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A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

Page 3

by Charmanie Saquea

  “I hear you Sire, I really do, but I’m not going to get caught out here like that again. That was a one-time mistake that I vowed would never happen again. I’m more cautious now, a nigga out here on his P’s and Q’s. You don’t have to worry about me, baby boy,” I let my brother know.

  I knew that he was going to worry about me regardless, especially with the shit that we were into, but I needed him to know that I was going to be good. I was grown and was capable of taking care of myself.

  Four – Lexus

  I stood in the bathroom and looked at the test results in my hands. I don’t think I have even blinked within the past two minutes, since the two pink lines appeared on the pregnancy test. I was so shocked and at a lost for words that I didn’t know what to do. Things between Sire and I were so rocky right now that I wasn’t sure if throwing a baby into the mix was exactly what we needed right now.

  Leaving the bathroom, I walked into the bedroom and grabbed my cell phone to call him up. After pressing on his name, I sat on the bed and put the phone to my ear while waiting for him to answer.

  “Yea?” Sire answered.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m handling business Lexus, why?” he retorted like I was annoying.

  “Because we need to talk Kasire, that’s why,” I said, now growing an attitude.

  This was the shit I was talking about. Sire and his attitude always found a way to piss me off someway or somehow. It was one thing I thought used to be so sexy about him, but now I couldn’t stand the fact you never knew what you were going to get with him. One minute he was hot then the next minute he was cold as a damn iceberg.

  “I’m busy, I—”

  “I’m pregnant,” I cut him off not even bothering to beat around the bush with his ass.


  “You heard me nigga, I said I’m pregnant. Now what you gonna do about it?” I asked with a full blown attitude now.

  “We’ll talk about it when I get home.”

  “Sire, you—”

  “I just said I’ll talk about it when I get home, Lexus, damn,” Sire snapped before hanging up in my face.

  I sat there for a minute looking at the phone with a dumb look on my face because I just knew this nigga did not hang up on me. Sire had me so fucked up that it wasn't even funny. I don't know who he thought I was or what bitch had him feeling himself like this, but I wasn't about to take this shit.

  Never had I been a weak bitch or one to just lay down and take whatever Sire gave, hell no. I always came back hard. Sire had an attitude like everyone was supposed to bow down and kiss his ass and the shit pissed me off. He talked to people any way that he saw fit, and don’t even think about talking back crazy to him or it would be hell to pay.

  These days I don’t even know where most of our arguments stemmed from. One minute, I was walking around all unbothered, then he just does something to piss me off. The one thing that bothers me the most about Sire is the fact that he’s never home. Like ever. His ass used to be home more when we first got together, then all of a sudden he started working longer days and longer nights like his ass had a legit job or something. It bothered me because I felt like he was just trying to spend as less time around me as he possibly could.

  Believe it or not, there used to be a point in time when our relationship was semi perfect. We didn’t fight, we didn’t argue, we rarely had any disagreements; he would just throw money at me because the sun shined that day. He used to just be easy to deal with overall. I don’t know what caused a turning point in our relationship but whatever it was, it turned it upside down and it was never the same.

  I hadn’t even realized I dozed off until I felt Sire shaking me to wake me up.

  “Wake the fuck up man,” he said.

  “Oh my gosh, what?” I groaned.

  “What’s this shit you was spitting over the phone?” he asked like he was dumb or something.

  I know damn well Sire heard me when I said it the first time, why he wanna play with me I don’t know. Rolling my eyes, I laid back down.

  “I said I’m pregnant, with child, going to have a baby, carrying a life inside me.” I broke it down for him so he could understand.

  “I’m not a dumb ass Lexus I know what the fuck it means,” he spat. “But check this out, you can’t have that baby,” he said.

  “What?” I yelled as I jumped out of the bed.

  I wasn’t even sleepy or tired no more. The words that just came out of this nigga’s mouth just blew the fuck out of me and I’m having a hard time believing that he really just said that shit.

  “I’m saying though Lexus, a baby is not what we need right now,” he said.

  “Not what you need or not what you want?” I asked for clarification.

  “Both,” he said with no shame.

  “I can’t fucking believe you, Kasire! I really cannot believe you. Did you really just sit up here and tell me to get a damn abortion? How crazy are you? No, I’m not doing it. I don’t care about what you do, but I’m going to have this baby, even if that means I have to be a single mother,” I let him know before leaving the bedroom.

  I didn’t even want to be around him right now after he said that shit. His ass just really sat there and blatantly told me to get rid of my child, for what though? It’s not like he’s some lost little fifteen-year-old boy who wouldn’t know shit about being a father. No, he was a grown ass twenty something year old man who just didn’t want to take care of his responsibilities.

  It was good though, I didn’t need Sire to have this baby. We were going to be good with or without him. Whether he wanted to be a father or not, it was going to happen so my advice to him would to be get ready, because in a few short months we were going to be parents, and I dare his ass to neglect my child.

  Five – Lady

  “Yo, my Lady!”

  I stopped in my tracks at the sound of Ryan’s voice and turned around to see him jogging in my direction. I hadn't really heard from or seen him since that night at his friend’s house last week, and I thought that was kind of odd because Ryan always was around.

  “Where you been stranger? Your girl must've tightened that leash she got around your neck,” I joked when he got close enough.

  “What? Lady, don't get fucked up,” Ryan laughed even though I knew he was serious. “What you been up to though?”

  “Just studying and stuff, on top of figuring out what I'm going to do for my birthday,” I shrugged.

  Birthdays weren't that big of a deal for me anymore. My last birthday, I was spending it with the one I loved and was the happiest girl on the earth, but I had all that ripped away from me so now, I couldn’t care less about celebrating a damn birthday. It was just another damn regular day to me.

  “Oh shit, you got a birthday coming up? How old you gonna be? Twenty-two? Twenty three?” Ryan asked with a smile.

  “What? No Ry, more like twenty-one,” I laughed.

  Ryan stopped in his tracks and looked at me like I was crazy. I don't know how old he actually thought I was but I was not that old. I was currently only twenty years old but feeling like I was thirty something with everything that I had been through in life.

  “Damn Lady, you're a fucking baby. Here I am thinking we’re the same age and you're younger than me. That shit is crazy, but how about we just hit AC for your birthday? What better way to bring in your twenty-first than at a casino?” Ryan said like he had it all figured out.

  “AC? Okay, I guess that's cool. My birthday is in two days so—”

  “Ry! What the fuck is this shit!”

  A loud ghetto annoying voice cut me off from saying what I was about to say. I snapped my head to look behind me when I saw some chick walking in Ryan’s and my direction. I had never really met his girlfriend before, just heard stories about her so from what I was told, I could only guess this was her.

  “Tasha, what the fuck are you doing?” Ryan asked like he wasn't even fazed by her antics.

“That's what the fuck I'm trying to figure out! Who is this bitch?” she yelled, gathering the attention of bystanders and people that were on their way to class.

  “Whoa baby girl, stay in your lane because you’re kind of swerving right now,” I told her.

  Whatever beef she had with her nigga, that is exactly who she needed to take that up with. Coming at me sideways would be the wrong thing for her to do, especially when she didn't know me. I was cool and laid back for the most part but when you came at me wrong, I had no choice but to get your ass.

  “Who you—”

  “Tasha, chill the fuck out, alright? I told your little ratchet ass about coming up here to this school with that bullshit! You must have lost your rabid ass mind…”

  I just tuned Ryan and his little issue out and walked away to my car, as they continued to make a spectacle of themselves in public. I didn't have time for them. I had to go home and study for one last midterm that was coming up. They could have all the unnecessary drama.

  “Lady, excuse me, Lady!”

  Once again I was stopped on my journey to get to my car.

  “Yes?” I asked as I turned around. “Oh, hey girl,” I spoke once I realized it was one of the girls in my classes.

  “Hey, I didn't mean to bother you but I was just wondering if you were still up for that little study session before the exam Monday.”

  Oh shit, I thought to myself. I forgot that Candace and I were supposed to be getting together this weekend for this hard ass exam that we had coming up. Not only was the exam hard, but the teacher was an asshole that insisted on making our lives hard. He was one of the many reasons I was contemplating dropping out of this school shit.

  “Yes, umm, how about we get started now? Are you done with classes today? We can go to my house and study instead of being on this dreaded ass campus. I have plenty of snacks or I can whip us up something to eat,” I suggested.

  I was taking Ry’s advice about meeting new people and making friends. My life had pretty much been boring since being in Virginia and even though I had been playing it safe and not wanting to get too close to anyone, I was a good judge of character and no one I had met so far seemed shady. Including Candace. I had a few classes with her and she seemed down to earth.

  “Okay, that's fine. I'll just get in my car and follow you there,” she said.

  Agreeing to that, I continued to my car and waited on Candace. Glancing back, I noticed that Ry and his girl were still standing there acting a fool. I just shook my head at them because it sure as hell couldn't be me. Seeing Candace pull up, I backed out of my parking space and led the way to my house.

  When we got to my house, I told Candace to make herself at home and to get comfortable.

  “You want something to drink or something? I got us some snacks to start us off,” I said while walking towards the kitchen.

  “Yea, I’ll take something to drink,” she said.

  Going in the fridge, I came back with some pop and an arm full of snacks for us. This was basically all I had to survive off of since I barely left my apartment and rarely ever cooked. Junk food was the easiest thing for me to get full off of. Since being in Virginia the past six months, I had gained a significant amount of weight, but it was in all the right places. It mostly went to my hips, thighs, and ass.

  “Okay, let's get started,” I said as I sat on the couch.

  “Let's,” Candace said through a sigh as she opened her textbook.

  Two hours into or study session, we were all out of snacks and now in a full blown hunger. We decided to take a little break to put some real food in our stomachs when there was a knock at my door. Making my way to the door, I looked through the peephole before I opened the door for Ryan.

  “You're not being followed are you?” I half joked.

  “You know you wrong as hell for leaving me. I…damn, hello,” Ryan spoke to Candace as he made his way over to her by the couch.

  “Hi,” Candace spoke back.

  I just folded my arms over my chest and watched Ryan through squinted eyes. Just two hours ago, his girlfriend was ready to chew him a new asshole because she thought he wanted me, but yet here he was flirting with Candace.

  “How you doing beautiful, what's your name?” his slick ass asked while licking his lips.

  “Candace, and you are?”

  “Damn, I like candy,” Ry smiled. “I could be your future if you allow me to be.”

  “Umm, excuse me Ry, can I help you with something?” I intervened.

  “Yes, I just came by to make sure you really wanted to do AC for your birthday. Candy is coming with us, right?” he asked as he eyed her up and down.

  “Her name is Candace fool and she's welcome to come if she wants to. Is Tasha coming along?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Who?” he asked, feigning stupid.

  “I would love to go to AC, I've never been,” Candace said.

  “Shit, it's a go then,” Ryan said with excitement dancing around in his eyes.

  I cut my eyes at him because I didn't know what he had up his sleeve. All I knew was I was going along with whatever Ryan planned, as long as it wasn't anything off the wall.


  After a four-hour drive, we finally made it to Atlantic City. The car drive here was a very interesting one with being in the car with Candace, Montana, and Ryan. Montana and Ryan together were something else. They had Candace and I in tears the whole way here. There was never a dull movement. We pulled up to Harrah’s Resort and I was anxious to get out.

  “Yo, Monty, hit Sire and see what room he in,” Ryan said as he we got out the car.

  “Your brother’s here?” I asked surprised.

  “Yea, him and Toine left out before us,” Ryan let me know.

  “Oh,” I whispered as we walked into the hotel to check in.

  I thought Candace and I were going to be sharing a room, but Ryan’s little slick ass put me up in my own room, claiming that it was my birthday so I deserved my own room. I shot him a funny look because I knew his ass was up to no good, and I had no problems calling him out on it.

  “Ry, come back here and let me talk to you real quick,” I said.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. Don’t forget you have a girlfriend at home, Ry,” I reminded him.

  “I’m single, Lady; besides, I came up here to have some harmless fun and celebrate my sis’s birthday. Relax baby, you’re always uptight about something,” he said as we got on the elevator to our floor.

  I just shook my head because I didn’t see things ending too well for Ryan. So far, Candace seemed to be holding strong and ignoring his ass, but I knew all too well that once you fell for the charm of a bad boy, or any man for that matter, it was a wrap for your ass.

  As we got off the elevator, we all made our way to our rooms.

  “It’s about time y’all got here, what y’all do, walk here?” Toine cracked as he opened the room to his door which was right next to mine.

  “Shut yo ass up. Just because you rode here with the speed demon don’t mean shit,” Ryan laughed.

  Suddenly, the room for directly across the hall from me came open and out stepped Sire. He looked at me from head to toe with those cold eyes, with a house phone pressed to his ear, and kept it pushing.

  “We gonna go spend some money or what?” he asked Ryan and Montana.

  “Nigga, we just got here! Can we put our bags up and freshen up first, damn. Slow ya roll,” Ryan told him. “Go ahead, Lady. We won’t make a move until you say you’re ready,” Ryan told me.

  Him saying that caused his brother to cut his eyes at me and let out a low grunt before walking away, mumbling something I couldn’t understand. I didn’t want any problems so I just used the key to let myself in the room to get my birthday weekend started. Hopefully it would be a birthday and a weekend to remember.

  Six – Sire

  I threw back my second drink of the night as I watche
d Lady stand at a slot machine with a frustrated look on her face. She had just put some money in it and lost. The little pout she had on her face was kind of cute. I unconsciously licked my lip as she ran her fingers through her shoulder length bob, and switched her weight from one baby making hip to the other. She tapped her pockets and looked around like she was looking for someone when some buster ass nigga walked over to her.

  “Instead of eyeing her like she’s the least piece of rib on the grill, why don’t you just go get her?” Toine asked as he eased in the spot next to me.

  “I got a girl,” I simply said.

  And that was true. Even though Lexus got on my damn nerves 85% of the time and was on some bullshit now often than not, it had been damn near a year since I even thought about cheating on her. That was the first and the last time I had ever cheated on her and it was a one-time thing, never going past that.

  “Well shit, since you don’t want her I’ll gladly take her ass. She just looks like she would make a good mother,” Toine said before waking in her direction.

  I shot his ass a look but he laughed and waved me off. I don’t know why his bitch ass liked playing this game with me. He knew when it all boiled down to it, I would always be the ladies’ first choice. Hell, the reason he got all them baby mamas now is because I didn’t want they ass so they settled for him.

  I watched on as Toine ran away the little nigga that was previously in Lady’s face. He said something to her that caused her to shake her head before he went in his pocket and pulled out a wad of money.

  “This muthafucka,” I mumbled while slightly shaking my head.

  Lady continued to shake her head and pushed Toine’s hand away. Having enough of the bullshit, I walked over to them.

  “Toine, Ry looking for you,” I told him.

  “For what? I just…” he let his sentence trail off with a smirk before nodding his head up and down. “Oh about that, I got you.”


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