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The Queen's Hammer

Page 4

by Sean Benjamin

  Cassidy shook her head with a puzzled look on her face. “I don’t know, sir. I have never met nor communicated with the Queen or anyone close to her. I am not from Zelenka and am not of the peerage, so my family has no ties with the Royal family. I had no idea she knew who I was.”

  “She definitely knows who you are. I talked with her to ensure she was the one who had written your name at the top of the list. She was quite emphatic about the selection.” Wu pushed the button to open the elevator doors. “Again, I apologize for the quick shuffle, but the Queen shouldn’t be kept waiting. There is an air car to take you to the palace. After your meeting with the Queen, the car will take you home or wherever you want to go.” He looked at her with a kind smile. “I will not quiz you as to your conversation with the Queen. That is private. But I warn you that you have her attention. That can be good or it can be bad. I’m not sure as to what it is in your case.” He leaned toward her. “The one thing I am sure of is that it will be interesting. Be advised that her interest in your flotilla and assignment means there are political ramifications in play here as well as military ramifications. I understand things can get hazy very quickly in the Badlands in that regard. I am not sure I envy you regarding your assignment, but I do wish you all the best.” He extended his hand. Cassidy reached out in response. “Thank you, Admiral,” she replied as she shook it.

  Leaving the Admiral behind, she exited the elevator and saw she was in a private garage. The air car was idling three paces away with a man holding the rear door open. She nodded to him and entered the rear seat of the vehicle. The door closed and soon the car was making the short trip to the palace.

  The air car entered the palace grounds, sped to the rear of the building and entered a gate to an underground garage. The vehicle came to a smooth hover near the end of the garage by a series of elevators. A waiting young woman in a royal security detachment uniform opened the car door. Lisa climbed out, and the car turned and departed.

  The woman smiled at Cassidy while giving her the once over with her sharp brown eyes. “Welcome, Captain.”

  “Thank you. A great pleasure to be here.” Lisa looked around as the woman lead her to the elevator with a red door. Lisa assumed it went directly to the Queen’s floor. She would be proven correct as the woman let Cassidy enter the elevator, then reached in, and pushed the unmarked single button in the middle of the control panel. She withdrew her arm as the doors slid closed, and Lisa went alone up several stories.

  The elevator came to a smooth stop, and the doors split open. Another woman in the same uniform was waiting. She could have easily been the sister of the security woman in the garage. “Welcome, Captain.” Apparently, the two women had the same greeting book too. Lisa nodded and smiled. She could play that game also. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.”

  The security guard led the way out of the small anteroom and down a short hallway. She turned left into a room with large windows and a small dining table set before them. The table was set for a meal. The cutlery shone, and the dishes were ornate china. The two place settings were so elegant Lisa didn’t want to get them dirty by eating off of them. There was no food on the table as of yet. Lisa moved about the room as the guard took a position next to the entry.

  Lisa was drawn to the windows. She had to see what promised to be a magnificent view of the palace grounds and the city beyond. She was not disappointed as the clear day allowed for a view of several kilometers. Beyond the large city of Krasny to the west lies the great Argent Sea. Oceangoing ships could be seen in the far distance. To the right were the towering mountains of the Crescent Range. The range began at the ocean’s edge and circled around the city from the north to the southeast. Lisa looked to the left and saw the wide plain that lies between the mountain range and the ocean to the south. Over the decades, the majority of the city’s growth went in that direction. Lisa was soon engrossed by the panorama as she looked in each direction.

  “Beautiful view, isn’t it?”

  The voice came from behind Lisa as the Queen must have come in through the same entrance she had used moments before. Lisa had been so hypnotized by the view, she had not heard Alexis move up behind her. As the officer turned, she noticed the guard had quietly disappeared, probably when the Queen had entered.

  The Queen stopped a meter away as Lisa bowed to her. Alexis gave her a great smile and nodded toward the window. “It is a great view,” she repeated.

  Lisa smiled at the monarch. “Almost hypnotic. I could stand here and watch it all for hours.”

  Alexis nodded knowingly. “As a child, I would do that on several occasions. Despite the many years I have looked out there, the view has never lost its magic for me.”

  The two women gazed for a few more moments in silence, and then the Queen spoke. “The food will arrive shortly. Let us talk now so we can enjoy the meal in peace.”

  “Of course, Madam.”

  The Queen led the way to a fine couch against the far wall and sat down. She motioned Lisa to sit next to her there. Cassidy sat in the indicated spot. They turned to face each other.

  Alexis leaned toward her visitor. “First, let me offer my condolences for the loss of your husband. I understand he was killed while serving aboard the battlecruiser Kona in the first hours of the war. I also understand his dedication and bravery earned him the Cross of Valor.”

  Lisa nodded. “Only ten pods got off the ship, so there were few survivors, but they all spoke of Richard’s bravery.”

  The Queen looked at her. “I am so sorry. We have lost so many fine people. In addition to that loss, I understand you were wounded in the Badlands fighting. You have carried a great burden for the Empire in this war. I wish I could do something to ease it for you.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “There are others with even more family losses than me. We all knew what we signed up for. I can bear it.”

  The Queen reached out and grasped her hand. “I know, but I want you to know I appreciate the hard work and sacrifices being made by you and all the people of the Empire.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  Alexis gave her an encouraging smile and continued. “I congratulate you on your new command. You have earned it.”

  Cassidy thought this was the opening she needed to ask the question that had been on her mind since meeting Admiral Wu. She paused to gather her courage and then took the plunge. “If I may ask, Your Majesty, how did my name come to your attention?”

  The Queen gave her a warm smile. “As you may or may not know, Naval Headquarters sent me a list of potential commanders. Your name was not on it. I am sure the names on the list were highly qualified, but I was looking for more than highly qualified. I wanted someone with Badlands experience and who was free of political ties to anyone or any party back here. I checked with two close friends and each gave me a short list. There were two names on each list. The same two names. Captain Skyler Mallory and you. Captain Mallory is not available, so she was never in consideration. You are the most qualified for this command. I trust these two friends completely. I added your name to the list, and here we are.”

  “May I ask the names of these two friends?”

  Alexis smiled. “Didn’t know you had supporters in such high places?”

  “Exactly, Your Majesty.”

  “Well, you have two and they have my complete confidence.” The Queen’s smile broadened. “So, I guess that means you have three supporters in high places now.” She paused as she considered her answer to the original question about the names. “I will give you one name. The other is completely confidential, and I wish it to remain so.” Another pause. “One of your supporters is the Duke of Black Hallow.”

  Lisa frowned in puzzlement. She did not know the Duke of Black Hallow. She considered it for a second longer and then realization dawned. Her eyes widened as she refocused on her host. Alexis did not miss much, and she did not miss the dawning of the truth on her visitor. She smiled at her. “Yes, that Duke of Black

  Lisa stared off into space for a moment. “Captain Raferty Hawkins.” Then she added quietly while looking directly at Alexis, “The Queen’s Hammer.” The recent passing of Measure 200 and how it was accomplished made news throughout the Empire. The discussion between the Queen and Hawkins on the floor of the Upper House had been reported verbatim in the media. The media’s sobriquet for Hawkins had caught on in an instant. The follow-on stories covering Raferty’s assumption of his peerage, his family history, and his flotilla’s part in the recent fight in the Electra System kept his name in the news for several days. The leaking of information on the earlier pirate raid at Murmansk had made for further news stories and more coverage for Pirate Flotilla One and its commander.

  Alexis smiled at Lisa’s last statement. “I do like the recently given nickname, but I understand Captain Hawkins is less than enthused, so I would not use it around him.”

  Lisa smiled at that. “Of course, Your Majesty. I can see Captain Hawkins not liking it. He is a man who would shun publicity.”

  “Exactly so. I can appreciate that, but his contributions in the Electra System and his attack on the Orion secret base are the stuff for good news headlines in a war we are currently losing. I am more than happy to support good publicity, and Captain Hawkins understands that.”

  “I am surprised he would remember me and then recommend me for any billet.”

  “I have had little personal interaction with Captain Hawkins, but I suspect he recognizes talent when he sees it, and he knows what works in the Badlands. He says you can operate within the rules but also showed an aptitude for thinking off the beaten path. A good trait to have in the Badlands. He also says you’re a good officer in a fight.” Alexis stared at Cassidy. “I cannot think of a higher recommendation than that.”

  She leaned toward Cassidy, and the naval officer noticed her intensity. The Queen spoke with that intensity. “The last thing we need in the Badlands is someone tied to regulations or diplomatic niceties. The Goths will not respect us. They are betting the OrCons will pin us down and ultimately defeat us. Then the Goths get a free ride in the Badlands to do as they will. We cannot allow that to happen. You will be the instrument for that. I did not expect you to get into a shootout with the Goth fleet nor attack their commercial interests. I do expect you to get in their way. I do expect you to enforce the new slavery laws as it pertains to our commercial interests in the Badlands. If we enforce the law among our own companies that will have a bleed-over effect as many of our companies are engaged in commerce with Goth interests.”

  The Queen looked into Cassidy’s eyes. “Work closely with Raferty Hawkins. He has the best intel network in the quadrant. He has friends and allies in many places. He will keep you informed on all events. Your few ships can be in the right place at the right time. Do not be afraid to break a few rules to ensure mission accomplishment.” She paused as she switched topics. “Raferty Hawkins will continue to hold the peer title of Black Hallow. The Goths already know he holds the title due to the coverage of the Measure 200 vote, so when the pirates returned to the Badlands, the Goth government and military will have to adjust to an Empire peer in their midst. Let’s see how well they do that.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “If events go badly in the Badlands, we have all agreed to transfer the title back to his grandfather, Tobias Gallagher. The date on the title transfer will be the day Captain Hawkins returns to the Badlands so it will seem like Captain Hawkins was not a peer during the time he created mischief back on his home field. This will keep the Aurora Empire somewhat clear of whatever fallout is created in the Badlands.” The Queen now spoke with a slight distaste in her tone. “I was opposed to that. We would be taking the title from him when it would do him the most good. It seems like deserting an ally to me, but Captain Hawkins insisted on it, and my prime minister agreed with him. In the meantime, he will continue to hold the title.”

  Cassidy nodded. “The Goths may tiptoe around him for a short while but will eventually come to the conclusion it is not worth the effort, and then they will revert back to form and try to kill him.”

  The Queen smiled. “I agree but it may be useful for that short while. Captain Hawkins will decide how hard to push the peer title. I suspect he will be willing to abandon it at the exact moment he needs to pound some Goth ships into floating scrap metal.” Alexis gave a cold smile at that happy thought and continued. “I will be giving him other forms of support in addition to his peerage. Unfortunately, the support cannot be more ships, but I will do what I can. He does not know what is coming as I wish to brief him in person so I can add my own verbal guidance. I will do that in the near future. Since I have you here now, I will tell you about that help and provide my guidance to you.”

  Alexis talked for another ten minutes as she covered the support she would soon provide to Raferty Hawkins. Cassidy had to admit she was surprised by how far the Queen was willing to go in supporting the pirate captain. Alexis was playing a dangerous game, but she was playing to win so was doing all she could.

  As the Queen concluded her update, two servants appeared and began placing food on the table. The Queen glanced their way and turned back to close her conversation with Captain Cassidy. “I am doing all I can to ensure our continued presence in the Badlands. I am sure you will perform well there.”

  Cassidy smiled at her Queen. “I will do all I possibly can, Your Majesty.”

  Alexis smiled and rose with Cassidy rising a moment later.

  The Queen smiled at her. “I have complete confidence in you, Lisa.” She gestured to the table. “Let us take our meal.”

  Chapter 7

  Raferty leaned back in his chair in his day cabin. He was not happy. He had just finished a talk with Blondie. She had recently been aboard Nemesis and several other pirate ships as well as working with Zeke engineering personnel on the Wanderlust surface base. If anyone had a wide view of current goings on, it was Predator’s chief engineer. Hawkins’ talk with Blondie confirmed what he was hearing from other sources. Killian O’Hare was in a mood and had been for the last few days. It was affecting the engine project on Nemesis. He needed to get to the bottom of this before she disrupted the flotilla’s interactions with the Zekes. He was sure the relationship between O’Hare and Admiral Barrett was an open secret among Home Fleet. Any turmoil she created would also reflect on the Admiral, and Killian O’Hare knew how to create turmoil if the mood struck her. Rafe looked to his list of contacts and punched a call code on his command net.

  Rip Heron, the XO of Nemesis, came up on screen and Raferty went right to the point of the call.

  “What’s the story with Captain O’Hare?” he asked in a tone that bordered on an interrogation.

  Rip was not one to buckle under verbal pressure. “Nothing unusual, Rafe. Busy with the repairs and engine upgrades. She is involved in everything so burning a lot of midnight oil.”

  Raferty knew how to conduct this conversation too. Heron was just a little too casual. “She isn’t so busy as to not to have time to go to dinner aboard Sirocco almost every night. She was going regularly but has missed the last four days and is out of control now. So, what’s the story?”

  Rip looked at Hawkins. “You seem well informed, especially considering you were gone for some of that time.”

  Hawkins leaned toward the floating screen and looked all business. “It is part of my command responsibilities to be well informed, and you’re going to help me fulfill my command responsibilities.” He leaned even closer to his screen. “Now, I got a captain who is under some sort of strain, and it’s affecting flotilla business. I want to know why.” He stared at Heron as he calmly waited for a reply.

  Rip Heron shrugged. He had done his duty to try to cover for his captain, and his conscience was clear now. He nodded at Hawkins. “I’m not sure what happened. The last time she went over there, she came back in…,” he shrugged now as he paused and then continued. “I don’t know. I guess she was in a state of confusion. Sh
e wasn’t upset or anything, just… strange. Since then she has been biting everyone in the ass. It’s like she came back confused and decided to be mad about it. No idea why.” Now he leaned toward his floating screen. “If you figure it out, more power to you. It’s just bizarre now. We’re used to the old Killian O’Hare, but this new one is in a permanent state of bitchiness, and we got to get these engines on line, and then it is a long trip back to the Badlands. Not good.”

  Raferty nodded. “Where is she now?”

  “In her day cabin. Spends all her time in there between rampages.”

  “Let me at her,” Raferty sighed and signed off. He immediately brought up O’Hare on his comm. He wasn’t sure she would respond, but she answered the first call.

  Her face reflected pure annoyance at the disturbance. “What?!”

  Raferty shook his head. Yep, this was going to be fun. “I’ll start out with the usual question. What cha doin’?”


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