Grim: The Beginning

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Grim: The Beginning Page 5

by Glenna Maynard

  Slim is going to hear it from me, he might have just cost me the only thing I have ever wanted. "The bay is yours, you can be a dad or not, choice is yours. I won't stand in your way. But right now I am late for work, I'll come by the club sometime and you can tell me what you want to do."

  Late for work? "Baby, you shouldn't be working. My money is your money, you know that if you need something you just have to say the word." Scooting back her chair she stands and her hand brushes my cheek, "Goodbye Grim, I'm glad you are home safe." How do I walk out of here without her? How do I walk away from the only person I have ever wanted to be with?

  "Who's keeping you safe?"

  "Slim, he always sends over a potential to check up on me." That shit boils my blood, I feel like a hornets nest is swarming through my veins.

  "Where are ya working at? Don't look at me like that, I won't cause no shit. Just give me a piece of mind ok?"

  "Foxie, got me a job working for her daddy at the carryout." Well that eases my mind a little, the carryout is under the club's protection. I'll leave for now, but this is far from over.


  "Tonight we welcome our brother Grim home, who's ready to celebrate?"

  "Hell yeah," the Roadhouse erupts with whistles and cheers.

  Fuck it, tonight I'm going to have a good time. If Red wants space I'll give her some motherfucking space. Betty slides up on the stool next me at the bar and hands me some apple pie shine.

  "Welcome home," her fingers trail up my arm seductively. Taking a swig from my jar of shine, I take Betty by the hand and lead her upstairs, just like old times. Taking my keys out I unlock my door, fucking room smells stale. I've not been in here since Red, fuck. I slam the door shut and tell Betty to go please someone else. Red doesn't want me, and I haven't been with her in months, but her pussy still has a hold on me.

  Slim still has a lot of fucking explaining to do, I am down for doing what's best for the club, but he had no right to play with my life like that. It wasn't his secret to keep. How could they not tell me I'm going to be a father? Walking behind the bar, I grab a case of shine and take it to my trailer. I'm feeling pretty fucking betrayed , even if good intentions were meant.


  "Grim, come on man open up. Romeo is hurt bad. Someone raided the cabin." Slim is beating on my bedroom door. I've not left my trailer for three days, been drinking my way through this case of shine. Rolling my sorry ass out of bed, I sling the door open.

  "Co-me on bro-ther, let's ride the-n," comes out in a slur. my legs feel like spaghetti noodles.

  "Fuck man, your ass ain't riding no-fuckin-where. Get your stinky ass in the shower and meet me at church in twenty." He looks as mad as I feel. Me and him are going to have real fuckin' talk at church tonight.


  "We have bigger problems than whatever shit you go going on with Red. All of our fucking shine at the cabin is gone. Two motherfuckers showed up in the middle of the night and fucked Romeo up pretty bad. We have a good supply in the warehouse in Chicago, but shits already been sold. Our payment for Hook is due and if we pay him, we can't pay the rest of our bills this month."

  "Has to be Hook," Skully chimes in.

  "No evidence to prove that it was," Bucky, Slim's brother-in-law throws his hat into the conversation.

  "Someone's gone dirty, that cabin has been our best kept secret for six years." I'm not buying this bullshit, they know fucking Hook has put a tail on Romeo and hit us where it hurts to prove a motherfuckin point. Shits just not sitting right with me. Lots of decisions have been made in my absence. Makes me think Chicago and losing Red is Slim's way of letting me know my place. Starting to think my vice president patch doesn't carry the same weight it use to. Not sure when we started patching members in without my vote. Bucky was a potential before I left—a potential I have voted down for the past two years. Something about that boy rubs me the wrong way.

  "Who's been watching over Red, just because she's not living on club property doesn't mean she doesn't fall under our protection and her being pregnant with my child solidifies her has untouchable."

  Bucky shifts uncomfortably in his chair, "I've been keeping an eye on her at the carryout. There is something you should know."

  Slim cuts him off before he can finish what he was about say. "now's not the time brother."

  "If the kid has something to say about Red, now is as good of time as any."

  "Later, Grim, let it go." Slim closes the meeting, but that doesn't stop me from cornering Bucky to get what I want.

  "Well we have been watching her for her protection of course, but she has had contact with the Devils Rejects. Not sure what kind of information she has, but she knows shit and is sharing it with the Devils Rejects. We didn't want to preach it to the choir without proof, but now that you are back maybe you could find out what's going on." My irritation just reached an all time new level. Are they saying Red played me to get in with the club? Are they saying she fucking took advantage of me? No fucking way, I don't believe it. Bucky has put shit in Slim's head, Giving the impression that Red is a rat or better yet that so am I. I'll prove them wrong. If Red has had contact with Hook or his men, there has to be a good reason. Only reason comes to mind, she'd do anything to get Sarah back.


  For the past three weeks I have been watching Red—sitting outside of her apartment...watching her at work...checking her mail. There hasn't been anything suspicious on her end until today. A man clearly wearing a Devils Rejects cut just showed at her apartment. My first instinct is to bash in his skull and ask questions later, but I know I need to see how this plays out. It's not only Red I have to worry about, but my unborn child as well.

  Waiting til the motherfucker walks through her door, I get off my bike and stand outside her door to listen.

  "Do you have my package?" I hear Red ask.

  "Yea, I got it." Not liking the sound of this, I draw my piece and kick the motherfucking door in.

  With my gun pointed at this piece of shit, I start demanding answers. "you've got til the count of three to tell me what you are doing having a secret meeting with my woman."

  Red comes rushing down the hallway. "Grim, what the fuck are you doing. This is my brother."

  "Your brother," I put my gun away, not wanting to scare Red anymore than she already is.

  "Yea my brother, he is trying to get Sarah back for me. We have different dads, and I was raised in foster care so Hook hasn't connected us. What are you doing, are you spying on me?"

  "No, yes. One of the brother's has been watching the two of you and now the club thinks you were using me to get in with the club, they think you are a spy for Hook. Are you, is he threatening you with Sarah in exchange for information?"

  Walking up to me, she shoves her finger in my chest, "is that what you really think of me Grim? You think I used you, that I got pregnant with your child for shits and giggles—all for an elaborate scheme to get your secrets. If Hook wanted to know your secrets he wouldn't have to go through me to get them. Tell him Scooter...there's a traitor in the Black Rebels."

  Scooter doesn't dare speak, kid looks like he's shit his pants, but he nods backing up his sister. Now that I look at him I can see a small resemblance between the two of them. "You want to help your sister?"

  The kid nods again, "Well you got to disappear. I mean you fucking hightail it out of Kentucky and never look back. If anyone else was to find out that you two are related and sharing information, you'll both be dead. And fuck I can't have that, I can't protect you like this, Red. Answer me this, have you been telling him anything about my club?"

  "Nothing besides what a lying piece of shit you are."

  "I've never fucking lied to you, I was honest with you."

  "So you didn't tell that whore Betty that she could be your bitch on the side?" Her eyebrows are raised, her hands resting on her belly, caressing our baby. Never knew a pissed off pregnant woman could look so damn sexy.

  "Fuck no, I told
her I no longer needed her. Can you say goodbye to your brother so we can finish this shit in private?"

  "You really want him to disappear, he is my inside link to Sarah."

  "I'm sorry baby, but it has to be this way. I promise you that I will get Sarah back for you, or I will die trying. I need you to trust in me. Trust in my love for you." Shit, just said I love the bitch. But fuck, guess I do, just didn't realize it til now.

  A coy smile plays on her lips, "you love me..."

  "Shit, yeah I love you, I fucking love the shit out of you."

  Scooter speaks up, "The Rebels are selling drugs for Hook."

  "You know that for a fact boy?"

  "Yeah, I delivered some stuff to this kid Squirrel, few weeks back. He took a bunch of crank to sell." Shit don't sound right. We have never dealt drugs. We might smoke a little weed, but no heavy shit. Is this what Slim meant by taking care of it?

  "Thanks, man, sorry I almost shot your ass."

  "I understand, comes with the life. I don't have the money to get lost, exactly." Poor kid looks scared. He must not realize how deep and serious this shit is. This ain't TV, this is fucking real life. It's a ride or die life. I take out my wallet and hand the kid all the cash I have on me. It's not much in way of getting him far, but it's a start.

  "You burn that motherfucking cut, and get the next bus out of town. I don't care where you go as long as you put as much distance possible between yourself and Kentucky. Don't ever look back kid. Don't worry I'll take care of your sister."


  Shit with me and Red ain't exactly squared but she has agreed to dinner with me this weekend. But first things first, I'm going to send Betty's ass packing and let anyone of my brothers try and stop me.

  Chapter 6

  "Found our rat brother, Betty has been fucking a Reject on the side. Was sending him to harass Red. Found the motherfucker lurking outside of her apartment. Nearly shit himself when I confronted him. Little pussy took off after spilling his guts. Doubt he will be an issue, he knows I have his number."

  "Alright, lets put it to vote. All those in favor of getting rid of Betty say aye."

  There is an unanimous, "aye," reverberated around the table. I don't like killing women, but Betty fucked with my family. Skank bitch told Red, I had been seeing her on the weekends when I was in Chicago. Fucking whore, gonna get what's coming to her.

  Bucky needs to prove he is worthy of his patch, so gets to deal with offing Betty. Sure going to miss her cooking, but that's about it. I might have stretched the truth about her some, but Red is my woman whether she likes it or not and that makes her brother family, and I protect what's mine. Slim obviously has his secrets and now I have mine. Now's not the time to discuss the drugs, he will want to know where I got my information.

  We are set to meet with Hook in a few days, still don't know how we are going to pay him and keep our heads above water. Now's not the time to go to war with him, too much internal shit going down, I still have to figure out who the real rat is and handle him quietly. My money is on that little snake, Bucky.

  Romeo is still laid up from the raid on his cabin, so its up to me to setup a new location for our operation. Discreet locations are hard to come by these days. We don't go unnoticed, but most of our town would rather be under our protection than unite against us. Guess you might say we are the lesser evil. when compared to the Devils Rejects. There is a property outside city limits and close to the lake that would be a perfect spot. Only problem is we would have to build and we don't have the funds to allocate to it. Coming home to this mess after the disorder I cleaned up in Chicago makes for one hell of a migraine.

  The Roadhouse is tapped out of shine, we have had to sell the last of our stock. Looks like we might have to increase member dues for the brothers that are members but live outside of the club—weekend warriors. Shits tight and I don't like it one bit. Things aren't looking good. And damn this tap beer taste like piss. I've got money in the bank not enough to pull us out of the black, but enough to help us skim by for another month. But with all the secrets and shit, not sure how I feel about investing my retirement. We use to be all about brotherhood. I'm not feeling very brotherly after the shit Slim pulled while I was away.

  "Brother, I know shit between us feels stressed, but I was looking out for what was going to be best for the clubs future. If you'd pulled out of Chicago we wouldn't be seeing half the results we are with them. Red will come around, you'll see. Man she wasn't happy being here without you. Moving out and getting that job was what she needed. You just got to show her your ready now. Fuck, you and I both know that when you claimed her ass you wasn't ready. You needed to be without her to know you not only need her, but that you want her. Now if you tell anyone about this deep conversation, I'll cut off one of your nuts."

  "I get it, doesn't mean I have to like it. Look, I have money in the bank, not enough to put us on top, but enough that I could dig us out of this hole. There's a property for sale out by the lake. If I could get it and build a small cabin for Romeo, we could be up and running in another two months. But someone else is going to have to cover what we owe Hook."

  Slim clinks his beer against mine, "you just saved our asses Grim. Thought we was going to have to take Hook out, and we don't have the numbers to survive a full on war with them. I can cover our payments with Hook the next two months as long as nothing fucks up in Chicago. Now about this property I trust your judgment, but I'd like to ride out and look at it. Maybe we can take the women with us and I'll have Foxie pack us up a picnic. Women like shit like that...I think."

  "Sounds good, but we are going to have to get a new bar bitch. My beer taste hotter than piss. Skully would be better than Davis, at this point."

  It feels oddly good to be putting the bitch seat back on my bike, even if Red won't be able to ride much longer. She's not so big yet that I can't take her for ride as long as I am extremely cautious. Going have to get my truck running now that I am going to be a dad, the baby sure as hell can't ride my bike when it's born. Fuck, I am not prepared for this, I am such a prick. Didn't even ask her what she needs, not that she would accept my help right now, but I feel like I should be doing something, anything for her.


  "I'm not getting on the back of your bike." Red is standing in the parking lot of her apartment complex, hands on her hips looking madder than a wet hen. Slim and Foxie are laughing, shit is about embarrassing. I've never had to beg a woman to climb on the back of my motorcycle, ever. Bit of a strike to the ego. looking damn fine while she is giving me hell, dressed in a white tank top, daisy dukes, her hair blowing with the breeze. I'd like to grip my fist in her hair and taste those smart ass lips of hers.

  "Woman, not goin tell you twice." Handing her a brain bucket, I try to steal a kiss, but she's not having it. She's goin to make me work for it, that's alright though, I enjoy a challenge. Reluctantly she gets on, and I do my finest to make sure she is comfortable before I pull out on the road with her. She wraps her arms around me and snuggles into the back of my cut, feels like home. Fuck, I have missed her touch, her smell, her everything.

  Think this is the slowest I've ever driven. Traveling down these old country roads, corn husks are blowing through the fields and over the road, we call them corn snakes. Don't have the same effect when you are driving slow though. It's moments like this that I live for, being out on the open road, my woman riding with me. Even if she says she don't want to be with me, I know she feels at peace with me too. She just has this effect on me, everything feels right when she's with me.

  "This would be such a pretty setting for a house." Foxie is walking along the tree line of the property with Red. She is right, a house would look good here with little red headed runts running through the grass. But that's not going to happen. Red don't want me, and my life is at the Roadhouse.

  My mother always said I would never amount to anything and never have anything. She was a true club whore, she lived and died by the Devil
s Rejects code. My mother was nothing but one of Hook's many whores. Never knew my father, never cared to know. But my child will have a better life, and I will give him or her everything I never had. If Red really wants out, if she really don't want to be with me, I'll get her out. Her and both of her children, even if that means I won't know my kid. It's probably for the best, not sure what I was thinking, imagining that I could have it all.

  "The land is perfect brother, it sets enough out of the way that no one would notice it from the road." Slim helps me get the blankets and food from our bikes.

  "Good, because I already put in an offer, should be able to sign the papers in a few days. I have already gotten the permits we will need, and talked with Blaze and Stone. They do a lot of side work for a contractor and said they would help with a lot of the work, said they could probably get us a discount."

  Helping Red to the ground to sit on the blanket, she surprises me with a small kiss on the cheek. Maybe all hope for us isn't lost just yet. For the first time in weeks she opens up and actually has a conversation with me. "I have an ultrasound next week, if you want be there ."

  "Wouldn't miss it for nothing." Taking a bite of my sandwich, I am afraid to say much else, afraid I'll fuck this up. Foxie saves me and ask Red how work is going. I don't much care for her working, but at least at the carryout I don't have to be as concerned about her safety, place has enough security you'd think it was Fort Knox.

  There is so much I want to say to her but I just don't know how to find the words. The need to talk to her is ripping me up inside, everything I do is wrong. But tonight she is going to hear what I have to say even if I stick my foot in my mouth. She and I are going to settle this one way or the other tonight.

  Slim lights up a joint, "Want to hit this shit before I go man," he tries to pass it to me.

  "Nah brother, not when I am going to be driving Red home."


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