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Erebus Page 3

by Linda L Barton

  “Good, then let’s get going, so you don’t miss your dinner. I hope you don’t disappoint me by acting up because you’ll get both of us in trouble for not having you handcuffed during transport. For this reason, as long as we understand each other, everything will be okay.” The doctor turned, and walked toward the front door with John, and the orderly following closely behind.

  They walked outside to a silver coupe parked in front of the main entrance. “I would generally bring an orderly with me, but since it’s Friday, and I knew you wouldn’t give me any trouble. I just didn’t see the need for making someone work late.” Dr. Browning smiled and then opened the passenger car door for John.

  “I know I wouldn’t want to have to work tonight late because the wife and I have plans. It’s our anniversary, and she bought us tickets to the Monster Truck Rally that’s in town this weekend,” the orderly grinned.

  “That sounds like a lovely evening,” Dr. Browning said as he held the car door open for John.

  Once John had sat in the car, the doctor closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. “Come on, Mr. Cooper. Let’s take you to your new home.”

  While Dr. Browning drove down the long driveway to the highway, he motioned to the cup holder next to John. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of getting you a soda for the trip. I understand you enjoy cola?”

  “Yes, I do, thank you.” John reached for the Styrofoam cup and took a sip of the cold beverage, “This is good, thank you.”

  The doctor smiled and then looked over at John. “It was my pleasure. Why don’t you relax, and we’ll be there before you realize it.”


  “I’m Dr. Browning, and I’m here to pick up Mr. John Cooper,” the man announced to the guard at the front gate.

  “You can’t be Dr. Browning. He’s already left with Mr. Cooper.” The security guard looked at the man’s face and suddenly realized something was wrong. He picked up the telephone and dialed. “This is Security at the main gate, we have a problem,” the guard announced to the supervisor in the security office.


  “Captain Riggs, this is Mr. Winsly. I hate to tell you this, but we have a problem.”

  Tom could tell by the sound of his voice the hospital administrator was upset about something. “Yes, what do you need?”

  “I don’t quite know how to tell you this, but Mr. Cooper is missing.”

  “He’s missing? What do you mean by that?” Tom prayed this was all a terrible mistake.

  “I don’t understand how this could have happened. A man arrived with all the proper credentials and paperwork, but…,”

  Tom interrupted not allowing him to continue, “Are you telling me that you handed John over to the wrong person?”

  Tom felt worry and rage welling up inside him. “What have you done to find him?”

  “We’ve notified the authorities and given them a description of the man, the vehicle, and its license plate number. The problem is the car pulls up as a stolen vehicle. Do you know anyone who would want to harm Mr. Cooper?”

  Tom could not believe this had happened, and he prayed the feeling of dread growing from deep inside of him was wrong. “As a matter of fact, I do: Erebus.”

  Chapter 3

  Mac was glad Rick had joined her for lunch. She had missed his friendship terribly, and the thought, of never seeing Sharon and the girls again, had broken her heart.

  The rest of the day at the department had gone smoothly. She had completed most of the paperwork stacked on her desk, so now she was ready to go home. She had to admit to herself that she was looking forward to a hot shower and a good night’s sleep.

  Mac was about to leave when her cell phone rang, “Hello.”

  “Mac, we have a problem. I think Erebus has taken John.” Tom hated to have to make this call, but Mac needed to know.

  Mac could hear the anger and worry in Tom’s voice, “What…, what did you say?”

  She prayed that she had heard him wrong, but she knew the truth. “I don’t understand, how could this happen?” Mac held her breath as a cold, dark chill overtook her body.

  “He was scheduled to be moved to the new facility today, and when the doctor arrived to get him it turned out, not to be the real doctor. I don’t understand how it could have happened, but once the actual doctor finally showed up, everyone realized the mistake. Mac, it has to be Erebus. Oh, God, what do you think he’s up to now?”

  Mac sat quietly, trying to process everything Tom had just said. She knew it had to be Erebus, but the thought, of him returning for John, was too much for her to process.

  “Tom, I can’t believe this, but it’s the only thing that makes sense. How long has he been missing?”

  “The real Dr. Browning showed up about an hour and a half after John was taken, so they could have already changed vehicles and be a long way from there.” Tom shook with rage, as he envisioned John in the hands of Erebus.

  “I just got off the telephone with the administrator of the facility, and they have no leads to where John might be.”

  “Tom, I’ll make arrangements, and be up there in the morning.” Mac grabbed her purse. “I’m the only person who has foiled his game, so I need to be there!”

  “I wasn’t going to ask, but I’m glad you’re coming.” Tom knew she was right, and, to be honest; he did not want to face Erebus alone.

  “I’ll call you once I get my rental car. Hold tight, and let me know if you learn anything else, okay?”

  “I will, but don’t worry about staying in a motel. I want you to come and stay at my house. I’ll call my wife and let her know you’re coming.” Tom knew the safest place for Mac would be with him because once Erebus learned she had come to help, he might try to harm her as well.

  “Thank you, I would love to stay with you and your wife. I need to go and let my Captain know that I need some emergency time off. We’ll talk later.”

  Mac hung up the telephone and went to her Captain’s office to inform him that she needed some time off, and then she rushed out to her car.

  She had fastened her seatbelt when her cell phone rang again. Maybe Tom has some news about John, “Hello,” but the voice on the other end of the call caused her body to go numb.

  “Good evening, Lucinda. It’s been too long since the last time we spoke.”

  “What have you done with John? If you have harmed him in any way, I swear I’ll kill you!” Pure rage exploded out of her at the sound of his voice.

  “Oh, so you’ve heard about our mutual friend, have you? Don’t worry; he’s just fine for now. As a matter of fact, he’s sleeping like a baby as we speak.”

  Mac could feel her blood surge through her veins; all she wanted to do was watch Erebus die a slow and painful death.

  “You better not hurt him,” her voice was low and threatening.

  Erebus laughed, “My, my, such anger. It’s quite upsetting that you feel that way about me. I thought that you and I had an understanding.”

  “Understanding, what kind of understanding do we have?” Mac fought to contain her anger.

  “Lucinda, I must say that I am disappointed in you. You knew our game wasn’t over, and as for John, well let us say that he has one last move to make.”

  Erebus thoroughly enjoyed this little banter with Mac. He closed his eyes with the image of her fiery, green eyes burning into him with such intensity that he would inevitably be consumed.

  “John has another move to make; I don’t understand.” His words were unsettling, and Mac wondered what horrible plans he had for John.

  “You see the night he killed his wife, he sat at his desk with his pistol. He knew what he should do, but he didn’t have the courage to complete his move. For all his bravado, John is a coward. I shouldn’t have been surprised because any man who would allow his demons to control him the way John did; is weak and easy to manipulate. Now, you, on the other hand, always seem to remain in control of your emotions. I was impressed whe
n you were able to rescue little Amanda from dying in that warehouse.”

  “You bastard, if you harm him I swear I’ll…,” Mac could no longer hold back her rage because she fully understood the danger John was in at the hands of this lunatic.

  “You’ll what, my dear? I’m so glad you still have that fighting spirit, and I hope you’re ready to finish our game.” In all the times Erebus had played his game, she was the only Tracker he was never able to break. While he was impressed with her strength, he was also upset that he had not been able to claim victory.

  “What’s the matter, you can’t handle the fact that our game was a stalemate?” Mac was pleased to know she had gotten under his skin as badly has he had hers.

  “But why go after John? You won that game. Just because he didn’t kill himself doesn’t mean that your game with him wasn’t completed. You took everything he held dear away from him. Isn’t that enough?”

  Erebus knew he must be careful because he could easily slip, and show his hand. “Let’s only say that he has more than one purpose at this time.”

  Mac felt her pulse pounding in her temples as his words sunk into her brain, and she knew this time around Erebus was ready for her. “I want you to prepare for the fight of your life. I won’t let you destroy John or anyone else ever again.”

  “Good, I look forward to continuing where we left off.” He hung up the telephone.

  “Damn him!” Mac yelled, looking at her cell phone hoping his number was on the screen, but it wasn’t like all those times before. She decided to put him out of her mind for the time being, so she went home to get ready for her trip to Philadelphia and another round with Erebus.


  The red-eye flight to Philadelphia was exhausting. Mac had called Tom and told him she would arrive around five o’clock in the morning, but she decided to wait to tell him about the new call from Erebus when she arrived.

  As she stood and waited for her rental car, she went over the telephone call again in her mind. What does he have planned this time?

  She knew he was intrigued with her, but would he soon grow bored and do something drastic? Hold on, John, we’re going to get you away from that psycho, and finally stop him.

  She pulled up in front of Tom’s house and noticed him standing on his front porch. As he walked toward her car, he pointed for her to park in an open area next to the garage.

  “Good morning, I bet you’re exhausted after that long flight?” Tom saw the dark circles her under her eyes and slouched shoulders.

  “I am, but we need to get busy and find John.” She got out of the car and opened the trunk to retrieve her luggage.

  “You need to get some rest first, or you won’t be any help at all,” Tom reached inside the trunk and lifted out her suitcase. “Come inside. Marge made some breakfast, and then you can lay down for a couple of hours.”

  Mac did not feel like eating or sleeping. Her only focus was on saving John. “I’m not hungry, and I don’t want to sleep…,” but before she could continue Tom interrupted.

  “Don’t let Marge hear you say that you don’t wish to eat the huge breakfast she’s prepared. Besides, we can use that time to go over our plan of attack.” He looked at her and smiled, “To be honest, you look like death.”

  “You’re right; some breakfast does sound fantastic.” Mac knew there was no sense in arguing. She followed Tom inside the large two-story brick house, wondering what lay ahead for them.

  “Oh, wonderful, you’re just in time. How do you take your coffee, or would you prefer orange juice?” Marge smiled, as she set the platter with the sausage links and biscuits on the table. She was excited to have Mac as a guest and looked forward to getting to know the young detective from Texas.

  “I better have the orange juice.” Mac knew if she was going to take a nap, the orange juice was a better choice.

  “Oh, how silly of me, I’m sure you’re going to want to rest for a while after that long flight.” Marge handed Mac a glass of orange juice and then returned to the stove. “I’ve made scrambled eggs, I hope you don’t mind?”

  Mac noticed the smile on Tom’s face, as he watched his wife scurry about the kitchen. “That will be fine, thank you.”

  “Just wait until you taste her gravy. She figured since you’re a southern girl you’d want biscuits and gravy with your breakfast. I think she’s even made grits,” Tom laughed at the surprised look on Mac’s face.

  Marge set the rest of the food on the table, and Mac smiled thinking of how Rick would enjoy this meal. There was a platter piled high with buttermilk biscuits and sausage links, a bowl heaped with scrambled eggs, one with grits, and a gravy boat full of white sausage gravy. Everything looked delicious, and Mac had no idea where to begin.

  “Please dig in, and I hope I’ve made the gravy correctly,” Marge handed Mac the gravy boat.

  “It all looks delicious, and I can’t wait to dig in.” Mac took the gravy and poured some over a biscuit.

  Tom reached for a biscuit and then took the gravy from Mac, “I should have you come more often. She usually makes me eat bran flakes with wheat toast for breakfast, so this is a real treat.” Tom knew he probably would not eat like this again anytime soon, so he completely smothered his biscuit with the gravy.

  “I hope I’ve prepared the grits correctly. I looked up the recipe on the internet because I wanted to make them the way a Southerner would.” Marge handed Mac the bowl of grits and eagerly awaited her response.

  Mac took the bowl and scooped a large spoonful onto her plate. “They look perfect.” She then reached for the butter and put some on the pile of steaming grits, causing the butter to melt, and run onto the plate.

  “So, that’s how you eat them; hand that butter over here.” Tom had never tried grits before, but they looked delicious. He watched Mac sprinkle a little salt and pepper on top of the melting butter, and then he repeated the process on his.

  Mac was glad to have this time to sit and enjoy a delicious meal with some simple conversation. Neither Tom nor Mac wanted to bring up the subject of John or Erebus, so they kept their conversation on trivial things.

  Once they had finished eating, Marge stood and began to clear the dishes from the table.

  “Here, let me help you,” Mac reached for her plate, but Marge stopped her.

  “No, now you relax and visit with Tom. I know you two have important business to discuss,” Marge smiled at Mac, and then walked toward the sink with a handful of dirty dishes.

  “She’s right, Mac, we do need to discuss what we plan to do next. Why don’t we go to my office where it’s more private?” Tom stood, and then led the way.

  Once they were in the office, Tom pointed to the large overstuffed chair next to the fireplace. “Why don’t you sit in that chair, it’s the most comfortable.”

  Mac sat in the chair and then leaned back, resting her head on the soft fabric.

  “If we’re going to talk, maybe I should sit on something a little less comfortable. I might fall asleep on you,” she smiled, when she saw the knowing look on his face.

  “Then I’ll just throw a blanket over you and we’ll continue after you’ve rested.” Tom knew she was exhausted, but she seemed determined to stay awake.

  Mac looked around the room and noticed the rustic décor. “I like how you have this decorated. It’s most definitely a room I can picture you working in.”

  She took a deep breath and tried to gather her courage to begin their conversation about Erebus. “I guess I might as well begin. Erebus called me again.”

  “He what, when?” Tom felt fear and anger surge through his body, as he thought of Erebus toying with Mac again.

  “It was right after we got off the telephone. I was in my car, getting ready to leave the department when my cell phone rang. I knew I should have changed my phone number after the last time,” she groaned at her foolishness, but she also knew he would have found her new telephone number regardless.

  “You know it wouldn�
��t have mattered. He seems to be able to find anything he wants.” Tom hated how Erebus could learn everything about you with the slightest ease.

  He also knew there was nothing they could do to stop him at this time. He leaned back in his chair and tried to steady his nerves at this new development.

  Mac fidgeted with a strand of her hair, attempting to gather her thoughts. “I know, you’re right, but I can’t help the way he makes me feel. He told me that John was still alive and sleeping, which explains how he was able to get him without a fight. He must have drugged him somehow before John had a chance to figure out what was going on. Tom, he told me that John didn’t finish their game and that he still had one more move to perform. Then he also said we needed to complete our game. I’m not ashamed to admit it, but I’m scared.”

  Tom understood her fear, and he had to admit that he felt the same way. “I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better, but I do know that we can stop him if we remain calm. Did he say anything else?”

  “Just the regular bullshit,” Mac groaned.

  She could hear his voice replaying in her mind, and she hated the way she felt when he toyed with her. “Tom, I have a bad feeling. I believe something terrible is going to happen, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.”

  Tom felt the same way, but he didn’t want to admit it to her. “You look as if you’re about to fall asleep. You need to go up to your bedroom and get some rest. There is a private bathroom attached to the room if you want to clean up before you lie down.”

  Tom stood and offered Mac, his hand. “Come on, we can talk about Erebus when your more clear-headed,” he smiled, and helped her out of the chair.

  “You’re right, after that delicious breakfast I could use a nap. I want to thank you again for allowing me to stay with you. I don’t think I could stand to be alone at this time.” Mac followed Tom out of the office, to the stairs that led up to the top floor.

  He stopped in front of the second door in the long hallway and opened it. “Please make yourself at home. You can put your clothes away in the dresser, and closet because nothing’s worse than living out of a suitcase. There are fresh towels in the bathroom, and I’m sure that Marge left some of her favorite little guest soaps for you to use. She belongs to a group of ladies that do crafting and such, so I never know what she is coming home with next,” he laughed, then stepped aside to allow her to pass.


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