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Ageless Sea

Page 15

by M. R. Polish

  Karis gave Syrena a hard stare. “Alone.”

  Syrena let out a huff and turned to leave. Azul chuckled. “I don’t think she likes you.”

  “I don’t rightly care who she likes. I’m here for the people, not to be her best friend.”

  Azul cocked his head. “That doesn’t sound like you. You always cared what people thought.” He stood up and took her hands in his. “What’s wrong?”

  She glanced around and Brady pulled the curtain shut. “I know it doesn’t give us seclusion from prying ears, but it can help.”

  Azul’s eyes went wide. “This must be bad.”

  Karis leaned in close to Azul. “Read my thoughts.” She closed her eyes and thought hard, “Corina is plotting against us. Coron knows where we are.”

  Azul jerked back. “You’re sure?”

  Brady nodded. “I overheard her on the stage with a guy I didn’t recognize, but it was too dark to get a good look at him. Then Karis and I watched her sneak back in.”

  Azul rubbed his chin. “We need to get everyone out of here.”

  “Yes, but how do we do that without alerting Corina? Or alerting the people that something is wrong? She’ll tell Coron, and he’ll charge before we’re all out,” Karis spoke in a hushed tone.

  All three of them sat in silence as they thought. Karis’s eyes lit up. “I have an idea. I’ll ask Corina to go for a walk with me, you know, to show me the city since I’ve been gone so long. You guys will escort all these people to the lower portal and leave. I can meet up with you tonight.”

  “No,” both men said simultaneously.

  Brady folded his arms. “Absolutely not, I will not leave you to be prey to some psycho girlfriend.”

  “I agree with Brady, for once. You shouldn’t place yourself in harm’s way. The people need you. I need you.” Azul narrowed his eyes at her.

  “That’s why I must do it. For the people. Once you have everyone out, then Coron can’t hurt them,” she pleaded with both of them.

  Brady shifted his weight. “I have a better idea. Why don’t we just tie Corina up and leave? Then when her precious Coron gets here he can save her.”

  Azul nodded. “Yes, I like that idea. Why not do that.”

  Karis sighed. “She’s my friend, I don’t want her hurt.”

  “Karis, she might have been your friend once upon a time, but right now she’s the farthest thing from a friend.” Brady held a stern stare in her direction. She knew he was right, but it broke her heart to admit it.

  She tried to give him a half smile, even though it was fake. “Okay.”

  Azul rubbed his hands together. “So who gets to do the deed?”

  “For graciousness, Azul, it’s not a game.” Karis glared at him.

  Brady stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I’ll stay with Karis, you get her to the back corner on the stage, and we’ll meet you there. We can do it together.”

  Azul nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you there within the hour.”

  Brady stood with Karis in the shadows of the stage. She kept glancing up at the stage then back down at her feet as they waited. “Karis, it’s going to be alright.”

  “I know. It’s just hard to imagine her going against me. It makes no sense.”

  “Come here.” He held his arms out for her. She stood up and walked into his embrace, breathing in his fresh scent. It reminded her of their time on the island when he was just a man, and she was only a banished woman. Things had certainly become harder since then, with so many changes. She wasn’t sure how she could’ve managed any of it without him.

  Karis leaned her head against his chest and relished the moment. It seemed like forever since they’d been alone. She remembered the last night they shared together and felt the familiar warmth creep up through her body. She wrapped her arms around his middle and held on to him.

  “It’ll be okay.” He rested his head on hers.

  A shuffle at the edge of the stage lifted their attention. Azul spotted them and his jaw clenched. Corina gazed over to where Karis stood and froze.

  Karis pulled back out of Brady’s embrace. “Corina, we need to talk.”

  “I don’t understand, what’s going on?” Corina looked at Azul then back at Karis.

  Azul grasped his hand around her upper arm. “Not so fast, Corina. Running away isn’t an option. Did you forget that I can read minds? Even memories?”

  Corina twisted and tried to get free of his hold; Brady pushed forward and grabbed her other arm.

  Karis stepped forward. “Why, Corina? I thought you were my friend.”

  Corina looked up from her wild tantrum and glared at Karis. “To be you. To be Queen. Coron loves me, and we’re going to be married.”

  Karis swallowed the lump in her throat.

  Brady looked at Karis as he kept a firm hold on Corina. She flailed around, but both men held on tight.

  “I’ve seen what her plans are, we can’t wait any longer. Coron is being told of our whereabouts right now.” Azul reached inside his vest and pulled out a bronzed rope.

  “Seriously? Is nothing in this world basic?” Brady shook his head as he helped pull Corina’s hands behind her back. “Why is it glowing like that?”

  Azul chuckled and moved out of the way as Corina kicked out at him. “This, my friend, is a protective rope. I know she doesn’t have the power to break the rope’s hold, and it will protect against all power attempts made by her to break free or to call out to anyone.”

  “Of course,” Brady said dryly.

  After the guys efficiently tied up Corina on the floor, Karis crouched down to her level. Corina glared at her over the binding they placed around her mouth. Her mumbled attempts at yelling were futile as the covering muffled most of the sound.

  “I’m sorry it came down to this.” Karis let out a deep breath and stood back up. “So do we just leave her here?”

  Azul shrugged. “She won’t be able to go anywhere, and she’ll be out of the way as we get everyone out of here.”

  Brady clasped his hand around hers. “It’ll be okay. It’s the right thing to do.”

  Karis took one last glance at the woman who once was her friend, then back up toward Brady. “You’re right. We should get going before Coron shows up.”

  Azul entered the hiding room before Karis and Brady. He climbed up the steps to his corner and let out a whistle, then clapped his hands together and gave a fake smile to everyone in the room. All eyes went to him, and the room fell silent. “We’ve been hiding here for years undetected by Tharious or Coron, but we have been ratted out. Now that the Princess is back, Coron is working harder to destroy all of us who support her.”

  Karis gasped as a hand grasped her elbow. Magnus stood beside her with wide eyes. “Is what he’s saying true? We’re no longer safe here?”

  Karis licked her lips before answering, wanting to prolong the response that she knew would cause fear to those around her. “Yes.”

  They all looked back up at Azul. “We have a plan, but we need to act in haste. We cannot tarry. Coron will be upon us soon.”

  Karis could feel her heart beat faster at the reality of the situation. Her people were in danger. She cleared her throat. “What Azul says is true. Coron will be here at any time, but we have a place to go. I will do all I can to protect you.”

  “But what about you, Princess? How will you reign over us, or be our Queen if you are dead?” someone in the back of the room spoke out.

  She steadied her breathing and surprised herself at how calm she sounded. Her voice carried determination and authority. “I will not stop till Coron is dead. I will fight, and I will win.”

  “We stand by you,” another voice called out. “We will fight next to you.”

  So much pride filled her chest. Tears welled in Karis’s eyes, but she pushed them away. “Thank you. Let’s go now before we’re trapped under this stage.”

  Azul lead them out, taking every step before the others like a true leader. K
aris was grateful he was on her side. He truly had helped her people in her absence. She could see how he cared for them, just as she did. She glanced up at Brady, who stood next to her as she waited until everyone was out of the room, electing to bring up the rear. She wanted to make sure everyone got out.

  He gave her one of his smiles that melted her heart. She was glad he was with her, and that he chose to follow her into the portal back on the island. Life wouldn’t be the same without him.

  He nodded toward the door. “I guess it’s our turn.”

  Karis looked around. Everyone was gone. They closed the door behind them and caught up to the others who trickled out of the building one or two at a time.

  Karis glanced over her shoulder at Corina, who was still in the corner of the stage tied up. Her eyes were wide as she watched all of Karis’s followers escape.

  “Goodbye,” Karis whispered under her breath. She knew she wouldn’t hear her, but she needed to say it. Unlike the last time she left Shamike, this time she would leave settled.

  Brady and Karis wove their way back to the portal where Azul gathered everyone. Karis looked around at the crowd. There was several more people there than there was at the theatre. “Who are all these people?”

  Azul scanned the group. There were at least two hundred men and women. “They are your supporters. Well, not all of them. They are here because they want to help. Some have traveled from outer cities to be here and about half are from right here in the city of Shamike.”

  Karis swallowed hard. “Well, we need to get them to Aridam. Magnus can help. We can figure it out from there.”

  Azul nodded and pushed through the crowd. “Alright, we’re going to send everyone we can at a time. The portals have been closed so you will need to create them. I am sure that means that we will only have so many trips before your power is drained. Tharious has closed them to ensure that people stay here in Shamike. What he doesn’t know is that our dear Princess, along with her intended, has a rare power. Together they can create enough power to send large groups together.”

  Brady leaned down to Karis. “What is he talking about? Large groups? Can you do that?”

  She gave him a weak grin. “Our power together can do that.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Alright, let’s do this.”

  Tall stones stood high in a circle with just one entry. Light-blue shimmers swirled up like a whirlwind inside the middle. Karis turned around. “If we can get everyone who can fit inside the portal, we can get started. We’re sending you to Aridam. That’s where Magnus and Brady are from. It’s their world, and we’ll be safe until we can return.”

  She shifted her gaze to Brady. “Are you ready?”

  “Bring it on.” He rolled his shoulders in small circles and took a couple quick breathes.

  She touched his forearm. “It’s okay, they’ll make it.”

  As soon as everyone crammed into the portal circle, Azul nodded at Karis. She estimated that at least fifty or more people would be traveling together. She was relieved. The more people they could send at one time, the more that would be safe from Coron.

  At least for the time being.

  Azul grabbed Brady’s forearm. “I will go with the first group, so they are not on their own. Magnus will go with the next group. Don’t let anything happen to her.”

  Brady returned the gesture. “Not in my lifetime.”

  Azul nodded then sidestepped to Karis, leaned down, and kissed her cheek. “Karis, don’t worry, we’ll be fine. Coron won’t find our people.”

  She nodded up at him. “Thank you.”

  Azul turned and entered the circle. He spun to face Karis and Brady as the wind picked up around the stones. The black pants Karis wore from Aridam waved around her legs, and her hair whipped around her face. Brady’s vest flew open, and they both squinted as the wind carried dust, stinging their eyes.

  Brady grasped both of Karis’s hands. She closed her eyes, projecting the portal around the group, and pushed out with all the power she possessed. Her mind felt heavy as she fought to transport so many people. Brady’s power added to hers, and she could feel his tremendous energy flow through her veins and out into the portal.

  She opened her eyes in time to watch the people by the entrance disintegrate into the air. The wind died down as the group found their way to Aridam. Karis couldn’t help the tear that fell down her cheek.

  Brady wiped it off. “It’s okay, they’re okay. They made it, I can feel it. I don’t know how, but I just know.”

  She nodded, sucked in a sharp breath, and spun around to the remaining people. They all shuffled into the circle quietly. Again, the wind whirled around them. Karis reached out for Brady’s strength. She was weaker this time, needing him more.

  Brady nodded as she glanced up at him when the group disappeared. She scanned over her people. About two more groups to send over. She could do it, she chanted to herself. This time she needed Brady’s power to help create the beginning portion of the portal. She could feel his body shake as he gave everything to her. She squeezed his hands and focused on getting her people to Aridam safely.

  The wind picked up even more as the last group squeezed in the circle. Karis walked on wobbly legs to the entrance and sighed, but smiled at the group. There was no room for both herself and Brady. The last person already pressed himself into the group and strained to stay within the circle.

  She could feel her legs shake and want to give out, but walked to the man anyway. “Tell Azul that we’ll catch up to all of you soon.”

  A trumpet sounded in the distance, and everyone looked toward the city. Coron was there. Shouting could be heard coming from inside the gates. The man nodded at Karis. “I’ll tell him, you must hurry so that you can hide.”

  Karis grabbed Brady’s hands, and the wind picked up. “Stop that portal!” a voice boomed from not too far away.

  Karis didn’t stop. Her hold on Brady tightened as she fought to send the group. Brady sent her all his strength, but she still dropped to her knees, and he went with her. Then the heavy feeling was gone, and she knew the group had made it to Aridam. She spun around in time to see a group of Coron’s men running toward them.

  “Come on,” Brady urged as he pulled her to her feet. He could feel his strength returning as they ran. He picked her up and rushed to the sea, faster than any of the men would be able to run.

  He set her down by the silver dock where they came in. She looked around in a daze. “Wow, I have no idea how you move that fast, but I’m grateful.” She took a few shaky breaths. “That was intense.”

  “You can say that.” Brady ran his hands over his head.

  “What’s the plan? The portals are closed, so we have to create our own, but I’m not sure I can do another one just yet.” She glanced over her shoulder at the city.

  He gazed out over the water. “We swim.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Swim? To where? Aridam and Shamike are not joined by a body of water, Brady. They are two separate worlds.”

  “I know. I was thinking that if we are in the water, Coron won’t think to search for us there, and you can rejuvenate your strength and create a portal from under the water.”

  Karis’s mouth gaped open. “That’s actually a great plan.”

  Brady took her hand and led her to the water’s edge. She slid off her sandals and handed them to him. He grinned as he pulled out his pack from under his vest and slipped them inside.

  She blushed and hesitated with her pants. She knew they would be shredded if she didn’t, and then would have nothing when she changed back to her true form, but it didn’t make taking her clothes off any easier.

  The water lapped at their feet. Brady moved closer to her, held her face with one hand, and traced her back with his other one. The familiar heat rose from her soul as he touched her. “Brady, now is hardly the time.”

  She knew Coron’s men were on the other side of the city, but she would never forgive herself if something happened to him.

  “I know,” he whispered against her cheek then brushed his lips against hers. His hand snuck lower until he found her waistband and shimmied her pants down. He bent over and picked them up, shoving them in his pack. He gave her a wink then took his off.

  She stood there with her mouth open. He walked deeper into the water, and she couldn’t help but gape at his bare backside as the waves splashed against him. She shook her head and ran after him, diving under as soon as it was deep enough and feeling her body tingle as she allowed the change.

  She moved her hair out of her face as it floated around her, then spun around and looked for Brady. A dash of green sparkled at her side. She twirled and found him grinning at her. “I will never get used to this. I will never get used to your beauty, on land or in the water.” His voice sounded melodious in her head.

  Even in the cold water she could feel her cheeks warm with his compliment. “We should go. We’re too close to the shore.”

  He flipped his tail and swam off. She followed close behind. It seemed like hours that they swam together before he finally slowed down and stopped.

  “Is everything okay?” Karis darted her gaze around, looking for Coron’s men.

  “Everything is fine. I just don’t want to go back to Aridam, or Shamike, or even Earth for that matter without telling you something. Seeing how close we came to being subject to Coron’s evil made me sick.” He lifted his hand to her waist. “I can’t explain it, but it’s like my heart is woven together with yours. If something ever happened to you, I think I would die too.” He raised his hand higher. He started at her forearm where her tattoo began and lightly with his fingertip traced the swirls up her arm.

  She shivered under his touch, her body delighted with the heat he created. She ran her hands up his chest and reached behind his neck, pulling him closer. With her tail wrapped around his, it felt so sensual that she shuddered again. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He pulled her close, tight in his arms, and kissed her. It was the kind of kiss that made Karis weak and needing more, but they both knew the time to do so was not then. They needed to get to Aridam.

  He took her hand and pulled her along in the water. She flipped her tail easily to keep up. The blue of the water shimmered around them, and she knew it was time. She pulled back and stopped him.


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