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I Need You Forever

Page 20

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  The first harmony played as Alexander led Robin onto the walkway. The vision of her in her gown was breathtaking. Sheer material dotted with rhinestones covered her arms and top as white satin wrapped around her chest and cascaded down into a fitted waist that showed off her beautiful hips. The sides of her hair were swept up with a few appropriately placed rhinestone covered hairpins, while the rest was flowing down in soft curls across her back. I was happy to see she’d skipped a veil and gone with a form-fitting gown because I wanted her to look back on this day and remember how beautiful she looked. It was hard to believe that we’d created two lives developing and growing inside her. I welcomed whatever the future held for us with eagerness.

  She’d only made it halfway down the aisle, when we heard shouting for everyone to wait. It was her brother, dressed in his Marine blues, running as fast as he could to catch up to her. Alexander tried to pull away, but she shook her head and held her hand out for Jonas to join her on her other side before they all continued their walk toward me.

  The ceremony started and when we said our vows to one another, we kept it simple by opting for something traditional because we’d already exchanged more personal vows when I collared her. The necklace looked beautiful against her dress and matched the entire color scheme of the wedding.

  Before exchanging our rings, we paused for Robin to speak. “I’ve asked for this moment to not only take Jackson as my husband, but to vow to Nicola to love her and care for her as if she were my own and to help guide her as she grows. I take all of you as my family, to protect, honor, and love from this day forward.”

  I knew she wanted to say a few words, but I hadn’t been expecting this. How I managed to find someone with such a caring heart, I’ll never know. I was one lucky bastard and probably didn’t deserve her, but I’d spend the rest of my life showing her just how much she meant to me, to us.

  I looked around and noticed everyone grabbing for tissues. There wasn’t a dry eye in the crowd. They weren’t tears of sadness, but tears of joy for us, for the life we were starting together. At that moment, I wanted to pull her to me, and kiss her like there was no tomorrow, but we hadn’t reached that part of the ceremony yet.

  We exchanged rings and finished the rest of the ceremony by promising our lives to one another and sealing it with a kiss. Applause erupted, as we had finally made it to the hour of our happiness, to our forever.

  I leaned forward and asked, “When did you decide to switch up the entry song?”

  With a stunned expression on her face, she leaned back, “I thought you’d changed it.”

  Just then a shimmer by the pool caught our eyes. We both turned to see what it was as Gabi’s face visualized before us. She blew a kiss to Robin and mouthed the words, “Thank you.” Nodding slightly with understanding, Robin started crying. Gabi then looked at me and mouthed the words, “I’ll Love You Forever,” as she blew me a kiss and disappeared from sight. She’d given us her blessing.

  Nicola tugged on my coat and said, “Mommy wants us to live a happily ever after together.”

  She truly had been here guiding us.

  Everyone came up to congratulate us. We enjoyed a nice lunch buffet by the pool as the DJ continued playing the music we’d selected. We finally had the chance to ask him who’d changed “Wedding March” to “Standing By”, but he insisted he’d played the song and even showed us on the computer the list of what had been played.

  We both agreed that Gabi had played a part in our coming together. She even expressed her love for us by picking out the first song in which I danced with my wife. We’d told the DJ to select whatever was popular amongst most weddings, which had been John Legend’s “All of Me,” but we ended up dancing to Firehouse’s “When I Look Into Your Eyes.” It was another perfect song for us. I didn’t know how long our lives would last, but I could easily see forever when I saw life through Robin’s eyes.

  The wedding flew by too quickly, but I was looking forward to surprising her with our honeymoon. She was still having issues with morning sickness and couldn’t tolerate the idea of flying for more than an hour, so I talked with both sets of my parents and asked them for ideas on somewhere tropical I could take her to bring back memories of vacations with her dad and brother. My mom was the one to suggest a ten day cruise through the Caribbean. So with some favors called in, thanks to Alexander, I had us booked in the penthouse suite aboard one of the luxury cruise liners leaving out of Miami.

  I finished dancing with Robin, careful not to spin her too much, before pulling her close and kissing her lips. “Are you ready to leave on our honeymoon?”

  She nodded. “Where are we going? I still don’t know what to pack.”

  I laughed. “With some help from Niki, both of our moms already have you packed and ready.”


  I couldn’t hide anything from her. I’d promised no secrets, so I broke down. “We’re going to take a short plane ride to Miami tonight where we’ll spend the night in the honeymoon suite at a four star hotel. Tomorrow we’ll board a luxury cruise ship and enjoy the penthouse suite while we sail the waters of the Caribbean for ten fun-filled days.”

  A small smirk came across her face. “What’s that look for?” I wondered aloud.

  “How are we going to enjoy the Caribbean when we’ll probably spend most of our days in the cabin trying out our wildest fantasies?” I had to laugh. I’d turned my little minx into an insatiable monster – one I planned on enjoying over and over again.

  A vision entered my head of us standing hand-in-hand on the sands of the Gulf coast, looking out over the waves while Niki runs around the beach with her brothers following behind her. Robin is expecting another child and standing with our families, surrounding us with their love.

  I pulled her close and nipped at her lips, “Let’s get out of here, honey. I can’t hold back anymore. Seeing you dressed like this and knowing our life together has started, I need to have you. I want to consummate our marriage – our forever starts now.” I looked down into her sparkling blue eyes, “Then you truly will be mine.”

  Her lips fell hard onto mine, driving me insane. “I love you.” She whispered between kisses.

  “I love you too.”

  A devilish smile spread across her face as her hand came to rest over my heart. “So what’s this I hear about popping candy and lollipops?”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist while I steered her toward the house. “I’m more than happy to show you, honey. We have a lifetime to explore.”

  The End

  Titan Security – Book 1

  Derrick’s Choice

  Coming Summer 2016



  I was thankful to finally have a moment to myself to unwind. I’d been working long hours for Alexander and pulling some shifts for my dad’s company, Titan Security. I’d been working with training some of his new recruits which included Robin’s brother, Jonas Forgione. He’d agreed to split his time, like me, between Prescott International and Titan. His skill set had been so varied that neither company was willing to give him up without a fight. Hopefully, he knew what he had gotten himself into.

  It felt like I was rarely even home to sleep. I mostly spent time sleeping in the rooms the Prescotts had designated for us when we were on duty at their house, which felt like always. Even still, I liked having a space to myself to call home. I just hated how empty and silent it was. I’d become accustomed to frequently hearing noise around me from work and from my time in the military, so it was difficult to find peace in silent surroundings.

  Hoping some alcohol would help me sleep, I opened the fridge to see if I had a beer inside, when the phone rang. I looked down to see my father’s name. He only called when he needed something. I knew he loved me, but sometimes he felt more like a drill sergeant, than a father. His focus was always work, work, work.

  I sent his call to voicemail and was immediately met with a text. “Call me on a secure line
. Urgent!”

  He didn’t bullshit me when he had a problem, so I dialed him back. “What’s up?”

  He took a deep breath in. “I’m sorry to bother you, son.” He paused which meant this conversation was about to take a nosedive. “Do you remember Mr. Tennison?”

  I remembered the guy, but what I most recalled is that luscious brunette with wide hips, ample breasts, and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose making her rich emerald eyes pop when she smiled. Mr. Tennison had just finished interviewing and hiring her for an entry-level design position within his company. She had caught my interest, but I hadn’t been in any position to offer a girl anything. Even now I didn’t have time to find romance – only the occasional fuck. It was always work first.

  “Well?” He’d asked

  “I remember. He’s the one in Tampa; the guy Marshall used to work for, right?”

  “He’s one in the same. He also helped you get your job with Prescott by calling in a favor for me. I’d promised if he ever needed anything that we’d return the support. That time’s come. I’ve already called and talked to Alexander, and, as of now, Rick is acting Head of Security until your mission is done. Alexander thinks highly of you, so you’re in no danger of losing your position. He’s given you the freedom to take as much time as you need.”

  I hated when my father just took over my life as if I didn’t matter. But he was right – I owed Tennison for helping me get the position I had now. “What’s he need?”

  “We’re not exactly sure. I picked you for the mission because of your weaponry design and aeronautic training. I need you to infiltrate his company and keep watch over him and possibly his niece.”

  I didn’t know where this was going or why, but I kept listening. “I helped give Tennison a new identity years ago when someone tried to kill him blowing up his car. He’d been the lead on several of our missions, and, long story short, some people got pissed and took it out on him and made verbal threats to his family.

  “He’s been hidden for well over twenty-five years, but recently had an attempt on his life. He’s not sure if it’s his ex-wife, the people from his past, or even his kids. Money’s gone missing from his company and several of his cars and guns have been tampered with, so it’s anyone’s guess as to what’s going on.”

  I didn’t like the sound of this. I’d have to recall knowledge I hadn’t put to use in years. Thankfully, not too much had changed and I was a fast study. The idea of seeing that brunette again, pending she was around, was appealing and already having a positive effect on my cock.

  “And?” I had to ask. “I know there’s more.”

  “His niece works for him, but she doesn’t have a clue they’re related. He’s hoping no one else puts the connection together either. He wants you to move into her building and keep an eye out for her, make sure she’s safe.”

  I was about to argue that I didn’t want to be a fucking baby sitter to some sniveling pretentious bitch. Then the sound of my father’s laughter came through the phone, catching me off-guard. My father rarely laughed. “He’s made a point of dying his hair and growing a bit of a beard to change his appearance and throw off suspicion. It’s worked for a while now, but with today’s technology and that damn facial recognition software no one can hide anymore.”

  He took in a deep breath. “Get a good night’s sleep, son. I’ll need you to report to my office 0800 hours, and we’ll brief you fully on suspects, persons of interest, and who you’re to protect. Be sure to bring your gear and as many clothes as you can pack. This will be a longer assignment than most, but your apartment will be completely furnished, and you’ll be provided a car and an expense account to get the job done. The quicker you can resolve things and ensure their safety, the bigger the bonus we make.”

  “Sure dad, no problem. See you tomorrow.”

  I ended the call and wondered when anything would be my choice. I’d had some post-traumatic stress issues coming out of the military. No one would hire me because a lot of my training was termed classified. I’d followed in my father’s footsteps ending in the covert section of the Air Force. I dealt with missions that gave most men nightmares. Mr. Prescott had been the only one willing to take a chance on me, and only with Bradley Tennison’s insistence, thanks to my father.

  I enjoyed my work with Alexander. He never judged us, and he gave us free reign with his security. We were all willing to die for his family if need be. It was a job I loved despite my father guiding me into it, but I wished, just for once, that I had the option to decide my own life, to travel my own path.

  Even now I wanted to rest, but I knew I’d end up in the workout room lifting weights and throwing punches at the bags to get out my aggression. Afterwards, I might go to The Shanty to see if I could find a quick hook-up just to relieve some tension. Anything was better than sitting around here waiting for – nothing, except being told what to do.

  I was getting too old for booty calls and definitely too old to be bossed around like my thoughts didn’t matter. I loved my father, but I felt we were a family divided on issues. When would I have a say? When would it be my decision? When would I have the chance at a family, at love? All I wanted were options. All I wanted was a choice.

  With three books currently in the works, the Titan Series is a spin-off of Need.

  You’ll get updates on some of your favorite main characters as they pop up from time to time, but the focus will be on some of the supporting characters from Need.

  It’s their time to have the spotlight and find their happily ever after.

  Other Books


  Learning to Trust

  Learning to Let Go

  Learning to Love Again

  Learning to Move Forward


  I Remember

  Loving You


  I Need You Always

  I Need You Now

  I Need You Here

  I Need You Too

  I would like to thank, first and foremost, all my followers, fans, bloggers, and friends. Without all of you, my books would not be possible. Keep spreading the word. Hugs to all!

  To my family, you are my everything!

  To Eric David Battershell. Our paths crossed when I was looking for inspiring book covers and now look what you’ve inspired with your images. The whole Need Series is because of your talented photos. Your inspirational words of wisdom, guidance, and belief in me as an author are appreciated more than you know. But more important is the value of your friendship. I look forward to working on many book projects together in the coming future. This is only the beginning!

  To Burton Hughes. Thank you for being the perfect representation of Jackson Lombardi.

  To my formatter Stacey Blake. You rock! I love your work! I’m thankful our paths crossed.

  To my Mia Mincheff, my good friend, editor, and fellow book enthusiast, your words of wisdom, your belief in my dreams, your encouragement, and your friendship mean more to me than you’ll ever know. I’m thankful that our paths crossed. Love you, hon. Hugs!

  To Stacy Nickelson. You’ve been such a treasured friend, beta reader, and confidant in this crazy author world I value your input and thank you for always giving me that extra little push forward in writing and in life. Thank you! I cherish your input. Love ya, hon!

  To Angela Jarvis, a friend, a fellow author, and an amazing beta reader. I’m thankful for your belief in my writing and your kind words. I’m thankful we reconnected, as friends, after all these years! I can’t wait until it’s your turn as an author.

  To Lisa Markson, a remarkable blogger, beta reader, and friend – your encouragement of my writing, your willingness to give into the steamier side of romance, and your thoughts are all invaluable to me. I’m so thankful for your friendship! Hugs hon! You are amazing!

  To Sue Ann Brooks, one of my ARC readers turned beta, you are amazing! I’m thankful our paths crossed. Your words of enco
uragement and suggestions mean a great deal to me.

  To Randy Potvin, my cover artist. You are a miracle worker, bringing the covers of my books to life. I love how you can take my vision and go beyond what I ever imagined possible. Thanks to you and Katie for providing input on the blurb and putting up with my indecisiveness on the backs sometimes.

  To De’Vannon Hubert, who collaborated on a few issues I had questions. I’m glad our paths crossed and look forward to picking your mind again in the future.

  Above all, thanks to God, for giving the ability to write.

  Cynthia P. O’Neill grew up in small town in South Florida and moved to Central Florida to attend college. There, she married her friend, love, and soul mate and still resides with their amazing son, and a feisty, four-legged little boy.

  In her books, Cynthia draws on her background in healthcare and business, along with her husband’s engineering knowledge.

  She currently writes on all levels of Romance. The Remembrance Series encompasses New Adult with a touch of Paranormal activity and a hint of Historical romance. A Learning Series is for those who like a little more steam with their books, falling into the categories of Contemporary - Erotica, with a hint of suspense.

  Her latest series, Need, will have several books, each focusing on one couple per book. The main couple will then become supporting characters, while some of the background characters step forward to find their own happily ever after. It will be will be a Contemporary – Erotic romance with a high level of suspense added.

  She tries to make her writing very personal and close to her heart. Regular life is the inspiration for her books, but her imagination takes them to new heights, opening up possibilities that would normally not exist.

  To learn more about the author, please visit Cynthia’s website at:


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