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Kissed by The Dragon: (The Dragon Lords - Book 2)

Page 6

by K. T. Stryker

  Ryan never heard anything of the sort about Mr. Watins but he had to admit that Steph was playing the role of outraged lawyer very well.

  The soldier backed off and spoke in a radio microphone on his chest.

  “Fall back,” he called at last. He glared at Ryan before he left from the back door.

  The caretaker rushed forward. “I’m sorry Mr. Ryan. They came at me when I got to the back door.”

  “It’s okay, Emelda,” said Ryan. “And I’m glad you didn’t believe I kidnapped Steph.”

  “No, Mr. Ryan. You’ve done a lot of silly things but you’ve never needed to kidnap a woman.”

  “That’s the most honest assessment I’ve ever heard of my behavior. And you are right. I’ve never had to kidnap a woman.” Steph glared at him which he supposed he deserved. “Which car has the most gas downstairs?”

  “That would be the Escalade, Mr. Ryan. I use it for trips to town for supplies. I filled it last trip.”

  “Okay. I want you to call my father and tell him what happened. Ms. Brooks and I are taking the Escalade.”

  “Yes, Mr. Ryan.”

  “Come on Steph. We’re making a break for it.”



  Steph followed Ryan down a staircase that ran to the basement. He flipped on a light and she saw they entered a garage. There are three different cars, one an upscale sedan, a Porsche and an Escalade. They climbed into the Escalade and Ryan keyed open the garage door.

  “Why do you keep so many cars at places where you don’t live?” she asked.

  “It’s a convenience, but not every residence has cars. It’s just we tend to come here more often than the other places, so there is one for me, my mom and my dad.”

  “Momma bear, Papa bear and Baby bear, eh?”

  Ryan touched her red locks.

  “You don’t look like Goldilocks to me.”

  “Goldilocks was a thief. I am a lawyer not a thief.”

  “Not one for porridge theft, huh?”

  “What is porridge anyway? Is it even a thing?

  “Sure it is. It’s oatmeal. Or sometimes other grains cooked to mush.”

  “For a man that doesn’t cook, you know an awful lot about this porridge business.”

  “Enough about porridge. I want to know about your life of crime.”

  “I told you. I have no life of crime.”

  “Says you. I might have to have you investigated. After all a dragon has lots of gold to protect.”

  “Do you?”


  “Have gold to protect?”

  “Me personally. No. Well, that’s not true. I’ve been exceptionally good at saving my allowance.”

  “Allowance eh? What. Save your quarters every week?”

  Ryan laughed. “When I was small, I got a thousand dollars a week.”


  “Well, I was at private school most of the time, so I needed walking around money.”

  “And what do you get now?”

  “Officially, I’m on the board of directors of Kaur Industries so I draw a salary from that. What is this? Are you some sort of gold digger looking to see what you can get out of me?”

  “Sure. That’s me,” Steph snorted. “The gold-digging lawyer thief. Just what makes you qualified to sit on the board at Kaur Industries?”

  “Besides being the son of the owner?”


  “Nothing much. Just a PhD in business management.”

  “What? You? A doctor?”

  “Ssh. You’ll spoil my ne’er-do-well reputation. Besides, it’s not that impressive. Anyone can get one of those.”

  “Well, not anyone. What did you write your dissertation on?”

  “Wealth Management in International Markets.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “You can look it up. It’s listed in my school’s dissertation data bank.”

  Steph stared at the road ahead. Once again Ryan, without even trying, managed to blow her away. This was a man who literally had everything, smarts, money and looks. Why would he want a little law associate who just made the bar?

  “What are you doing with me?” she said awestruck.

  “Why wouldn’t I be with you?’

  “It’s too much. It just is. Things like this don’t happen to people. I expected that maybe I meet a nice lawyer or doctor.

  “And now you are claimed by a dragon. There go your plans for a normal life.”

  “But what about that too? What if you find a nice lady dragon? Wouldn’t you want her?”

  “Steph, you are right. There are a lot of unknowns now. And I admit, I’ve been playing things by ear, but what’s here,” he said as he touched his heart, “that’s steady and strong. I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you.”

  “And just what is that? A sense of possession?”

  “Yes. And the need to protect you. Oh, and by the way. I’m not happy that you intervened in the kitchen. You aren’t to do that again.”

  “Or what?”

  “I might have to punish you.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “I’m serious. You are not to put yourself in harm’s way”

  Steph crossed her arms and stared out the window. She wasn’t used to this, to being treated like she couldn’t protect herself. She didn’t spend four years in the Marines to be treated like a piece of fluff that didn’t know when to get out of the way.

  “Listen, mister. I was a Marine. I can take care of myself, better than you can.”

  “Well, forgive me,” huffed Ryan, “Miss Marine. And I supposed you served overseas.”

  “In Afghanistan in an artillery unit. I told you that story about the dragon in my unit.”

  “Yes, you did,” said Ryan chastened.

  But Ryan’s words did not mollify her, and she continued to stare out the passenger side window. As she looked into the side-view mirror a shadow behind the Escalade caught her eye.

  “Ryan,” she said, “a car is following us.”

  “Let me look.” He peered out of his side mirror and cursed.

  “Dammit!” He put his foot on the gas and the SUV sped ahead. Steph looked out the window and confirmed what she suspected.

  “They’ve sped up,” she said.

  “I see that,” gritted Ryan. He jammed his foot on the gas pedal, but this wasn’t a Porsche with an engine or body designed for speed. Even though she had her seatbelt on she gripped the seats. She was used to danger, but she already had one bad experience with Ryan in a car.

  But no matter how fast the SUV took the road, the car behind then kept pace. Then Steph’s heart nearly stopped when the car pulled alongside them on the narrow road.


  The car hit hard into the passenger side. Metal collided with metal in a sickening squeal and Steph jerked toward the center console.

  Ryan held onto the steering with an iron grip but the Escalade skidded and spun crazily. She watched him spin into the turn to regain control and he righted the vehicle, but another crash sent the SUV into the oncoming lane. At the same time a truck came into view by coming to the top of a small hill in the road. Steph saw it on his face. He had no choice. He hit the gas again and smashed into a fence at the edge of a pasture. This time Steph flew forward and hit her head on the dashboard.

  The airbags shot out and slammed Steph in the chest for the second time in as many days, and this time she thought she had more than bruised ribs.

  The SUV lurched to a stop, and Ryan ripped the seatbelt off of Steph. With one huge tug, he pulled her over the center console. She gasped at the pain and hoped a rib didn’t spear anything critical.

  “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he said repeatedly. He held her close, standing in the field as military vehicles pulled up and soldiers spilled out.

  “We have to get out of here,” he said.

  “You can’t shift,” she said with a wheeze in her voice. “That would only con
firm their suspicions.”

  “We can’t stay here.”

  Steph felt him gather intent in his mind to call out his dragon form. She felt heat shimmer around her and she heard a tremendous roar.

  Both her and Ryan looked to the sky where a great form blotted out the sun. And then it descended, trumpeting. A great bronze dragon dropped to the ground, extending his wings, and spitting fire.

  “Wow,” said Ryan. “I want to learn how to do that.”

  A rhythmic thrumming built around them, but then the dragon stamped its great claw impatiently.

  Seneschal! Cannot your dragon speak?

  It was a voice in her head, much like Ryan’s but it sounded different.

  “Ryan just learned he was a dragon yesterday.”

  The dragon trumpeted his disapproval but she wasn’t sure if it was for Ryan’s inability to speak to the dragon or the advancing soldiers who formed a line at the edge of the road.

  “Come,” said the dragon extending his foreleg. “On my back.”

  “Ryan, the dragon says to get on his back.”

  “He talks to you?”

  “Yes, like you do, in my head.”

  “Well, fuck. I’m really behind the learning curve, aren’t I?”


  “Get on. I’ll be there in a sec.”

  Steph struggled to climb to the dragon’s back while Ryan dashed the few feet to the SUV. He pulled out the backpack then ran up to the dragon and nimbly up his foreleg. He settled behind Steph behind one of the spiny appendages that rose evenly along the dragons back.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She leaned against him. “Hold me, Ryan. Take the pain away.”

  “Okay, baby,” he said. Concern choked his voice as he wrapped one arm around her. The other, she felt at her back, clutched the appendage between them

  The dragon rose amid the shouts of the soldiers. Stephanie heard the too familiar sound of a grenade launcher and she braced for impact. But incredibly the dragon snaked his head and swallowed the grenade. His stomach rumbled ominously and then the beast circled and spit fire at the offending military men. Steph had a moment’s pity. They were only doing their job. But she also noticed that the dragon only caused the field to burn and didn’t touch the men.

  Hold on, the dragon said. And they rose into the sky, the dragon flapping his great wings. Steph felt sick to her stomach.

  Are you not well, seneschal? Steph had no idea why the dragon kept using that strange word for her but she decided that explanation could wait.

  All the things that happened to her crossed her mind.

  You are injured. Did not your dragon seek to care for you?

  Yes. Steph replied. But we were in danger from the government men.

  We have no means to care for you. Seneschal, you must seek care from your own kind.

  He banked and flew. Before long they came to a city though Steph was thoroughly lost now and had no clue as to where they were. But they flew by a hospital and the dragon circled and then landed on its helipad at the top of the roof.

  The dragon dropped his foreleg.

  Go, seneschal. Get well.


  “What’s happening?” said Ryan.

  “The dragon tells me to go.”

  “Okay, we’ll go.”

  Not the dragon whelp, said the dragon in her mind. He must come with me.

  “Ryan, he said you must go with him.”

  He took a deep breath. “Maybe that’s the best thing.”



  He couldn’t take the look on Steph’s face, like he was breaking a promise by telling her to stay here. But even he could tell her breathing was ragged, and she needed medical care. His tough Marine wouldn’t show it, wouldn’t even admit it to herself. But the problem was, the longer she remained with him, the more trouble she was in. This dragon, whoever he was, provided a perfect cover story by appearing when he did. Ryan would be a fool to waste it. And he’d be crazy to expose Steph to more danger.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said. “I’m your lawyer. You need me.”

  Yes. He suspected he did need her very much.

  “What I need is you off this dragon right now,” Ryan said coldly.

  “Hey,” said another voice. “Who the hell are you.”

  Ryan looked over the dragon’s wing to see a man dressed in dark blue hospital scrubs.

  “This woman is hurt. Her car was run off the road by government operatives. She’s injured and needs care.”

  “Ryan, don’t do this.”

  “Come on, lady.”

  “Her name is Steph Brooks, a lawyer with Peters, Watins and Roe. And no, contrary to reports, I did not kidnap her. She was assigned to keep me out of trouble, which due to no fault of her own, she couldn’t. And this dragon here showed up and got us out of a bad situation. I don’t know why. But you must take her now. She’s putting on a brave front but she’s in pain. She was hit by an air bag two times in two days, and her forehead hit the dashboard before today’s deployed.

  The man in the scrubs extended his arms. “I’ll catch you. Come down and we’ll help you.”


  He couldn’t take the plaintiveness in her voice or the sadness on her face. She had to leave, now. Because if she didn’t he wasn’t sure he could let her go.

  “Ms. Brooks,” he said as steadily as he could, “you’re fired.”

  Steph blinked as if she couldn’t believe what he said. But she stood and crawled backwards down the dragon’s leg. Thankfully, the man in the scrubs caught her. Ryan looked away, not wanting to see pleading in her eyes asking him not to go.


  The final plea in his head was too much.

  “Let’s go, dragon,” he yelled.

  The dragon took several steps to the ledge of the building and leaped. With powerful sweeps of his wings he rose higher toward the clouds. The air grew chill. The dragon looked over his shoulder toward Ryan and the young man got the idea. He clutched the ridge that rose before him and the dragon dove. Ryan held his breath as absolute cold clothed him like a shroud. But this dragon, unlike Ryan, knew exactly what he was doing. Before Ryan could blink, they were diving into atmosphere again.

  They leveled out over a mountain range and they swept over the majestic snowcapped peaks. Ryan was cold, and the air was thin but the view was breathtaking. If he didn’t feel the tug at his heart for leaving behind Steph, he would be gloriously happy. There was a reason this dragon came for him and Ryan hoped he would get answers to his many questions.

  Soon enough a line of broken buildings broke into view. The crumbling walls circled a large grassy area. The dragon backstroked slowing his descent, and then lightly landed on the grass. Ryan was amazed at the grace that the large dragon displayed. The dragon trumpeted and then shifted to human form.

  The human form of the dragon was dark skinned and had piercing black eyes. With a shock Ryan recognized him as Calvin Porter, one of the dragons that escaped from English prison. The man crossed quickly to a large stone table in the center and put on a cloak that covered his naked body. Then he turned to Ryan.

  “The queen comes,” he said urgently. “When she arrives bow before her.”

  Before Ryan could ask question, a woman swept out from shadows in the ruins. She was tall, and stately, and her perfectly proportioned face was framed by long blonde hair that flowed like a waterfall down her shoulders. But though her face was lovely, her eyes were cold and Ryan thought she could make ice freeze with her gaze. She stopped before the dragon and Ryan. The dragon bowed and remembering his words, Ryan bowed as well.

  “Rise, Captain. And this is one of our weyrlings?”

  “Yes, your majesty,” said the captain. He has the name Ryan Kaur.”

  “Rise Ryan Kaur. Welcome home. Long have we missed you.”

  Ryan stood as she circled him looking him over.

  “You’ve grown well in t
he care of humans.”

  “He does not know our language,” said Calvin.

  “That is to be expected. Do you know who I am, boy?”

  Ryan bristled at being called a boy. “Your captain here called you the queen of the dragons.”

  “That’s right. My name is Rhea Gentrix. It is acceptable that you don’t know my name. I am also your parent.”

  “Parent, as in mother?”

  “If you want to use the human term.” She spoke in a bored tone, as if the subject was not important.

  “And my father?”

  “Dragons reproduce in different ways, as those of our kind can. Females have the ability to reproduce asexually. You have no father, Ryan. Your genome is mine and only mine.”

  “Now let me think back on biology class. Asexual reproduction produces only females.”

  “In other species, yes. Not dragons. In a sense, we are both male and female though one gender tends to assert itself more than the other.”

  “My lady,” said Calvin. “The lad’s past few days have been strenuous.”

  “Of course. You will come to dinner later and tell me about your life in the human world. My captain will see to your needs.”

  “Excuse me, your majesty,” said Ryan. He found it difficult to keep sarcasm from his voice. “I appreciate the offer but I must get going. My father will be very worried.”

  “And did I not just explain to you that I am your family? Captain, did the weyrling get hit in the head?”

  “Not that I’m aware, my queen. Go and attend to other matters. I will talk to the boy.”

  Rhea Gentrix nodded and walked serenely away from them. When she receded into the shadows of the building Calvin turned to him swiftly.

  “Do not anger the queen!” said Calvin. “You may be her child, but you are one of many. She does not have the instincts of human mothers, but a dragon’s. If you prove to be a problem she will have no problem ending your life.”

  “Well, gee, Cap. Thanks for the warning. This sounds like the perfect time for me to take off.”

  “You do not understand. You have placed your seneschal in grave danger. The queen has many connections in the human world, one of them the law firm in which your seneschal is employed. She needs to send but one message and your seneschal shall be murdered. Rhea is aware that Stephanie Brooks is a seneschal from the reports she receives from her contacts. It was her that arranged for Ms. Brooks to work with you hoping that the bond between seneschal and dragon would form. That would give her leverage against you. The thing that Rhea does not know is that you mated the seneschal. Never, never let Rhea know this. She will kill both of you.”


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