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Ribbons of Love

Page 6

by Jules Dixon

  “Your sister is crazy, dude.” Jake murmured under his breath, “Crazy and hot.”

  What the hell?

  “Hello, Emerson,” I answered while scowling at Jake.

  “Well, thank goodness you got a replacement phone. Mom’s been so worried. You should’ve called her.” My sister’s irritated voice was her regular voice ninety percent of the time.

  “What do you need, Emie?”

  “Uncle Blake didn’t send me an invite to the Triple R holiday party. I called him and he said it wasn’t a mistake.”


  “You owe me for rescuing you yesterday morning. I want to go and I want you to take me as your guest.”

  “No, I’m not going to do that. If Uncle Blake didn’t invite you, then you’re not invited. Emerson, I don’t think you get how you put his business in jeopardy with your false accusations of sexual harassment in the spring. You’re lucky all he did was fire you and that he’ll still talk to you at all.”

  My phone buzzed in my hand, indicating another call.

  “But, Bryson—”

  “I have another call. I have to go.”

  She started talking but I’d heard enough about how horrible her life was because of other people.

  “Good-bye Emerson.” I clicked over. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” The soft voice soothed my distressed nerves.

  I flicked my legs to the floor and sat up straight. “Avery, hey, how are you feeling?”

  Jake held up his fist for a supportive bump as I walked by his chair to my bedroom.

  “I’m doing all right,” she mumbled.

  “That’s good to hear. What did you do the rest of the weekend?”


  The short sentences and quick responses nudged at something inside of me, but she also sounded tired.

  “Why didn’t you call me? I’d be glad to do nothing with you.”

  “Bryson … who …” There was a sharp exhale through the phone. “Never mind. Doesn’t matter.”

  “Everything matters to me when it comes to you, Avery.”

  “I’m tired.”

  We were back to the short answers but that one struck me as probably true.

  “Do you want to get a bite to eat tomorrow night after training?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. Last week I was almost dead after Jude’s training session. Can we wait and decide tomorrow?”

  “Sure. Are you positive you’re okay?”

  “Just have some things on my mind. I’ll see you at Triple R tomorrow night.”

  “Sweet dreams, Avery.”

  She cleared her throat. “Good night, Bryson.”

  The line went dead.

  I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling for a good portion of the night.

  Maybe Friday night wasn’t what I thought?

  Chapter Twelve


  “So, what color were his eyes?”

  Every question Presley asked transported Bryson back into my thoughts. Something I was trying very hard not to do. It wasn’t that I wanted to forget him. I just didn’t want to remember how conflicted I felt. And remembering seemed to be all I was doing today.

  “Blue. Baby blue with little silver sparkles that looked like moonlight reflecting off the snow.” I sighed, staring blindly at a poster of this year’s car models in the distance of the break room.

  Presley chuckled. “Wow. That was about as lovesick and yet downhearted as I’ve ever seen a person. What happened?”

  My vision blurred from staring so long. I blinked. “When I was driving home from downtown I saw him hugging a blonde on the side of the road. He got in and drove her car. She was gorgeous and they obviously had some close connection.”

  Presley leaned forward and furrowed her brows. “I know Jude wouldn’t agree to someone who had a girlfriend going on a date with you, Avery.”

  “Maybe Jude didn’t know? Or Bryson lied?”

  “Maybe it’s not that kind of relationship?”

  “The way they were hugging was definitely more than friendship. I tried to ask him last night on the phone, but I chickened out. I’m afraid to find out. I think … I don’t know what to think.”

  Presley’s hand on mine changed my focus to her. “Hey, I’ll text Jude and ask him what’s up, if you want.”

  “No, unfortunately Bryson and I have training this evening. Wait, I didn’t mean unfortunately. I enjoyed my first training session with Jude—”

  She squeezed my hand. “No worries. I knew what you meant.”

  I pursed my lips and shook my head as memories crept back in.

  “Avery, just talk to him. Ask questions. That’s the only way you’ll know what’s really going on.”


  “Avery, again, I’m sorry for missing the double date.” Jude’s fourth apology was both sweet and a little much. “I’m rarely sick.”

  “Don’t worry, Jude. I had a nice evening with Bryson.”

  He frowned, looking at my forehead. “I wouldn’t say getting in an accident constitutes a nice evening.”

  I touched the small bandage under my bangs. “That was because of road conditions. Not his fault.” The cut now had that crusty-but-healing look. I covered it so others didn’t have to see it. “I’ll be fine.” I hopped on the elliptical. “Hope you’re feeling better.”

  “I am. Have a good night, Avery.”

  “You, too.”

  I was inserting my first earbud when I heard Jude say, “Hey, Bryson,” behind me.

  “I need to go finish a little paperwork,” Jude added. “I’ll be right with you.”

  I blew out a long breath that did very little to lessen my tingling skin and racing heart.

  Bryson stepped next to my machine and his blue eyes examined my face. “Hey.” He reached up. “How is this?” His fingers grazed the skin on my forehead.

  “It’s better.”

  He grabbed the machine arm as I started to move. “Avery, what’s going on?”

  “Just let me finish my workout, please, and maybe we can talk later.” My words were wedged in my voice box, but I choked them out.

  “I’m worried that I’ve done something wrong.”

  I couldn’t stand smelling his cologne. The spicy cedar overwhelmed my senses and made my body vibrate a need somewhere deep inside. I jumped from the machine and hurried toward the yoga room.

  His long strides were no match for my shorter ones. He stepped in front of me near the mat storage area. “Is there someone else?”

  Feeling guilty, Welch?

  The hairs on my arms prickled as he moved closer.

  I brought my eyes to his. “You tell me.”

  Bryson’s brows dipped inward. “Me?” He shook his head. “I’m not seeing anyone. Well, I thought I was seeing you, but I’m not sure now.”

  My ponytail flicked over my shoulder as I rested my hands on my hips. “Are you sure there’s no one else?”

  “Positive.” The word resonated in my brain as true and sounded a little irritated but I didn’t blame him. I was the one that was being all drama.

  I heard Presley’s advice in my head.

  Just ask him.

  I rubbed my forehead, which caused my cut to sting. “Who was the gorgeous blonde with the black car on Saturday?”

  “Gorgeous blonde?” His head tipped and his eyes looked up, searching for an answer. His lips turned up at the sides as he moved so our bodies touched. “That was Emerson, my sister.”

  “You have a sister?”

  His hand slid behind my neck and his lips brushed my forehead. “Yeah, my twin sister. I don’t usually ask her for favors because she keeps track and asks for payback, but my coworker and roommate, Jake, was on assignment for me so I could go on a date … with you.”

  I dropped my forehead to his chest. The sting of the cut was worth being able to touch him. “You never talked about a sister or a roommate. I’m sorry.”

  “I was more interested in getti
ng to know you, than you getting to know them.” His hand twisted in my ponytail and gently tugged until I looked up at him. “You have a temper to match this fiery hair. You know that, right?”

  “So I’ve been told. I should’ve just asked. I’m a little new to all this…”

  “I could have told you who was picking me up that morning. Plus, it’s a brother thing not to think of his sister as beautiful.”


  “You are gorgeous.” His thumb brushed over my lips and up my cheek as his hand slid behind my neck.

  I stilled as his eyes sparkled. “You really think so, don’t you?”

  “Let’s get this settled once and for all. I don’t lie and I don’t cheat. You are the only woman I want, Avery Knicely, and yes, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met … inside and out.”

  “I want you, too.” I whispered the words, but even over the loud clanging of the gym machines, he heard them and smiled.

  His lips met mine, but we both heard a male clear his throat. I glanced over my shoulder, and Jude was smiling at us.

  My heart pounded with anticipation while I asked, “Want to come to my place later for dinner?”

  “I’ll shower and head over. Text me your address, please.”

  I nodded, and he stopped the movement with a soft kiss.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”


  Bryson stepped around me, and I spun to watch him walk away.

  Hmmm … not a bad view at all.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I pulled my rental car into a parking space in front of the apartment building number Avery had texted. I walked in when the door made the normal buzzing noise, and Avery stepped into the hallway at the far end.

  “Hi.” The word was a thankful sigh from her pillowy lips.

  I lifted her up so we were face-to-face. My lips had only one place to be. Her hands wound into my hair as we touched. The kiss was a confirmation of how much we already meant to each other. I led the kiss and soon her hands were down my neck and under my jacket. I lifted her farther and her legs wound around my waist. For the sake of Avery’s reputation, the hallway wasn’t the best place to continue these activities.

  Her neighbors will definitely come out to see what’s happening if she keeps moaning like that.

  “Hi.” I broke the kiss and watched her eyes fill with tears. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Just happy.”

  I placed her feet to the floor. “That doesn’t look like happy.”

  “Happy can have tears, Bryson.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Only a girl would say that. Hey, let’s go in your apartment so your neighbors don’t report us for public indecency.”

  She smiled while walking backward and tugging on my hand. I followed her to the kitchen and she took a pan of something cheese-covered from the oven.

  “Enchiladas.” She clarified, “Chicken enchiladas.”

  Anything smothered in cheese was fine by me.

  She motioned with her head. “There’s beer in the fridge. Help yourself.”

  “Are you gonna have one?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I grabbed two and twisted off the caps, throwing them in the trash can. Her apartment was nice, comfortable. “Lived here long?”

  “Over a year. We signed a new lease, but I have a feeling I’ll be living here alone for most of it. My roommate travels for work and even last year she was gone a majority of the time.”

  The thought of her living alone had me concerned for her safety. First floor was the easiest to break into. Having a man living here with her might be a good idea … for the future. I could tell she had the ability to take care of herself. I just didn’t want her to have to.

  She dished up two plates of food. “We can sit on the couch or at the table.”

  “Couch is fine.” The spicy warm smell of the enchiladas made my stomach growl. I carried the beers and my plate into the living room.

  “Okay,” she said. “I have to confess something.”

  I sat back on the sofa and took a huge bite of enchilada.

  She cringed. “My sister-in-law made the enchiladas. I pulled them from the fridge and reheated them.”

  I chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her. “I thought you were gonna say you were seeing someone else.”

  “No, there hasn’t really been anyone before you and I’m hoping that…” Her fork slipped from her fingers onto the sofa.

  I picked it up, handing it back. “That what?”

  “Nothing. How was your day?”


  I rubbed my stomach and groaned. “That fourth enchilada was probably a mistake, but damn, those are good.”

  She leaned forward to pick up my plate, but I got to it first, grabbed hers, and went to the kitchen to clean up.

  “You don’t have to do that. I can get it later … or tomorrow morning.” Avery brushed past me to the fridge and put away the sour cream.

  “You cooked. I’ll clean.”

  “And what am I supposed to do?”

  “Go relax for a few minutes. You deserve a break for all the hard work you went through to make those enchiladas.”

  She rolled her eyes and pushed on my shoulder for the teasing. It only took a few minutes and when I returned to the living room she was lying on the sofa reading. She placed her e-reader on the coffee table.

  “Can I lay with you?” I asked.

  Her head nodded as she licked her lips. The plump red was even more inviting with the sheen of moisture. Her warm body encouraged me to move closer. She bit her bottom lip and played with the ends of her hair.

  “Everything okay?” I inhaled her sweet scent in the crook of her neck.

  “I’m just not used to this.”

  I slid my lips up the delicate skin of her neck to share a kiss. “This what?”

  “Making out on my sofa with a handsome guy.”

  I molded my body half on and half off her. “I find that hard to believe.”

  Her eyes opened wide. “Let’s get this settled once and for all. I don’t lie and I don’t cheat. And Bryson Welch, you are totally handsome to me and all of this is new to me.”

  I lowered my forehead onto hers, staring into her eyes. “Roger that.”

  Those eyes…

  Chapter Fourteen


  His eyes examined mine and I did the same to his. His flaxen eyelashes were like flitting strands of silk around a blue that, if it were any brighter, would’ve been able to light things on fire.

  Bryson kissed the tip of my nose. “I was wondering if your eyes are more blue than they are green or more green than they are blue.”

  A flush of heat seared my cheeks. “I guess I’ve never looked at them that closely.”

  “You should. They’re amazing. Like the rest of you.”

  I pulled his head down. The pressure of his lips on mine as well as his body pressing against me caused my body to buzz with an energy I’d never experienced before. The way he kissed me was as if it were our first time, every time. The slow buildup to tangling tongues was sometimes excruciating, but that was a good thing, at least my body thought so.

  I whimpered as my heart pulled to the surface of my chest with every pounding beat. Everything that was great about this moment almost suffocated me.

  Bryson lifted his head. “Avery?”

  “I’m scared.”

  His eyes met mine, damp with tears, and he wiped the wet trails from the sides of my face. “Those aren’t happy tears?”

  I shook my head.

  “Why are you scared, sweetheart?” His eyes darted between mine as if he could read the answer somewhere deep inside of them, but it was clear he still wanted to hear the real answer.

  I caressed his face with the tips of my fingers and he closed his eyes. I whispered, “I think I more than like you already.”

  He stilled as his eyes opened. “And if I
told you that’s a good thing?”

  “I’d still be scared.”

  Bryson’s nose skimmed along mine.

  I swallowed and collected my courage. “Will you take me to the bedroom, Bryson?”

  After standing, he leaned down and lifted me into his confident arms. In my bedroom, he laid me on the bed and stayed standing, just staring at me. The glow of the lamp on my dresser threw his shadow over me, surrounding my soul with his.

  I reached out for him. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, nothing.” He smiled, the move lighting up his eyes. “I want to remember this night.”

  His strong body lay on top of me, weight pressing me into the bed. I tangled my jean-covered legs with his. He flicked my lower lip with his thumbs before he lowered his head.

  I’d never wanted something and someone so much in my life. I would’ve imagined I’d be a nervous wreck, but my hands were steady and my breathing evened with every inhale. This was where I was meant to be at this time, with this amazing man.

  With each button of his shirt, his kisses deepened. We absorbed each other’s attention as if every movement meant more than the last. I slid his shirt off his shoulders and he pushed up to his knees to pull the fabric off. Sitting up, I helped him with his t-shirt, then his hands tangled in my hair while I kissed the skin on his defined chest, down his solid abs, every inch smooth and firm. He moaned my name when my lips met the top of his jeans.

  I stared up at him. His gaze of pure desire made my head spin.

  He’s the one.

  I reached down for the hem of my t-shirt and lifted it over my head. After his hands made quick work of my bra, he lowered me to the bed and his warm lips surrounded my hard nipple and his tongue did that same circling pressure as on Saturday morning in his Jeep. The attention was an insistent rhythm that had my head spinning in the same way.

  I arched my back as his teeth skimmed and tugged the sensitive tissue.

  “Tell me what you like, Avery. I want to hear you ask for it.”

  I panted and writhed on the bed. “That, do that again.”

  He did as I asked but even slower. I called out his name as every cell of my body charged for a release.


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