Grim: The Beginning

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Grim: The Beginning Page 7

by Glenna Maynard

  I grab the blood stained pictures from the table. Gun in my hand, I take Squirrel out on the porch with me. All of my brothers are gathered on the porch.

  "Start talking motherfucker."

  "I..." he stammers.

  Cocking my gun and aiming it at his temple, "I said start talking motherfucker." Little bitch pisses his damn pants.

  "I fixed your truck, came to tell ya, found her like that was coming to get help." He sniffles and cries. I shove him over to Romeo. "Lying piece of shit, you all know he has been selling drugs for the fucking Devils Rejects."

  Looking through the bloody photos my heart sinks to the pits of hell, I didn't think it was possible to feel any lower than I do now. But seeing that motherfucker Benji is alive and breathing, raising Sarah, that shit don't sit right with me. That son of a bitch is suppose to be in the ground—not raising Red's daughter. These photos are stamped for one week ago. "Take him to the garage. Don't take your eyes off of him. He fucking killed her I know he did." I am interrupted by the crying of a baby, my baby girl.

  Walking back inside, I meet my daughter and I can't form the words to express the love that is in my heart for this little girl, but right now I am waging a war inside myself and I want to kill something or someone. "Give her to Foxie, I have some shit to take care of."

  "Okay brother," I watch Slim as he walks away holding the only thing keeping me from going completely off the rails.

  I kneel down by my woman, my heart. " Baby, please come back to me, you can't be gone. Don't you fucking give up on me. You promised fucking promised me." I am holding onto her hand, looking at the ring I placed on it hours ago.

  "Brother, she's gone. Let me take care of this, go be with your daughter." Pushing Skull away I stand up and kick the couch, I start trashing the place. Sending my knuckles through the picture of her leaned against my bike with her hands on her stomach, nothing will ever be okay again.


  "Today was the funeral for Red, had brothers from three other clubs show up to ride in her honor. I just feel so motherfuckin' numb, woman changed me, made me think I deserved something good. She left me with a piece of her, a piece of her that is so beautiful, it hurts to be near her. I named her Baby, didn't know what else to call her. Never knew what Red's real name was and I sure as hell wasn't going to name her after my mother.

  Still don't know what happened. Squirrel disappeared after I walked into my house the other night. My money would be on the Devils Rejects, but don't see them getting in our compound unnoticed. Had to be that little shit Squirrel, but the only thing I can't figure out is where the pictures of Benji came from. I will hunt both of them slimy little fuckers to the ends of the earth and stick a bullet between both of their eyes, should have killed Squirrel when I had the chance, but I let him go out of respect for Slim and Foxie. Slim swears he wasn't in on the deal between Squirrel and Hook, but right now my heads not right and I can't trust anyone.

  I made Red a promise to get Sarah away from the Rejects and that's exactly what I am going to do. I tried being a good man, but being that guy isn't in my blood. Killing is in my nature. My name is Grim and this is the beginning...


  To my Beautiful Strangers, thank you girls so much for hanging by side and pushing me and being an amazing support for me. I love you all dearly.

  To My Authors Support 101 group, you guys are amazing, thank you for being so supportive and giving me advice, or just being there when I need to vent and chat with people who understand the blood, sweat and tears we put into our work.

  Dawn Martens—what can I say about your crazy ass, thank you for always being honest and for being a kick ass friend to me. I promise I am working on your reading list for KA books. So keep your boot to yourself!

  Ashley Suzanne thank you for being so pumped for Grim and for showing me so much love and support.

  Laura Frasher thank you for letting me tease you slowly with excerpts from Grim. You are awesomesauce.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for buying and reading Grim. This character has changed and evolved so much since I first dreamt him up. Writing this story I took a lot of creative liberties. Drag Creek Kentucky is not real, and the MC names are fictitious. I hope you loved Grim as much as I do. The story doesn't end here. The Black Rebel Riders' Series will continue, I don't want to make false promises or give out too many details at this time, because a lot can change during the writing of a book. I can say that I am working on the second book in the series, but the title is not definite at this time. And if you loved Grim or even liked him just a little I hope you will leave a review.

  Ride free or die trying,

  Glenna xoxxo

  About the Author

  Glenna Maynard is the author of the bestselling romantic suspense novel I’m with You. A mother by day and writer by night, when Glenna isn't writing or spending time with family you can usually find her curled up reading a great book. She has a passion for romance and paranormal reads.

  Glenna was born and raised in the beautiful hills of Eastern Ky, where she still resides today. Her hobbies include reading, writing, scrap-booking, and cooking.

  Visit for more information. You can also find Glenna on several social media sites including Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Blogger, Google+ and Goodreads.

  Other titles from this author:

  The Masquerade Series

  Beautiful Strangers

  Beautiful Liar

  Beautiful Lover

  Beautiful Nightmare

  The Shattered Heart Series

  Blackened Heart

  Wicked Heart

  Unbreak My Heart

  Tangled Heart

  Crazy Heart

  Amazon Best Selling Romantic Suspense

  I’m with You

  The Black Rebel Riders’ Series

  Grim The beginning

  Releasing soon

  Just to be with You

  Our Last Goodbye




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