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Blurring the Lines (Men of the Zodiac)

Page 8

by Marisa Cleveland

  Damn. A hundred different scenarios flew through his brain, all with equally compelling profit margins. “The whole clinic? Not just one doctor?”

  “The whole damn clinic. Discrimination.”

  “That’s wild.”

  “That’s luck. Good business for us, bad for their reputation. Look, we’re going to need to put some pressure somewhere to get moving on finishing the medical center on Palm Street. Can’t wait until the New Year.”

  “I agree.”

  Keith shot a purposeful glare toward the door. “One other thing.”

  Blake stared at his brother and tried to follow the conversation, but the image of Kira on the floor under the desk still flooded his mind. “Yeah?”

  “Did you see the email regarding the new plans for downtown?”

  Blake whipped his gaze to Kira, but whether she’d heard Keith or not, he couldn’t tell. Lowering his voice and dragging his brother deeper into his office, he said, “I did.”

  “I have an urgent voicemail to return a call to the chairman of our board.”

  The chairman had been a strong supporter for the modernized downtown design, but he was only one vote. “I have voting members my side. Let me make some calls. We promised Kira—”

  “No. Not we. You. You made a promise you might not be able to keep. I’m just giving you a little head’s up, in case things don’t go your way. She’s a smart girl. I’m sure she understands how board decisions work.”

  “No need to upset her before the vote. I have a plan.”

  “Why don’t you offer her some of the company’s charitable funds? Let her work with our corporate gifts department a little bit more. That might soften the blow.”

  Placate her with something different? He’d rather stick to his word. “It won’t. Besides, she already saw the email about the new historical plans from architectural.”

  Keith shot him that disappointed glare he’d perfected. “Fine. Play it your way. I just hope you don’t lose her. She’s just what you need.”

  Blake couldn’t agree more.

  Kira turned her back to the bar and pouted. “He’s not coming.”

  Tish wiggled her empty glass at the bartender. “He might.”

  “He’s not coming.” She scanned the roped off area of The Vault, the bar the Whitman-Madison executives had rented for the Halloween party. Loud music, lots of bare skin, and no sign of her hot boss.

  Her friend rolled her eyes. “Sweetie, he has to show up. This is a tradition started by Blake’s grandfather, and for Blake not to show up would be—unholy toward his grandparents.”


  “According to legend, Blake’s grandfather invented the work hard-play harder mantra. His grandmother loved a good party, and his grandfather loved to throw her one.”

  Even through the roaring pulse of the music, Kira heard the disbelief in her voice. “Play harder?” Seemed so contradictory to what she witnessed with Blake and his brother. “If he planned to show up, he’d already be here. And even if he does show up, who’s to say he’d take the time to say hi to me? He’s the CEO, and I’m just the secretary.” It was almost time for last rounds, and she was tired from fending off offers from other guys. She didn’t need to sit around a bar hoping to catch a glimpse of her boss.

  “I can’t even believe you would say that.” Her friend stepped away from the bar, swayed, and leaned back against the stool. “I’m going to ask Keith why Blake isn’t here.”

  Kira grabbed Tish’s arm to steady her. “No. Please don’t.” She would not stalk her boss. If he didn’t want to show up, then fine. Let him not show up. Better for her anyway. “Let’s dance.” She’d had one too many, but she didn’t want to go home with this sense of crushing disappointment hitting her full force. Since when did she let a guy dictate her mood? She didn’t need to chase guys, and she was the one who kept saying she didn’t want to sleep with her boss.

  “He’s here.”

  Without warning, Kira’s whole body warmed. He’d asked her to leave him a list of possible costumes, and she’d offered to rent one for him, but he’d said he’d take care of it. Which costume from her carefully crafted list had he chosen? Would he go traditional in a toga or be more adventurous as Captain America? She checked her cell. Two-thirty a.m. She was surprised he’d bothered to show up at all. She glanced in the same direction as Tish but only caught the top of his head. From this distance and her vantage point, she couldn’t make out his costume.

  Annoyed with the way her heart sped up at the stupid thought that he was right there, she said, “I’m going to freshen up.”

  Her friend nodded over the bass. “I’ll save your spot.”

  As she weaved through the crowd toward the back of the bar, Kira’s gaze trailed over all the revealing costumes; her Lois Lane button down blouse and pencil skirt seemed too conservative. She thought it would be cute if she dressed as Superman’s significant other, and she’d even purposefully left Superman off the list of viable costumes for Blake to wear so they wouldn’t match.

  In the bathroom, she ran her hands under the cold water and silently chastised herself for the uncontrollable adrenaline flushing her cheeks and the urge to unbutton her blouse just shy of indecent.

  After smoothing her bun, she left her buttons intact and exited the restroom. Tish chatted with Keith and a man in a dark suit, his back toward her. She didn’t need to hear his voice to know who it was.

  As soon as Blake’s gaze found hers, she sucked in her breath. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t wearing a costume. Under the charcoal suit, he wore a crisp white shirt, and his navy tie matched the buttons on her blouse perfectly. But more captivating than any costume was the way his mouth curved in a smile that reached all the way to the corners of his dark eyes. The air whooshed from her lungs.

  “Kira, nice costume. Secretary?”

  Keith dipped back his long-neck. “You two are pathetic. Matching outfits.”

  Her face heated. “Not intentionally. And I’m not a secretary. And he’s not even in a costume.”

  Blake’s eyebrow arched. “If you’re not a secretary, then you are…?”

  “Lois Lane.” She stumbled sideways just a bit as she tried to pivot to display her outfit.

  He made a noise that sounded like half a laugh and half a choke. “Lois Lane, huh?”

  “Yes.” She gave a short nod and giggled. “Although if you prefer, I could be a secretary to match your costume, boss.”

  “We’re already matching.” He flipped his tie over his shoulder, and the entire room faded as his long finger slid the top button from his shirt, and then the next and the next, until the royal blue tee shirt with the red ‘S’ peeked through. He flashed a wicked grin. “I thought I was being clever, since Superman wasn’t on your approved list.”

  Tish’s mouth dropped open dramatically. “Oh my gawd, you’re a match made in a superhero comic book.”

  Blake couldn’t believe they’d coordinated costumes so perfectly. Just one more reminder of how compatible they were. “What do you think? Do I make a decent Superman?”

  She chewed the corner of her lower lip and blinked up at him. “I think I need another drink.”

  A shot of adrenaline raced through him as he waved to the bartender. Oh yeah. His costume had definitely thrown her off balance, and in a good way. The bartender passed him a pink concoction, and he handed it to her.

  She sipped, closed her eyes, and moaned softly. “Mmmm.” When she opened her eyes, she said, “You’re very late.”

  “I can explain.” He placed a hand on her lower back and steered her away from the crowd. He wanted her alone. They moved to the far corner, but the music blared too loudly to have a decent conversation. “Outside.”

  Once they stepped into the night, he led her down the relatively empty street, and the music faded into the distance. They walked in silence for a block before she stopped and stared into his face. “You look different. More relaxed.”

  With an
erection pressing against his zipper, relaxed wasn’t the exact word he’d use, but she was right. He felt different. Slipping his hands in his pockets to keep from touching her face, his fingers touched something else that was hers. A flower-shaped pink sticky note. He removed it and held it up.

  “You caught the landscape miscalculation on the downtown parking lot.”

  She grimaced. “That sounds like an accusation.”

  “Not at all. I’m impressed.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Everyone seems to be impressed with me tonight.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “It would be, if I wanted to impress people.”

  He’d been annoyed at having to stay in the office so late, but with the architect’s issues, he had to make certain nothing was left for chance. Now, he was pleased he’d taken the extra time to figure out the calculations.

  And that was just one part of the problem. If he couldn’t get the finances straightened out, he’d have one hell of a fight against the board explaining why keeping the old—even though it would cost them several million more to bring the existing buildings up to code—would be preferable to demolishing and building new.

  Blake squinted at her in the dim light and tried to remember all the reasons why kissing her would be a terrible idea. Then she licked her lips, and he couldn’t help himself. His hands moved on their own, cupping her face and lifting her chin. When his mouth closed over hers, he tasted her sweet drink on her lips and felt his growing desire.

  If they hadn’t been standing in the middle of the street, he’d have his hands all over her tight curves, but the roar of a passing motorcycle grounded him, and he stepped back, his gaze landing on the rise and fall of her chest as she caught her breath. Good. He shouldn’t be the only one panting.

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve been crunching numbers and architectural plans.”

  She blinked and touched a finger to her lips. “What?”

  The dazed expression on her adorable face tugged at him, and before he completely lost his mind, he slipped his fingers through hers and tugged her back toward the bar, the company Halloween party, and the people who would act as chaperones.

  “The reason I was so late was because of your note.”

  She looked down at their hands and then back to his face. “Oh.”

  “We’re going to make the downtown revitalization work, but there are financial issues I need to address with some of the board.”

  She chewed on her lower lip, and now that he knew how she tasted, he wanted more. Kissing her had been a mistake. But one he wanted to repeat. He had to get her back to Tish, back to where he’d be forced to keep his hands to himself.

  He released her hand as she stepped back into the bar, and just before they reached Tish, sitting at the bar, he leaned in to her ear, and whispered, “I’m sorry for—crossing the line outside.”

  Blake thought that tiny kiss outside was crossing the line? Before she could argue, a girl she didn’t recognize from the office sidled up to them and called to him in a high-pitched voice. “What a great costume! I love Superman!”

  Kira stepped back, inadvertently allowing the pixie intruder enough space to sneak into his space.

  “Hi, Ginny.”

  Tish whispered, “So much for the private party sign and security guard.”

  That confirmed the woman was not an employee of Whitman-Madison, but given the late hour and the lapse by the security guy, Kira did nothing more than watch as Ginny batted her fake eyelashes and pressed her chest into Blake’s arm. The girl had assets and knew how to use them, that was for sure. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from muttering about the woman’s familiarity with her boss.

  “I can’t even believe you’re here. You have to dance with me. Dance with me? Please? For old time’s sake?” She slipped her hand into his and gave a hearty tug.

  He frowned but let her drag him away from the group. Even as she pasted on a bright smile, Kira hoped the disappointment wasn’t clear on her face. For old time’s sake? Like they had a past. No doubt she was an ex-lover. But how ex and how far in the past? Even though she had no right to be jealous, the idea of Blake dancing with an ex stung, and she didn’t like it.

  Tish looked at Keith. “Is that Blake’s latest?”

  “Blast from his past. I vaguely remember her.”

  “Why is Superman not dancing with Lois Lane?” her friend asked in almost too loud a voice.

  Kira wondered the exact same thing, but she didn’t voice her agreement. After all, he might have kissed her, but he also admitted he thought it was a mistake. She had no claim to him. He could dance with whomever he pleased, and so could she, now that she thought about it. Keith must have read her mind, because he turned to her and said, “I could use a dance or two. I’m wicked out of practice.”

  She laughed. “Wicked, huh? I’ll bet you spent too many summers yachting in Nantucket.”

  His eyes widened. “I did!”

  “Come on.” She laughed. “Let’s dance.”

  Tish rolled her eyes. “Great. You two can bond over New England boarding schools. I’ll save your seat.”

  “Join us!”

  “I’d rather not.”

  She glanced once more at her friend before shrugging and facing Keith. “Okay.”

  His voice hummed close to her ear as they made their way to an open space on the dance floor. “Boarding school beauty. I should have known by the way you walk.”

  She snorted but refrained from commenting.

  “So, beauty and brains. I have to admit you’re the most competent secretary Blake’s ever hired.”

  The compliment sounded sincere, and wouldn’t her life be so much easier if Keith gave her the same goose bumps as her boss? After all, the VP wasn’t insisting that he keep business separate from pleasure. “I’m flattered, thank you—” Would it still impress him to know she’d pictured Blake bending the rules with her bent over his desk on a number of different occasions?

  “You’re good for him.” He narrowed his eyes. “Even if you’re overqualified.” She wasn’t sure if he meant what she thought he meant, but then he burst into laughter. “Don’t look so worried. I’m not going to tell him. He should’ve read your resume.”

  The air whooshed from her lungs, and she swatted at his arm. “It’s not funny. He only offered me the job because I said I wouldn’t sleep with him.”

  Keith kept laughing, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement. “Serves him right.”

  She looked over his shoulder to where Blake had his arms wrapped around another woman, and it irritated her that she couldn’t control the jealousy. “Doesn’t matter. He has that no dating employees rule.”

  “It’s because of our mom.”

  She leaned back enough to see if he was still laughing, but his smile had flattened. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Our dad had an affair with an employee, and Blake saw firsthand how much it destroyed our mom.”

  “But he’s not married.” Why would it matter if he dated anyone from the company? It wasn’t like he’d be cheating. Still, in a weird way that explained why he was against workplace dating.

  Keith shrugged. “That’s my brother for you. Stickler for the rules. Especially his own.”

  That sounded like a warning, but as Blake’s gaze clashed with hers, even in the dimly lit room, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was also a challenge.

  Chapter Ten

  Blake unclenched his hands and reminded himself that he was an adult. He would not punch Keith in the face. But if his brother didn’t get his hands off Kira in the next ten seconds, he was not going to make excuses for his actions. He would just act. Kira was killing him with her fitted skirt and crisp buttoned-up shirt. She had killer curves, and right then he envisioned about a dozen different office fantasies starring the two of them.

  Keith might not have the same ethical dilemma when it came to dating women at work, but Blake could no longer think of a
single valid reason not to pursue his hot assistant. That kiss had been a weak appetizer to what he really wanted to do to her, and as the night wore on, he couldn’t reason himself out of repeating that mistake. Especially when he shoved his hands in his pocket and his fingers touched the pink sticky note he’d left there.

  Decision made, he forced a smile as he approached them. “Mind if I cut in?”

  His brother moved out of the way. “I’m going to say good night to Tish and head home.”

  When Blake finally had Kira alone, he relaxed. She looked mildly buzzed, and with a sexy grin on her face, all he could think about was getting her back to his place. This arrangement might have started as a way for her to save her mom’s building, or whatever personal crusade she’d been on, but for him, it was no longer strictly business. He’d changed.

  But he wasn’t sure she felt the same way. There was attraction, but mixing business and pleasure with her was weird, even though he’d thought of little else. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Want to get out of here?”

  She tilted her head in that adorable way and scrunched her nose. “And cross more lines?”

  He grinned at her upturned face and noticed her mouth, how perfectly soft it looked, and wanted to get her anywhere but where they were. A crowded bar with lingering coworkers was not the place to repeat their earlier kiss, and his lips on her lips suddenly occupied his entire brain. “I will if you will.”

  She laughed. “That’s the worst pick-up line ever.”

  “It wasn’t a line.” Although, with her hair framing her upturned face and the way she leaned into him, using a pick-up line might get him exactly want he really wanted.

  “So where do you want to go?”

  “Anywhere you want me to take you.” The fragrant scent of her blurred his senses, and she’d been invading his dreams, when he found time to sleep. He wanted her, and he couldn’t wait one second longer to get to know her on a more intimate level.

  “Back to the office?” She grinned up at him with the look that invited him into her world, and he so longed to dive into her joy. How did she do it? Act like nothing in the world could bring her down? He’d never met someone so…happy. And he wanted to be happy. Happy in the way her body swayed to the music. Happy in the silly smile that crinkled her dark eyes at the corners.


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