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Barefoot Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Page 9

by Lakes, Krista

  He didn't even look up at the direction I indicated.“I'd love one,” he said, his voice husky and eyes hungry.

  He released me enough to let me lead the way to the glass doors of my hotel suite. I dropped my shoes on the porch and slid the keycard in. I was really, really glad that I didn't leave my laundry out on the bed. I usually left my clothing scattered across the bed when I traveled, but I didn't want to clutter the beautiful room this time. I patted past-me on the head. She had done a good thing.

  “Leave it open,” Aiden commanded once we were inside. I dropped my hand from the door as I looked out at the moonlit waves. A cool breeze ruffled the filmy curtains, filling the room with the scent of water and night flowers. I nodded and was suddenly back in Aiden's arms.

  His hands went to my hips, bringing him to me like a dance partner. I stopped to take in his strong cheekbones, his wind-ruffled hair, and the column of his throat leading down to a perfectly sculpted chest. I almost couldn't believe this was happening. This was too good to be true.

  I cautiously unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, watching his face. If this was all in my head, this was the point I would wake up. My dreams never let me get past this point and get to the good stuff. If I was going to wake up from this dream, it was now.

  The button slid free and the corner of Aiden's mouth rose in a cocky, sexy-as-hell smirk. He knew how much I wanted him. He knew it and was enjoying it. I undid the next button down and his hands tightened on my waist. He pulled my hips to his, his eyes darkening with want as our bodies touched. I could now feel the proof of just how much want pressing into my stomach. It made my knees go to jelly.

  He leaned forward and kissed the corner of my mouth, then glided his tongue to the center of my lips. I trembled, opening my mouth to give him access and quickly finishing the buttons. He shrugged out of his shirt and let it fall to the floor. His tank-top undershirt was in the way of me touching his skin, so I pulled it up over his head. My hands caressed perfect abs and sculpted pecs in the process. I moaned without realizing it.

  He was all heat and muscle. Strong lines of sinew and strength under smooth skin that were built for my fingers to trace. I could feel his heart pounding under my fingertips, as I touched his chest. It was steady and strong, but obviously as excited as I was.

  He kissed me again, drawing my tongue to his. I skimmed my hands up his perfect body, up to his neck and into that delicious hair. My fingers fisted into his gentle curls, holding him in my kiss. The way his body responded to mine was intoxicating.

  His hands moved from my hips to my ass where he started to hike my up my skirt. I felt his smile through our kiss as his fingers touched bare skin. The touch made my hips rock into his, my body questing for more. He groaned softly, telling me without words just how much he wanted this.

  His hands still on my ass, he shuffled his feet forward. I followed his lead until the back of my knees touched the bed. I arched my hips against him and he shuddered with want. With a gentle push from him, I let go of his hair, and tumbled onto the mattress.

  He looked down at me, his gaze full of pure desire. His mouth opened slightly and then curved up in that cocky grin that made my panties moisten. I arched my hips up to tempt him and the smile grew more confident. Slowly, he went to his knees on the floor by the bed.

  My knees bent over the edge of the mattress and Aiden used his broad shoulders to separate them. He made sure I was watching, those hazel eyes burning just above my skirt, before beginning my pleasure. He kissed up from my bare feet, up my calf, up my thigh and increasing my temperature with every kiss.

  His fingers hooked around the tiny string of my panties' waistband and he pulled them off with a smooth, practiced motion.

  “Pretty,” he said, holding them up in the air to admire them before tossing them to the side. “But they have to go.”

  I was breathless with anticipation as he used just one finger to trace the curve of my upper thigh. I couldn't see anything with my dress still in the way, so I had no idea what he was going to do next. I reached down and pulled the skirt back, wanting to see everything, but he shook his head and put it right back up.

  Nervousness and excitement battled in my chest. I wanted to go wherever he led. I closed my eyes and did my best to relax, but knowing he was going to do wonderful things to me made it hard not to squirm with anticipation.

  He kissed one inner thigh, and then the other. His cheeks were smooth and I knew he must have shaved just for dinner. Something about the idea of him shaving just for me felt special.

  His lips kissed the V at the top of my legs and I jerked at the surge of pleasure. I was so wound with lust that even the barest breath against my pleasure center would have sent shivers down my spine. A full kiss was like being struck my lightning.

  He chuckled, nuzzling my inner thigh and tightening his grip on my hips. He did it again and I moaned into the night. His lips applied pressure while his teeth and tongue worked magic. I had never had anything this wonderful in my life. He coaxed me gently to the edge of what I could take.

  “Aiden,” I whimpered as I started to shake. At his name, he slid one finger inside of me, sliding in on my excitement. With a flick of his tongue and finger in unison, he turned my whimper into a full moan, shooting me into pure bliss.

  White energy scorched the edges of my vision and Aiden showed me heaven. I crashed back to earth, gasping and spinning. When I opened my eyes, he was watching me. Lust burned in his eyes with a fire I wanted inside of me.

  I sat up and released the zipper to wiggle out of my dress. His pupils dilated as he watched the lacy dress clear my head. I loved the way he looked at my body like I was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. He wanted me in a way that made me writhe with want.

  Slowly, he stood and pulled a square package from his pocket while I undid his belt and pants. With a strong tug, I released him from his clothing. He kicked his pants and briefs to the side, giving me a look at what I was getting. His body, long and hard in the moonlight, made me shiver with desire.

  He put one knee up on the bed beside me as he reached behind me to undo the bra clasp on my back. I giggled when he didn't find it.

  “It's on the front,” I whispered, looking up at him.

  His eyebrows raised and he grinned. “That's even better.”

  He moved his hand from my back to my shoulder, pushing me to lay down on the bed. I couldn't decide if I wanted to close my eyes and savor the moment, or keep them open and watch. I looked up at Aiden and knew I wanted to watch.

  He undid the snap between my breasts and his breathing grew faster as he pulled the bra apart. His right hand cupped my exposed breast and he ran his thumb across the nipple. It pebbled under his touch and sent a bolt of want and desire straight from his fingertip down to my now throbbing center of need.

  “Please?” I begged, writhing under his touch and needing so much more. “Please don't make me wait...”

  He reached for the foil package and I waited in breathless agony until he was poised at my entrance.

  “Lena,” he whispered. Our eyes locked and he entered.

  It was like a puzzle piece finally clicking into place. He was made for me and I for him. My body moved to greet his without having to think. Together we arched and writhed as he explored my depths.

  The muscles of his back tightened as as he worked, keeping a stead pace that drove me wild. I moaned, feeling like I could float away on pleasure just by what he was doing to me. It was as if he had always known every secret of my body and was using them to push me to the limits of what I could tolerate and beyond. It was ecstasy.

  My legs started to shake as he took me higher. I dug my fingernails into his back, pulling those muscles further into me. I needed all of him.

  “Come for me,” he whispered, the desire raw in his voice. It was all I needed to push me flying over the edge yet again.

  Pulsing pleasure flooded my nerves, but he didn't stop. Tucking one leg up under his shoulder, he i
ncreased his rhythm. As I came back to the moment, I reveled in the effect I was having on him. His breathing was fast and ragged, and his brow was concentrated with lust. I could feel the need coursing through his hand on my breast and thigh.

  Our eyes found each other in the night.



  I could tell he was trying his best to hold back, to make this last. I wanted him more than I wanted to breathe. I wanted him to explode like I did and to lose himself in me.

  “Come for me,” I repeated back his own phrase.

  Primal need flashed through his beautiful eyes as he thrust and shuddered. I arched my hips to take him, pulling him deeper into me. I never wanted to let him go. I wanted him to remain with me like this forever.

  After a perfect moment of eternity, he collapsed forward. He felt heavy and strong on top of me, and I loved it. He was an Aiden blanket of perfection.

  “You're amazing,” he gasped. We were both covered in sweat and breathing hard. I certainly felt amazing. He slowly raised himself up to look at me. Hazel eyes roved my body, taking in every detail and wanting more. “And so beautiful.”

  I grinned up at him. “You're not too bad yourself.”

  “Not too bad?” He raised an eyebrow at my bold statement. “I'm pretty sure I just rocked your world.”

  It would have sounded cocky if it hadn't been true. To be honest, my world was still rocking. I kissed him, loving the way he tasted and the feel of his skin against mine.

  “Care to rock it again?” I asked.

  He grinned and proceeded to rock my universe.

  Chapter 12

  Warm yellow sunshine and a soft breeze off the ocean woke me. I kept my eyes closed for a moment, afraid that the night before had been nothing but a wonderful dream. When I did finally open my eyes, I was relieved to see it wasn't. Aiden lay in bed next to me, his soft hazel gaze as warm as the sunshine. He had his phone out and was typing on the slide-out keyboard, but he was definitely paying more attention to me than his phone.

  “Were you watching me sleep?” I asked, drowsily.

  “Maybe.” He smiled and set his phone to the side. “You just look so peaceful and happy.”

  “Probably because I am.” I stretched my arms up over my head, keenly aware of his eyes taking in the seductive motion. “What time is it?”

  “A little past eleven,” he said, checking his watch. “You want some breakfast?”

  Panic woke me from my happy, lazy morning slumber. “I can't! I have a meeting and Kathryn asked me to make sure she's prepped!”

  I stumbled out of bed, pulling the bed sheet with me and wrapping it around my nakedness. I knew he had seen me naked, but that had been in the forgiving moonlight and with wine. I wasn't sure I was ready for the harsh details of daylight.

  Aiden let me take the sheet, chuckling as I wrapped it around me like some sort of oversized toga. He stayed on the bed, stretched out and gloriously naked. He looked even better in the sunshine. Moonlight was good, but sunlight revealed so many more wonderful things about his body. There were freckles across his shoulders and a trail of golden hair from his belly button south to heaven. If I had been wearing panties, seeing him naked in my bed would have melted them.

  I ran to the drawer where I had put my underthings. I had to get out of the room before he could seduce me with the delicious V his hipbones sat at the top of. He put his arms behind his head, chuckling when I nearly tripped on the sheet. With his arms up above his head, his biceps flexed and his broad shoulders stood defined against the dark wood of the headboard. I forgot what I was doing.

  His mouth twitched upwards and he displayed himself even more as I stared. I dropped the sheet and chucked it at him. “You're distracting me,” I informed him as I slipped into a bra and matching panties.

  “I can do more than just distract,” he teased. His mouth curled into a naughty, seductive grin that matched the desire in his eyes.

  “That's tempting...very tempting,” I moaned as he showed me just how distracting he could be. I shook my head, hating that I was going to leave this perfect specimen of a man alone in my bed to go to a meeting. “I'm going to be late!'

  He laughed and tried again, his masculinity rising to tempt me. My body ached to have him fill me again like he did last night. I wanted to feel that again and again and again. My resolve weakened and a little whimper of want escaped me.

  “Don't you have to go to this thing too?” I whined, wanting to drop the suit I had picked out and jump on the bed with him instead.

  “Nope.” His eyes were dark with lust as he looked at me. “This one is just for you lucky lawyers.”

  I closed my eyes and pulled up Kathryn's face. What would she do? She would go to the meeting. I could do this. She was counting on me to be there.

  I put my shirt over my head and then peeked open an eye to look at him again. Who was I kidding? Any woman in her right mind would have gone back to that bed as soon as she saw him naked. I put on my pants and a pair of flats, trying not to think about what I was doing.

  “You have some serious willpower,” he said as I quickly brushed my hair and threw on some mascara. He sounded impressed.

  “You have no idea how much I want to stay here instead.” I came over to him, leaning over so I could kiss him before I left. He tangled his fingers into my hair, pulling my mouth into his and showing me with his tongue just what I would be missing out on. When he released me, I was breathless and flushed. “Will you be here when I get back?”

  “Maybe. Depends on if I find another hot lawyer walking around shoeless,” he teased.

  I forced out a laugh as I turned to face the window. I knew he was just joking, but it felt all too possible. He was so incredibly handsome, charming, and amazing in the sack. Women must fall into his bed all the time. I had no idea what had made me one of them, and I was terrified that he would find someone else to fall with. There was nothing that made me special.

  I went to the door and looked back as I put my hand on the handle. He was still splayed out on the bed in all his muscular glory. If I looked much longer I was going to spontaneously combust with want. “I'll see you later, then?”

  “Count on it.” He smiled from the bed, making my knees weaken. “Have fun at the meeting.”

  I stepped outside and leaned against the closed door, trying to put my wits back together. I was still strongly considering abandoning Kathryn and going back in there to lick those abs like they were candy. The idea made me all warm and gooey in the all the right places, but I had a job to do. Kathryn was counting on me and I refused to let her down. Besides, I wanted to keep my job and the future it promised more than I wanted an hour or two of pleasure. Though, the pleasure was certainly giving the future a good run for its money.


  The conference room was dimly lit as I set up Kathryn’s laptop for the PowerPoint presentation. Several of the representatives from the other law firms were already there, but they were sitting quietly sipping at strong coffees. The party last night must have been wild. I was overdressed compared to their casual shorts and t-shirts, but that was fine by me. I looked the part of a lawyer here.

  Kathryn came in five minutes before the meeting was supposed to start. I had woken her up and gotten her coffee on my way to get things set up. With her big sunglasses still on in the dark room and clutching her coffee like a lifeline, she looked miserable. The rest of the lawyers stumbled into the conference room behind her, several of them hung over or possibly still drunk.

  “Have a good night?” I asked, handing Kathryn her notes.

  “I haven't drank like that since law school,” she admitted, shaking her head and then wincing at the motion. “Probably because I haven't drank with William since law school.”

  “William?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “The cute one in the dark gray shorts,” she whispered, pointing to a man in the front row.

  “The one that looks like Robert Redfo
rd?” I asked. She grinned and I could see the sparkle in her eyes even through the dark glasses.

  “Except William has aged even better.” She sipped her coffee. “Do you know if the representative for Travel, Inc. is on the island yet?”

  “Yes, he has,” I informed her. “I actually had dinner with his assistant last night.”

  “His assistant?” Kathryn frowned and then shrugged it off. “I didn't know he had one.”

  “His name's Aiden.” I couldn't keep the smile out of my voice. I looked at Kathryn to see if she recognized the name, but she was too busy making eyes with William. I wasn't even sure she had heard me say anything. I touched her shoulder to get her attention. “You ready for the presentation?”

  “I could do this in my sleep,” she replied, finally taking off her sunglasses. “ Besides, half the people here are too hung over to remember it anyway. Remind me to schedule this meeting in the afternoon next year.”

  I handed her the clicker for the slide show and took a seat in the back.

  “Attention, everyone,” Kathryn announced. Her voice was clear and commanding. “Time to at least look like you're earning your paychecks.”

  I chuckled and leaned back in my chair to watch. Even hung over, Kathryn was a force to be reckoned with.

  Chapter 13

  I hurried back to my room, hoping to find Aiden still stretched out naked on my bed. The meeting had been relatively quick, and now the idea of walking in and jumping on the bed with him had me practically sprinting.

  I stepped into the room with a huge grin on my face, only to have it fall off. The bed was made and he was gone. I had only been away for a little while and the meeting had gotten out early. Maybe he did go find another barefoot lawyer. My shoulders slumped.

  The room phone rang and I shuffled my feet to answer it. Probably just housekeeping asking if I wanted turn-down service. “Hello?”

  “Lena?” Aiden's voice crackled across the line.


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