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A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

Page 9

by Charmanie Saquea

  “Stop acting nervous,” I told her through a low growl.

  “I’m not nervous, Sire, it’s just… I…I—”

  “Prove it.”

  No longer looking at the ground, she placed those big doe eyes on me. Tired of playing with her, I picked her up and she let out a yelp.

  “Sire wait, we—”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I said as I attacked her neck while walking towards the stairs.

  She wrapped her legs around my waist and I unhooked her bra as I carried her up the stairs. Once I had her titties free, I immediately took one of her chocolate nipples in my mouth as I threw her bra behind me.

  “Oh God,” She moaned as I sucked like I was trying to draw milk.

  Once we got to the bedroom, I laid her on the bed so I could come out of my clothes. Once I came out of my boxers, I saw her eyes get wide and I smirked. I wasn’t a cocky or conceited nigga by any means, but I knew I was working with a monster. I ripped her panties off and she looked at me like she wanted to say something, but the look I gave her let her know that I didn’t want to hear it.

  I took my middle finger and stuck it in her pussy and I’ll be damned if she wasn’t wet and tight as hell. Her walls had a fucking grip on my finger like they didn’t want to let go. I’m most definitely about to tear this shit up, I thought as I moved my finger around. That’s when it hit me.

  “Shit,” I said.

  My dumb ass didn’t have a fucking condom and I didn’t have none around the house. The way her shit was feeling on my finger, I just knew I was going to have a hard time pulling out.

  “What? What happened?” she asked.

  “Nothing, just sit back and relax,” I told her.

  Doing as I said, Lady laid back on the bed as I slowly climbed up her body, placing butterfly kisses as I went. I saw that she was breathing hard and I didn’t know if it was from her being nervous or from anticipation. We had avoided the inevitable for as long as we could; we both knew it was going to come down to this.

  “You good?” I asked as I placed the head of my dick at her opening.

  I don’t know why, but I felt like a nigga who was about to break a girl in for the first time. That’s basically what she was making this shit feel like. As nervous as she was, she was making a nigga have second thoughts and shit.

  “I’m good, come on,” she encouraged me.

  That was really all I needed to hear before I went in for the kill. I eased in as her pussy pulled me in deeper.

  “Oh fuck,” she moaned out as she dug her nails in my back.

  “I ain’t even did shit and you already scratching me up,” I cracked.

  “Sire shit, wait,” she said as she tried to scoot back.

  “Hell nah, you about to take this dick,” I told her as I sat up and pushed her legs back so they were touching her ear.

  I was surprised to see that she was a little flexible. I sat up on my knees and fucked the shit out of her. I didn’t have time to be gentle. I had been stressed the fuck out lately with everything that had been going on, and what better way to take out my frustrations than to fuck them out.

  “Damn girl,” I said as I grunted.

  “Wait Sire, pleaseeee!” Lady cried out as she tried to push me back.

  “Please what?” I asked as I continued to pump. “What you want me to do?”

  “I can’t take it Sire, please, just take some outttt!”

  I couldn’t believe this shit. As much shit as Lady be talking then when shit gets real, her ass can’t handle it. Whoever was hitting before me wasn’t on they job. Her ass was supposed to be fucking like a damn pornstar with all that body and ass she got. That was cool though, that just meant I was going to have a lot of fun teaching her myself.

  “Too bad baby, you gotta learn how to take it. You can’t run from everything in life, especially this dick.”

  I ended up fucking Lady in all types of positions well into the morning. Sleep was the last thing on our minds tonight. One thing I can say is, her ass sure didn’t tap out on me and she hung in there with my ass. By the time it reached ten o’clock in the morning, we were wore the fuck out. We crashed on the bed we fucked up and was dead to the world.


  “What’s wrong with you?” Ry asked as I plopped down on his couch in his Ry Cave.

  “Aye, when was the last time you talked to Lady?” I asked him.

  It had been a week since Lady and my little fuck fest and I hadn’t seen or heard from her ass since. I woke up the next day to go check on Toine because Lala still wasn’t doing too good and he had been flipping out lately, so I wanted to make sure he was good. I get back to the crib and Lady had went ghost on a nigga. I mean everything that was hers was gone. I don’t know how the hell she left because she didn’t have a car, and nobody knew about that house but two people.

  I tried hard not to feel some type of way, but I do because her ass basically pulled a me on me. She did some shit that I would do. I had never had a hit and quit done on me before. I was the one who usually did the hitting and quitting so this shit was crazy to me. I don’t know whether to laugh or be mad at this shit.

  “Haven’t talked to her in a few days, but I saw her today in school. She was moving like she had ants in her fucking pants so I couldn’t catch up with her ass,” Ry said. “Why, what’s up? Everything all good in y’all world?”

  “I don’t know what our world is Ryan, your girl is on some other shit,” I told him.

  “Don’t tell me y’all got trouble in paradise before it can even be a paradise, nigga? What the hell is wrong with y’all?” he laughed.

  “That’s not me, that’s her ass. She went missing on my ass for no reason. I thought you would know where she was since she tells your nappy headed ass everything,” I let him know.

  “Nah, she kept this one from me, but Candy might know if nobody else knows,” he said. “Ohhhh shit! Speaking of Candy! Nigga, I been meaning to tell you.”

  “Don’t tell me you went and knocked her ass up, Ry,” I said while looking at him like he was crazy.

  “What? Nigga no! I keep my shit too player for that. Me and her not even on that type of level, shit so crazy.” He shook his head.

  “What, she one of those good girls and won’t let you fuck?” I laughed.

  “Yea, but I mostly been stopping myself from fucking. You’ll never guess whose Candy’s nigga used to be so I’m going to tell you. That nigga Rafiq.”

  I stroked my beard as I thought about why the hell that named sounded so familiar. Me and my niggas didn’t have beef with people too often so whenever we did, I tried to store their names in my brain, just in case they asses tried to come back on some rah rah shit, or their family came at us on some revenge shit, we could know who we were going to war with and over what.

  “I’m not placing it,” I let him know.

  “Rafiq, that nigga I killed at the gas station because Court said he robbed him,” he reminded me.

  “Oh yea, and come to find out Court never got robbed, he just hated Rafiq because he was competition and he heard I wanted to recruit his ass,” I said, remembering exactly who the fuck that named belonged to now.

  I had told Ry not to make any sudden moves and to let me get to the bottom of the shit, but that’s when my brother was wild as fuck and nobody could tell him shit. Court made up that bullshit ass lie just to eliminate his competition and even went as far as to get rid of my shit to make it seem like he really got robbed. I always knew something was off with his ass, but you couldn’t tell shit to Ry about his niggas Court and Montana. He was always ready to pull the trigger for them niggas. Whoever would’ve thought that one of them would’ve been behind the trigger trying to get rid of him when it all boiled down to it.

  “So what you gonna do? If you really feeling her, you gonna let that shit get in the way? I mean, you could always tell her,” I said even though I wouldn’t do the shit myself.

  “Are you fucking crazy! How the fuck you sound. ‘A
ye Candy, I’m the one responsible for killing the first nigga you ever loved, but if you can forgive me I would like to see where things between us can go.’ Fuck no!” Ry shook his head.

  I didn’t know what to tell Ry then. He was going to have to figure this one out on his own. I had my own problems to worry about, I couldn’t help him with his too. We still had to find Anton and put his ass down, and this nigga was crying about some shit he really didn’t have to tell Candace. This nigga was stupid.

  Eighteen – Toine

  I sat in the same seat that I had been occupying for three weeks straight, in Doc’s room that he had set up like a hospital room. Even though he didn’t expect her to, Lala survived the first twenty-four hours after the shooting, but even then she still wasn’t doing too good. The bullet that pierced her lung caused it to collapse, so he had her hooked up to a ventilator that was breathing for her.

  I hadn’t left her side since she’s been here but once, and that was only to go hunt down that bitch I once called a brother. I felt nothing towards his ass now, besides the fact that he was a dead man walking. I was pretty sure that he already knew his days left here on this earth were numbered, and they were numbered very shortly. I had known for quite a while that Anton felt a way towards me and harbored some type of feelings towards me, but never did I expect that he would stoop to this level.

  He had no reason to go after Lady or Lala. Neither woman had ever done a damn thing to his black ass to make him go at them so hard. Lala had always been nice to his ass and used to call him her brother at a point in time. Even when I was locked up, she used to take AJ to go see his uncle, never keeping Anton from his nephew. Even though she probably should have now considering what his grimy ass turned around and did to her.

  Looking at Lala laid up in this bed hooked up to these machines did something to me. to know that I was so close to losing her and that still things could take a turn for the worst, stirred some emotions up in me. None of that shit that she and I were popping at each other outside of the club that night, mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered to me was seeing Lala walking out of this house and giving me all the attitude in the world. I promise I will never complain about it again.

  “Yo, Lala, you remember that time you snuck me in your room that one night and then was acting stingy with the pussy? I told you if you didn’t let me hit I was gonna start making a lot of noise to wake up your parents,” I laughed. “Even though I was just playing you started crying and shit, talking about how you was a virgin and you didn’t know how to have sex. Man, I swear that was the moment I knew I loved your little young ass.”

  Even though I knew I wouldn’t get one, I was hoping to get a response from her. The only thing I heard was the sounds of the machines in the room.

  “Damn La, I know I fucked up and I know you’re tired of hearing it, but I really am tired. If I could go back and change everything then I would. I would change any and everything that gets in the way of me being able to spend the rest of my life with you. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids, every single one of them, but if I could go back and have all of them by you then I would. None of this shit means anything to me if I don’t have you with me Alani, and I mean that shit from the bottom of my heart. I have everything a man could want: cars, shoes, clothes, houses, money. Everything but a woman to complete me. The only woman I want is the first woman I ever gave my heart to you, the first girl to ever have my child, my name sake at that. The first and only girl I ever let meet my big mama. I know she probably up there ready to beat my ass because she told me to never let you go,” I kind of chuckled.

  I just laid back in the chair and continued to watch her. I felt a little crazy talking to her knowing she couldn’t respond, but part of me actually felt like I was having a conversation with her. I was really losing my mind with Lala like this. I hadn’t been the same since she got shot. I haven’t seen any of my kids, only having talked to them on the phone. They think I’m out of town taking care of business. AJ is wondering where the hell both of his parents are and why he ain’t seen us in weeks. It broke my heart to have to tell my son that his mom had an accident and she had to stay with the doctors until she was better.

  My son wasn’t a baby where he didn’t understand shit, he was in that age when he could put two and two together and knew exactly what the hell was going on. He wanted to come see her but I couldn’t allow him to see his mom in this condition. It would fuck him up, I know that from my own personal experience. I lost both of the most important women in my life and I was in the hospital with both of them when they passed. My mama died of breast cancer when I was only eight years old and my big mama had a stroke and passed just before Lala found out she was pregnant with AJ. Now, here I am again feeling like I’m about to lose Lala too.

  “Knock, knock.”

  I removed my eyes from Lala and turned my attention to the door as it came open. A smile formed on my face as Mama Nisa walked in with bags of what smelled like some of her good cooking. When Sire and I got close, Mama Nisa took me in and treated me as if I was her son. Even though she wasn’t our real mother, Monty and I loved her to death like one and we were grateful for her, especially since we no longer had ours.

  “Hey Ma,” I spoke.

  “Hey baby, I hope I’m not bothering you,” she said as she kissed my forehead.

  “No, never, I’m just sitting here pouring my heart out to her because she don’t have a choice but to listen to me now. I thought I would take advantage of it while I can,” I told her.

  “Well, I just wanted to stop by and check on the both of you and bring you something to eat. Kasire told me you refuse to leave her side, so that just lets me know you ain’t been eating,” she said as she started pulling all types of food out of her bags.

  “Aw Ma, you didn’t have to,” I told her just as my stomach growled loud as hell to tell me to shut the fuck up lying.

  She looked at me with wide eyes before letting out a little laugh. “Well, your stomach says otherwise so eat up,” she said.

  Not needing to be told again, I went ahead and dug in. One thing about Mama Nisa, whenever she cooked it was like she was cooking a feast for a whole army. When she got busy, she played no games in the kitchen. Never go to her house talking about you hungry. She’ll jump up and go into that kitchen so fast, whip you up a meal and have you leaving at least ten pounds heavier than when you came in.

  While I was getting down eating, Mama Nisa walked over to Lala and looked down at her sadly, while she lightly rubbed her hair.

  “Poor baby,” she sighed as she shook her head. “I’ve been praying for you, beautiful. I have faith that you’re going to walk out of here with you life, health and strength. You’re going to be okay, baby girl, and I know that because God said so. No matter what that doctor tries to tell you, remember that God had the final say so,” she said.

  “Amen,” I spoke with a mouth full of food.

  “You keep praying too, Antoine. No matter what you have done or what you go through, it’s never too late to pray. God still hears your prayers; don’t be afraid to talk to him. He knows your heart,” she said.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She was right. Lately I had been feeling like I couldn’t pray because God wouldn’t want to hear anything I had to say because of all the bad shit I had done. I had really been meaning to talk to him like never before, but I had just been afraid. I just needed him to help Lala pull through this for me, that was all I needed and wanted right now.

  Nineteen – Lady

  “Okay ladies, now let’s get in formation, ‘cause I slay,” I sung as I danced around my suite.

  Beyoncé always came through with some good ass turn up songs. She never disappointed me whenever she dropped a new track or CD.

  “Slay trick, or you get elimina…AHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  I didn’t know what the fuck was up with this nigga and his sneaky ass. Every time I turned around he was sn
eaking up on me and scaring the shit out of me. I don’t even know how the hell Sire found me let alone got in my room. I turned my music down as I tried to get myself together and return my breathing back to normal. Sire was just sitting there looking cool, but his eyes told a different story. They were cold like they used to be when I first met him.

  “Sire what—”

  “Shut the fuck up,” he said coldly.

  “But I—”

  “I said shut the fuck up!” he yelled.

  “Don’t be yelling at me!” I yelled back.

  Sire jumped and got in my face like he wanted to do something, and I was ready for his ass. He stared down at me breathing all hard and I stared back up at his ass, daring him to bust a move with my hands on my hips.

  “What you gonna do?” I challenged him as I jabbed my finger in his chest.

  The next thing I knew, this nigga had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I yelled for him to put me down as he took off running and dropped me on the couch hard as hell. I tried to get up but he pushed me back down. Every time I tried to get up, he pushed me down. We went at this for a few until he finally got tired of playing with me.

  “Yo, chill the fuck out! I’m trying real hard not to put my hands on you but I guess you want me to punch you in your fucking jaw,” he said through gritted teeth.

  For some reason, I actually believed that he would sock my ass so I just went ahead and calmed down. I honestly didn’t want to fight with Sire, I didn’t see the point. Fighting wouldn’t solve anything between us.

  “I’m chilled,” I told him.

  Sire just stood there staring at me for a few before he decided to talk.

  “So you wanna tell me what’s up with this childish shit you been on lately? I don’t have to tell you what I’m talking about because you already know so get to talking.”

  “I just thought that’s what you wanted, Sire. I figured you had got what you wanted so I would make it easy on myself and just leave before you told me to leave,” I told him.


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