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Who's Your Daddy?

Page 5

by Gallagher, Lauren

  Donovan and I exchanged glances. His eyebrows lifted in another unspoken question. I raised one shoulder in a parody of a shrug. His eyes darted toward her, then met mine again. Another “are you sure?” lift of the eyebrows. I nodded.

  He cleared his throat and looked at her. “Well, we’re all in this together, but you’re going to be bearing the brunt of it physically for the next several months.” He paused. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t think it would be right if you were out in the cold.”

  She furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”

  He glanced at me again, probably seeking reassurance before he went on, and I gave him a subtle nod. Turning his attention back to her, he said, “We’ve already established we’re all…compatible. What’s done is done, we’re all in this together, so…” He shrugged. “Who says we shouldn’t be in it together completely?”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you suggesting…”

  I moved closer to her and slid a hand over her shoulder. “If you’re comfortable with it, yes.”

  She looked at me. At him. At me again. She swallowed. “You guys are serious.”

  I nodded. “We were actually going to suggest a rematch anyway, before all of this came up.”


  “Are you kidding?” Donovan trailed his fingers down her arm. “We enjoyed it, and if I’m not mistaken, you did too.”

  She laughed, her cheeks coloring a little. “I’m not going to deny that. I enjoyed it.” Her smile faded. “But, you guys have a relationship. A night of screwing around is one thing, but…this…I’d be…intruding.”

  “You’re not intruding,” he said. “We’re inviting you in.”

  “It’s just sex,” I said. “We already know we’re all compatible, we all enjoyed it, and you won’t be climbing the walls with sexual frustration between now and when the baby’s old enough for you to get out and start dating again.”

  “That,” Donovan said, “and it’s not like we’re going to knock you up or anything.”

  All three of us burst out laughing, which lessened the tension a little more.

  “So, how does this work, then?” she asked. “We’re just friends with benefits until the baby gets here?”

  “Or as long as we want to,” Donovan said.

  “We can stop if anyone wants to,” I said. “We can keep going if everyone’s comfortable. Presumably, you’re going to want to start dating again at some point, but until then? You get us.”

  “And hey,” Donovan said, “at least you know you can leave the baby with us when you do go out.”

  “Hmm.” She tried and failed not to grin. “So I get two guys in bed instead of one, and I’m pretty much guaranteed a couple of responsible adults to watch the baby when I decide I want to go out?”

  “Well, I don’t know if I’d use the phrase ‘responsible adults’,” Donovan said.

  “Not with you involved, anyway,” I said.

  “Fuck you.” To her, he said, “But otherwise, yeah.”

  “I think I like this arrangement.” She shot us each a playful grin, and behind the mischievousness, there was undeniable relief. Her shoulders had relaxed a little, and her back wasn’t so ramrod straight.

  Donovan and I exchanged another look and a subtle nod.

  Then he turned to her. Leaning closer, he slid his hand up the inside of her leg. “Well, then I guess that begs the question. For tonight, we could spend some more time discuss—”

  She cut him off with a kiss. His hand lifted off her leg and hovered in the air for a moment, as if he was unsure what to do, where to touch her, if he should touch her.

  She wasn’t nearly as uncertain. She kissed him passionately, cradling his neck in both hands, and when he finally rested his hand on her waist, she damn near melted against him.

  My mouth watered. I knew what his kiss tasted like, I knew what hers tasted like, and even if I didn’t, just seeing them like this was fucking hot. Still kissing her, he opened his eyes and met mine, and all the air left my lungs. I knew that look. God in heaven, did I know that look. Half a decade as my lover, and Donovan could still weaken my knees with a look.

  He closed his eyes again and moved his hand from her side to her face. His jaw moved. So did hers. Brow furrowing, he pulled in a sharp breath through his nose and held her closer, kissing her deeply, desperately. She may have made the first move, but he surrendered to no one, and he was in control now.

  Carmen didn’t seem to mind. She held on to him and whimpered softly into his kiss.

  When they separated, their eyes met, and I watched a shiver climb up her spine as he looked at her with that same undeniable hunger. I trailed my fingertips along the same path that shiver had gone, and she arched her back against him as my fingers drifted over her bra strap.

  I leaned in and kissed the side of her neck, and she shivered again.

  “How much time do we have?” I asked Donovan in between trailing gentle kisses up the side of her neck.

  He glanced at his watch. “Ryan’s out ’til ten or ten thirty. Looks like we have about three hours.”

  “Well then,” Carmen said. “Maybe we should make use of that time.”

  “Maybe we should.” I slid a hand up into her hair and drew her back toward me. She turned around to face me, and the hunger in her eyes was as intense as Donovan’s.

  We had so much more to think about and talk about than sex right now, but at this point, there was too much tension that needed to be relieved.

  As soon as our lips met, though, all my stress and worries went into suspended animation, and I simply needed her.

  Chapter Five


  Watching Isaac kiss Carmen turned me on almost as much as kissing either of them myself. Ever since he’d started hinting about some bi-curiosity, seeing him with a woman had been a fantasy of mine. Seeing him with her? Even more so. I’d secretly wanted her anyway, so to see the two of them together was unreal.

  Isaac tangled his fingers in her dark hair and pulled her closer. She moaned softly into his kiss, and his other hand followed a shiver up her spine. My heart fluttered. It wasn’t just the voyeur in me that loved watching them turn each other on. It was a relief. Something right. As right as anything could be in a situation such as this, anyway.

  Last time was drunk and desperate. I didn’t take the time to stop and enjoy her. Or enjoy watching them. It had been one of my only regrets about that night, letting my ages-old fantasy slip past without memorizing every last second. We’d gotten out of our clothes and into her as fast as possible, taking turns fucking her until neither of us could move. None of us had given a damn about foreplay. I hadn’t even gone down on her, which I’d regretted. Oh, but I’d make up for that tonight.

  Isaac was in no hurry this time either. He dipped his head to kiss her neck, and just before his lips touched her skin, he paused, eyes closed. He inhaled slowly through his nose, and I shivered for him. That first breath of a woman. The faint traces of perfume, maybe a hint of whatever shampoo she used, all with her kiss lingering on his tongue. When he kissed the side of her neck, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I had to taste her skin.

  I gathered her hair and laid it between her shoulder blades, giving me access to the other side of her neck. I wrapped one arm, then the other, around her waist and teased her skin with my lips. Oh, my God, the scent of her skin. That was one memory the wine hadn’t even begun to dull, and I had to stop and take in a long breath of her, which brought back a flood of everything the wine had blurred—her hair splayed across our pillows, her tight pussy around my cock, her helpless moans when we made her come again and again—and I fidgeted as my jeans became painfully tight.

  Carmen broke the kiss with Isaac and turned around, looking at me with knee-buckling lust in her eyes. Sweet Jesus, I’ve seen that look before.

  I reached for her face, but she beat me to the punch, grabbing my shirt and pulling me toward her. She kissed me hard, combing her fingers through my ha

  In the back of my mind, I was aware that this was probably the strangest thing for us to be doing, given the circumstances, but I didn’t stop. Neither Isaac nor Carmen stopped. For every reason we probably shouldn’t have done this, there was another to convince me we should.

  Because it was easier than talking about why we shouldn’t. Because it felt good. Because as long as we were doing this, then nothing else existed, and anything that did exist didn’t matter. Because if sex could reassure me that Isaac and I were still on the same page, maybe it could do the same with us and Carmen. It may not have made sense, but none of this did.

  So to hell with all of it. Reality could wait.

  “I think the bed might be more comfortable,” I murmured, bending to kiss her neck again.

  A tremor rippled through her, and goose bumps rose against my lips. Oh, yes, you remember all the things we did there, don’t you? I grinned and kissed just below her ear. Last time? That’ll have nothing on tonight, sweetheart.

  “I’m game if you guys are,” Carmen said. We both looked at Isaac, and he pulled in a breath. I swore he blanched, and I suddenly remembered his comment last night about the threesome scenarios being intimidating because of his lack of experience. Putting him on the spot like this probably didn’t help.

  I grabbed Carmen’s hair and pulled her head back so I could kiss more of her neck. She gasped, probably closed her eyes, and I met Isaac’s—one-on-one, now, so he wasn’t outnumbered—as I brushed her neck with my lips. I raised my eyebrows.

  He nodded and stood.

  I ignored the little voice in the back of my mind that pointed out this meant returning to the scene of the crime. That voice shut up when I kissed Carmen’s throat and drew a soft moan from her lips. Scene of the crime be damned, I wanted her. Both of them. Right now.

  “Upstairs,” she whispered. “Or someone’s going to fuck me right here on the couch.”

  I laughed and let her go. As I rose, I extended a hand. “Upstairs it is.”

  She took my hand, and I helped her to her feet.

  On the way upstairs, Isaac said, “I guess we don’t need to worry about condoms, do we?”

  “Well,” I said. “It’s not like she’s going to get any more pregnant.”

  Carmen laughed. “True. And aside from you guys and my ex-husband, I haven’t slept with anyone in years.”

  “It’s just been us for the last five,” Isaac said.

  “We probably don’t need them, then.” Carmen looked at me, then him. “Assuming you’re both comfortable with that.”

  Isaac and I exchanged glances.

  He shrugged. “Fine by me.”

  “Okay,” I said. “So no condoms as long as it’s just the three of us?”

  “Agreed,” Carmen said. “Now with that out of the way, would one of you please fuck me?”

  “Not yet.” I stood behind her and snaked my arms around her waist from behind as I kissed her neck. “What’s the rush?”

  “The rush is—ooh.” She shivered when I flicked my tongue across the base of her neck.

  “Patience, Carmen.” I held Isaac’s gaze over Carmen’s shoulder while I whispered in her ear. “Rest assured, we will both fuck you soundly before this night is over. But…” I opened the top button of her blouse. “We were all in such a hurry last time.” Another button. “I think we should slow things down tonight, don’t you?”

  She whimpered. Isaac shivered.

  I gave him the slightest of nods, and he returned it just before he pulled off his shirt and went for his belt. I opened three more buttons, then teased her nipples through her shirt. Carmen put her hands over mine and pushed my fingers together, forcing me to pinch her nipples so hard it must have hurt. Maybe it did, but judging by the way she moaned and wriggled against me, she loved it.

  She loved it, and I loved the way she squirmed and trembled. My cock was painfully hard, pressed against her ass like this, and I decided there was too damned much clothing between her skin and mine.

  “What do you say we get all of these clothes off?” I growled in her ear.

  “Mm-hmm,” she murmured.

  I let her go, and we quickly threw off our clothes. With nothing left to keep skin from skin, the three of us got into bed.

  On her back between us, Carmen grabbed Isaac and kissed him, and I propped myself up on my elbow so I could watch them. So I could trace her curves with both my hands and my gaze.

  And Jesus H. Christ, she was beautiful. Curvy in all the right places, with breasts that were definitely larger than they were last time, and the sexiest, sweeping contour from her waist to her hip.

  Just as I’d remembered from before, she had a thin line of neatly trimmed hair above her pussy. A landing strip, I believe it was called. Whatever the name, I let it guide my fingers down to what I wanted, and she parted her legs for me. When I teased her entrance, she moaned into Isaac’s kiss. I gently took her clit between two fingers, circling it the way Isaac circled her nipple with his thumb, and she squirmed between us, his mouth muffling the soft whimpers we both drew out of her.

  I slipped two fingers into her pussy. Cursing under her breath between kisses, Carmen moved her hips with my hand, pressing her clit against my palm and trying to get my fingers deeper inside her. She grabbed the back of Isaac’s neck and kissed him even more passionately, drawing a deliciously sexy groan out of him.

  When I withdrew my fingers, she whimpered softly in protest. Her lips left Isaac’s, and she opened her mouth to speak but hesitated when I reached for Isaac’s wrist.

  I guided his hand downward. They both gasped as his fingertips brushed her pussy. I led him to her clit, showed him how to make those light, tantalizing circles that made her tremble. I took my hand off his, leaving him to explore her on his own, and reached up to pinch her nipple again.

  Isaac’s shoulder moved up and down slowly, and he alternately watched his hand and her eyes. Whatever he was doing, Carmen moaned and gasped in response, so he was doing just fine on his own.

  His eyes flicked toward me, and I moistened my lips.

  I reached down again. This time, I brought his hand back up and, holding his gaze, sucked his fingers into my mouth. As the sweetness of her pussy met my tongue, his breath caught and so did mine. When I released his hand, he slid it around the back of my neck and pulled me closer, leaning over her to close the distance between us. Our lips had barely touched before he parted mine with his tongue. He pulled me close, kissing me deeply, passionately, and the taste of her combined with the hunger in his kiss and drew a low moan from the back of my throat.

  “Oh my God,” Carmen whispered. “That is hot.”

  I broke the kiss and grinned at her. “You’re one of those chicks who gets off on seeing two guys together, aren’t you?”

  “You’re damn right I do.” She gestured at us. “So, please. Carry on. Don’t mind me.”

  “Oh no,” I said. “We’ll get to that another night.” I glanced at Isaac, and he grinned. To Carmen, I said, “We didn’t spend nearly enough time on you before.”

  “So I guess,” Isaac said, leaning in to kiss her, “we really ought to make up for lost time.”

  “Agreed.” I kissed her breast just shy of her nipple, then worked my way—kiss by gentle kiss—down her chest and her flat, smooth belly. She squirmed, her muscles quivering beneath my lips, and I made myself continue this slow, teasing path just to drive her crazy. It took every bit of restraint I had to do that, though, because I wanted to go down on her so damned bad. Especially since I’d already tasted her on Isaac’s fingers. I knew what she tasted like, and now I craved her.

  I paused to kiss her hipbone, then inched down to her inner thigh.

  Isaac groaned, the sound muffled as he made out with Carmen. When I looked up, her nails dug into his shoulder, and goose bumps had risen all along his arm. It was impossible to say if he or she was more turned on, but just watching them drove me wild.

  What fun is just watching, th
ough? I gently parted her legs farther, and she and I both moaned when I went down on her. I hadn’t tasted a woman in years, and I hadn’t realized just how much I’d missed it until I’d tasted her on Isaac’s fingers. And now? Now I was in heaven. I shut my eyes and let myself get lost in the heady, tangy sweetness of her pussy. I trailed the tip of my tongue along the cleft between her pussy lips before making a slow circle around her clit.

  I shifted onto one arm, freeing up my other hand so I could slip one finger inside her. Then two. Bending them slightly, I made slow, smooth strokes as I closed my lips around her clit, circled with my tongue. She moaned and wriggled against me, her pussy tightening around my fingers.

  I glanced up in time to see Isaac take her nipple between his fingers. As soon as he made contact, her pussy tightened, and my cock twitched as if I’d been inside her just then. Oh, fuck, I wanted her.

  Isaac pulled in a sharp breath, and I glanced up. He still kissed her, but his mouth faltered against hers, and her lips curved into a grin. Movement from the corner of my eye explained everything: she stroked his cock slowly, and his hips moved in time with her hand.

  I teased her clit a little more, beckoned against her G-spot, and was rewarded when a gasp broke her kiss with Isaac.

  “Oh God…” She exhaled hard. Harder. Even harder, her entire body trembling as her pussy squeezed my fingers. She grabbed on to Isaac and kissed him, and with a single, violent tremor, she surrendered, letting his lips muffle her cries. Every pulse around my fingers might as well have been around my cock, and had her orgasm gone on much longer, I’d have come too.

  As she came down, she moaned, “Someone, I don’t care who, fuck me. Now.”

  “With pleasure,” Isaac said, and as soon as I’d moved out of the way, he didn’t hesitate for a second before getting on top of her.

  “Come here, you.” She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down to her.


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