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Erebus Page 2

by Linda L Barton

  “I hope we catch that guy before he hurts anyone else.” Greg knew Mac was using this case, as an excuse to leave, but maybe it was better she stay busy. He reached for his coffee cup and took a sip.

  I hope that you’ll be able to work out what is bothering you, Mac, he thought to himself.


  Mac hated cases like this one because they were so senseless. It was a good thing the guy was a lousy shot, or he would not only be facing robbery and assault charges but murder as well. The damn fool nearly killed that woman for a measly $103.83.

  The clerk had recently made a safe drop when the man came into the store demanding all the money from the register. She gave him everything, but he became angry when he realized it was barely over a hundred dollars. When she tried to explain that she had dropped most of her cash in the floor safe, he demanded her to open it, or he would kill her.

  She pleaded with him to take the money and leave because she could not open the safe, but he did not believe her and shot her in the shoulder. He was about to shoot her again when a group of teenage boys came into the store for some sodas after the High School football game.

  The shooter, realizing that he was outnumbered, charged his way through the group of boys, and made his getaway.


  Mac arrived at the hospital when the young woman was finishing her lunch. The interview went well, and Mac was thankful to have some additional information about the shooter.

  “Miss Carter, is there anything else you can remember about that night?”

  “No, in fact, I wish I could forget everything about it. You know, I have only been working there for two weeks. Leave it to me to get robbed!” she laughed softly, attempting to lighten her real mood.

  “I’m sorry you went through something so frightening, but at least you’re still alive. It could’ve been much worse. If those boys hadn’t come by when they did, you might not be here.”

  Mac had seen it go the other way many times before, and she was thankful this woman had survived.

  “You know, the boys dropped by to see me earlier. They said they wanted to make sure I was all right. Wasn’t that nice of them?” She reached up to wipe the tears in her eyes with a tissue.

  “Yes, it was. Well, I think I have all I need for now. It’s nice to see you doing better. Have they told you when you should be able to go home?”

  “My doctor said I should be released by the end of the week.” She was tired of lying in the hospital bed and wanted to go home.

  “That’s great. I need to get going. If you think of anything else, please give me a call, okay?” Mac put her notepad inside her purse then stood to leave.

  “I will and thank you, Detective.” Once Mac had turned to leave, the young woman reached for the remote control and turned on the television. “Let’s see if there’s anything good on for a change.”

  Mac smiled at the woman and then walked out of the room. She was glad she had gone back to talk to the witness because she had remembered some additional things about that night.

  It was almost one o’clock, so Mac decided to get some lunch at the Mexican restaurant where she had first told Rick about Erebus. She did not like the idea of eating alone, but she knew she had no choice.


  “Good afternoon, Detective. Are you eating today alone?” The hostess smiled, as she watched Mac walk in the door.

  “Yes, I am.” Mac followed the young woman, as she led the way to her table.

  Once Mac had sat down, she looked around the restaurant at the people enjoying their meals and wished she had someone to spend time with, but she knew it was not meant to be.

  The server had brought her meal when she heard a familiar voice. “That looks good.” Rick walked up to her table and looked down at the steaming plate of food.

  “It is, but they do make the best enchiladas in town.” Mac forced a smile, not sure of what to say.

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Mac felt her stomach tie in knots. Crap, what does he want? “Sure, I would love the company.”

  “Thanks. I didn’t want to eat alone.” Rick sat, and then motioned for the server.

  The young woman walked over to the table and handed Rick a menu. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “I would like a sweet tea and some of those delicious, looking enchiladas,” Rick smiled at the server and then handed the menu back to her.

  She took the menu and then looked at Mac. “Do you need more chips and salsa?”

  “Yes, this guy can eat you out of chips,” Mac laughed, looking at the surprised expression on Rick’s face.

  It felt good to have him sitting there with her. She had missed him terribly the last two months, and she prayed this would be the beginning of healing the rift in their friendship.

  Rick laughed at the look on the young woman’s face. “Damn, right. I love your chips and salsa, so load me up!”

  The server smiled and then walked away while shaking her head, leaving Rick and Mac alone. The silence was deafening between them until Rick finally spoke.

  “I guess you wonder what made me come here today.” He took the napkin from around his silverware and spread it across his lap.

  Mac knew it must be important, but she was also worried that it would be bad news. “Well, I was wondering.”

  “Here is your sweet tea, chips, and salsa.” The server placed the items on the table in front of Rick. “Your meal will be out shortly.”

  “Thank you,” Rick removed the paper from his straw and put it in the glass. He took a long drink then dipped a chip in the salsa and took a bite. “Damn, this stuff is good. I could eat it every day if Sharon let me.”

  Mac smiled at the look of complete bliss on his face. She had always cared for Rick, and to see his smile again, lightened her mood.

  “Mac, is it true? Is Erebus still alive?” He looked her in the eyes, and she could see the fear clearly there.

  Mac wished she could lie, and say that Erebus was dead, but she knew Rick had the right to know the truth after what had happened. “Yes, he is alive.”

  The look on his face transformed from one of concern to anger. “How can that be? He was shot; we had his body!”

  Rick could tell by her face that she was not lying to him and that she felt the same fear and rage.

  “The man we shot was only a piece in his game. Erebus uses people to do his deeds like puppets. Look how he used Tyrone. He forced him to kidnap Joey Afton, and if Joey had not gotten sick, he would be dead too. We got lucky that Tyrone decided to take Joey to the hospital, but because of that…,” she stopped once she realized what she was about to say.

  “He decided to go after Mandy as a replacement,” Rick groaned, remembering the vision of his sweet, little Mandy tied up in that warehouse.

  “Rick, I’m so sorry I got you involved. I never thought he would go after you, and I will live with the guilt of that mistake for the rest of my life.” She fought to hold back the tears flowing down her cheeks, but her pain and guilt were too great.

  “Don’t blame yourself, Mac. Neither of us thought things would end up like that.”

  Rick reached across the table and took her by the hand. “We have all missed you. The girls ask about you all the time, and Mandy wants to know when you will come by for a visit.”

  “I have missed all of you, too. I can’t tell you how alone I have felt this last two months, and I’ve missed those sweet, little girls.” Mac wiped the tears from her eyes with her napkin then looked up when she heard the server approach their table.

  “Here is your meal, Sir.” The server placed the steaming plate of food down in front of Rick and then stepped back. “Be careful because the plate is very hot. Can I get you anything else while I’m here?”

  “No thank you; we’re fine for now.”

  Rick picked up his fork, stirred the melting cheese into the refried beans, and then poured some of the salsa over his food. “Mac, do you think he’ll come back?�

  Mac had taken a sip of her soda before she answered, “I don’t know, but I have a nagging feeling that I’ve not seen the last of Erebus, and his game.” She could tell by the look on Rick’s face that he agreed with her.

  “You know, even when we thought he was dead, I had the strangest feeling it was not over. I can’t explain it, but my instincts told me not to relax,” Rick took a bite of the enchilada then rolled his eyes with approval.

  “Damn, these are great. I sure hope Sharon isn’t planning a big meal tonight because if I eat all of this I won’t be hungry.”

  Mac laughed at the look of pure contentment on his face. “Oh, yes, you will. We both know that you’ll make room for more food,” Mac grinned, when she saw the look on his face.

  Rick took another bite, and then gave her a sheepish grin, “You’re right, but let’s keep this lunch to ourselves, okay?”

  “What’s the matter, are you worried that Sharon will put you on another diet?” Mac smiled, remembering the last time Sharon had put Rick on a diet because he gained an extra ten pounds.

  “Yes, I can’t stand all that rabbit food. Now, this is food for a man!” he grinned, then took a large bite of his rice, smothered in salsa.

  The rest of the meal they spent talking about Rick’s daughters, and all the fun things they had been up to lately. Mac was glad to have something different to focus on other than Erebus, and she wished their lunch did not have to end.

  When they finished the rest of their meal, the server brought their ticket and set it on the table. “Here, I’ll get that,” Mac reached for the ticket, but Rick grabbed her hand.

  “You don’t need to pay for mine.”

  Rick tried to get the ticket away from her, but she was too quick.

  “No, I want to do this. I can’t tell you how much I needed this, and I want to thank you.” She laid the ticket next to her plate then drank the last of her soda.

  “Thank me, for what?” Rick could see the sadness in her eyes, and it broke his heart how he had allowed his fear of Erebus to push her out of his life.

  “You have always been such a good friend, and accepted me into your family. I can’t begin to tell you how important all of you are to me.” She wiped at the tears wetting her cheeks.

  “Mac, I’m sorry that it took me so long to talk to you. I didn’t know how to process what happened, and I knew if I didn’t get things straight in my head first, I would say something I could never take back.”

  Rick knew he had hurt Mac deeply, and he would never forgive himself for turning his back on her.

  “I understand, because I hated myself for getting you involved. How can he control people the way he does, Rick? I’ll never understand a mind like his; to destroy innocent lives the way he does is unthinkable.”

  Mac wanted to tell Rick about her telephone call to Tom Riggs, but she decided it was best not to involve him any more than necessary. “Come on; let’s get out of here before they charge us rent.”

  Chapter 2

  Tom was glad to see John. He had gone over in his mind if he should tell him the news of Erebus, but he knew Mac was right. The chance it could cause John to regress was too dangerous. “Good afternoon, John. How are you feeling today?”

  “I feel great. Dr. Jenkins told me that I was scheduled to be transferred to the low-security facility on Friday. I can’t begin to thank you for helping to clear things up for me. To learn that Erebus was real and is now dead, was liberating. Tom, I’ll have to live with the fact that I killed Kathy for the rest of my life, but now at least I understand what happened. I can’t begin to tell you the rage I carry inside at how that bastard twisted and played with my mind. I know he used my weaknesses against me, but to know he’s finally dead gives me some peace. I look forward to getting my life back and becoming the man that Kathy has always believed me to be.”

  The look on John’s face clearly showed his sadness at the loss of his beloved wife, Kathy. They had been best friends, and he had allowed Erebus to turn him against her.

  “John, you do understand that Kathy died, right?” Tom was confused by John’s statement, and he wondered if he had fully accepted her death.

  “Of course, I do, but I know she’s watching over me from heaven, and I don’t want to let her down again. I allowed my pride to destroy my life and convince me the person I choked to death was the demon tormenting me. I let my rage destroy my beautiful Kathy, and for that, I will never forgive myself. I know I should have blown my brains out all over my office, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It would have been the coward’s way out, and I couldn’t let him win.”

  Tears streamed down John’s cheeks, as he remembered that horrible night. During his numerous counseling sessions, his doctor had told him it was not his fault, but he knew better. He had allowed things to escalate to the point where he snapped, and then finally did the unforgivable. If he had trusted her and Tom, she would still be alive today.

  Tom looked into the eyes of his dearest friend and saw the pain and rage stirring deep inside of them.

  Mac is right; this is not the time to tell him that Erebus is still alive.

  “What’s wrong, Tom?” John could tell there was something else on Tom’s mind.

  “Nothing, I’m just glad to know you will be out of this place soon.” Tom knew this was no time for weakness, so he pushed his emotions aside.

  John smiled, “Me too, I only hope the food is better at the new facility. Hell, a starving dog would turn its nose up to the crap they serve in here.”

  “Hell, you should’ve said something. I would have snuck you in some pastrami on rye,” Tom grinned, when he saw John lick his lips.

  “Oh man, with melted Swiss cheese, spicy brown mustard on toasted rye bread?

  “I gather that’s a yes?” Tom laughed, as John nodded his head vigorously.

  “How about I bring you one tomorrow, as a celebratory last night meal in this crappy place? I’m sure Dr. Jenkins wouldn’t mind if you have a little treat.”

  John looked Tom and smiled, “Thank you for sticking by me when no one else did. I can’t begin to tell how much that means to me.”

  “I don’t want you ever to think that I’m not here for you, John. You are like the son I never had, and I’ll always be there for you.”

  Tom had blamed himself for, not stopping John before things got out of control, but in his wildest imagination, he never expected that outcome. He had promised to watch over John when his uncle had died, so he felt as though he had failed.

  “Don’t forget the potato chips; you know you can’t eat a sandwich without potato chips.”

  “I won’t, I promise.” Tom was thrilled to see the look of pure joy on John’s face after such a long time.

  “Well, I need to get going before I find myself in trouble for being late for dinner again,” Tom chuckled then he stood and looked down at John.

  “You know how Marge is if I’m late. She points to the refrigerator and tells me that I’m on my own,” he chuckled.

  John snickered, “Don’t complain; I would take cold leftovers any day, over the crap they serve in here. I think tonight’s dinner is dry, fried chicken with lumpy mashed potatoes, and canned gravy.”

  “No wonder you’re excited about a sandwich,” Tom laughed at the thought of that meal being your only choice.

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Tom stood. Then they shook hands and said their goodbyes.

  On the drive home, Tom wondered how he would tell John the news of Erebus without destroying him again.


  “Mr. Cooper, do you have all your belongings packed?” The orderly walked into John’s room and looked around.

  “Yes, I’m ready to get out of here.” John picked up his small duffel bag and looked around the room one last time. He was glad this day had finally come.

  Tom had dropped by the night before and brought him the best pastrami on rye sandwich he had ever tasted. They sat and talked
a while about trivial things, neither wanting to bring up Erebus or the reason he had been in the facility.

  John did not have many personal items. He had a couple of books, a notepad with notes he had written to himself during his recovery, and a picture of Kathy on their wedding day. As far as toiletry items, Tom had told him that he would bring him some new ones so he could leave the ones provided by the hospital behind.

  “Good, then follow me to the recreation room, and you can wait for your ride there. Dr. Jenkins had to leave early today, but a Dr. Browning will be picking you up by three o’clock.”

  As they walked to the recreation room, John wondered what was ahead for him at the new facility. He had worked hard to come to grips with what had happened, but he wondered if he would ever live an ordinary life again.

  “Take a seat, and I’ll get you once the doctor arrives,” the orderly pointed to the table, by the large, picture window.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Once John had sat at the table, he looked around the room at the other patients, feeling a sense of relief that he would finally be away from this horrible place.

  He had sat there for about twenty minutes when the orderly returned. “Your ride is here, Mr. Cooper.”

  “Great, I’m ready to get out of here.” John stood and followed the orderly, wondering if he would like this new doctor.


  “Good afternoon, Mr. Cooper. I’m Dr. Browning, and I will be treating you. I hope you’re all packed, and ready to go.”

  John noticed how the man had a pleasant smile that immediately put him at ease. It surprised him that the doctor was so young, as John estimated him to be roughly in his early to mid-thirties. “I sure am ready to get out of here,” John smiled.

  “Doctor, I have the handcuffs to secure him for the trip.” The orderly reached for John’s wrists, but the doctor stopped him.

  “That won’t be necessary. I’m sure Mr. Cooper won’t give me any problems, will you?” He looked at John and smiled.

  “No way, I’m glad to get out of this place so that I won’t be any trouble,” John smiled while looking at the handcuffs.


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