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Elite Dragoons 3: Loving Prue (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Becca Van

  Yvonne was left at the table alone while she glared daggers at the backs of his team mates. When she caught him looking she blushed and looked away. Maybe now that all the men had her pegged she would back off. God, I hope so. The last thing we need is for the women to start fighting amongst themselves. Although he didn’t think that would happen with Sara, Nicole, and Prue, but throw Yvonne into the mix and it was anyone’s guess.

  Hunt met Law’s eyes across the room and his friend’s lips curled up slightly. It seemed he wasn’t the only one who had seen what had happened. Law looked at his brothers and then they sat down at the table. Law took the seat to the left of Yvonne and Fletch took the one to her right. His knew his friends were trying to prevent trouble before things got out of hand. He was just glad that they had Yvonne pegged and wouldn’t fall for her flirting if she turned it onto them, but with the Garton brothers surrounding her, hopefully any trouble brewing would be thwarted.

  * * * *

  The Infiltrator knew something was going on. The men had all converged on the main house and entered the large meeting room. It was easy to stay in the shadows and watch them through the window since it was already dark out and they had the lights in the house on. Now was the time to see if the Infiltrator could find out what was up.

  Creeping around the corner the Infiltrator hurried over to the other house. The blonde-haired woman was in the kitchen helping the other women with the meal, so the coast was clear. The ranch hands had already called it a night and were safe and sound in their bunk house. The only living thing that would be able to see the Infiltrator was the animals, so the Infiltrator hurried over to that house. Entering the house was child’s play. The dumbasses didn’t even lock their doors.

  The lights were off but that didn’t bother the Infiltrator. Since the moon was nearly full it was easy to see since none of the curtains had been closed. The study door stood open and the Infiltrator slipped inside. After checking the first two laptops and finding nothing, the Infiltrator moved onto the third and clicked on the recent places button. The email software had been used last so the Infiltrator brought that up onto the screen. When the Infiltrator caught sight of the email contents adrenaline surged and began to pump blood faster throughout the Infiltrator’s body.

  Time was running out and it was time to make a move.

  * * * *

  Prue had never been so angry in her life. She couldn’t believe the way Yvonne was flirting with all the men, especially after she’d already spoken to her about her behavior. She glared at her friend and placed a hand on Nicole’s arm in apology, but since everyone had just entered the room, she didn’t want to make a scene. May had become like a mother to her and if Prue shot off at the mouth, she was sure the older woman would be shocked, because when she let fly with her temper there was no holding her back.

  She gave Nicole a small smile when Nicole’s men rushed over to help with the food and sighed with relief when the Garton brother’s surrounded Yvonne. Obviously everyone knew what her friend was up to and were trying to circumvent her actions.

  Before the night was over Prue was going to rip Yvonne a new one and remind her about her boyfriend back home. If she continued to flirt and harass the men, she would suggest that she be sent back home. Prue felt a little guilty because Yvonne was supposed to be her friend and her actions would surely reflect on her. Prue began to wonder if she knew Yvonne as well as she thought she had. Even though they had known each other for over twelve months, she’d thought she’d known Yvonne inside out. She was beginning to think there was more to Yvonne than her friend had let her see.

  A knot formed in her stomach and dread filled her heart. She didn’t want to hurt Yvonne’s feelings but she couldn’t let her continue to cause trouble. After dinner was over she would have a good long talk to her. Hopefully then Yvonne would back off and leave the attached men alone, but then she remembered she hadn’t told her that all the men besides the Garton brothers were in relationships. She’d only told her about herself, Thorpe, Hunt, and Adam. Even though she figured she was partly to blame, Yvonne still had a lot to answer for. She was supposed to be in a long term relationship with Billy Kimura, and as far as she was concerned that made Yvonne off-limits.

  Was her friend deliberately trying to cause trouble? She wouldn’t know unless she had a heart-to-heart with her after dinner. Pushing her anger and thoughts aside for now she sat down at the table, sitting between Adam and Hunt, and began to put food on her plate. The conversation was casual and although she listened she wasn’t in the mood to join in. Hunt pushed his plate back and placed a hand on her knee giving it a squeeze. When she turned to look at him she met his heat-filled eyes and her cheeks heated. The last bit of jealousy in her heart dissipated. Not once had she seen him look at Yvonne the way he was looking at her right now and her heart began to fill with hope again. Maybe she had been reading too much into the situation from earlier. Prue wasn’t used to having men care for her and had doubted that they really cared. She’d begun to think that all they wanted from her was her body. Now she wasn’t so sure.

  After the meal was finished, Prue helped May, Nicole and Sara clean up. Yvonne had disappeared and she wondered if her friend was feeling guilty over her behavior. When the kitchen was once more set to rights and the dishwasher was on, she looked over to see all the men talking quietly. Quiet enough that even she couldn’t hear what was being said. Prue had a feeling that they were talking about the mission and didn’t want to interrupt so she went in search for Yvonne. Now was the time to talk with her where no one else could overhear the conversation.

  Prue stepped out onto the back porch and heard Yvonne’s voice. She wondered who she was talking too. “I miss you so much…I love you too…” Yvonne must have heard her approaching because she turned around to face her. She lowered her eyes and her face turned red. “I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Was that Billy?”

  “Yes.” Yvonne turned her back toward Prue.

  “Yvonne what are you up to?”

  Yvonne spun back around and Prue thought she caught anger in her eyes but it was quickly gone and she put it down to a trick of the light glowing overhead.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why are you flirting with all the men?”

  Yvonne sighed, met her gaze and looked away again. “I’m bored, Prue. Surely you can understand that. I miss Billy so much and I was just trying to amuse myself.”

  “You can’t do that, Yvonne. There are only three men inside who aren’t in a committed relationship. Do you want to anger the women, get them offside and have them resent you?”

  “No.” Yvonne met her eyes again and walked closer. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Prue. You know how much I love Billy.”

  “I know,” Prue sighed. “Just stop flirting with the others or you’re going to end up making enemies.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry.”

  Prue nodded and then without another word began walking back to the Lathan brothers’ house.

  Hopefully Yvonne would be true to her word and leave the attached men alone from now on.

  Chapter Ten

  Prue had just finished drying off after her shower and wrapped her robe around her body before walking out of the bathroom into her bedroom. She stopped when she saw Thorpe, Hunt, and Adam sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her.

  She met each of their hungry eyes and then glanced away again. Hunt stood up and came toward her. When he was within touching distance he stopped and cupped her face between his hands and brought her gaze up to meet his.

  “I would never touch another woman, Prue. I care for you and only you. The only reason I let Yvonne continue touching me was because she is your friend and I didn’t want to embarrass you by making a scene. I didn’t like having her hand on me, honey. I’m sorry that I hurt you.”

  “How did you…” When Hunt raised an eyebrow and waited, she thought about what she had been going to say and then sighed whe
n she realized he’d probably been able to feel her emotions. “Did you have your shield down?”

  Hunt leaned over down and kissed her forehead. “No, honey. You were projecting so strongly we could feel you without lowering our shields.” He dropped his hands and stepped back. “The only time we would lower them and try to read you is if we thought you were in some kind of trouble. Okay?”

  “All right.” Prue sighed and finally relaxed. “Did Yvonne come back to the house yet?”

  “Yeah, she went straight to her room,” Thorpe rose to his feet and came toward her. “She looked kind of angry. Did you two have words?”

  “Well, not words exactly.” Prue looked at Adam when he stood and then to Hunt and Thorpe. “I just told her to back off and stop flirting otherwise she was going to make enemies of Sara and Nicole. What I can’t understand is why she would do it to begin with. She’s supposed to be in love with Billy Kimura. She told me she has been living with him for over two years now.”

  Thorpe frowned and looked at Hunt and Adam before she looked back to her. “You don’t think she loves him?”

  Prue shook her head and looked at the floor. “No. When you love someone you don’t want to even think about flirting or being with anyone else. Just the thought of it is enough to make you feel sick.”

  When they didn’t say anything Prue lifted her head and frowned. They were looking at her with such hunger and awe she had to think back over what she had just said. She realized she had virtually told them she loved them and began to feel sick when they continued to look at her without speaking. Prue was about to turn around and lock herself in the bathroom, but Thorpe must have picked up on her intent because the next thing she knew she was in his arms and he was carrying her toward the bed. He put her in the middle of the mattress, straddled her thighs and grasped her hips so she couldn’t get up again. The bed dipped on either side of her when Adam and Hunt got onto the bed next to her.

  Adam palmed her cheek and turned her head to face him. The sheer hunger and intensity in his eyes was too much to see and she closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to look at him, any of them, in case they rejected her.

  “Let us see those pretty blue eyes, baby,” Thorpe demanded.

  Prue shook her head no and squeezed her eyes tighter. A tap landed on her mound causing her to gasp. She barely contained a shudder as desire swept through her body and her clit began to throb with need, but she couldn’t stop her eyes from flying open.

  “That’s better,” Adam stroked a finger down her face causing another shiver to travel up her spine. Her nipples hardened.

  “Do you think we only want you for sex?” Hunt asked.

  She glanced over at him and then looked at Thorpe then to Adam and back to Thorpe again. She shook her head and then thought better of it. If their relationship continued there had to be total honesty between them all for it to work, so she changed the action and gave a nod.

  “Prue, you mean more to us than any other woman ever has. I love you, baby. I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you’ll just give this, us, a chance.”

  Prue’s uncertainties began to diminish and her heart began to fill with hope, joy and love.

  Adam cupped her cheek again and met her gaze. “I have never been in love before, sweetie. You mean everything to me. I have never met a woman that even compares to you. You are loyal, loving and full of passion. You will make me, us, very happy if you agree to stay with us. I love you, Prue.”

  Tears began to prick the back of her eyes and her heart filled a little more. Hunt reached out and took her hand in his. “Honey, you are the love of my life. I never want to have to spend a day without you in it. You mean the world to me, Prue and it would break my heart if you walked away. I love you, honey.”

  Prue pushed up on her arms and scooted up the bed. Thorpe helped her until she was leaning against the headboard with a pillow at her back. She reached out and touched each of her men on the cheek as the tears she’d been trying to keep at bay began to flow. Her heart was so full she couldn’t contain her emotions any longer. She loved these men more than anything and now she knew they loved her in return.

  “Don’t cry, sweetie, you should be happy to learn that we love you.” Adam wiped her face with his thumbs.

  “I am happy,” Prue wailed and then she got up onto her knees and launched herself at Thorpe. He caught her in his arms and held her tight. “I love you all so damn much it hurts. It would kill me if you didn’t feel the same.”

  Hunt and Adam moved in close until she was surrounded by her three men, safe in their arms and relishing their bodies against hers. “Your heart is safe with us sweetie. We are going to make sure you live a long and happy life.” Adam leaned down and took her mouth under his.

  Prue sighed and then moaned when Adam’s tongue swept across her lips. She opened to him and reached up to grab a hold of his hair. He swept his tongue into her mouth, mating it with hers in a hot, wet and wild kiss.

  She was vaguely aware of more hands opening her robe and the cool night air caused goose bumps to break out over her skin. Adam slowed the kiss and then lifted his mouth from hers. Thorpe clasped her ribcage and lifted her up. Hunt and Adam pulled the robe sleeves from her arms and then Thorpe raised her naked body totally off the bed and onto his lap. “We want to make love with you, baby. Do you want us too?”

  “God yes.” Prue reached up and cupped his face. She loved the way his stubble scratched and tickled the palms of her hands. It just made him seem manlier to her. Thorpe gently tugged on her ponytail to tilt her head back a little more and then he devoured her mouth. His tongue slid along hers and then he curled it around and drew her tongue into his mouth. Prue whimpered when he closed his lips around her muscle and suckled on her, before once more pushing back into her mouth, exploring and tasting every bit he could. By the time he lifted his head they were both breathing heavily.

  He once more lifted her like she weighed nothing and passed her back over to Adam. It was only then that she noted both Adam and Hunt were naked. They must have removed their clothes while Thorpe was kissing her. Adam’s hands slid over her hips to her waist and then he turned her around until she was facing him. He was so big and muscular all over her mouth filled with saliva and she had to swallow before she started drooling.

  Adam wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body against his. Prue moaned when her hard nipples brushed against his chest hair and shifted from side to side to garner more of the pleasurable sensations. A light tug to her ponytail had her looking up at Adam and just as their gazes connected he lowered his head and covered her mouth. His tongue slid along hers and then he twirled it around in her mouth, tasting her everywhere. Each time one of her men kissed her she went up in flames and now was no different.

  Prue clutched at Adam’s hard muscular shoulders and pulled him closer. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t seem to get close enough. When she realized her fingernails were digging into his skin she eased up her hold on him and finally broke the kiss to gasp for breath.

  Adam looked deeply into her eyes and she could see the love he felt for her and her heart hitched. She still couldn’t believe that these three men loved her. As far as Prue was concerned there was nothing special about her but she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. She had never felt so loved and cherished in her life and she was going to hold onto that for the rest of her life and not question it.

  He moved his arms from around her waist and then gripped her hips. Adam lifted her up and then rose to his feet. She wondered what he was doing but didn’t want to break the loving sexual spell they both seemed to be under. He walked with her across the room and then her back was against the wall. Adam leaned down and lightly kissed her lips and then buried his head against the side of her neck. He licked and nibbled her sensitive skin causing her to shudder and goose bumps to form over her flesh. His breath caressed her ear when he whispered to her.

  “Wrap your arms around my
neck and your legs around my waist, sweetie.”

  Prue did as she was told and groaned when her pussy came in contact with his hard shaft. He thrust his hips a few times making the tip of his cock rub against her clit and whimpered. “I need you. I want you inside me now.” Prue demanded breathily.

  “I want you too, Prue. Are you sure you’re ready for me?”

  “Yes! Please?”

  Adam gripped her hips tighter and then the head of his cock moved down and slowly began to push inside her. Prue mewled as her wet flesh stretched and began to envelop him. His cock was so damn big and hard, she felt a slight burning sensation as her tissues stretched wide. He pushed in a little more and she sighed with relief. Now that the corona of his dick was just past the beginning of her pussy the burning went away and the pleasure began. When he bowed his back his cock gained even more depth and Prue shivered and whimpered. It felt so good, having his hot, hard erection sliding up into her in slow increments. The bliss of him gradually filling her was pure rapture. With each pump of his hips he gained depth and speed until his balls were slapping against her ass and his crotch against hers.

  Prue felt like she was melting from the inside out, her muscles lax yet growing tauter with each pump of his hips. Her womb was aching as was her clit and pussy and she felt as if molten lava was pumping through her veins. She banged her head against the wall and groaned with joy as the coil building inside her pussy grew tighter and tighter. Her internal muscles rippled and she felt every ridge and vein of his large cock as he stroked it in and out of her cunt. Just when she thought she was about to go over the edge into bliss, Adam pushed into her balls-deep and stopped. He moved his hands from her waist down to her ass, squeezed her butt cheeks and turned until his back was against the wall.

  “You look sexy as all fucking hell with Adam’s cock in your pussy, honey. I can’t wait to get inside you too.” Hunt kissed her shoulder and then nibbled on her ear lobe.


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