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Blood Hunger (A Sable Hart Vampire Slayer Novel Book 3)

Page 4

by Megan Hawke

  He scowled at me, showing me his fangs were also ground down. I suspected I had the only set of full fangs there. I just gave him a curious look, at which point he stopped looking directly at me.

  It wasn't easy being in that room. Sabrina stank of need and desire, and sex. There was more than finger play and bondage going on in there before we arrived. My sister was highly aroused and loving every second of her torment. At least she was before I arrived to spoil it all.

  "Red!" Sabrina screamed around the ball gag, which surprised me that I could understand her. Apparently ball gags weren't as effective as I thought they'd be.

  "I think she gave her safe word," I said.

  Sabrina was squirming and bucking, struggling within her bondage.

  Isabella slanted a look at me, then turned to the vampire. "Sable is right, Philip. Please remove her gag."

  "Yes, Mistress," Philip said, and quickly removed the ball gag.

  "Sable!" Sabrina cried. "What the hell are you doing here? Checking up on me? How dare you!"

  I don't think I've ever seen her so mad. Or so flushed.

  "Actually, I wasn't. I didn't realize you were a member here, otherwise I would've never come," I said. "Sorry. But, how long have you been...?"

  "What? Kinky? A bondage slut?" she hissed, blue eyes flashing fiercely. Then fear crept into her eyes, across her pretty, heavily made up face. "Are you going to tell Momma?"

  Her reaction kind of put me off. Sabrina was never one to hide her wild side. She was always making little comments and jokes about the naughtiest of subjects. I believed most of what she said was just jabs at Momma, but since meeting Roger I had wheedled a few facts about her kinky side out of him.

  Not something she needed to know.

  I indicated my own kinky attire. "Do I look like I can throw stones? Why would I tell Momma anything? Besides, she'd just blame me."

  "Maybe not," she said.

  "You're Sabrina's sister?" Penny said, then her eyes went wide and she staggered back. "Oh my God! Sable Hart! Black Heart! You're a vampire!"

  "Ding ding! You win the prize," I said.

  Everyone stepped back, including the two vampires. Fear filled the room. I'm ashamed to admit it, but fear was almost as strong an aphrodisiac for me as lust and desire. It was the same for all vampires. We are, after all, the ultimate predators. A whiff of fear just meant the hunt was on.

  "Oh, forget her," Sabrina said, struggling with her bonds. "Sable is harmless. Unless you're a vampire, then she'll stake you dead in a heartbeat."

  Both vampires stiffened almost imperceptibly. I noticed. I smiled roguishly, which unsettled Philip a lot more than Gustav, but neither was entirely unaffected. Knowing they were afraid of me was heady.

  "I only stake bad vamps," I said. "There are good vampires, you know? Vampires who don't prey upon innocent people."

  Both vampires appeared to relax. Just a little.

  "Yeah right," Penny said, eyeing me warily as she slipped behind Gustav.

  "Don't worry about her," Sabrina said. "If she hurts any of you, I'll never forgive her. Sable is more worried about that than feeding."

  Slanting a disapproving look at her, I said, "That's just rude. Momma taught you better than that."

  "I know. But if I can't be rude to my sisters, who can I be rude to?" Sabrina said, and stuck her tongue at me. Sabrina did that a lot. Some people thought it offensive, others thought it sexy, but I never cared one way or another. Really, I thought it was a ridiculous thing to do. "Jesus, will someone untie me?"

  "You have to leave," Isabella said. "No vampires allowed."

  Turning to her, I cringed when she cringed. Those people were terrified of me. They thought I would slaughter them all. Made me feel three inches tall.

  "I promise I won't bite anyone," I said. "I just want to learn from you."

  I didn't really want to learn a damned thing from them. The whole bondage and discipline thing escaped me. Intellectually, I could see how it could be arousing, but in real life it did nothing for me. Really, if you got right down to it, I just liked the clothes.

  My only desire to join The Crimson Knot was to find the killer. It seemed obvious the killer was a member of the club with a grudge. A vampire member, and since vampires had to keep their true natures suppressed I suspected he recently snapped from the pressure. If they banned me from the club how would I investigate their secret vampires?

  "I know you won't bite anyone here, because you aren't allowed in here anymore," Isabella said, starting to get her backbone now that Sabrina had promised her protection of sorts.

  "Could you please reconsider?" I said. That surprised her. I guess a vampire never said "please" to her before, and from what little I've seen of vampires the word wasn't in common usage. But she didn't seem to be reconsidering her decision, so I went another path. "Could you tell me why you ban vampires?"

  "That's easy," Penny said. "Vampires are too vicious, too brutal. Vampires don’t care about the feelings and welfare and well being of their submissives. Vampires are not interested in talking about feelings and needs. All vampires care about are blood, sex, and domination."

  "Vampires don't go around staking other vampires, either," I said. "Doesn't my reputation prove that I'm a different kind of vampire?" I smiled wickedly. "I'm a kinder, gentler kind of vampire. Give me a chance to prove it."

  Isabella and Penny frowned, thinking. The two vampires, Gustav and Philip just stared at me warily. They should be wary, because they were prime suspects one and two. And ground off fangs would be a reason the victims were never bitten.

  "Besides, I do care how my lovers feel," I said. I almost said "minions" instead of lovers. "I don't want to hurt anyone. I want powerful, positive experiences for myself and my lovers. And some of my lovers have expressed interest in bondage, of which I know almost nothing. I think people who care as much as you are the perfect people to teach me the ropes, so to speak."

  Even the two vampires smiled at my "teach me the ropes" comment. It didn't hurt. Isabella turned to Sabrina with a quizzical look.

  "Sabrina?" she said.

  My future suddenly depended on my little sister. Sabrina wasn't particularly pleased with me at the moment, either. I turned hopeful eyes on her. Okay, there may have been a bit of beseeching there, maybe crawling up close to begging.

  "It's up to me? I have to decide?" Sabrina said, aghast. "It's your club, Mistress Isabella."

  "She's your sister. You know her better than anyone here," Isabella said. "I am inclined to admit her, just because I've never met a vampire that actually cares how her thralls feel, or what they need."

  "Yeah," Penny said. "She's actually going out to learn something she obviously doesn't care that much about, just to make her lovers happy. That alone rates a second thought about admitting her."

  Sabrina looked at me. She was not happy, but I noticed her start to soften. Finally, she sighed gustily.

  "Sable's safe," she said.

  "I'll have to discuss this with the membership," Isabella said. "Wait here."

  They left me alone with Sabrina while they went to discuss my future. Must admit, I was surprised how they all just turned and left me alone there.

  "Why am I so easily forgotten?" Sabrina said. She struggled helplessly a second. "I asked to be untied. Nothing. They went to talk to the membership. I'm a member, but I was left behind."

  "They're discombobulated by me," I said. "I'm sorry."

  "Whatever," she said. Even bent over so uncomfortably, she looked me over head to toe with an appreciative look. Her eyes lingered on my feet. "Great outfit. Love the boots. Where did you get those spurs?"

  "Kinky Corner in Deep Ellum."

  "Oh, I love that place!" she said. I stepped up and started untying her. The knots were tight, numerous and elaborate. "Have you tried Mistress Isabella's boutique downstairs?"

  "No, but it looks promising," I said. I paused, looking at all of the knots in exasperation. "Would it really piss the
m off if I cut the rope?"

  "Yes, it would."

  I started working at the knots again. Supernatural strength helped, but it needed more finesse work that brute strength.

  "This is what happens when boy scouts go bad," I grumbled, struggling with a knot. "If I break a nail, I am going to bite someone."

  "Don't even joke about that here. Start at the end, at the elbows," Sabrina said. "Then work up to the wrists."

  It took me fifteen minutes to untie her elbows, then another ten to get her wrists unbound. Sabrina took ten minutes to release her legs, which made me feel better to see her struggling with the knots, too.

  I helped her adjust her clothes. Her nipples were barely covered by the corset when she stood up. They would pop back out as soon as she started walking. Isabella finally returned at that time. Talk about being anxious. The club's walls were all soundproofed, so I wasn't able to listen in on their discussions up front.

  "Wow, side by side, it is obvious you two are sisters," Isabella said.

  "We look the most alike of all the children," Sabrina said.

  "Have you decided?" I said.

  "We voted," Isabella said. "We are going to let you stay, for a while. If you misbehave or abuse any of the members, then you are out."

  "Thank you," I said.

  "You're our first vampire. Don't make us regret it," Isabella said. "We will teach you the proper and safe ways to tie others up. What you do with that is up to you, but I suspect your heart is in the right place. Membership is five hundred up front, then fifty a month after that. All non-refundable."

  That surprised me. It never occurred to me they would charge people to go there and tie each other up.

  "I'm a full member?" I said.

  "Until we say otherwise," Isabella said. She turned to leave, saying, "I expect you to pay in full before leaving tonight."

  And she was gone. I listened to the clatter of her heels until she was far enough away before turning back to Sabrina.

  "Interesting group of people," I said. "Tell me about Philip. And Gustav."

  "Why?" she said. "Checking up on me?"

  Oh, she was suspicious now, and way off base. Good.

  "No, but they are the only two men I've met here, and maybe they would be good teachers," I said. "What do you know about them?"

  "Not much. We don't socialize outside of the club," she said. "Philip is a better rigger than Gustav, but less likely to be willing to teach. Philip would be more than willing to tie you up, though, and he'd be a good one to teach you what it's like to be tied up."

  I refrained from saying I had no intention of being tied up by anyone. Why should I? I was there to learn to properly bind my lovers, and find a killer.

  "So Philip's the man, the best rigger here?"

  "No, that would be Roger," Sabrina said. "He works nights, though. Wednesday through Sunday. But he's here every Monday and Tuesday night, all night."

  I didn't think it a good time to let her know I knew all about her friend Roger. Or that I had already checked him out to ensure she'd be safe associating with him. I'm not sure what would upset her more, that I was checking out her friends or that I was sleeping with Roger.

  No win situation there.

  "What about the girls? Penny seemed friendly enough, before she figured out who and what I am," I said.

  "Penny's great. She one of my best friends," Sabrina said.

  "You have a lot of friends up here?"

  Sabrina frowned, then looked terribly sad. I immediately regretted asking. I knew she was thinking about the three dead girls. I was trying to learn more about them, and the other girls in the photo. My sister didn't need to know I was investigating the murders. The less she knew the better.

  "Three of my best friends have been murdered recently," she said. She slanted a curious look at me. "Is that why you're here? Is that why this sudden interest in bondage?"

  Well, that idea went out the window. Sometimes I forgot she possessed a sharp mind. Of the three Hart girls, she probably was the brightest.

  "Yes. I'm here since all of the victims were members of this club," I said, and shrugged. "I didn't know you were involved, but that's why I am here. I think a vampire is killing them and I'm going to stake him."

  Sabrina's sapphire blue eyes flash and her glossy red lips pulled back in a vicious snarl. I almost stepped back. That was probably the first time my sister actually frightened me.

  "Can I pound the stake through his heart?"

  "What? Momma would stake me if I took you vampire slaying," I said. "Besides, I've learned the hard way that once you start killing, even the undead, your innocence is forever lost. There's no going back."

  "Ha! Innocence," she said. She shook her head. "Do I look innocent? In any way, shape, or form?"

  "Not outwardly, but I'm talking more about your heart and soul," I said. "Engaging in kinky sex can't compare to killing a living being."

  "He murdered my friends," she said, eyes narrowing and fists clenching. "I want to be involved."

  "Too dangerous," I said. "Not going to happen."

  "We'll see," she whispered.

  "I'm a vampire. I can hear your heart beating, so whispering is as good as shouting at me," I said, and grinned. Sabrina relaxed. "Now, let's go get some coffee and you can tell me everything about your friends up here. Every single one of them."

  Chapter 4

  After two hours and more coffee than either of us ever wanted, I took Sabrina home. She'd ridden up to The Crimson Knot with a friend, so didn't have her car. Unfortunately, her scantily clad body didn't hold up to the cold wind as well as mine. She rode on the back of my motorcycle, pressed up against me for warmth. It was only midnight, but already in the low forties, and the wind chill factor of riding on a motorcycle just made it worse.

  I learned a lot from my sister. The most important was she really had no idea Roger, Gustav, or Philip were vampires, and she was "best friends" with Roger. And I learned that all three of the victims were the "bestest of best friends," and did everything together, went everywhere together. Sabrina knew they were visiting other bondage clubs, and frequented parties thrown by members of their kinky community.

  "Are you going to be all right?" I asked, hugging Sabrina in the parking lot below her apartment. Her skin was icy cold, covered in goose bumps. We kissed each other on the cheek.

  "I'm fine," she said. "You just catch the bastard that killed my friends."

  "I will," I said.

  Waiting until after Sabrina was safely inside her apartment, I headed for the gym. I needed to talk to Dane about this. Maybe even speak to Gabe. Both had unique ways of approaching a problem. I thought Dane too conservative, and Gabe too dangerous. Between them, I should find a happy medium.

  Dane taught me how to slay vampires. Well, I started killing vampires without him, but he took me in and taught me how to do it right. The bodies have been piling up ever since. I never really regretted any of my decisions, until I found myself Changed into a vampire. Then it was too late.

  Speaking of regrets, Dane was consumed with them. He lost his last three girlfriends to vampires. Anastasia and I were his vampire slaying partners, while Heidi had never staked a vampire in her life. I think I was the only vampire she ever wanted to stake, and she did try to kill me a few times. Unfortunately for Heidi, her last attempt ended with me killing her, and accidentally Changing her into a vampire. Dane blamed himself for that, too, though I blamed Heidi.

  Dane taught self defense at night at my gym. He was outed as a vampire slayer, so changed his name to Eddy Sinclair to work there. It was late, so I'd have to hurry to reach the gym before he left for the night. I was really good at driving fast.

  Truth be told, I liked racing through the night streets on my monster Ninja and didn't really need an excuse to do so. I would rather have my Mustang back, but the motorcycle was a whole nother kinda speed thrill. But once I had the cash I was getting a new Mustang.

  It was almost 12:30 A
M when I arrived at the gym. They were open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I wasn't sure about holidays. I had a membership just to get the Krav Maga class that Dane taught. My whole vamp family went once a week now: Desiree, Heidi, and Kale. Perhaps I should see about getting Sabrina enrolled. She seemed to like living on the edge.

  There weren't as many cars out front as there used to be. The big knockdown, drag out vampire fight we had there a few weeks ago scared a lot of people away. Amazingly, Dane, Heidi, and I were never associated with it by management or the membership. So Dane kept his much needed job, and Heidi and I kept our memberships. Of course, they did not know we were vampires.

  Dane's late night Krav Maga classes and self-defense classes were not hurt in the least. He had more people than ever taking the classes. Most of the classes were rather top heavy in young, single women. Oh yeah, Dane was in trouble and didn't know it.

  Friday night, Dane's last class was Midnight to one. I wasn't the only one that knew that, either. Heidi was waiting, dressed to impress in slinky little black mini and red stiletto pumps. Did I mention all the diamonds? Oh, she had lots of diamonds.

  "Do you have a date with Dane?" I asked.

  "Maybe," she said. I raised an eyebrow. "No. But I thought..."

  "Go away," I said, not caring what she thought. I needed to speak with Dane, and I didn't need a horny blonde vampire babe distracting him. She was very distracting, even before being Changed. "I have business to discuss with Dane. Vampire staking business."

  "What about me?"

  "Go play with Kale," I said.

  "I already did," she said. "He's played out and sleeping now."

  "Go to Deep Ellum," I said. "I don't care. Leave Dane and me alone tonight."

  "Fine," she snarled, and stomped out.

  I had half an hour to kill, so hit the women's room. Even vampires had to pee, you know. And all the other things, too. So, taking my time, I relieved myself and fixed my face before Dane's class ended.

  "Hey, big boy, have a little time for me?" I said when he came out of the classroom, trailed by four pretty young things. Had to admit, they were all kinda cute with their bouncy ponytails and sweaty faces and heaving breasts, but I was in snug latex and leather. I win. "Bye-bye, girls. Have a nice night."


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