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Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5)

Page 14

by Jani Kay

  “Come in,” I growled, not ready to let go of Jade just yet.

  The clock was ticking.

  One last kiss and I reluctantly rose from the bed as everyone eagerly barged back into the room. If that was twenty minutes, they were the shortest I’d ever experienced.

  Jade rubbed over her stomach with large circular motions. In a few hours, her belly would be gone. We’d be a real family.

  This was what I lived for. Breathed for. Would die for.

  How could I ever have thought anything else?

  30 —Ryder

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, sending its urgent vibration through my body, the ringtone loud and startling in the quiet room. I watched as Susan prepared Jade for the birth of our babies and didn’t want to miss a damn moment of it, so I decided to ignore the call and let it go to the voice mail. I hoped it wasn’t important because I was going to be really busy for the next few hours.

  When it rang for a third time, Susan gave me a tight smile. “I think we can spare you for a few minutes while you take that call.”

  “Yeah, somebody really wants to talk with you,” Jade teased.

  I looked sheepishly at the two women as I took the phone from my pocket and checked the screen.


  She knew I was out of the compound although I didn’t tell her why. When I told her to call me if she needed anything before I left, I hadn’t expected her to actually phone. Yet, she wouldn’t bother me if it wasn’t important.

  “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  Within a few long strides, I reached the door and left the room. The ringing had stopped so I immediately hit the button to call Mia back.

  “Ryder!” she cried out within two rings. Strange sounds came down the line and I couldn’t make out if she was laughing or crying.

  “Mia, is everything okay?” My voice echoed as it bounced off the walls back at me and I shuddered. I’d never get used to these damn cold and sterile hospital hallways.

  “Sorry to bother you, but I have good news and I thought you’d want to know.”

  My ears prickled. Not daring to get my hopes up that this was the news I wanted to hear about my friend, I spoke in the calmest tone I could manage. “Yeah?”

  “Cobra. He’s awake. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “Cobra’s awake? That’s fucking awesome!”

  “The hospital called me five minutes ago and I’m just on my way there with Ox. I’m so happy, Ryder. To think we had to decide about switching off the machines.” There was a sob in her voice. “I can’t imagine—”

  I closed my eyes for a brief moment as a shiver ran up my spine. It was too horrible a thought to even dwell on for a second and one decision I was more than glad hadn’t been on my shoulders.

  Mia’s sobbing grew louder and I wished I could give her a hug.

  “Don’t think about that. You’ve been so brave through all of this, Mia. Cobra’s awake and that’s all that matters now.”

  The crying died down after a while and I could hear Mia blowing her nose. I waited patiently although I was dying to get back into the room with Jade. I used the time to let the idea that Cobra was going to be around for a while longer seep into my bones and fill me with new appreciation for life.

  Life and death.

  Inevitable parts of being human. Yet I still sometimes struggled to deal with it.

  This is going to be a good day. Three precious lives to be grateful for and I’d smoothed things over with Jade.

  “Thank you. You’re right and I’m just going to focus on Cobra getting better. I’m so damn lucky to have him back again.” Mia sounded better already.

  “We all are,” I said, relief flooding me that I was off the hook in the best possible way. Even though I’d already made up my mind to turn down being pres of the club, Cobra coming back was a far better outcome.

  “I’m going to insist Cobra retire from the club.” There was a firmness in Mia’s tone I hadn’t heard in a long time. “I couldn’t go through this again. I’ve aged ten years in ten days and the shooting would’ve taken a huge toll on Cobra too. We’ve got a long way to go before everything is fine again, and I’ll take every day as it comes, but Cobra’s days as president are over.”

  She meant every word. Of that I had no doubt.

  “Mia, shouldn’t Cobra be the one to decide?”

  “No. Fuck that. Our lives are too precious to take more chances. I want my husband alive.” She let out a heavy sigh. “If he loves me he’ll quit putting himself in the path of more danger.”

  “You know he loves you,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. How would Cobra take the news? Once he was better, he’d want to get back to his job.

  “Yeah, and I love him. But this ends here. He’s been given another chance to live.” Her breath hitched. “Live, Ryder, not sacrifice his life for the club.”

  How could I tell her that the reason the contract was out on her husband was because of her? For stealing young Alessandra from the Don. For taking the blame for Daemon’s death.

  Cobra’s life was the price demanded for his crimes.

  All the things he did in the name of love. Things he would do again in a heartbeat for his woman because he told me so.

  Just like I would for Jade.

  Cobra and I were similar in so many ways, it was no wonder we’d bonded as brothers. He’d never want Mia to feel responsibility, nor guilt for his pain because ultimately what he’d done were his choices.

  It was simply not my place to tell her the truth of why Cobra was in the position he was.

  Some things were just better never spoken about.

  “Hey, I’ve gotta go soon. Jade is getting prepped to have the babies. She had a complication and seems today is the big day I become a dad.” I couldn’t help the grin that beamed across my face, even if there was the slight tinge of worry nestled in my gut that wouldn’t be ignored.

  “Oh, really? Here I’ve been rattling on about me and you’ve got somewhere else to be. I’m sorry.”

  I waved it away as if she could see me. “No problem. I was going to call and tell you anyway once the babies were born. And I feel so much lighter now that I know about Cobra.” The doctor came down the hallway toward me and nodded before going into Jade’s room. I wanted to get back in there as soon as possible. “It’s good you called me, Mia. The doc just arrived, so I gotta go. Wish us luck!”

  “I wish you luck and all the love in the world, Ryder. Tell Jade I’m praying for you all.”

  “Thanks, Mia. I’ll call you when I have news, okay? And tell Cobra I’m coming to kick his ass for nearly dying on us.”

  Mia let out a small laugh before I hung up. Now if only the fucking universe would keep bringing us good luck, everything would be just fine.

  But then why was this churning in my gut not going away? I’d had enough shit to last me a lifetime and all I wanted was for Jade and our twins to be okay.

  As I stepped back into the room, all eyes turned to me.

  “Cobra’s out of his coma,” I said. “It’s a good day to be alive.”

  “Sure is,” Jade said, “I’m already dilated so get ready for another miracle today.”

  I leaned down and kissed the lips she held up to me. “Hell yeah, let’s do this, baby.”

  31 — Jade

  “Push, Jade, push.” My mother’s eyes shone with excitement as she squeezed my trembling thigh. She’d hardly arrived at the hospital when she was informed that she’d be a grandmother in a few hours. She’d taken it all in her stride, preparing herself to be part of the process ever since I asked her to be at the birth a couple of months ago, and now it was happening, albeit a lot sooner than expected.

  I fell back onto the pillow and grunted like a cavewoman, my breath exhausted, and my body in so much pain that I was on the verge of collapsing. Ryder’s eyes were wild, and sweat formed on his brow as he swallowed hard. He stroked my hair, tucking the loose strands behind my ear while keeping his gaze pinned t
o me.

  His shaky voice was filled with awe. “You’re so fucking brave, Princess. You can do this. One more push, sweetheart.”

  With almost superhuman effort, as soon as the next contraction hit, I pushed with all my might.

  “Breathe, Jade,” Mom reminded me. “Breath with every contraction.”

  “Now!” Susan ordered while staring at my vagina.

  At this stage I had not one iota of dignity left.

  My nails dug into Ryder’s palm. I wanted him to feel at least some of my pain.

  “Good girl, keep going,” Mom coaxed. “The little head has crowned.”

  Little head? It felt as if I was birthing a baby elephant.

  “I’m so tired. How far is the baby?” This had been going for what felt like hours, and I didn’t think I could take any more.

  Susan had her hands between my legs and looked up at me with an encouraging smile. “The head is nearly out, and after that we need just one more big push for the rest. That part is easy.”

  I felt like kicking her in the teeth—nothing about this was easy—but instead I garnered all my strength and with a scream, I used every grain of energy to push again.

  One. More. Push. That was all I needed for the rest of the baby’s body to slide out of my womb.

  I closed my eyes and waited, sucking in a deep breath. Seconds later, when the next contraction hit, I did what I needed to do to produce a miracle.

  The gloved hands of the midwife caught the baby and held it up. “It’s a boy!”

  A boy. Our boy.


  If ever I complained again that something was too difficult, I’d think back to this moment—the moment my firstborn child pushed through my body and into a brand new world.

  The whole room held its breath for a few moments as we waited for our son to take oxygen into his tiny lungs for the first time. Ryder’s expression was a cross between relief and pride, his eyes dancing as he looked at me and then at the baby.

  Seconds ticked by, and it felt as if we were in a vacuum. With my eyes focused on my child, I wanted to hear his first cry before I completed the job of delivering his sibling.

  Worry knitted my brow as the next wave of pain hit me. I wasn’t finished with my boy yet, but I had to switch my focus to the next baby waiting to be born.

  “Doctor, the child isn’t breathing.”

  The words hit me like a ton of bricks as Susan handed the little blue body to the older man.

  No. No, no, no. I’d worked so hard to keep him safe, to bring him into our world. He has to breathe. Please, God.

  “Jade, honey, you’ve got to focus on the next baby. Don’t worry, the doctors will fix your son, but now we need all your attention here.” The midwife’s voice was calm as she stared me in the eyes. “We need to work quickly or this baby will be distressed, okay?”

  “I can’t,” I said, my body at the point of fatigue that it wouldn’t co-operate.

  Ryder grabbed the oxygen mask and placed it over my mouth and nose. “Deep breaths, Princess. Do it for her—for our baby girl.”

  I sucked air into my lungs, the coolness of it filling me with renewed determination.

  “I’m so fucking proud of you. You’re doing so good.” His hand on my shoulder squeezed softly and centered me enough that I could bring my focus back to my task, yet a part of my brain was numb with worry about my baby boy.

  From my peripheral vision I could see that people were running around frantically, and the only sounds I heard were of alarmed voices. Adult voices.

  Alarm bells went off in my head as my baby was whisked away. I’d only seen him for two seconds and I wanted to hold him and feel him skin to skin, but before I could blink he was gone.

  No, not again. I couldn’t bear losing another child. When were they going to tell me what was happening?

  Another contraction ripped through my body. I screamed because the force of it overwhelmed me completely, and because screaming was the only way I could express my fear for my babies. “My son . . . what’s wrong with him?” I cried as large tears splashed onto my cheeks.

  Ryder wiped the tears with his thumb, smiling at me through misty eyes. I clutched his hand and squeezed. We were going through this together, whatever the outcome, and I’d never felt closer to him than when he leaned over and kissed my lips sweetly.

  “It’s going to be fine. Just trust me, okay?”

  I didn’t know why I did or how he knew, but I didn’t question it. If Ryder said it was going to be okay, I had to believe that he was right with everything inside me.

  “I love you, Jade. More than anything. Always remember that, baby. Whatever happens here today, we will always have one another.” The passion and conviction in his voice and in his eyes were exactly what I needed to pull me through.

  I nodded, taking strength from him, transfusing his faith and power into me like a lifeline.

  “Now push with the next contraction, Jade.” The concern on the midwife’s face scared the crap out of me. “It’s this baby’s turn now. We gotta get her out fast.”

  “Honey, you need to bring your daughter into the world,” Mom said, her lashes wet and her lips quivering.

  I have to do this.

  I met Ryder’s gaze and held it, drawing inspiration and courage from him. Pure unadulterated love shone back at me.

  We’re going to be okay. All of us.

  As the next contraction hit, I was ready. Clutching Ryder’s hand, I found the energy to give him the baby daughter he so longed for, pushing through the pain with everything I had in me.

  “Her head—I can see it. Oh my God, she’s got so much hair,” my mother squealed. Everyone shifted their gaze to see. “No wonder you had so much heartburn.”

  “Really?” A small smile touched my lips.

  I can do this. I can give her life.

  “Ryder!” I screamed, panting through the pain.

  With only three more pushes, her head emerged, and with one more she slid right out as if on cue.

  “Your daughter,” the midwife said with relief as she held the bundle up.

  Please God, let her be okay. Let her breath.

  Moments later our baby spluttered to life, sucking oxygen into her lungs and crying. It was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard, yet a pang of guilt and pain twisted my heart for my boy.

  After weighing and checking her, Susan placed the baby on my chest. I beamed up at Ryder, his eyes soft as he gawked at his new daughter.

  “Welcome to the world, Harley,” he said softly as he stroked a finger over her tiny arm. He swallowed a lump in his throat, and I could swear my big, bad-ass biker was close to tears. “You’re just as beautiful as your mamma.”

  Hearing her name spoken to her for the first time in his hoarse voice completely undid me. I blinked fast, overwhelmed with so much love that my heart wanted to burst. There was only one thing missing to complete the perfect picture—little Jayden. I needed to see him too, to know that he was okay.

  As if Ryder read my mind, he looked at my mother. “Sylvia, I’m just going to find out where they’ve taken our boy.”

  I swallowed hard as I watched Ryder plant a soft kiss on my mother’s cheek. “Oh, and congratulations, Grandma,” he said with a warm smile.

  This man. God, I loved him so much.

  Mom smiled back, but she couldn’t fool me. She was as worried as we were. If only we had some news, but Susan just shrugged when I asked her. “It’s normal to take him away and monitor him for a while. He may need assistance in breathing, too; his lungs may not be fully developed.”

  “So he’ll be okay?” Mom breathed, taking the words right out of my mouth.

  “I can’t know for certain, but we have a very high survival rate at this hospital.”

  Moments later, Ryder came back into the room. The relief on his face was palpable. He held his phone up with a picture he’d taken for me to see. “He’s okay. In an incubator, but breathing. He’ll need to stay there for a
few days. Our little man is a fighter.” The pride in his eyes rocked me to the core.

  “Little Jayden is a fighter like his daddy,” I said, reaching out to touch Ryder’s cheek as he leaned closer to kiss me.

  “I’ll take you to see him soon.”

  I nodded. The knowledge that he was okay was what counted most, and I adored Ryder for wanting to set my mind at ease. The pain we both still carried from losing Peanut would never completely leave us, and as our eyes met and we held one another’s gaze for a long, sweet moment, I imagined that Ryder was thinking of that baby at this very moment, too.

  He squeezed my hand without a word. Sometimes that was enough.

  Susan helped Harley latch onto an engorged nipple for her first feed. I never knew that I could be so completely exhausted yet so pumped at the same time.

  Mom’s cheeks were flushed, and her eyes bright as she said, “Hey, excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom and then get out for some fresh air.”

  “Thanks, Sylvia, for your support—it means a lot,” Ryder said, his voice as warm as his smile.

  “The two of you have given me the greatest gift, and I couldn’t be happier,” she said as she found her purse and left the room. No doubt she’d go to call my father to give him the news.

  As soon as Mom left, Susan also did a disappearing act so that Ryder and I were alone for a while. I shuffled over on the bed to make room for Ryder and he moved in closer, placing his arm around my shoulders.

  “She’s perfect. I can’t believe we made her and our boy. It’s a fucking miracle.”

  I chuckled softly. “Yes, it is. We did great.”

  Ryder’s voice was thick and low. “We made something special. We’re a family now, and I have two princesses. Jayden better get strong fast, ’cause I’m gonna need him on my side.”

  I smiled up at him. “I can’t wait to meet him. Can we go soon?”

  “Of course. But first I have to thank you for the best gift I’ve ever received in my life. What you have given me today is priceless. Precious beyond words. I love you, Jade, and I’m going to be the best dad in the universe. I’m gonna protect you, Harley, and Jayden, and grow old with you, baby. That’s my promise to you.”


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