her face.

  “Harmony.” She called. Impatient as she was, Ashley let out a soft sigh of relief. She’d never been with a woman. What would she do if faced with a female dominant?

  From the wide-eyed look on Harmony’s face, she might have felt much the same. She got to her feet and walked to the front, moving with graceful ease. She must have been practicing.

  Harmony stood before the domme.

  “I am Miss A,” said she. “You can address me as Miss A, or ‘Miss’.”

  “Y-yes, Miss.”

  The woman picked up on her hesitation. She smiled - a pleasant smile with a sharp edge. “Do you like what you see?”

  “Yes…” She licked her lips, and seeming to remember her advice to speak up, raised her voice a little. “You are very beautiful, Miss A.”

  “Would you like to submit to my inspection?”

  “Yes - I mean, if it pleases you, Miss.” In the mirror, the sub’s face had turned bright red.

  “Stand with your hands behind your neck. That’s it. And spread your legs.”

  The domme went through similar motions to those Guyard had used, unhooking Harmony’s corset and exposing her small breasts. Her nipples were small and pink, and already hard.

  Miss A touched the girl a lot. She took her time, letting her long red fingernails linger on her skin in a way that caused Harmony to shiver and blush even harder.

  She had her sweep her long dirty-blonde hair to the side and bent to place a kiss on her neck. She trailed both hands down over her breasts, felt their weight, pinched the nipples.

  “You have never been touched in this way by a woman.” It was more a statement than a question.

  “I have not, Miss A.” Harmony murmured.

  “Put your hands back behind your neck now. And keep still.” She warned.

  The domme moved behind her and unzipped the short zipper on the skirt. It dropped to the ground, leaving Harmony naked except for her garter belt and stockings.

  Miss A looked up into the mirror, checking Harmony’s reflection. The sub had her eyes downcast. Her lower lip trembled slightly.

  “You are a beautiful little toy.” Miss A said, delighted. She ran one finger down Harmony’s spine. “So innocent, so demure.”

  “Thank you, Miss.” Answered Harmony, looking up for a moment. Her eyes looked moist, as though she were about to cry - but there was something else in her expression. Yearning?

  “I want you to bend forward for me now. Pull your legs in a little if you have to - put your hands on your knees. I want this little ass in the air so I can see all of you.”

  Harmony hesitated, looking in the mirror at everyone watching. For a moment it looked as though she would balk. But finally she shifted, moving her legs and bending at the waist to grip her knees so that she was almost in the punishment position they’d learned the day before.

  She was utterly exposed, her ass and her sex on display for t
he whole room. Ashley could see her pink lips, glistening with wetness.

  Miss A took her time, walking around and looking at Harmony’s body. She gripped the sub’s buttocks, mauling them hard with her hands. She slowly traced the length of her pussy, briefly touching on her clit so that Harmony gave a little jump. Then she dipped a long finger into her folds. Slid it inside her.

  “Ah yes, nice and wet. Do you like that, my toy?” Miss A asked.

  “Yes, Miss,” was the immediate answer.

  The domme withdrew; trailed a moist finger up between Harmony’s cheeks and over her hip. “Stand up.”

  The girl stood, drawing her legs together and clasping her hands behind her back.

  “What do you want?” Miss A asked, standing close to her, one hand caressing the small of her back as she watched the two of them in the mirror.

  Harmony’s naked body quivered at her touch. “To please you, Miss.” She breathed.

  “You want to worship me, girl?”

  “Yes… yes, Miss.” There was hunger in Harmony’s eyes - an expression of naked need.

  “Very good.” Said Miss A, her red lips curling in a smile. “I wish we had more time. For now, you may kneel and kiss my feet.”

  Harmony hesitated for a long moment. Then slowly she sank to her knees, turning so that she was facing the domme. She looked up at her for a moment, swallowed hard as though steeling herself.

  The domme didn’t rush her, and finally Harmony bent forward. Her ass was up in the air, reflected in the mirror as she planted a slow, soft kiss on each of Miss A’s boots.

  Satisfied, the domme patted her on the head when she rose, and told her to pick up her clothes and sit down.

  “Your assessment?” Called Ms. West from the back of the room.

  “She’s very pretty.” Miss A answered. “I would enjoy more expression from her. She must speak up and answer properly when asked a question. But… I was impressed at her response, given that she previously indicated she was turned off at the thought of being with a woman.”


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