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Wild Bear

Page 11

by Terry Bolryder

  He was just glad for his bear senses. Otherwise, he never would have been able to track her in time.

  As he sat on the side of the bed, stroking her hair, pressing his hand to her forehead, he felt an odd welling of warmth inside him. A quiet satisfaction and peace that was unlike anything he felt as his bear.

  As he sat there, watching her chest rise and fall, her lips slightly parted, her arm over her head, he realized that feeling was love.

  It had always been in the background, waiting there for the curtain of everything his bear felt to be pulled back so he could reveal it.

  Why hadn’t he just realized it sooner? Why had he let his stupid past fuck things up?

  She’d nearly gotten hurt, and he hated himself for it. He also hated himself for the careless mistakes he’d made with his brother’s mates, though it was good they’d been fine.

  He’d been a careless person, listening only to the wild animal inside him and not paying attention to the man waiting to emerge, more mature and intelligent than his bear.

  Not anymore. From here on out, he would find a balance, something Harmony could live with. He’d be a man for her when she needed sensibility and romance, and he’d be a bear when he needed to protect her.

  Both sides could live together in the space inside him.

  As long as she stayed by his side.

  He put a hand over her hand and loved the warmth there. From the first time he’d seen her, he’d wanted her. From the moment he’d rescued her in the mountains, he’d known he didn’t want anything to happen to her.

  From the moment she’d come back to Bear Haven, he’d known he never wanted her to leave.

  Now, how to explain it all to her when she woke up?

  He looked out at the waning afternoon light. With any luck, she would sleep through the afternoon and evening, getting lots of rest before she woke up with what would probably be the worst headache of her life.

  Both from the alcohol and whatever they’d drugged her with.

  He paced in front of the bed, making plans. When she woke, she’d probably be hungry. And he’d need someone to sit with her while he cooked something. And maybe she’d want to see someone else when she woke up, if she was still mad at him.

  And the bear thing, what was he going to do about that? Would she believe it, even if she did remember? If not, he was going to have to tell her. But how?

  As he wracked his brain and the sun moved lower in the sky, Maverick began to grow more panicked. She meant everything to him, but he was running out of time and he couldn’t do it on his own.

  Perhaps it was time to call in some backup. He grabbed his phone off the wall and dialed Shane’s number.

  “Hey, how is she?” Shane said the second he picked up.

  “Fine,” Mav replied. “Sleeping. Listen, I’m sorry for… everything.”

  Shane sighed. “It’s nothing, man. Seriously. Just take care of your mate.”

  “I should never have interfered with your mates,” Mav declared.

  “Well, it’s not too bad that you did since it resulted in us getting together,” Shane said.

  Maverick heard Ruby say something in the background, and then he heard her feminine voice on the phone. “Maverick, is Harmony okay?”

  “Yes,” he said, bracing himself for the onslaught of yelling.

  “Oh my gosh, thank goodness,” she said. “Jesse told us what happened. Bonnie and I have been worried sick. But we’re so grateful to you for saving her.”

  Maverick just grunted, taken aback by her soft tone.

  “If there’s anything we can do for the two of you, let us know.” She was quiet for a moment. “We could tell something was going on between you, just from how Harmony was when she was with us, but she’s not the type to talk about things like that. Well, she wants to talk about it when it happens to others, but not herself.”

  “I know,” Maverick said.

  “So yeah, I guess I’m just saying fight for her, even if she’s stubborn.”

  “I already did,” he said flatly, but a smile quirked his mouth. The first in a while.

  “I know,” Ruby said. “Fighting is something you’re good at. But this is a different kind of fight.”

  Maverick nodded and then realized she couldn’t hear him. “I got it.”

  She sighed into the phone, and he heard her say something to Shane like, “Mav sounds so different,” and, “Here, you talk to him again.”

  He tapped the phone impatiently, waiting for his brother to come back.

  “Hey, you need anything?” Shane said.

  “Actually, yes,” Mav said. “I need help for when she wakes up. I need food because she’ll be hungry. And I’d love it if Ruby could be here to talk to her when she wakes up. About me being a bear. I don’t know how much she remembers, and I don’t want it to scare her.”

  “Ah, gotcha. You want Bonnie to come too?”

  “Whatever you think. I just thought since Ruby’s a human who was also shocked initially, it might help.”

  “Sure,” Shane said. Mav heard him talking to Jesse and Bonnie in the background. “And Mav? I’m proud of you for asking for help.”

  Mav was quiet for a moment, then careful when he spoke. “Humans need each other sometimes,” he said. “It’s just normal.”

  He could sense Shane’s shock through the phone, and he couldn’t resist smiling wryly, imagining the look on his brother’s face as he hung up.

  Yes, things would be different. And sure, sometimes he would revert. Where would the fun be if he didn’t? But as a whole, he wasn’t complete without Harmony. And she needed the human in him as much as she needed the bear.

  And for some reason, instead of it hurting, it felt like it healed him deep in his soul.

  He curled around his mate, giving her a good, long hug, and then went out to watch for his guests.

  * * *

  Harmony woke up confused, flashes of memory flooding her brain. Her head hurt, felt foggy, as if she’d drunk about a gallon of alcohol, but she wasn’t a heavy drinker, so she knew that was unlikely.

  Scenes unfolded before her, like a cross between a circus and a horror show.

  The men from New York coming down to the bar at Wyatt’s place while she’d been pouring herself a drink to wash away the misery.

  Misery, why?

  Maverick, having sex with him. Him saying things hadn’t changed between them. Being in love with him. Emotions rushed through her at light speed as she flashed through her thoughts.

  She rubbed her head, sitting up as the room swam around her. Then she closed her eyes and folded over her knees, ignoring the voices surrounding her that seemed to only amount to the buzzing of flies.

  Then a calm, soothing voice, one that called to something inside her.

  She looked up blearily to see a handsome, dark-haired face come into focus as someone climbed on the bed with her.


  She closed her arms around him, holding him tight. She didn’t know why, but she knew she felt safe with him. As her head swirled in confusion, she knew she was protected here in these arms.

  “Shh,” he soothed. “It’s okay. Give it a minute. Calm down.”

  She did, her heart pounding as she held on to him and waited for the world to stop spinning. Slowly, it did, leaving her with a dull blackness in her memory that she didn’t like much at all.

  But she didn’t try to bring the thoughts back. Instead, she breathed deeply and slowly opened her eyes, looking around the room as she held on to Maverick’s wide back.

  Her friends were there, looking at her with careful smiles as if trying to reassure her.

  She pulled away from Maverick to lie back on the pillow, feeling much calmer but still groggy. “What the hell happened?” she asked, hearing her voice croak.

  “You were drugged,” Maverick said. “Do you remember any of what happened?”

  “Wait, Mav,” Ruby said. “That’s a little—”

  He put up
a hand. “Honest is best. And we need to know so I can relay it to Wyatt.”

  “I… I remember us fighting,” she said.

  He exhaled. “Right. And I’m sorry about that, sweetheart. But what happened after that?”

  He looked like he genuinely didn’t want to ask her, but needed to, so she tried to think back. But everything was blurry, like it was buried under rippling water.

  “I think I was talking to Wyatt. Then I was at the bar. He said he’d be right back with you and the bartender would be there soon.”


  “I poured a drink, and then I had to go to the bathroom,” she said, putting a hand to her head.

  “Right,” Mav said.

  Harmony couldn’t help but notice he seemed different. Calmer, more sane and normal. But he still had that feral edge under the surface, and it was becoming more apparent as she continued the story.

  “Um, then when I came back, the guys from New York were there, and we talked…”

  Maverick let out a low growl before he was able to stifle it, and Harmony looked up at him in alarm. That noise, coming from him, triggered a memory. A huge, rampaging bear.

  “Um, after that, things get kind of weird,” she said. “I remember they took me to this cabin. I think they were going to try something.” She bit her lip and groaned. “Ugh, I’m so stupid. Why did I think I could leave my drink unattended?”

  “Because you didn’t think people would be assholes,” he said. “And because you were distraught.”

  “Right,” she said, eyes glancing up at Ruby and Bonnie. But there was no censure in their eyes, only understanding.

  “Anyway, they were arguing over who would do what. And one started trying to get on top of me,” she said.

  “Okay.” Mav’s voice was tight.

  “And then this huge bear burst in,” she said, knowing how it sounded. “Um. Feels like something happened like that before.” She blinked. “Wait, yeah. Back when I was kidnapped before, it was that bear! The one that saved me.” She shrugged. “I know that sounds insane.”

  Her eyes grew wide as she looked around the room, searching for answers, and Maverick took a step back.

  He was looking more like his usual self. More feral. He touched Bonnie on the arm. “I need to step out for a minute. Hearing about what they… hearing that…”

  Bonnie nodded. “No problem.” She patted Maverick on the arm and sent him out, shutting the door behind him.

  Presumably, Shane and Jesse were out there with him, Harmony hoped.

  Ruby sat on the bed and took Harmony’s hand. “The bear thing, it’s not as crazy as you think.”

  “No?” Harmony asked, heart thudding in her chest as she studied Ruby’s serious eyes. “What do you mean?”

  Bonnie walked forward, pulling a chair up to the bed to be closer. She pushed red hair behind her ear and leaned forward. “Do you remember anything else? At all? In regards to the bear?”

  Harmony rubbed her forehead. “I mean, I remember Wyatt carried me out of the cabin. I don’t know where Mav was through all this… Wait…” Then an image flashed. The bear on its hind legs. Shouting something about protecting its… mate.

  In Maverick’s voice.

  It was impossible. Her heart hammered as she thought through it again, but no matter how many times she considered it, it was the same.

  A giant bear with Maverick’s voice.

  Suddenly, odd things started to piece together in her head. Maverick always speaking about mates. Maverick saying his mother left him in the woods, that he didn’t have feelings like “humans.” Maverick totally acting like a bear.

  It all made so much sense.

  “Maverick’s a bear!” she shouted, sitting bolt upright as Ruby put out a hand to settle her down. “Where is he?” She made as if to get out of bed, wanting to see him, but her stomach roiled, and she allowed Ruby to help her back into bed. “How is that possible?”

  Bonnie scooted even closer. “Harmony. It’s true. There are those of us who can shift, who can change shape to an animal. It’s in our DNA. Most of us are more in touch with our human sides, as that’s how we spend most of our life. Maverick’s a little different. That’s why it makes so much sense when you think about it.”

  Ruby stared at Bonnie wide-eyed at the same time Harmony did.

  “Wait, what?” Ruby asked. “You’re one too?”

  “I’m a cat,” Bonnie said. “I’m sorry. I was trying to find the right time to tell you.”

  Ruby shrugged and gave her friend a hug, pulling Harmony in as well. “It doesn’t matter. I know now.”

  “What kind of… cat?” Harmony asked.

  “Lynx,” Bonnie said, pulling back to sit up and tuck back her hair, which was escaping. “But, Harmony, you can’t really know about all of this unless you’re accepting being the mate of a shifter.”

  “Ugh, so that’s what he meant with all that stupid mate stuff,” she said. “I should have known there was some sort of explanation for it. But honestly, it’s the craziest thing. If I hadn’t… seen it with my own eyes, I’d think the world was going crazy.”

  “Right, but once you’ve fallen in love with someone, it’s possible to accept just about anything about them, isn’t it?” Ruby asked, putting a hand over Harmony’s. “I know it’s a shock.”

  “But I have so many questions. I…”

  “That’s probably best for Maverick to talk to you about,” Bonnie said, standing and stretching. “Anyway, we’re so glad you’re okay.”

  “Wait.” Harmony snapped out a hand to grab Bonnie’s shirt, stopping her.


  “Does your mate love you?” she asked, hating herself for sounding insecure.

  “Yes, of course,” Bonnie said. “And Ruby’s does too. Right, Ruby?”

  Ruby nodded. “Just because they can turn into animals, it doesn’t mean they can’t love.”

  Harmony nodded, disappointed. So it was just her and Maverick, then, not the fact that he was a shifter.

  “Stop looking so downtrodden,” Bonnie said tersely. “I heard Maverick went absolutely insane over you. That he was nearly impossible to stop, even after you were safe, and that the only thing that pulled him out of a feral state was your voice and the fact that you needed him.”

  Harmony blinked, staring in confusion at her friend.

  “If that’s not a shifter in love, I don’t know what is,” Bonnie said, putting up her hands as Ruby got off the bed to join her.

  “But—” Harmony began, but Bonnie cut her off.

  “Give him a chance to talk to you,” she said. “I have a feeling Mav can tell you everything you need to know. He’s changed, Harmony, even in the last day. I have a feeling it has to do with you.”

  Harmony just nodded, mutely wondering when her friend had become such a badass.

  “Come on, Ruby,” Bonnie said. “Let’s head out.” Then she winked at Harmony, opened the door, and exited. Harmony could hear Ruby excitedly asking about her cat form as they went.

  Then the door opened again, and a tall, large man filled the doorway. Maverick.


  He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, despite it being less than a day since they’d been together.

  It almost seemed like her kidnapping had worn more on him than it had on her.

  He sat on the edge of her bed, large hands clasped, and looked over at her steadily. Then his lips quirked in a small grin. “You have a knack for getting kidnapped.”

  “You have a knack for turning into a bear and saving me.”

  “Nah,” he said, scooting closer. “I was already a bear the first time.” He took another little scoot, and when she didn’t stop him, another. Soon he was sitting close, almost touching her. “So what do you remember?”

  “I remember your voice coming out of a bear. And now that I think about it, it really makes sense.”

  “I know it’s crazy,” he said. “I can explain more about shifters later.
We have to stay hidden from the human world or else they hunt us, feel threatened by us. But right now, there’s something else I want to talk about.” He took her hand and clasped it between his in a warm sandwich. He looked down at it and then into her eyes.

  “I… I had a rough childhood, Harmony. I was abandoned, and the human part of me was scarred by it. The bear part said we were fine, that this was usual. But the other part of me, the part that was weaker, went into hiding.”

  Harmony just stared at him, waiting for him to go on.

  “I… guess I didn’t want to deal with it. I thought I was strong enough because I was more bear than the others. When people pitied me, when they wondered how I survived, I just told myself I was different, stronger. But I wasn’t.”

  She nodded. It meant a lot that he was saying this, that he was opening up.

  “When you asked me to love you, I couldn’t. To me, that’s a human emotion. And to me, I couldn’t be human. I couldn’t be weak.”

  “I understand,” she said. “You don’t have to explain.”

  “No, I really do, for all the trouble I’ve caused you. See, what really bothered me was, deep down, I did love you. I just told myself that was the bear, the part that wanted to mate you. When bears meet their fated mates, they feel something like love. It’s more like undying devotion. And it’s instant and it’s forever.”

  She nodded, her throat getting tight with emotion.

  “And that’s why when you asked if things had changed after that night together, I said they hadn’t. To me, my feelings for you as a mate were the highest possible. Love was something else entirely. Something that wasn’t me.”

  She gave him a sad smile, realizing just how difficult all of this was for him. But she was proud of him for fighting for her in a way that was much harder than he was used to.

  “Anyway, all I knew was I would die for you before, and I was willing to die for you then. So nothing had changed. When you were hurt by it, I didn’t understand. And when you threatened to leave, I felt the human part of me trying to hurt me again, and I shoved it away.”

  Harmony put a hand to her mouth. The pain radiating from him was so palpable she could feel it. But she knew she needed to let him finish.


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