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The Single Dad's Holiday Match

Page 22

by Tanya Agler

  As hard as it was to let Peyton get away for now, Jonathan conceded Mike’s point. They secured the evidence in the trunk of the sheriff’s squad car.

  Mike checked in with Harriet and placed his walkie-talkie back on his utility belt. “No report yet about Peyton or the Ford Focus. Nothing from the traffic helicopters or highway patrols. We alerted the Asheville police to pick up the girlfriend. Now we wait for him to surface. I’ll meet you back at the station.”

  Their walkie-talkies crackled, and Harriet came over the line. “Accident at the corner of Creek Vista and Dalesford Road.”

  That was only a couple of blocks away. “I’ll handle that if you process the evidence.” Mike nodded, and Jonathan flipped on his flashing lights and siren.

  Traffic pulled to the side of the road as Jonathan made his way to the wreck.

  First on the scene, Jonathan surveyed the damage. The front end of a white Ford Focus resembled an accordion with smoke coming out of the engine. A check at the rear bumper confirmed this was Hinshaw’s vehicle. From the looks of it, the gray SUV absorbed the brunt of the impact with the driver’s side taking the hardest hit.

  An ambulance siren cut through the air, and Jonathan checked on the occupants of the SUV. Approaching the window, he made out the driver’s face, and the wind rushed out of him. He wanted to run to his aunt Tina, but he froze for a split second until years of training kicked in. He sprinted over in time to hear his aunt cry out, “Are you okay?”

  Thank goodness. If Aunt Tina was conscious and coherent, the car’s airbags had done their job.

  “Izzy? Izzy?” his aunt called.

  His blood chilled. Izzy?

  His little girl was in the back seat of the smashed-up SUV.


  BROOKE STOOD OUTDOORS and examined the space where her office window used to ward off the late fall chill.

  “I have the replacement window in stock and should have the job completed by late this afternoon.” The older portly man, who came highly recommended from Joe and Betty, slid the measuring tape back in place. “It’s a standard size.”

  “Thanks, Travis. I appreciate this.”

  Brooke had already contacted the insurance carrier, and the policy did, indeed, cover vandalism. Considering this was the only repair, the center would recover quickly and resume normal operations tomorrow.

  If only she could say the same about her tenure as director.

  Speaking of her job, its future depended on Mr. Whitley, who marched her way, straightening his red power tie. “Ms. Novak,” he said and raised an eyebrow, with a quick nod to Travis. “Since your office is unusable at the present time, I’m sure we can find another area to conduct our business.”

  “Travis, you have my cell if you run into any issues.” She smiled at the man and then turned her full attention to Mr. Whitley. “I canceled all classes and activities today. We can use the upstairs faculty lounge.”

  He charged into the building, and she followed, pulling at the hem of her favorite suit jacket. Last night’s insomnia had led to some soul-searching moments and some extensive internet browsing. Instead of fretting the entire night, she’d researched every job in a fifty-mile radius, determined to make her relationship with Jonathan work. The more she considered it in the wee hours of the morning, the more she realized the commute to Asheville wasn’t that long.

  Stiffening her spine, she wouldn’t give up yet, and she wouldn’t let Mr. Whitley intimidate her.

  She intended to fight for her job and convince Mr. Whitley of her merits. Rather than immediate dismissal, she’d instead try to talk him into a contract extension. Standing up for herself was as important as standing up for the community.

  Brooke left the lounge door open, and they chose seats at a round oak table, facing each other. Her phone buzzed, but she ignored it.

  “A burglary on Thanksgiving?”

  He didn’t waste time in mincing words. “That I didn’t commit and had no control over.”

  “You said the investigation was narrowing in on something of value. What was it?” His craggy face betrayed no empathy, only interest.

  Jonathan hadn’t released her from her promise not to talk about the case with anyone else, even her superior. “Sir, there are two active investigations going on, and I still need to check with the police to find out if I can talk about one of them with you.” Her phone vibrated again, and she stayed still.

  “Two investigations? I only know about the one.” He pushed up his black horn-rimmed glasses. “You realize who this community center is named for and who hired you, don’t you?”

  If he fired her, she could kiss any chance of a reference goodbye. Her phone buzzed yet again and again. “Sir, someone keeps trying to text me. It might be Officer Maxwell with an update.”

  Over Whitley’s protest, she read multiple texts, all saying the same thing. Her jaw slackened, and her fingers went numb. Tina and Isabella? In a car accident? Jonathan would be shattered. She had to get to the hospital. “Excuse me.” She stood, still gripping the phone tightly. “I have to go.”

  Whitley mirrored her action. “We’re not finished.”

  “With all due respect, two people I’ve grown close to in a short time were in a car wreck.”

  She had been through rough times before; however, she’d faced them alone. If she lost her job now, she’d have Mitzi by her side. And the Mimosas. And Jonathan.

  Friendship was also a two-way street. She had to stand by them and show her support.

  Not to mention the man who’d claimed her heart.

  She ran out the door without looking back.

  * * *

  THE HOSPITAL WAITING room was already packed when she arrived. Hyacinth knitted. Fabiana’s fingers flew across her smartphone. Vanessa held on to Lucie’s hand, no distance between them on the bench, both of their faces ashen and somber. Vanessa’s gaze met Brooke’s, and the young girl ran to her.

  “Brooke, I’m scared.” Vanessa threw her arms around Brooke’s midsection and cried. “Daddy’s back there with Izzy. They won’t let me see my sister.”

  Lucie rose and joined them, smoothing Vanessa’s hair. “We’ve only briefly met, but I’m Tina’s daughter-in-law, Lucie Spindler. My husband and Jonathan are cousins. There’s been no news about Izzy yet. Last I heard from Caleb, his mother’s having a CT scan.”

  Brooke broke free of Vanessa’s grasp and knelt, wiping the girl’s tears away. “Isabella’s made of strong stuff. She’s sweet and stubborn, and I’m sure she’s going to be fine.”

  Lucie pointed toward the bench, and the three of them settled in. Vanessa cuddled with Brooke, and love poured out of her for this girl who’d endured so much, losing her mother in a car accident and now waiting for word on the fate of her sister.

  Lucie reached into her purse and pulled out a travel-sized pack of tissue. She plucked out several before handing the rest to Brooke. “From what I’ve gathered, Tina and Izzy were returning from Asheville after some Christmas shopping.”

  Vanessa’s wide eyes stared at Brooke, and she let out a whimper. “I was having fun with Uncle Drew, and I wasn’t with my sister.”

  Another sob came out of the girl, and Brooke waited patiently until Vanessa could look her straight in the eye.

  “Someone broke the law, and did a dangerous thing. That’s why the accident happened. You couldn’t have controlled what happened, but you can be there for Isabella when she’s released.”

  “Really?” Vanessa sniffed.

  “Really.” Jonathan’s firm voice echoed, and everyone in the room stilled.

  Isabella stood next to him, her arm in a bright purple cast. Dark circles rimmed her eyes, but she smiled as Vanessa launched herself toward them. Jonathan stepped in front of her and gave his daughter a hug. “You need to be careful with Izzy. She has a broken arm, but she’ll be fin
e. I just heard Aunt Tina has a mild concussion, and the doctors expect to discharge her in a little while.”

  Murmurs of relief went around the crowd. Brooke smiled at Isabella, then at him. “I came as soon as I heard.”

  Forgetting decorum and everything else, she threw herself into his arms and stayed there, wishing she could do so forever. He held her close and whispered, “Your presence is everything. You’re the calm in my storm.”

  He let her go, but held on to her hand, connecting her to him, when the reality of this morning crashed down on her. She walked out on her boss, basically severing any chance she had of saving her job. What could she offer Jonathan if she couldn’t serve this community in a positive way?

  Her heart.

  Was that enough? One look at his eyes gave her the answer. She’d find another job; she’d never find another Jonathan.

  “Let’s get Isabella home,” she said.

  “You can call me Izzy.”

  Brooke’s heart melted like butter while everyone crowded around, careful not to jostle Izzy.

  * * *

  AS HE TRIED to wrap up the latest phone call, Jonathan surveyed his living room. The girls had left their scarves and coats scattered about, but he didn’t care. Izzy would be okay, and that was what mattered. He pressed the End Call dot on the phone’s screen and retrieved the blanket Izzy had asked for.

  He settled her on the easy chair with her electronic tablet and a gentle hug.

  “That’s the third person who’s called to check on you since we’ve been home, and that doesn’t count all the texts that are coming in fast. Another soccer teammate says hello and get well soon. Anything else for my pumpkin?”

  She giggled, and he treasured the sound. “Daddy, you haven’t called me that in ages.”

  Vanessa came into the living room with her special stuffed kitten, Miss Whiskers, and laid her in the crook of Izzy’s arm. “She’s going to guard you the rest of the day. She told me so.”

  Izzy’s smile was a little loopy, thanks to the pain medication, but no less real. “Thanks, Nessie.”

  “Girls, about the hospital...” This might not be the perfect time to bring up the subject of Brooke, but it was the right time.

  “You don’t have to go back to work today, do you?” Izzy’s eyes, already cloudy, darkened, and her fingers dug into Miss Whiskers’s fake fur.

  He ran his fingers through his short hair, still damp from the quick shower he’d taken. “No, I don’t, although Sheriff Harrison will visit later.” He held up his hand to stem any protests. “As a social call to make sure you’re okay. He’s bringing Georgie and Rachel with him.”

  Mike’s daughter, Rachel, was in Izzy’s class at school, and they were good friends. Mike’s family was one of the few visits Jonathan okayed for today. Mike had already filled him in on everything while he’d been waiting for the doctor to set Izzy’s cast.

  Peyton had waived his rights and confessed to selling fake IDs. He and his girlfriend, his contact with the Asheville branch of the Department of Motor Vehicles, acted together, and he’d taken advantage of his father to use the center as a selling venue. That was just the start. They’d also stolen office supplies and petty cash, anything to support his out-of-control spending habit. The department would wrap up the case, with Mike handling everything.

  A month ago, he would have regretted turning the conclusion of the case over to Mike, but that wasn’t his attitude now. He could trust that Mike would follow up and make sure there were no loose ends. Hinshaw had known what he was doing, and Jonathan had no control over his decision to flee. He could hold his head high, just as Brooke had held her head high yesterday when she and Whitley had talked at the center.

  Brooke. He wondered what was keeping her since she should have been here already. He smoothed Izzy’s hair before he glanced at his phone.

  Izzy yawned and nestled into the chair. “I think I’ll take a little nap.”

  “Brooke will be here when you wake up.”

  “I like Brooke. She’ll never be Mommy. She’ll just be herself, and we’ll have fun together.” Izzy laid her cheek against the cushion and closed her eyes.

  Vanessa pulled at his sweatshirt. “Brooke makes me happy.”

  Brooke made him very happy, too. “I’m glad, because you and Izzy are going to be seeing a lot more of her and Colin.”

  Vanessa’s eyes lit up. “And Daisy?”

  He laughed and embraced his daughter. Being here for the little moments. That was what Brooke said mattered as much, if not more, than the holidays and the other special occasions he’d miss when he worked. He was still in the dark about who would receive the offer for detective, but he was at peace with whatever happened.

  He’d never expected to fall for anyone again, but there was something about Brooke that he, a police officer, couldn’t piece together. The first time he’d held Izzy in his arms, and then again with Vanessa, an instant bond formed, ones that changed him forever. When Brooke walked into the reception area of the center, and their eyes clicked, something similar happened. The amazing bond between them grew stronger every time he laid eyes on her.

  That type of bond was worth acknowledging he had no control over whatever their future would bring. Now to tell her all that and find out if she felt the same way. That was the hard part.

  * * *

  BROOKE BOUNDED UP Jonathan’s front steps with Daisy’s leash in hand, Colin bringing up the rear. The day had gotten away from her. After the hospital, she detoured to the center and found the new window installed. It hadn’t come as a surprise when Olivia told her Mr. Whitley had already departed. A series of texts with her boss confirmed a new appointment on Monday afternoon. She had little doubt that she’d be looking for a job that same night.

  From there, she’d showered. As she was at the door ready to leave, Colin arrived home from basketball practice. He’d insisted on coming and bringing Daisy to cheer up Izzy. Add another delay for his shower and a quick stop at Hollydale’s newest gift shop, The Smoky Mountain Emporium, and that equaled too long away from Jonathan.

  She rapped at the door ever so lightly, trying not to disturb any sleeping soccer stars. Jonathan appeared with his damp hair stuck up in all directions. She stifled a laugh. She could get used to seeing him like this. He was pretty cute, and she had a feeling she’d always believe that.

  No longer could she use work or Colin or her past as an excuse to hold back. She’d have to let down her guard and allow Jonathan access to her heart.

  Daisy barked and raced into his house. “I know it might seem counterintuitive to bring a dog to someone who’s injured—” Brooke smiled at Jonathan “—but she guards Colin and me whenever we’re sick.”

  Colin stepped forward. “I insisted on bringing Daisy to cheer up Izzy.”

  Daisy suddenly propelled Brooke forward until the labradoodle stopped where Izzy rested. She circled the area in front of the easy chair once and then sat alert at the ready. Sure enough, Daisy was guarding the young girl.

  Izzy stirred and then squealed with delight. “Daisy. You’re here.” Her soft speech affected Brooke, and she adjusted Izzy’s blanket, receiving a loopy grin for her efforts. “Thank you. I feel better already.”

  That last sentence relieved some of her fears.

  “Hey, squirt. Glad you’re okay.” Colin pulled a small stuffed animal out of his hoodie pocket. “This needs a good home.”

  Izzy reached for the toy dog with her free arm. “Thank you.”

  She smiled at Colin as if he hung the moon. Vanessa ventured into the living room. “Hey, Vanessa.” Colin reached into his pocket once more. He turned back to Izzy. “I hope you don’t mind, but I got something for Vanessa, too.”

  Maternal pride for her son’s thoughtfulness skittered through her. Colin presented Vanessa with a smaller stuffed dog that resembled Daisy, while Izzy pres
sed her larger version of Daisy to her cheek and yawned.

  “How about we take this into the breakfast nook so Izzy can get some rest?” Jonathan steered the three of them into the kitchen.

  Brooke glanced behind her, but Daisy remained at her spot, guarding the patient. Vanessa rocketed for the refrigerator. “Can I have a soda?”

  Jonathan hesitated before nodding. “Only one.” He pulled out a red can and faced Brooke. “Would you like anything to drink?”

  She shook her head, and Vanessa rocked on her heels. “Can Colin have one, too? I can show him the tree fort you built for me in the backyard.”

  Jonathan handed Colin a similar can. Vanessa yanked him outside, and Colin shot Brooke a look that told her she owed him big time.

  Relatively speaking, she had Jonathan to herself, and not a moment too soon. He held out his arms, and she flew into his embrace, his solidness a firm reality, their connection substantial and magical. She broke away and led him to the table, scooting two chairs together until they touched. “What happened?”

  He scrubbed his chin, and she thought she glimpsed a rather haunting look in his gaze. It was but a brief shadow before he exhaled and glanced at her with what looked like relief.

  She reached for his hand and found she was still wearing her gloves. She stuffed them into her coat pocket. Then she stood, took off her coat and hung it on the back of the chair. Settling in once more, she grasped his hand in hers, hoping he could draw strength from her.

  “I was the first officer on the scene.”

  Her bones ached for him. The memories, the flashback, the pain. “Jonathan.”

  He slipped his arm around her. Their lips met and her world came alive. Care, concern, love. All rolled into one. She couldn’t hold back any longer. She broke away. “I love you.”

  Radiant joy spread over his face. “Brooke, you’re the best thing to come into my life in such a long time.”


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