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Grim: The Beginning

Page 4

by Glenna Maynard

  Finally she takes me in her mouth, sucks my cock like she's the desert and I am her oasis. "Gonna cum down your throat, then I am going to eat that pussy like a world champ."

  "That's right baby, cum for me," I watch as her head bobs up and down. My dick hits the back of her throat and I let go, my eyes roll back in my head, not sure I have ever came so hard. Red licks my cock clean, I shove her backwards on the fucking floor and get a taste of that sweet candy between her legs. She is so wet, I put two fingers in her tight tunnel and suck on her clit. Looking up at her, her eyes are closed.

  "Fuck no, baby, you look at me savoring your pussy. You are going to witness me staking my claim." Swiping my fingers across her puckered hole, I get her ass ready, she is going to have the best orgasm. Coating her ass with her own wetness, I insert my thumb in her ass, and delve my tongue into her channel, tasting and sucking her. Deeper and harder I take my time fucking her with my tongue and thumb. Her legs are shaking and she lets out my name in a whimper. "That's right baby, cum all over my face."

  "Please, Grim, I can't take anymore, fuck me now." Wiping my mouth on her shirt, I hover over her, teasing her slit with my throbbing cock. Her pussy is a pulsing bundle of nerves. Her nails are cutting into my ass, she squeezes my flesh, pulling me down closer to her. My cock pokes at her slit and she guides me inside. Both of us are panting, covered in dirty sex sweat.

  Her hip bones are rubbing against my own, she matches me thrust for thrust, stroke for stroke. She takes me so deep inside, I'm not sure where she ends and I begin. Sucking on her pebbled nipples, really gets her going. Her back arches, and her hips buck as I bite down on her sensitive bud. She's got me so hot, I feel like my blood is on fire.

  Slowing my pace, I rub my thumb over the cut on her lip, I run my tongue over her lips, she takes my tongue into her mouth and sucks it, twirling it with her own, so motherfucking sensual. "Red, you fuck so good."

  "Grim, you fuck as good as you ride." And if that ain't the sweetest thing to ever leave her mouth.

  Chapter 4

  Red is taking big drinks of Romeo's apple pie shine, I didn't figure her one to be scared of a little needle. Betty is back behind the bar, looking like shit with her eyes all swollen and black. She won't even look at me now, guess I better get use to it though. No bitch is going to want to suck my Johnson if she has to worry about Red breaking her nose. My dick's good, but not sure if it's get your face broke good.

  Inkman is getting ready to put my grim reaper on Red's left forearm, so that motherfuckers know she is untouchable. Her tattoo will be shaded in black and grey, the grim reapers face, with my name underneath with shaded red roses on each end of my name to give it a more feminine feel. Red isn't getting branded alone, I have to get her name inked on me too. My tattoo is a skull on my upper shoulder, there is a bleeding rose between his teeth, with her name, Red etched on his forehead. Can't believe I am a fucking owned man, never thought I would live to see the day.

  Red makes it through her tattoo without passing out. Slim says a small toast, in honor of the union. "To Grim, and Red, may he ride you as much as he rides his Harley."

  All of my brothers take a drink of shine, in mine and Red's honor. Fuck I hate to see how emotional they'd get if I actually married her ass. But I have to admit it's nice to see them in a good mood after losing Jailbait, we need some good.

  I'm drinking, having a good time, showing off my woman, tonight is a good night to be a Black Rebel Rider. Foxie takes Red by the hand and leads her to the bar, 'Porn Star Dancing,' is playing and damn if that ain't what the two of them start doing. Red and Foxie are on top of the bar. Foxie is dressed in a barely there baby doll dress, Red is strutting some sexy fucking heels, black with silver studs covering them, with a black tank and daisy dukes. They are bumping and grinding all over each other, putting on one hell of a show for me and Slim. The other brothers know they can fucking look, but they had better not fucking touch. No matter though, there is plenty of other pussy for them to tap. My dick is twitching, ready for more of Red. Slim clamps me on the shoulder, I wince a little my skin is tender where I just got my tattoo. "Fucking pussy, going soft already."

  "Fucking Inkman, goes too damn deep with the needle brother."

  "Yeah, that's what the all say—pussies."

  Foxie looks over at Slim and gives him a sly wink, she knows he likes to watch. Fuck and now so do do I. Foxie's hands are rubbing all over Red, she is faithful to Slim, but he don't count bringing other woman to their bed occasionally as cheating. I don't mind Slim watching the show, but there's no fucking way, they are taking Red upstairs to play. Red, lays her head back on Foxie's shoulder as they grind, Foxie leans forward and tongues my bitch. Some of the other brothers stop playing pool and let out a whistle. You can feel the desire in the air, Foxie knows what she is doing getting all the brother's riled up, she loves the attention.

  "How serious are you about Red," Slim asks not taking his eyes off of our bitches.

  "Serious enough that if you don't stop eyeballing my pussy, I'll slice off your other nut."

  "Alright, I feel you. About, this shit with Hook...I'm going to handle paying him. I need you to ride front door on the next run to Indiana, and after that is settled I want you to handle the deal with Clemons and his crew in Chicago. Luscious Laura has a room ready for you. You ride out in three days."

  "You got it brother."

  "Alright then," Slim walks over to the bar and pulls Foxie down from the bar and leads her upstairs. Their boys are with one of the potentials. Fuck, I'm glad I have never been on babysitting duty. Them little hell cats are hard to handle.

  Helping Red off the bar, I have my own plans for her tonight, fucking Slim, thinking for one second I'd let him and Foxie play with Red, they better not fucking touch her when I go on the next run.

  Red nibbles on my earlobe, and whispers to me how fucking wet she is. Part of me wants to punish her for her little performance a minute ago, but the other part of me, and by other part I mean my dick, is hornier than a dog in heat. I want to bend her over my bike and pump her full of me.

  "Let's go for a ride. There's something I want to show you."

  "What, the monster in your pants?" Fuck, I love her smart mouth, every time she smarts off to me I want to make her suck my dick, and put that mouth to use.

  "Maybe later, I want to take you somewhere. I want you to know what I am capable of." I want to show Red just how bad I really am, she needs to know what she just signed on for. I am going to take her to my mother's grave. When I said I was a bad man and that I hurt people, I wasn't bullshitting. I killed my mother, she turned on the club, turned on me. She tried to sale me for drugs to a rival MC, I freaked out and I hit her with a tire iron in the back of the head. Skull cleaned it up for me, took me under his wing. I didn't love my mother anymore than she loved me, but don't make the shit right. I am a mother-fucking monster. Don't deserve Red, but I feel the darkness I carry with me in her. I know she carries it to from killing Benji.

  Thwack, thump, "Fuck, what was that for," another blow strikes me in the shin, bringing me down on my knees. Romeo punches my ribs, the last thing I see before the world goes black is one of the potentials walking away with Red.


  Coming to I am stretched out on the pool table being examined by the club doctor. Guess I received my beat down. Fuck, did they have to do it before I got laid. My body aches and my muscles are stiff, it hurts when I breathe. Romeo cracked my god damn rib. Flexing my fingers, I'd like to choke the motherfucker, but I can't. This is my punishment for breaking club rules. Slim extends a hand to help me off the hard ass table. Red is waiting with a jar of shine for me. The doctor hands me a bottle of pain meds to cope with the pain. Normally the club wouldn't allow him to medicate me, but I am going to have to be able to ride. My run is in three days. Stupid motherfuckers could have waited until I come back. Good thing Red was able to fuck my brains out at least once before I leave, I'm not going to be worth a fuckin
g nickel these last few days I have with her.

  "How long was I out?" I ask as Red and Slim help me to my room at the trailer.

  "About four hours, you were knocked out cold," Red answers not meeting my eyes. She probably thinks I am a big pussy for getting my ass handed to me, but I wasn't allowed to fight back. The rest of my week is spent laid up on the couch with Red tending to my every need. Had to put my run off for a few more days thanks to my brothers beating the shit out of me.


  "Do you really have to go?" Red is looking at me with a sadness in her eyes. That look cuts me, I'm so use to seeing that fire in her eyes. These past few days with her have been good, but the time for playing house is over and I got to get back to pulling my weight with the club. My woman has my clothes packed for me, my boots cleaned up. A man could get use to this treatment.

  "Yeah, baby, I have to. If you need anything, you just tell one of the brothers and they will get it for you. Unless you need fucked, you better call me if you want fucked."

  "Just remember one thing while you are on the road, this...," she takes my hand and rubs it over her pussy, "this is the only pussy you can touch."

  "Fuck, you are killing me Red. I don't have time to do all of the things I want with your body. I'm already running late." She is tearing me up inside, I have never had such a hard time walking away from a woman. It wouldn't be so bad, but I don't know how long I am going to be on the road. Slim has me going to one of our extended clubs to talk business after I am done with my run. They want to set up a distribution warehouse for the shine business. This deal could be huge for us. Normally Slim would handle a deal this big, but with all the shit that just went down with Hook, he needs to stay at the roadhouse in case Hook starts some shit. Skull will be riding by my side and Romeo is driving the truck with one of the potentials riding shotgun. Fucking Romeo could go to Chicago, but he is to big of a pussy to face LL—Luscious Laura. They were an item few years ago, but he didn't claim her so she moved to Chicago with the prez of the Disciples, runs their club whorehouse. I am the only brother Slim trusts to handle our business.

  "Well then I better be quick," Red pushes me down on the bed. Bitch is like a pro, she unzips my pants and goes straight to work on my cock. With one hand cupping my balls her other hand is holding my shaft. She strokes me with her hand and licks my length with her tongue, like a damn snake ready to strike she hisses at me.

  "Need to feel you baby," grabbing her under her arms I pull her up on the bed with me. My ribs pull, causing me to wince.

  "Don't hurt yourself, are you sure you can ride?"

  My hands find her ass and give it a rough squeeze. Her dress rides up over hips as she grinds on my dick, not even in her and I'm about to blow. Pushing her panties to the side, I want her so bad. "Hell yeah baby, ride this cock."

  Don't think I have ever cum so fast. "Sorry baby, I know that wasn't what you were after."

  "I got to fuck my man, before he leaves, that's all that matters to me."

  "Going to miss your sweet ass while I'm gone."


  Romeo has the truck loaded and ready to roll, if we leave now we can get to Indiana state line by nightfall. I don't want to travel the freeway after night, and I hate traveling so quickly after this shit with the Rejects. Never know if Hook has scouts on the look out for us. Never thought I'd feel weird not having a bitch seat on my bike, seeing it gone makes me feel empty.


  Checking in at Luscious Laura's I am worn ragged from the ride, but fuck it felt good to be on the open road. Only thing missing was Red on my backseat with her arms wrapped around me...

  "Grim, long time no see. Is it true, you're a claimed man."

  Raising my sleeve, I show her my fresh ink.

  "Well, I'll be damned never thought I would see you settled. The girls will be disappointed."

  "Sorry to disappoint sweetheart, but I am a one woman man now. What's the word with the Disciples."

  "Nothing good, the club has seen better days. Hope you being here means things are about to change." She gives me a brief hug, looking stunning as usual. It's been a few years since I have been here, but looks as though shit hasn't changed. Slim isn't going to be happy if the Disciples don't have their shit together. I am going to be really unhappy if I have to stay here to sort this shit out.


  It's been six months since I arrived in Chicago. Shit has been rough, but I think I finally have this club back on its feet. I can't fucking wait to get back to the Roadhouse and sleep in my own bed. My shit is stowed in my saddlebags and I am headed home.

  Crossing the Kentucky state line never felt so damn good. Things with Red and me have been tense to say the least. Not being able to se her or touch her has been so fucking hard. I tried to stay faithful, but I'm a man with needs. I fucked up, late one night my loneliness and my dick got the best of me. Can't even say who the woman was who was in my bed. She had tits, a tight ass, at the time that was all that mattered.

  When I told Red about it she told me not to come home. I knew she'd be hurt but I had to tell her, even if it hurt her, she deserved that much from me. Slim says the tension with Hook hasn't eased even though we have been able to make our payment every month. Romeo's last run was jacked. Slim said there wasn't any proof that the Devils Rejects were behind it, but Slim says he thinks they are trying to make us miss a payment so that they have a reason to strike.


  Pulling up to the back entrance of the compound, I am trying to sneak in and see my woman before my homecoming is celebrated. Fucking need to touch her, and see that freckled face smiling at me. She might be angry with me but I bet she sure as hell has missed me. Walking into my place, it is so quiet. It' s early yet Red must still be in bed. I drove through the night so I could be the first thing she sees today.

  Stopping in the bathroom first to take a shower, I don't want to crawl into bed with her with the stink of the ride on me. Feeling completely exhausted from the trip, I rest my head against the wall of the shower to keep from falling over. My exhaustion is short lived as I start picturing Red curled up in my bed wearing one of my shirts. My cock springs to life as images of her waking up and ready to please me flash through my mind. Taking my rigid length in my grip, the water is running over me, I jerk myself to thoughts of her so hard it hurts.

  Stepping out of the shower with a woody, I open the door to my room to find the bed empty. "Red," hoarsely I whisper, feeling completely lost and confused.

  Chapter 5

  "What the fuck you mean, she moved out! Where is she?"

  "She got an apartment near the bowling alley, Slim tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen. Said it was for the best." Foxie continues to pick tomatoes like she didn't just give me the news that fucking tilts my whole world off of its axis.


  "About two months ago," she shrugs.

  "Damn it," rearing back I punch the fence post and split my knuckles wide open. Headed straight for my bike, I am jerked to a stop by a hand on my shoulder.

  "Welcome home brother," Romeo embraces me. "Missed you brother, shits not been right since you left. How was LL?" Too big of a pussy to find out for himself, but he still needs to know about her.

  "It's good to be home, but why in the hell did Red leave?" Not that it's a question that needs an answer, I know why she left. Two months ago I broke her trust and her faith in us. Not that I can blame her for leaving, but why in the hell didn't Slim or anyone else tell me this news before now. I shouldn't have to come home and discover the shit on my own.


  "What did you expect to happen, Grim? Did you think time would freeze. That I wouldn't pick up the pieces of my life and move on. I spent enough time being done like shit by Benji, to take it from you too. I knew it would happen the day you said you were leaving. We shared an attraction, it was fun while it lasted. " Her arms are crossed in a defensive manner. Red is closed off to me and isn't receptive to anything I have to s

  "Baby, please." I start walking towards her.

  She holds her hand up to me. "I'm done Grim. I wish you the best. When you are ready, we need to make an appointment with Inkman to get our brands removed."

  "You don't mean that Red. It's not over. Don't say it's over. I'm home now, we can try to make this work." I cross the living room and enter the kitchen where she has been standing behind the counter. She is trying to be strong, but I can see the tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. I'm not above getting down on my knees and begging. Pulling her arms away from her chest, I kiss her hands as she cries, and that's when I see the perfect little bump protruding from her waist.

  Reaching out I rub her stomach, "Are you..." I can't say the words. The thought that she is with my child and I hurt her is unbearable. "Is it mine?" the thought crosses my mind that she could be carrying Benji's baby, or someone else's. Is this the reason she left, did she cheat on me? Fuck, my heart feels like it's in a blender. My palms are sweating, I'm trying so hard to control my emotion. I don't want to hurt her or say something I will live to regret.

  "Explain this," motioning to her stomach I get up from my knees. Her eyes are cast down, she can't look me in the eyes. I realize there are so many thing about this woman that I do don't know. How many secrets is she hiding?

  "You left, you cheated on me, I found out I was pregnant and I left that pretty much covers it." Stepping around me she goes to the sink for a glass of water. "Can we not discuss this right now?" She takes a long hard drink from her glass.

  "Hell no, we are having this conversation. For six god damn long ass motherfucking months I've thought about you. And I finally come home to find that you have walked out on me. Why and the fuck did I just find this shit out today?" Kicking a chair out with my feet I order her to sit.

  Taking her seat she shocks the hell out of me, "it was a club decision. Slim thought it was best I wait until you came back. Said he needed you in Chicago and if I told you I was leaving you would have come home early."


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