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Page 28

by Brenda Pandos

  “You think you know me.” She narrowed her eyes at the both of us. “But you don’t! Life is about making the tough choices.”

  Maggie and Sandy swam up behind Desirée, grabbing her wrists and shackling them with irons.

  Desirée startled, then shrieked, tugging against them. “What are you doing?”

  “We’ll handle her, My Queen.” Maggie bowed. Sandy, though, yanked the crown from off her head and swam toward me.

  She placed it on my head, then bowed. “Your majesty.”

  “No,” I started to say.

  “What?” Desirée screamed. “No! That’s mine!”

  Sandy winked, then the two swam Desirée, flapping and sirening, toward the palace.

  “We have to arrest Alaster, too,” I shrieked, turning to find him not sleeping amongst the men. “Where is he?”

  “Uh…” Galadriel scanned the bodies. “He was right there.”

  A dark figure swam toward us, trident in hand, and wearing what looked like a gas mask.

  I backpedaled in the current, clutching Joey to me tightly.

  “You will not take the throne,” the man said through the contraption.

  “Alaster?” My eyes tightened, but with all the mermen passed out, I was at his mercy.

  Galadriel swam in front of me just as he thrust the weapon forward. He punctured into her gut and she groaned. Blood filled the water.

  “NO!” I sirened. “You son of a bass!”

  He yanked the trident from her stomach, clearly unfazed by my song, and pointed it at me.

  “Next time I won’t miss,” he seethed.

  Galadriel’s body slowly sunk downward, her stomach filleted open, but I couldn’t save her. My gaze was glued to the end of the trident, gleaming in the sunlit waters.

  “Save the Queen!” a mermaid shrieked.

  “She’s mine!” Alaster laughed as he reared back his hand, ready to stab, but the water around us rippled and writhed as a swirling cyclone of hissing mermaids rose up and surrounded his body in a constricting vortex.

  I swam backward as the circle grew tighter, undulating outward with each swipe of his trident.

  “Get back, wenches! All of you!” Alaster yelled, but I couldn’t see his body.

  I tucked Joey’s face into my neck as their sirens grew louder and louder, then I heard Alaster scream in terror, and the water grew bloodied. Schools of fish swam in, gobbling up the bits of flesh.

  Then the group of mermaids slowed and disbanded, bowing to me before they swam back to take their places amongst the crowd. I cowered in disbelief. Had they shredded him to pieces with their talons?

  Galadriel’s moan stole through me, and I rushed to my sister’s side. She held onto her stomach, looking up at me, her face gray.

  “I’ll be fine,” she rasped. “Just get me Pearl.”

  “Pearl!” I yelled as I placed my hands on top of hers. “Please get me Pearl!”

  She forced a smile. “You were very brave today. You’ll make a great Queen, much better than I’d be.” She reached up and touched my son’s hair. “I knew something was fishy about his hair color, but they knew better than to ask for my help.”

  “Don’t tell me I have a box of color in my house?”

  She laughed. “Maybe. But it’s not black.”

  I gripped tighter onto her hand and once Pearl showed, I gave her some space to work.

  “She’ll be fine,” Pearl promised me.

  “Your audience awaits,” Galadriel nudged her chin forward. “Look.”

  The mermaids still hovered behind me, watching wide-eyed, for what, I wasn’t sure. I turned toward them, terrified of the power they held. So instead of commanding their allegiance, I did the smartest thing I could do. I bowed to them.

  Angry murmurs crossed the crowd.

  “Wait!” I lifted my hand. “If what you want is for me to be Queen, then I’d rather serve you as your humble servant instead.”

  Heartbeats passed as eyes tightened on me. What did they want from me? To be another dictator like Desirée?

  “No. Hear me out!” because I don’t really want this job. “I’m not going to lead you with an iron fist. What we need to do is govern ourselves, and live peaceably. And I don’t want to keep you here if you don’t want to stay.”

  The women looked at one another, confused.

  “I don’t want to be bowed to, and held higher than you. I want to be your equal. Are you with me?” I raised my fist.

  They turned to one another, speaking in hushed voices, then one by one, they raised their fists, copying me. Their voices began to agree in a resounding yes.

  My chest heaved in relief just as the men started to wake up. The women disbursed, finding their mates. I scanned the audience for Fin, unable to find him.

  FIFTY-EIGHT – FIN – June 15 – 11:00 a.m.

  At the horrific noise of a multitude of mermaids sirening, I opened my eyes. A vortex of water pulled at my fin, tugging me out from under the pile of mermen pinning me. I fought to be sucked into the vortex when I heard Alaster scream.

  Bloodied bits spit out of the top of the funnel of water. Fish swam in and gobbled them down.

  What the hell?

  When I opened my eyes again, mermen and maid were hugging one another in the same space. Was I dreaming?

  “Fin?” I heard Ash cry frantically.

  I pumped my fin and swam forward, reaching out for her and my son. Enveloping them in my arms, I held them close and kissed their heads, never wanting to let go. We were finally together and whole.

  “What happened?” I asked. “Where’s your mother?”


  “And Alaster?”

  She just shook her head, speechless, when it hit me. It hadn’t been a dream at all. I glanced to my left, then my right as mermaids watched me with narrowed eyes. A shiver trailed my fin. Had they always had this power but never used it?

  Ash looked up at me, her green eyes sparkling. “We never have to worry about him again.”

  “Good riddance,” I muttered, somewhat terrified. “You’re wearing your mother’s crown?”

  “I…” She turned her lips up in a grin. “I’m Queen.”

  “And I’m King?” I grimaced.

  “I guess.”

  I blinked at her. “Well, this changes things.”

  She laughed, and I leaned in and kissed her, trapping the delectable sound inside me. Then I closed my eyes and held onto my family, relieved.

  “Where’s Alaster?” I heard Colin yell. “Where’s my dad?”

  Letting go, I turned toward him. “You’re under arrest.”

  His eyes widened, then he darted off, almost running smack into Badger’s trident. “Aye, you scum sucking sea sack, yer arse ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

  Colin shrieked, holding up his hands. “I didn’t do anything. It was my dad!”

  “I don’t think so,” I said. “He committed promise polygamy. Lock him up.”

  Garnet turned to him appalled, then slapped his face. “That’s it! It’s over!” She swam off in a huff.

  Ash sucked in a gasp. “He did? With who?”

  I shook my head. “I’m pretty sure he kissed Lucy.”

  She rubbed her hand over her forehead. “That’s how they did everything.”

  “Yeah… well.” The only way to break the bond would be for him to die, or strip him of his fins. Both were just as appealing to me.

  But I hovered in the current, feeling somewhat useless. Ash and her mermaids disposed of Alaster and locked up Desirée. I’d done nothing but passed out.

  She looked up at me, a smile in her eyes like I was her hero, squeezing me tight. All the hurt and pain was gone. My Ginger Girl was back.

  “Can we deal with it tomorrow?” she asked. “I just… I want to go home.”

  I grinned. Finally, something I could do. “You’re wish is my command.”

  Her laugh cleansed me as we held hands and swam for the Tahoe Gate.


  “So, I was thinking…” Tatiana tentatively leaned forward as Nicole and Joey played at our feet at the cottage.

  I threw a couch pillow at her. “Don’t even start—”

  “What?” She quirked a smile. “Oh, come on. I have to plan something.”

  “I’m just trying to get motherhood down, and this Queen thing keeps getting in the way of everything. So no baby showers, or whatever you’ve got going on in that head of yours.”

  “I was thinking honeymoon.”

  “What?” My voice pitched an octave. Joey looked over, his bottom lip quivering. I scooped him up and hugged him. “Oh, baby, I’m fine. Don’t cry.”

  He whimpered, then recovered. He quickly squirmed to be let down.

  “You’re handling motherhood fine.” Tatchi gestured to Joey. “See?”

  I glared at her. Did she not see the bags under my eyes?

  “And once he’s weaned,” she continued, “you could use a vacation. That’s what grandparents are for.”

  I wasn’t leaving my son, not now, not ever, but before I could argue, someone cleared his throat from the kitchen doorway, startling me. “Ladies. Can I get anyone a refill?”

  I looked over at the source. “Of course you can, Colin.”

  He bowed then walked over with a jug of iced tea and topped off both of our glasses. “Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

  “Thank you.”

  He bowed once more before leaving, and I smashed my lips together as to not smile.

  Tatchi busted up into giggles once he left. “Well, I think his punishment is working out swell.”

  “Stop it, will you?” I shook my head. “I agree with the converting part, but mind-wiping him to be our maid?”

  Tatchi kept giggling. “Well, at least he’s not wearing the French maid uniform anymore.

  I rolled my eyes. “You and Fin. I swear.”

  “So how is… everything?”

  A sigh escaped my lips. “Okay, I guess. Alaster’s business consisted of one customer who owned the building and it’s suspect if he ever had cancer to begin with. Destroying our samples was easy enough. Candy and company, after having their promises’ broken, went back to their regular lives. But we felt bad about the employees, and gave severances, along with glowing recommendations.”

  “That’s nice of you,” she said.

  “And after we converted Colin, Lucy’s promise broke but that didn’t stop her from still having a crush on him.”

  “Oh, sweet urchins. Is she hanging around here all the time?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Nicole shrieked, playing tug of war with a rattle Joey had first.

  “No, no.” Tatchi took the toy from Nicole and returned it to Joey. “We need to share.”

  Hissing, Nicole lunged for the toy. Tatchi scooped her up and held her tiny fists tight. “No.”

  Angered, Nicole spit in her face. My eyes widened, and I wondered if Tatchi would let her get away with that.

  “I said no,” she said firmly.

  Nicole’s face turned bright red and she arched her back, letting out a wail.

  There was a knock at the door. I jumped up to answer it.

  “Ash?” Mom’s eyes darted to Tatchi and the shrieking merling. “Did I come at a bad time?”

  “Not at all.” I led her inside.

  She bent down and picked up Joey, who was watching Nicole curiously. “How’s my little man?”

  Nicole shifted into her tail, shredding her diaper.

  Mom gasped, holding Joey away from her. “Oh, my.”

  I leaned in. “She’s a fish, too, Mom. Remember?”

  She blinked at me, then nodded. “I remember.”

  With a little song, we were able to finally reveal Fin’s fishy side of the family. Well, and mine too, because, at this point, there was no way we could keep the grandbaby a secret from my parents if we were to be neighbors.

  “I brought you a little present.” She handed Joey a stuffed bear.

  Nicole saw the bear and screamed louder.

  “I think I should go,” Tatchi said apologetically.

  I side hugged her. “Okay. I’ll see you later?”

  “Sure.” She smirked, then disappeared out the door. I closed it, thankful for the silence.

  Mom’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “Terrible twos?”

  “Something like that.”

  Fin walked in from the patio area, hair still wet from the lake.

  “Hey!” he said. “There’s my buddy!”

  Joey squealed and reached for his dad. Mom handed him off reluctantly.

  Fin threw Joey into the air, sending him into a chorus of giggles. His contagious laughter had all of us going after a few seconds, bringing such happiness. In awe, I watched them: father and son. I still couldn't believe this was my life.

  Mom gave me a sweet smile and squeezed my hand. “I’m so happy for you,” she said softly. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

  I returned her smile.

  She nodded and opened the door.

  A messenger from Natatoria, shirtless and wearing a manskirt, stood on the steps dripping wet.

  “Your Majesties. There’s an urgent matter at the palace.”

  “Your Majesties?” Mom asked.

  I looked at Fin. Would we ever catch a break?

  “It’s nothing,” Fin sang to her. “It was nice to see you, Mom.”

  The messenger’s eyes widened at his mistake as Mom walked down the path.

  Once out of her earshot, Fin asked. “What’s the emergency?”

  “You just need to come.”

  I looked at Fin. “It never ends, does it?”

  He shrugged. “Guess not.”

  THE END… maybe?

  If you want more of Ash and Fin, let me know in a review of EVERMORE. I listen to my fans!


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  Reviews are the most valuable tools I have when it comes to getting attention for my books. As much as I’d like to have the marketing budget of a big publisher, or take out a full page ad, it’s just little ole me.

  But I do have something publishers would love to get their hands on.

  You! My loyal and committed readers!

  Honest reviews give my stories wings.

  If you enjoyed this book, I’d very much appreciate if you’d take five-minutes to leave a review (a short one is totally fine!) when prompted at the end of this book.

  And if you do write one, please send me an email at so I can thank you personally. Or visit me at to find out how you can get some signed swag by me!


  * coming soon

  : : :


  The Talisman Series

  Emerald | Sapphire | Onyx | Out for Blood | Blood Wars



  Mer Tales Series

  Everblue | Evergreen | Everlost | Evermore



  Lost in Time Series

  Glitch | Switch |Hitch*



  Truly, Madly, Deeply

  Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4


  To my husband, for not rolling your eyes when I say, “I have to work now,” and my kids, when I say “Mommy is almost finished, then we’ll do something fun!” You’re all so very patient with me through this process (especially this book!)… and NOW we can do something FUN!

  To my incredible PA: Julie “Jewels” Bromley, and beta team Nicole H
anson, Debbie Poole, Janille Dutton, and Stacey Nixon, thank you! To my DYNAMIS sisters: Jamie Magee, Kristie Cook (my BAFF!!!), Morgan Wylie, Lila Felix, Delphina Henley, Kallie Morgan, S.T. Bende (Yay for my amazing synopsis!), Rebecca Ethington, and Julia Crane, for sprinting with me and supporting me. I would have never hit my writing goal without you! A special thanks to my #1 fan, Rhonda Helton, for all of the gorgeous swag you make from my stories and your friendship. And the rest of my fans on Facebook, Instagram, and twitter, you encourage me daily to keep going and there when I need you most. I’d be nowhere without your support of my stories. A million bazillion hugs and thank yous for the best job eva!

  To Karen of Crain Editing, thank you for working on a tight deadline and always having room for me. You’re the best! To Kelsey Keeton, and Laura Deal for that AH-MAZING photo on the cover!

  And last, but not least, to my Heavenly Father. For being my hope and strength. As always, you continue to grow and shape me in this journey. Thank you for expanding my dream.


  Brenda Pandos is the author of several fast paced paranormal, sci-fi, urban fantasy and contemporary romance books. She lives in California with her husband and two boys, eight two (sniff) chickens and a grumpy cat, and loves to be contacted by readers.

  Connect with me online:




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