Book Read Free

The Heart of Teaberry

Page 10

by R A Wallace

  “What about us getting married?” Jax asked. There. He’d said it.

  Trina looked more confused than ever.

  “I thought that’s what the plan was? That’s why I’ve been killing myself with classes this semester. I need to get my degree out of the way so we can afford to get married.”

  “Seriously? That’s what you were thinking?” Jax couldn’t believe it.

  Trina stopped cutting her French toast and set her utensils down.

  “Yeah. What were you thinking?” Until now, she’d thought they’d been on the same page.

  Jax laughed. “I thought you were more interested in your degree than you were in us. It seemed like you were pulling away from…” he waved between the three of them. “From this.”

  Trina felt relieved. “You’re an idiot.”

  “Yeah, no kidding,” he agreed amiably. “Does this mean we’re getting married?”

  “Try getting out of it,” she pointed at him with her butter knife before cutting her French toast again.

  “Hey, I wasn’t trying to get out of it. I even got a ring.” He frowned. “Sort of.”

  Trina’s hands stilled. “You did?”

  Jax gave her a wry smile. “It’s tied up with the murder at the jewelry store.”

  “Is that why you went out to see Megan?”

  Jax forked some French toast onto his plate.

  “Yeah. I hope she finds something soon.”

  Trina reached for the syrup. “That makes two of us.”


  Russ looked around the room but didn’t see his shaving kit. He must have left it in the bathroom. It wasn’t imperative that he have it now, but he was trying to gather his things to make it easier to pack. They were leaving the Teaberry Farm today. He went into the bathroom where Celia was still getting cleaned up.

  “Did I leave my shaving kit in here?” Russ asked when he poked his head into the bathroom.

  Celia looked around on the long counter on either side of the sink. She saw it at the far end. She must have pushed it out of the way when she set her makeup kit down next to the other things she had scattered around the counter.

  “Yeah, here it is.” She walked over to get the shaving kit then returned to the door to hand it to him.

  Russ looked down at her feet.

  “You aren’t limping. Are you doing better?” he asked.

  “What? Oh.” Celia looked down.

  Russ saw the color tinge her cheeks. He narrowed his eyes and leaned against the doorframe.

  “Were you seriously faking this whole time?”

  Celia’s eyes met his. Busted. She shrugged and gave him a sheepish look.

  Russ rubbed his forehead with one hand as he remembered all the times he’d helped her move around during the weekend.

  “Celia, why?”

  Celia put down her toothbrush. She moved past him through the door and went over to the chairs in front of the gas fireplace. Russ followed her and took the other seat.

  “I didn’t want to leave,” she said simply.

  Russ was confused. “Leave, what? Leave here?”

  “I know I had a million things planned for us to do, but I just didn’t want to do them. I mean, don’t you ever get tired of always doing things? I just wanted to see what it would be like to spend some quiet time together, without all of our friends and the games and the activities that we do.” Celia looked at him anxiously, waiting for his response.

  Russ didn’t know what to say.

  Celia’s face fell. She clasped her hands in her lap and dropped her eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin our weekend.”

  Russ reached over and put his hand on hers.

  “You didn’t ruin the weekend. I didn’t want to go anywhere either. In fact, I didn’t want to leave our house to come here.”

  Celia looked up at him in surprise.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad that I did. I enjoyed spending time with Dan out in the barn with his projects.” Russ had even helped him a bit.

  “You did?”

  “My dad and I used to do things like that together before he died. I miss it.” Russ looked at Celia. “About as much as you miss architecture.”

  Celia slumped back in her chair.

  “I do miss that. There have been many times when I wish that I had never gone into the sales side of the business. I keep looking at the plans Dan and Megan have for a nursery and thinking that we should be doing something like that.”

  “Really?” Russ had no idea she was even considering children. “You could work from home as an architect.”

  Celia smiled. “I’ve thought about that actually.”

  “I liked not rushing off to do a bunch of crazy things all weekend,” Russ said.

  “Me, too. It was nice having all the activity with our friends when we were younger. It seemed fun then.”


  “But I think it’s time to make our own family memories. You could teach our kids how to do wood working projects,” she suggested.

  Russ nodded slowly. “I would like that.”


  Megan left Caitlyn’s place after speaking with them both about anything they may have seen while at the jewelry store. She thought that Caitlyn seemed a little reserved while she was there, but there was no way to speak to her privately. Neither Doug nor Caitlyn reported knowing anything about Miles that might help the investigation.

  She next stopped at Everett’s house. He seemed surprised to see her, but quickly invited her in. Megan knew that the house had belonged to both Everett and Drucilla before her death. She wondered if he planned to continue living there. Perhaps he sensed her curiosity. He began talking about it as he led her to the living room.

  “Luella and I are planning to find our own place as soon as we’re married. This one has too many memories for me.” Everett waved to a sofa.

  “I can understand that,” Megan said as she took a seat. “I was wondering what you could tell me about Miles. I understand you were the one who saw him with the victim?”

  “Yes. It wasn’t the first time I’d stopped there. I was anxious to get Luella’s ring, so I kept checking if it had come in.”

  “You found Miles and the victim when you walked into the store?”

  “Not right away, no,” Miles explained. “They were in the back, in the room where Miles does some of his work on jewelry and takes his deliveries.”

  That was the first time she’d gotten that detail. Megan made a mental note.

  “I see. There wasn’t anyone in the front of the store when you entered?”

  “Correct. Miles called out to me, asking for help. That’s why I went into the back.”

  Interesting, Megan thought. Perhaps Miles had just come upon the body himself? Then she remembered the bells. Like most of the small businesses in Teaberry, Megan knew that Miles had bells on his door so that he could hear when someone entered, even from the back of the store. He could have heard the bells and pretended to call for help.

  “That’s when I found Miles and that poor man. Of course, it wasn’t the first time I’d seen him there. I told the police about it too.”

  “You saw the victim in the store before?”

  “Oh, yes. He was there one of the times I stopped to check on Luella’s ring. Miles was talking to me when he came in and I was focused on Miles. That’s how I know he got a strange look on his face when the other man entered the store.”

  “Strange look?”

  Everett nodded. “He got all stiff and angry looking. The other man didn’t seem to notice at all.”

  “Then what happened?” Megan asked.

  “Well, I don’t know. I mean, I left. Luella’s ring wasn’t there.”

  “Was the victim still there when you left?”

  “Oh, yes. And Miles didn’t seem happy about it at all, I’m afraid.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  It had been another long day. They hadn’t made as m
uch progress as they’d hoped, but it hadn’t been a complete wash either. They had been tracking down anyone who had regular contact with Miles Craney and speaking with them. They’d learned a great deal from the members of the book club.

  “What did you come away with from the interviews today?” Jerry asked late Sunday as they stood staring at the murder board.

  Erica gave a tired half shrug. “They seemed a little eager to speak with us.”

  “They are murder mystery enthusiasts, that’s for sure,” Jerry agreed.

  “Some of them seemed a little too enthusiastic for my taste.”

  “What do you mean?” They’d split up to question everyone. Jerry hadn’t heard the responses from everyone that Erica had spoken with.

  “Some were a little too eager to throw Miles under the bus as they hypothesized why he did it.”

  “What were the conclusions?” Jerry asked.

  “They all had the same one, actually. They were convinced Miles is so in love with Harriet that he couldn’t help himself from the rage that forced him to commit the heinous crime to stop his heart’s desire from forsaking him for another.” Erica made a face. “I think that’s what they said.”

  “It sounds like something you might read in a book.” Jerry put his hand on the side of his neck and pushed hoping to stretch out a kink.

  “Yeah, a really bad one,” she agreed.

  Jerry gave a half-hearted smile.

  “You look as tired as I feel,” Erica turned away from the murder board. “Let’s call it a night. Tomorrow is another day.”

  “Have you heard from Megan?” Jerry asked hopefully as he began following Erica out of the building.

  “No. Still hoping she’ll solve this one before we do?”

  Jerry thought of Madison. “My professional feelings wouldn’t be too hurt if she did.”

  Erica thought about the case all the way home but didn’t manage to come up with anything useful. As she parked the car in the garage, it occurred to her that she needed to take her own advice. Tomorrow was another day. It was time to call it a night and focus on her own family.

  She found Brad in the nursery with the twins. He had them in their cribs, but they were still awake watching the musical mobiles above them.

  “I almost missed them,” Erica said as she stepped into the room.

  “Yeah, it’s been a struggle to keep them awake. Mason, in particular, keeps yawning for some reason.” Brad leaned in for a kiss.

  “Really?” Erica moved closer to the crib and leaned down to touch Mason’s forehead. “Are they okay?”

  “Yeah. Your mom says it’s probably just a growth spurt.”

  Erica straightened up and looked at him. “That’s for real?”

  “From what I’ve read and from what Lauren told me, it’s normal.”

  “You called Lauren?” Erica asked.

  “No, I texted her. She warned us that Grace might be starting to teeth and that the twins might be next. In fact, we should probably buy Lauren a gift or something. I text her a lot when I have questions.”

  “I’m sure she doesn’t mind but maybe we can plan something where we all spend time together,” Erica suggested.

  Kaylee appeared in the doorway of the nursery. “Let me know when and I could help with all of the kids so the adults can relax.”

  That did sound good, Erica thought.

  “Thanks for your help. Maybe we can do something as soon as we clear up this case,” Erica suggested.

  “You think it will be soon?” Brad asked.

  Erica looked over and realized that both Mason and Maddie were asleep in their cribs. She followed the others out to the living room.

  “I doubt it will take much longer on our part. After that, it’s up to the lawyers.” Erica stifled a yawn.

  “Looks like the babies aren’t the only ones who are tired,” Brad said.

  “I’m out of here unless you need anything else,” Kaylee asked.

  “No, but thanks again. All I can think of right now is a shower and some sleep,” Erica said as she turned for her bedroom.

  “Shower, food, then sleep,” Brad called after her.

  Kaylee thought about how hard Erica worked as she drove home to her grandmother’s house. She let herself in through the kitchen door. After digging in the kitchen for a soda, she pulled out some raw veggies and some dip she had made earlier. She made of tray of the food with plates and napkins and carried it all into the study to join Matthias and her grandmother.

  Matthias checked out the tray that Kaylee set within easy reach of him.

  “I see you’re trying to help me on my diet,” Matthias commented with a smile.

  “It will be easier when the weather breaks and we can all get out for more exercise,” Barbara said as she got up from her desk. She went over to the sidewall to pour a drink before taking a seat by Matthias.

  “That does sound good. I don’t mind winter, but I like spring better.” Kaylee sat in a wingback chair across from them.

  “You’re home late tonight,” Matthias reached for some veggies.

  “Erica is working on that murder case,” Kaylee explained.

  “How is that going? Has she said anything?” Barbara asked.

  Kaylee held her soda in her lap with both hands. “It sounds like it’s only a matter of time before they arrest that guy.”

  “The jeweler?” Matthias asked. He didn’t know his name either.

  “Miles Craney,” Barbara supplied for both of them.

  Matthias looked closely at his wife. “You don’t look convinced that he did it.”

  “Let’s just say I would be surprised. But then, stranger things have been known to happen,” she conceded.

  “Will you still have your shadows this week?” Kaylee asked.

  Barbara smiled. She’d been enjoying her time with them.

  “Yes, they still have a bit more time to put in before they’ve met the requirement. This should be their last week.”

  “Have they been getting along any better?” Matthias asked.

  Barbara considered it. They did seem to be a little more relaxed with each other. Cole no longer showed as much impatience with Julia, at least. She still had some concerns about Julia. It seemed obvious that the young girl had yet to understand her own potential.

  “They’re getting there.”

  “Maybe they’ll find something to pull them together before the end of the week,” Matthias said.

  “Stranger things have been known to happen,” Barbara agreed with a smile.

  Chapter Twenty

  Early Monday morning, Megan crawled backwards on her belly to get out from under her bed. When she sat up and held Emma out to examine her, reproachful green eyes stared back.

  “I don’t understand why we have to go through this every time you need a checkup. Casey is a nice guy.”

  Megan managed to stand while holding Emma and got the small black cat into the travel cage. She talked to Emma the entire time she drove into town. Megan kept telling herself she shouldn’t feel guilty about what she was doing. What she was doing was for Emma’s own good. None of her arguments made it any easier. She knew that Emma wasn’t happy. She removed Emma from her cage when she arrived at Casey’s and carried her into the building. Maybe if she just held Emma instead of leaving her in the travel cage, the cat would forgive her.

  She checked in with Casey’s receptionist and then took a seat in the waiting room. Not long after, the door to the vet’s office opened and a man arrived with another cat. Megan watched as he checked in with the receptionist also. She noticed that there was a lot of confusion at the desk. The man didn’t seem to have any answers to the receptionist’s questions about the cat he held. Finally, he sat with the cat two seats over from her.

  Megan looked down at Emma and then over at the other man’s cat. The two of them could be twins. What were the chances?

  “Excuse me,” Megan said. “Is that Chad Selway’s cat?”

  The m
an looked down at Emma and then at the cat he held.

  “They’re twins,” he said. He shifted the cat in his lap a little and started rubbing its ears. “Yes, this was Chad’s. I took her in, but she isn’t eating for me.”

  Megan didn’t want to lose the opportunity.

  “Was Chad a friend of yours?” Megan asked.

  “We were neighbors, but no. I just didn’t want an animal to be left alone like that,” he said with an apologetic grin. “I’m a cat person. This one just seems pretty upset about everything. I wasn’t sure what else to do for her.”

  “They don’t like having their routines changed, that’s for sure.”

  “Well, hopefully the vet can give me some advice. She’s going to have to start eating for me. Chad definitely isn’t coming back.”

  “Yes, I was sorry to hear about that,” Megan said. “I’m Megan, by the way.”

  “Les. Nice to meet you. Did you know Chad?” Les asked.

  “No, but news travels fast.” Megan looked down at Emma. She was crouched in Megan’s lap as though she might bolt at the first opportunity.

  “I’m not surprised. From what I’ve heard, Chad was pretty well known around here though I’m not sure if that was because of his classes or his extracurricular activities with his female students. To be honest, I didn’t really know him either.” Les looked up as an elderly woman with a tiny dog appeared from the door next to the receptionist.

  Casey popped his head out. “Megan, you’re up.”

  Megan wanted to continue her conversation with Les but knew that wasn’t going to happen now. She stood and followed Casey back to an exam room.

  “How’s Emma been doing?” Casey asked as he gently held the cat.

  Megan remained close by in case Emma tried making a run for it.

  “She’s been acting pretty strange lately.”

  “How so?”

  “For lack of a better word, she’s clingy, you know? She’s always winding around my feet like she wants me to pick her up. As soon as I sit down, she jumps into my lap.” Megan frowned as she thought of Emma’s recent behavior. “She isn’t as active as she usually is either.”


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