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A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

Page 11

by Charmanie Saquea

  All I knew was hatred and being cold hearted because that’s all I was around twenty-four seven. That nigga didn’t give a fuck about me and he made that very clear every time he did what he did to me, then for him to stand in my face and try to punk me like I was going to let that shit fly now that I’m grown, he asked for that shit. Then he threw salt on my wounds by bringing up my mama, knowing he was the only one who really knew what happened to her. Fuck that bitch ass nigga, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

  When I pulled up to my mama’s house, I threw the truck in park and jumped out, not even bothering to wait for Lady, and I walked through the door and went straight for one of her spare bedrooms, bypassing her and everyone else. I wasn’t in the mood to speak and I didn’t have shit to say to nobody right now.

  I had collapsed on the bed and covered my eyes with my arm. I had to try to calm myself down before I could be around anyone right now because the way I was feeling, murder was the only thing on my mind and I was going to end up hurting somebody.

  “Kasire,” my mama said as she walked in the room, shutting the door behind her.

  “I’m good Ma, just give me a minute,” I told her, not budging.

  “You are not good, don’t try that with me. Sit up and tell me what happened,” she said.

  Letting out a groan, I sat up and she had an extra t-shirt in her hands for me. I looked down and noticed my shirt had blood on it. I took my shirt off and took the clean one from her as she reached for the bloody one.

  “Okay, it’s not your blood so who was the victim?” she asked.

  “I saw him,” I told her as I put the shirt on.

  I didn’t have to elaborate or go into detail because she already knew who I was talking about.

  “Is he dead?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow.

  “If not, he’s just about,” I let her know. “I tried to keep calm, I really did, but this nigga just started talking crazy and basically being proud of what he did to me, and tried to chump me like I’m still a little nigga. Then when he went to talking about my mama, I lost it,” I told her.

  “Well Sire, I’m not going to tell you how you should’ve handled the situation because only you know your pain. Armond was wrong for taunting you and he never should have stepped to you in the first place. He got exactly what he was looking for. He needed to realize that you’re not that same little boy that I took away from him all those years ago. At the same time though, Sire, you have to watch how you just lash out. How you go about things is not okay, it kind of worries me, but I just sit back and let you do your own thing. But, you have to be careful, Sire,” my mama told me.

  “I’m good, Ma, it’s just that nigga had it coming. That ass whooping, excuse my French, he received today was inevitable. There was no way he could have avoided that if we had ever crossed paths again. I promised myself that I was going to get him so I got him.”

  “I hear you, baby. Now to the questions that’s burning for me to get out. Who is the little cutie that came trailing in here behind you?” she asked with a smile.

  “Oh, that’s just the Avon lady,” I waved it off.

  “Kasire, don’t play with me,” she said while slapping my arm.

  “Ouch, okay, her name is Lady. She’s my little new thing. You know, out with the old in with the new,” I told her referring to Lexus.

  “What about the baby?” she asked bringing up something that I really didn’t want to think about.

  “That’s still questionable. It could be Anton’s baby for all we know.”

  My mama let out a gasp and shook her head. She was very much aware of Anton’s involvement in putting Lala in the condition that she was in now, but I hadn’t told her about Lexus fucking Anton until now. This shit still blew my mind to this day. I don’t even know how the two of their grimy asses hooked up, not that I care, it’s just the shit is crazy.

  “Oh baby, I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be sorry for me, you know I didn’t want it anyways. Feel sorry for the baby because one day it’s going to find out that it’s mama was a hoe,” I shrugged. “But she’ll be calling you when she has it because she knows damn well not to call me,” I told her.

  “This is just too much for me,” she said as she got off the bed. “Anyway, come keep Ms. Lady company.”

  “What? She’s good, the only person she don’t know out there is you, so go introduce yourself. I’m good where I’m at,” I told her.

  “Sire,” she said.


  “You know what…” she mumbled under her breath as she went for the door.

  “Happy birthday old lady!” I yelled after her.

  “Shut up!” she yelled back.

  I just laughed as I laid back down. A few minutes later, the bedroom door opened again and I felt a dip in the bed. Lady climbed in and laid her big ass head on my chest as she snuggled up to me. No words were exchanged between us and none were needed. We just laid there at peace; any stress or anger I was feeling started to subside the moment her body came in contact with mine.

  Twenty Two – Lady

  I don’t know why, but lately I had just been having this eerie feeling that I just couldn’t seem to shake. I don’t know if something was going to happen or if I was just tripping and being paranoid or what, but that feeling would not leave me. I thought it was crazy that after I finally find happiness, I get hit with this feeling.

  The other day, I asked Sire if he thought we were moving too fast and if we should slow things down, and his ass damn near cursed me out for about an hour. He went on and on about not putting a timeframe on feelings and if you’re feeling something then don’t hide just because you think it’s too soon. I heard everything that he was saying, but it was like these feelings that I developed seemed to happen overnight, and they were super strong.

  I was honestly scared because I didn’t know if I was making a fool out of myself or what but after damn near getting my head chewed off for suggesting that we slow things down a bit, I knew that I would be alright. Sire wasn’t the most affectionate and loving person in the world, but he would never turn you down if you wanted to hug up on him or kiss on him. He might talk his shit of course, but he would never push me away even though I would always have to be the one to initiate the affection.

  I didn’t know much about the situation because he just flat out refused to talk about it, but from what I could piece together, his dad really fucked him up. That day at the gas station, I really thought Sire was going to go down for committing murder in broad daylight. He was so angry that I almost thought he was foaming at the mouth for a moment. It was like he just spazzed out and there was no bringing him back to reality. I had to keep yelling his name and he finally came back to his senses.

  I didn’t ask any questions after that incident because I was pretty sure that he wasn’t going to answer them anyways. Sire was the type of person that if he wanted you to know something he would tell you, otherwise you would have to keep guessing because you weren’t going to get a peep out of him.

  “You like these?” Candace asked as she held up a pair of shoes.

  “Those are cute, see if they have some in my size,” I told her.

  “Ugh, no heffa, I was talking about for me,” she said.

  I laughed and waved her off as I went to find me something else to buy. It had been a minute since me and my girl had a chance to kick it and once again, Sire was out of town handling business so he left me with some money and his card. Nothing else said girl time like some retail therapy, so we decided to hit the mall and see what we could find.

  “Okay Lady, don’t look now but ole boy that’s over by the window… you know him from somewhere? Sire got somebody tailing you or something?” Candace asked as she came and stood by me, acting as if she was looking through some pants.

  I moved my hair out of my face as an excuse to look because I knew for a fact that Sire had nobody watching me or he would’ve told me. The man that
she was talking about didn’t look familiar and he damn sure didn’t look like somebody that Sire and his crew would associate with.

  “Nope, I don’t know him,” I told her.

  “Okay then bitch, it’s time to abort this shopping mission. His ass done followed us into the last four stores we’ve been into. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but now the shit is suspect as hell,” she said.

  Crazy thing is, I didn’t even notice him following us. Candace was right, there’s no way in hell this was just a coincidence, especially since his ass was just standing there and not even trying to be discreet. Whoever the hell he was, he was a dummy for sure.

  “Okay, let’s go to the car,” I told her as we prepared to walk out of the store.

  If this nigga followed us then I knew for sure it was about to be some shit. Candace and I played it off and tried not to make it noticeable that we were on to him. When he walked out of the store, sure enough a few feet behind us was our little friend. Oh hell no, who is this nigga?

  “Girl, this nigga is really following us? What the fuck is going on?” she said through gritted teeth.

  “I don’t know but I’m about to get us the fuck out of here,” I told her.

  We put a little pep in our step until we reached the doors that led out of the mall, but we still weren’t safe because now we had to make it out of the parking lot alive. We briskly walked to my car and I looked out the corner of my eye to see if he was still following us, but he was gone. Hitting my locks, we immediately climbed in and I locked the door as soon as our doors closed.

  I didn’t sigh in relief until we were pulling out of the parking lot. That shit was so scary that it had my hands shaking and shit.

  “I don’t know what type of shit Sire and them are into now, but I know I’m tired of always being caught in the middle of it,” I expressed as I drove.

  It seemed that every time I looked up, some shit was going on and people who had nothing to do with the shit were always getting caught in the crossfire. Whenever they had beef or problems with someone, I need a heads up so I could stay my ass in the house where I was safe.

  “Girl, it’s just sad that—”


  “What the fuck!” Candace and I both yelled as I tried to gain control of the car.


  “Oh my God! They’re going to kill us!” Candace yelled as she held on for dear life.

  I couldn’t even focus on what she was saying because I was too busy trying to get away from the asshole that was trying to run us off the road by ramming us from behind. I looked in the rearview mirror and it was a black truck but I couldn’t see who was driving.


  “Oh fuck, hold on Candace. I’m going to get us home safely, just hold on,” I said as I swerved to the right quickly, narrowly missing another car. I glanced over at the truck as it passed us and I instantly caught a chill as I saw who was in the passenger’s seat.

  No, it can’t be, I thought as he held his hand in a shooting gun motion before the truck sped ahead. I looked over at Candace and she was still alive and unharmed.

  “You…you okay?” I asked with a shaky voice.

  “Yea, I’m good. You alright?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Nah, and I don’t think I will be,” I told her.

  I couldn’t even think straight right now, and my mind was all over the place as I tried to get us home in one piece. The only thing that was on my mind was how did he find me? I was sure that I had left Omar and all my other unwanted problems back in Detroit. There was no way in hell he was supposed to be anywhere near Virginia, let alone out of Michigan. The one thing that I had been afraid of had come to pass; my past demons had showed up in Richmond.

  Twenty Three – Toine

  I was finally getting the one thing that I had been wanting besides Lala waking up. Anton’s bitch ass had finally popped up and guess who was the first person he came looking for? Lexus’ dumb ass. I wasn’t sure if her pussy was made out of kryptonite or what, to make that nigga want to risk his life over it. He knew good and damn well that showing his face was basically a death sentence.

  When Lexus called Sire, even though she had strict instructions not to, just to tell him that Anton had reached out to her and wanted to meet up with her, that nigga knew he couldn’t ignore her. He had her ass set this whole thing up and she did so, happily. Anything just to stay on Sire’s good side after his last episode.

  The revenge was so sweet and I hadn’t even tasted it yet, but the anticipation alone had my ass excited. I didn’t want to leave Lala’s side, but this shit right here was a serious matter and I was getting rid of this nigga once and for all, in her name. We were in the dungeon gearing up and getting ready to ride out.

  Sire walked over to me as I was putting my guns back together. He sat on the table and just looked at me.

  “What’s up?” I asked him.

  “I’m just trying to make sure you really want to go in. You could be saying one thing but feeling another. At the end of the day y’all share the same blood and this nigga is still your—”

  “I’m good,” I cut him off. “That nigga let me know how he felt about me a long time ago when he set me up to take the fall for his shit. As far as I’m concerned I never had a brother.”

  Sire just nodded his head as he twirled a toothpick around in his mouth.

  “Alright nigga, this one is your call. We’re all following your lead on this one so whenever you’re ready, so are we,” he said before patting my shoulder and walking away.

  After putting all my guns together, I took a moment to say a little prayer in hopes that God was listening.

  God, I know I probably been getting on your nerves lately, but I ask that You watch over us tonight and forgive us for the sins we are about to commit. You know us so you know we’ve been wronged. I ask that YOU watch over Lala and bring her back to me soon. Amen.

  After my prayer, I was ready to ride out.

  “Everybody vest up?” I asked making sure everybody had bullet proof vests on.

  “Yup,” everyone answered.

  “Alright, let’s go,” I said.

  And with that, it was time to go. We all piled into my truck and I had to put some music on for this occasion. I put on my nigga Boosie, he had a song for everything. I sat back and let the words to “Betrayed” marinate, as I navigated through the night of Richmond’s streets.

  “Yo, Lexus said he just got there,” Sire announced.

  “Right on time,” I mumbled.

  I know my mama and Big Mama probably rolling over in their graves at the shit that’s about to go down. I honestly hate that this is what’s it come to, but it has to be done. I have let Anton’s bitch ass get away with far too much shit to even think of. The last straw should’ve been when I got locked up, but even then I still dealt with him off the strength of him being my brother.

  If I would’ve just stopped fucking with him then, maybe none of this shit would be happening. But then again, it probably would because Anton has always been a dirty ass nigga. I couldn’t see it then, but I see that shit clear as day now.

  Pulling into the hotel parking lot, my adrenaline started rushing and I just couldn’t wait to get to the shit. The anticipation was killing me because I just wanted to get it over and done with. We all got out of the car and walked into the hotel. Sire and I had connections in here so we weren’t worried about shit.

  I stopped by the desk and got the extra key to Lexus’ room.

  “I’ll handle the tapes.” the clerk said.

  “Good looking,” I said as we made our way to the room.

  As we were on the elevator, everybody was getting their weapons out so they would already be ready when we got to her room. When we got to the door, I could hear Lexus fussing about the baby not being Anton’s and that he needed to calm down because he was hype for no reason. I put the key in the door and burst in with our guns pointed directly at Anton.

ok at this shit,” he laughed. “You needed all these niggas for little ole me?” he smiled.

  “I don’t need shit but they have this thing called loyalty, a trait you clearly lack,” I said before sending a silent bullet into his head.

  I didn’t come here to talk to this nigga, there wasn’t shit for us to say that we hadn’t already said over the years. I came here to kill his ass so that’s exactly what the fuck I did. There was no need to get off course from the plan.

  “Well damn, that was quick. I didn’t even get to use my gun,” Ry said as he walked over and shot an already dead Anton.

  “Me either,” Monty said as he did the same.

  Sire shrugged his shoulders as he walked over to Anton’s body. “Fuck it, Toine did take all the fun and shit,” he said as he put four bullets in him. “That’s what happens to muthafuckas who cross me.”

  He was looking right at Lexus as he spoke and she was standing in the corner of the room looking like she was going to be sick. I didn’t have time for this shit. I came, I saw, I conquered so now it was time to get the fuck on.

  I reached in my pocket and reached pulled out the other room key. “Here’s your new room number,” I told Lexus as I threw the key on the table.

  She damn near ran to pick up the key and almost flew out of the room. I made her ass watch that shit for a reason. I could have easily told her to leave but I wanted her to know what happens to snakes and people who cross someone who has been nothing but good to them. She fucked over Sire for a nigga who wouldn’t give a rusty nickel to her ass, and now that was something that she was going to have to live with for the rest of her life.

  Twenty Four – Omar

  I was just out and about minding my business, getting me a few things from the mall. Imagine my surprise when I get a call from one of the goonies saying that he spotted Lady in the very same mall that we were in. I don’t believe in coincidences, so I knew off bat that it was fate shit went down the way it did. I got a little satisfaction from the look on her face when she saw and realized it was me.


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